"Russia is invading Ukraine today." "Russian jets are flying over X country." Over and over again we are given lies, sensationalism, and misleading truths. Yet almost nobody stepping back and asking WHY our Western government and media is doing this. Its like living in a world full of crazy people.

156  2015-03-03 by [deleted]


You know, we in /r/conspiracy often deride the 'sheeple', but I believe, in reality more people than we think are aware that the world is completely fucked up. The problem is, it's really hard to escape the propaganda machine. It's really hard to shake decades of indoctrination through schooling and television. It's way, way easier to go with the program than it is to buck it. I can't fault people who are just trying to pay the rent for not having the will to push back. I've been there. I understand it. Going down the rabbit hole takes courage. It's fucking scary, man. There is compelling evidence that thousands of rich, powerful, and prominent people get together, procure, and fuck children. With impunity, and immunity from the law. How do you carry the weight of that? Our Government spends our money to openly murder children with drones on a daily basis. CEOs make more money in an hour than some families make in a year. Food is poison. Medicine is poison. How do you carry the weight of that? How do I change that? Vote? And have it thrown in the garbage because of a 'hinging chad' or have Diebold fuck with it? Do I protest? And end up in a secret prison on the outskirts of the city, or on the 'terror watch list'? We're living in a time where serious dissent is becoming seriously dangerous. If you don't end up suicided, or in prison, at the very least they'll destroy your reputation and bankrupt you. If the average Joe posts the wrong thing on Facebook, BOOM, fired from his job. It's too big, man. I've written in this sub before about questioning my own sanity. How can I not? With a little digging, a scratch below the surface reveals the modern world to be a lie. But it can't be! The problem is, once you're awake, there's no going back. I can't turn it off. No amount of drugs or booze will do it (I've tried). I can't watch movies without seeing propaganda. I can't read a headline without seeing the spin. Is that Masonic symbolism or just a really stoned graphic designer? It's exhausting. Actively trying to 'wake people up' is an exercise in futility. The more information we throw at people, the harder they will cling to the safety of the 'official story'. I haven't really answered your question, but writing people off who can't 'see' as stupid or crazy is a mistake. We just need to keep asking questions, and keep the information available for people when they're ready.

Wow, I just made a post sharing some of the sentiment you just explained. Don't want to shamelessly promote my post here, but I feel it kind of resonates here.

I just wanted to post that, I feel you man. In a serious way. What you just described must be what almost every conspiracy realist goes through on a daily basis. Once the Matrix pulls backs its just a cold, bleek world with shitstorms raining down on the poor and defenseless while the rich keep piling their cash in some tax-haven.

I agree that even though it seems futile, if we keep spreading the message we are effectively doing the same as the media, which is spreading an idea. A positive idea where people live alongside eachother instead of on top of eachother, where maybe children wouldn't die in the streets of starvation. If we keep doing that, eventually, as this system of ours falls into further decay, we may see people awaken to the fact that this world IS possible. Very easily actually, if you look at our infrastructure and resource procurement.

The hippies had it right from the beginning. Make Love, not War.

I made my comment a self post to see if we can get a discussion going.

It's really only as bleak as you imagine it. I see the massive amount of oppression and subsequently take every act of creation, compassion, defiance or ecstasy as being a triumph of human spirit that moves the scales further in our favour. We are winning and we are going to be rewarded beyond even our wildest imagination.

We are winning

No we aren't. The global elite are winning. In fact they won decades ago.

Not so. You need to look at the way these negative energies are expressed throughout all dimensions and not just the material plane. For 26000 years there has been technology employed to keep our true nature hidden from us. Now with assistance from entities from higher dimensions, there has been breakthroughs in terms of getting rid of this technology and allowing contact with our intergalactic family. I know a number of people who have had such an experience, myself included and it's occurring at an accelerating rate.

