How would we know if the government is censoring the Internet?

41  2015-03-03 by [deleted]



What's with all the deleted comm.... Aaah, you clever motherfucker.

Shills and trolls all over any information that TPTB want silenced. Search results changed. Etc..

Here's a good nuke

Damn. Any idea what that top comment was?

I wish. It got to 880+ super fast from what I remember (as I hijacked top comment this morning so I know who was at the top), but don't remember the content.

Here's a better one. Please read and share.

This is a good question, and I think it'd be pretty insidious. I've wanted to write on this topic for a while, so here are some disorganized thoughts I'll eventually clean up:

  1. Search results might not be changed in the way that you might suspect in cases of censorship, but searches could still be censored. A blatant "no results returned" by Google when searching for a censored term would be far too obvious, and doesn't fit the subtle touch of those seeking to control people. Likewise, a "this topic is censored, sorry" message is unlikely to happen, as it'd raise people's hackles far too much. Instead, I'd expect a narrowing of search results that are not directly related to the search in question, meaning that the specific censored subject is less likely to be stumbled upon by searching for related issues/terms. If you search for the censored subject directly, you'll find it, but perhaps the order of resulting links on that topic are skewed in an invisible (yet powerful) way, leading to more censor-favorable narratives to float to the top whereas the actual target of censorship languishes on page 2 or page 200 of the results-- still there, but harder to find. Very difficult to prove, very effective at channeling people into the proper conclusions.

  2. Slower load times on pages that are censored. Even if a site is only noticeably slow and it still loads, it'll discourage a lot of people from visiting. Slow load times with the occasional can't-get-to-this-site error would also be very effective, and very hard to prove as an example of censorship. Make information less convenient to reach, and it won't get reached as often.

  3. Can't be shared via Facebook/whatever social media for unclear reasons. It'd probably present as an innocent error, but if certain topics/comments can't be propagated via social media for whatever reason, people won't hear about it as much. Alternatively, such posts would be permitted, but hidden unless you specifically looked for them, having the same effect. See a trend? On reddit, censorship seems to mostly be a result of mods deleting things directly or having extremely strict rules which are enforced as needed to ensure censorship. Ghettoization of censored topics means that they're safely controlled.

  4. Shillception. An abundance of shills and sockpuppets jump in to downvote, squelch or de-rail any kind of conversation on topics which are to be censored. This is already in full-swing, but it could still get much worse, potentially. The danger is when 100% of people discuss things via the internet and the shills can't be easily picked out. Also very hard to detect, and the public doesn't take this threat seriously anyway.

There's probably a lot more, but this is what I could come up with for now.

1.Search results might not be changed in the way that you might suspect

For the past few years Google only returns some 20 odd pages of results for any search term. You used to be able to get thousands of pages of results, with the only result being the limit of their data set.

They've been at it (censorship) for a looong time.

Wasn't aware of this. Thanks for the info.

If your country is pink, they are censoring the Internet.

Its being done already.

It depends. What do you mean by censorship - as in, what level of publicity you speaking to?

I.E. - if the government is trying to censor your comments on reddit, would [deleted] be the best way? It would be far more successful if they simply shadow banned you and prevented you from even being seen / heard. Would you know? Maybe, maybe not. Maybe they want you to think your emails are actually being sent and received - but maybe they just never arrive. Traffic originating from your home can be diverted into sites/servers that look and feel the same as you would assume them to be, but are actually honeypots or false sites - think of the 'stingray' device and how it fools cellular phones into thinking they're on an authorized tower.


We do know that they are...

I have to think they won't censor it outright. That would be to suspicious and lead to outrage.

It's likely we'll get a "Ministry of Truth."

An organization tasked with editing content to better fit the agreed upon perception of truth that is most advantageous at that given time.

It's likely we'll get a "Ministry of Truth."

An organization tasked with editing content to better fit the agreed upon perception of truth that is most advantageous at that given time.

Your posting on the online MiniTrue. You realize that, right? Shit is here man.

The the real people in power the [deleted] are censoring the internet all the time [deleted] but they have one weakens [deleted] but they don't want you to know about it so they [deleted] and we all live in a bubble. All we have to do is [deleted] and we will all be living long lives free.

We wouldn't. We must assume that it is already being done.

Because Reddit does it..

It made headlines not too long ago..

Happens to me all the time too.. Posts get deleted for nothing all the time.

Any mention of Jews at all usually...

The easiest way for them to censor an entire page on the web is through DNS servers, I have anticipated this and have noticed that since switching over and using Icelandic DNS servers set in TCP/IPv4 I haven't seen a 404 page not found since I switched, the bonus is they do not store or save your IP address. Preferred Alternate If you want to switch over and don't know how, PM me I can help you. The torrents that you couldn't get to before suddenly are there, like magic.

[le deleted]

It's likely we'll get a "Ministry of Truth."

An organization tasked with editing content to better fit the agreed upon perception of truth that is most advantageous at that given time.

Your posting on the online MiniTrue. You realize that, right? Shit is here man.