It gets discouraging so quickly. My sister is kind of what you would call an "optimist" (not stupid, but just naturally outgoing and adventurous). When she is not on one of her lavish trips abroad my brother-in-law finances, she is on Facebook sharing cute cat videos, funny stories from Cracked.com and Buzzfeed all the livelong day basically not caring about the world. I remember we got into this serious political discussion once about a year back and I was saying something along the lines of "but you do realize that the next time the economy tanks, given the amount of market manipulation and money printing, it's probably going to be worse than the 2008 recession, right....?" It was weird, because it was like she didn't want to admit it, but then she was like "yeah, I know, but still! America is great and everything will be fine and the economy will pick up again eventually," etc. etc.

It's amazing how much people display to the world how "everything is fine," but in the back of a lot of people's minds are the issues you're talking about. Poverty, war, greed, famine, and even child fucking. All of which, in a sick sort of way, are interconnected in many instances.

It's discouraging to hear economic news all the time saying things like "now that the economy is BOOMING, and employers are REHIRING, America is just great again! Wow, look at that stock market!" It makes me think maybe I'm going insane, because I don't see it in my own life. Granted, I'm a part of one of America's shittiest professions in terms of career placement at the moment, but still, everywhere I look things really don't seem to be legitimately "improving" in the way you would expect a real "recovery" to turn blighted areas around, increase wages, provide meaningful full-time employment, etc. But then, I realize, I'm not actually the one who's insane, it's actually my TV that's insane, spouting off the talking point lies of the 3 or 4 corporations that own the entire American media apparatus.

I'll close this by saying something I find kind of ironic - I'm not a republican, nor have I ever been, but I find that republicans and right-leaning people these days speak a little bit more honestly about how bad the job market is than democrats. It's probably just because democrats don't want to criticize Obama's performance, but still...

Thanks for the post.

Well said. I got into an argument on Facebook with some douche cop in another state and now I am fearful that I now need to make sure all my security cameras are running.

Sort of off topic, but it's still a very 'us vs. them' mentality out there - your're either with us or with the terrorists.


And now I will check out Crying of Lot 49.

Edit: The first page was very confusing, and so I decide that I will not continue.

Medicine is poison

I once met a guy who seemed to know what's up, and one of the things he told me is that lithium, which is commonly used in psychiatry, destroys the brain over time, and that both lithium and methylphenidate are actually being used to collect data for the government's secret mind control research. When I asked him where I could find this information, he said all I had to do was look around on the internet, however, I've done so, and found nothing but positive information about Lithium, the little negative information being about trivial side effects.

There is no doubt that fluorides (also very common in psychotropic drugs) are worse than lithium, but every substance that can cross the blood–brain barrier and alters the metabolism of the brain can have lasting side effects.




I just explored all three of those links, and didn't find anything conclusive about lithium.

Could you send me somewhere for fluoride, now? Maybe I shouldn't drink it next time I go back to living in a place with city water?



Documentaries & Videos

Scientific research

Water fluoridation

Adding my own interpretation what I made out of this is as follows.

Excessive amounts of fluorides are like endocrine disruptors. It does not wonder that the resulting health effects are very similar to hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid). And fluorides are linked with reduced IQ, brain development problems, neurotoxic effects, higher rates of cancer, unbalanced hormonal production, decreased T3 and T4 production and more in several scientific researchs.

The thyroid gland produces triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4). These molecules have several atoms of the element iodine, but no fluorine. That means the thyroid gland is in need of iodine for the production of essential hormones.

The chemistry explaining the whole endrocrine disruption process is that F- and I- are halogens (like Cl and Br). Fluorides are salts and dissolve to F- plus something else. Fluorine being the elements with the highest electronegativity of all elements is therefore the element that attracts electrons to itself the strongest and reacts rather fast. And halogens replace other halogens in the order of their representation in the periodic table of elements. In short the effect is that F- eliminate I- in the thyroid gland and the resulting iodine deficiency inhibits the production of hormones. But these hormones are essential for the elimination of toxins in the body and whithout them the body can not regenerate and does not clean up. It is like having insomnia and sleeping for only a few hours each day for months. Patients with this endocrine disruption will have symptoms of sleepines, poor memory, apathy, fatigue and gain weight. The long time health effect is higher risks for cancer, memory loss and cognitive difficulties. For a developing brain this is associated with a reduced IQ. And people medicated with high dosages of fluorides (Prozac, Ritalin, Paxil, etc.) are also a linked with suicidal tendencies (similar to a Greenlander suffering insomnia during summer).

I know everything about fluorides. I will answer you soon here with all I have, but at the moment I have no time left.

Fluoride questions for you when you get back.. what percentage of fluoride in your system comes from the water we drink (rough estimate)? How about when you are in the shower, what percentage gets absorbed through your skin?

I'm trying to see where I can reasonably avoid fluoride since it's everywhere.. I have a feeling just changing the water you drink is not enough.

what percentage of fluoride in your system comes from the water we drink (rough estimate)?

I can not answer your first question properly because it will vary on how much fluoride is in the water you drink, your metabolism, your weight, your age, your environment, your food and how much water your drink. Fluoridated water kills horses after some time due to the incredible amount they drink per day (45 - 70 litres of water). An adult that drinks 1 litre of fluoridated water normally exceeds the allowed/recommended threshold value of fluorides. I would estimate the water intake is responsible for 30%-40% of fluorides and water absorption under 3%.

I am lucky to live in a country without water fluoridation and I did not do much research on installations for my own house. But if I would live in such a region I would have several reverse osmosis filters installed. Not only for drinking water but also for the boiler for the bathroom. There also some other filters that a capable to filtering out the fluorides. What I did is to grab a comparison of different mineral waters and find those with the smallest amount of fluorides. The next step was to find a vendor of one of those waters.

My personal choice was Evian because it has very few fluorides and is widely available. It is not cheap though. We drink this water. But for tea and coffee we use filtered water. There are also other brands I use, but they are not that well known. You have to do your own research.

I have a feeling just changing the water you drink is not enough

You bet. I do not know where to start, because I am avoiding fluorides for a decade now and I know where I found it so far. Let us say you try to avoid every source of fluorides for some time, then you will have to change a lot. My foremost advice is to know the ingredients of the food you eat and drinks you drink. But there is so much more. You should know for example that volcanic soil contains fluorides and a lot of volcanic island have a fluoride problem. So when you drink their water, eat their products, their bread, cosume their beverages, leafs and fruits then they might contain more fluorides than normal. Perhaps you remember that when you are on vacation there.

What about processed food you buy in the supermarket? Did you know that they use salt with fluorides and they do not write that in the ingredients? Sometimes fluoridated salt has iodine added. So when it says in the ingredients that it contains salt with iodine it might also contain fluorides. Some beverages and soft drinks also have high amounts of fluorides. Ice tea and Coke for example. There a certain products that always have higher amounts of fluorides than others. All depends on the soil they grow, but tea, rise and raisins might have higher amount of fluorides then just a salad. Some industrial fertilizers contain fluorides and they get also on your food. When in Europe do not buy salt with fluorides.

Dental products: use tooth paste without fluorides, saccharin or thymol, dental floss without fluorides and mouthwash without fluorides and when your dentist wants to fluoridate your teeth after cleaning them you tell them it is not gonna happen. Never use fluoride gels. Find a good healthy brand with natural ingredients for your dental products.

What about pans? Did you know Teflon has fluorides and old pans can leach those fluorides in your food? I bought stainless steel and ceramic pans and never looked back. Drugs: if you are medicated with psychotropic drugs then they might have high doses of fluorides, because there are very few without them.

And if you have a toddler you should avoid to give them fluorides under any circumstance. That means to search for a baby formula without fluorides and if medicated with vitamin D to give them the ones without fluorides.

It is hard work, but it is possible to reduce the fluoride intake to a certain degree. It is more difficult to repair your thyroid after years of excessed fluoride intake.

Here is a video showing it's toxicity https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xIGyZaW2e8w

well said sir

Just be the change you want to see, because charismatic strong leaders find supporters who were previously afraid.

Very well said...

Powerful man.

It really is no joke about the rabbit hole. It changes you, but it's up to yourself to decide if that change was for the better or worse.

It's finally about what you do with the knowledge kind of like how school was supposed to give you knowledge, but it really didn't.


Chilean gubbment will pay you 40k to start a business. They have fertile land and an emerging techie economy similar to our Silicon Valley.

Leave. Save up enough money to get yourself to a place of sanity. Some countries are cheaper than you think.

it's really hard to escape the propaganda machine.

Evidenced by the fact that people who have supposedly broken free from one, have run right into the loving embrace of another. If you believe what Putin says I don't know what to tell you. It's not hard to see that neither side is being particularly truthful about the situation in Ukraine.

Honestly who cares. If the West was not more powerful than Russia and China, they would be doing the same thing to us, and we'd be in the same situation but reversed. If anybody ever does successfully defeat this "NWO", another party will rise, gain power, be corrupted by power, try to achieve absolute power, and be overthrown in a never ending cycle(or eventually we will go extinct, or one party have eternal reign). The key to life I've found is to just sit back and watch people chop each other's heads off, and try to stay out of the way. Fighting this order is just helping the next one, which will in turn need replacing. Maybe humanity is destined to be ruled by one governance(or to perish). Maybe we aren't capable of evolving spiritually as a race until power is consolidated into such small hands that war is impossible. Maybe the "elite" are doing this in a way that seems ugly to a prole, but in reality is the fastest, most efficient, and most humane way of advancing and perpetuating the human race. Or maybe they're just assholes who like gold. Or maybe it's a combo of the two.

another party will rise, gain power, be corrupted by power, try to achieve absolute power, and be overthrown in a never ending cycle

If we continue with capitalism, yes.

You could be missing the point if you think the concept of power is restricted only to the paradigm of capital.

Every system inevitably collapses under the weight of its own contradictions and has to be rebuilt...

This is a perfect analysis of possibilities. It could very well be the best and most efficient way for humans to advance. I personally think people need to stop working against each other but as long as there's scarcity there will be crime and that crime can be used to warrant control mechanisms that can and probably will be abused at some point. Is it worthwhile? I suppose we'll eventually find out.

Maybe the "elite" are doing this in a way that seems ugly to a prole, but in reality is the fastest, most efficient, and most humane way of advancing and perpetuating the human race.

I already had this thought in my mind, and never saw it elsewhere before. Well said!

Right now people in Ukraine are fighting to create an equitable society in opposition to predatory capitalism. Capitalism we have now is built on a private debt based monetary system that enslaves people to banks that create money out of nothing. DNR is planning to issue interest free government money along with a different banking system.


Is there vid out there with English subs? I'd really like to watch/listen.

Unfortunately I can't find one. Here is a very brief synopsis:

First the speaker discusses the financial crises sweeping the World and parasitic effect of the monetary system. Then he talks about the goals of the new system and the fact that DNR was cut off by the government from grivna (local money). Because DNR buys goods from abroad money is leaving DNR. Lack of money in circulation is damaging DNR’s economy. This is why DNR is trying to introduce their money. The first step is to introduce transitional “exchange units” that will be used as money. Since no one recognizes DNR as a legitimate government, DNR will open a corporation in Russia to which they will transfer all property of the DNR. This corporation will give DNR means of doing business outside its borders and provide means for converting the “exchange units”. He also discusses banking and social consequences of collecting interest on loans.

Thanks for the info. I've seen this video posted before and was kind of bummed out that there were no subs. I do not speak the language, but am interested in the topic. Anyways, thanks. I'll look more into it, hopefully a vid comes out which is translated.

The speaker also dropped some interesting conspiratorial tidbits like:

  • Russian ruble does not have any written indication that it can be used for payments like the US dollar which states that it's "legal tender for all debts public and private".
  • The coat of arms on the Russian ruble is that of the Russian Republic (that deposed the tsar) instead of the coat of arms of the Russian Federation.

Welcome to the Outer Party. We've been waiting.

What size jump suit? Medium?

If the West was not more powerful than Russia and China, they would be doing the same thing to us

Not really, just look at Africa to see how China's foreign policy differs from America's. China's policies are diplomatic, peaceful and progressive compared to the neo-colonial policy of subversion, theft and violence engaged in by the US. As far as Russia is concerned their policies in South and Central America were dedicated to promoting the empowerment of the proletariat versus the banana republics and narcoterrorist states the US set up.

That's simply because China's role in the world is different. China has over 1Bil people, and a relatively small military(technologically) compared to their size of their economy. They conduct economic warfare. America has population of 350mil. It has the biggest military in the world(in terms of active forces, and tech, and weapons, when you include NATO, UN, and all of the allies' forces we have at our disposal almost unquestionably). We conduct both economic and asymmetrical warfare(terrorism), as well as the occasional "straight up" military conflict, simply because we can do it without fear of retribution(unlike any other country in the world, who cannot profitably militarily invade a country, because they would have sanctions placed on them). If China could still make profits being an imperialist state, they would. But they can't, because they'd be in the same situation as Russia and Iran. China is not being good because they are morally superior. They're being good because they see what's happening to Russia and Iran(who are just slightly opposing the west), and don't want to inherit our ill will, and economic sanctions. Right now it's not worth it for them to risk it. If you don't think the same assholes have risen to the top of China, as is the same in 90% of countries, I think you're being naive. I used to be on the "USA is evil, so their enemies must be good" train too. But then I discovered that the USA is not much more evil than others. We just have the ability to fully express our greedy aspirations, because of our military. I don't justify our leaders' actions, but I don't have faith that Chinese leaders or Russian leaders would act much different if in the US's shoes.

If China could still make profits being an imperialist state, they would.

I'd need to see a source for that because, outside of occasional border disputes China and for that matter Russia have not shown any imperialist inclinations for decades. Your assertion is largely a speculative projection which is debatable, and I disagree with it because the history has shown that your position has little to no basis currently or even in the past half century or considering current political trends, even the near future.

Imperialism is largely driven by nationalism, need for large standing armies, major technological developments and discoveries and the entitlement of the ruling class, see: Europe and the Age of Discovery or in the US's case, post-war economic growth and the elite's fear of the successful spread of Communism.

Though they meet some of this criteria, Russia and China aren't in such position and are not imperialistic. Russia has only kept it's investment in its military at the level it is at currently because of the threat posed by the US and NATO.

They're being good

That is a very simplistic notion, and it falsely implies that Iran and Russia are in some way inherently 'evil' or aggressive when history disproves this idea. Yes those countries have leadership that is corrupt in some ways, but the US has invaded far more countries comparatively and been far more aggressive than any other recent superpower and has even had that inclination more than a century before our country was a true superpower.

Right now it's not worth it for them to risk it.

Because this is a position that these countries are forced into by a powerful, rich, and wildly unpredictable psychopathic nation.

I think you're being naive. I used to be on the "USA is evil, so their enemies must be good" train too.

That's a strawman, and not a very good one.

I agree that any country can be corrupt and develop a corrupt imperialist leadership, but in considering the reality of the current geopolitical climate, your analysis is way overstating the threat these countries actually pose.

Source? Ukraine(Russia). Tibet(China). Georgia(Russia). There are many examples of Russian expansion since the cold war. There are a few of Chinese. They are constantly trying for land/sea grabs with their neighbors(see Japan/China sea dispute). The fact that you don't know this(it's very commonly known information), and had the balls to claim that they don't do this is surprising to me. You try to paint me as "anti-Russian". I side more with the Russians/Chinese on more international issues than the USA. But I don't ignore Russian and Chinese aggression, because if I did, I wouldn't understand the full scope of the situation.

Why? Seriously? So the kings can keep their crowns... and only a crazy world has kings.

It's definitely sensationalist and misleading, but not lies.

Russia is invading Ukraine, but it depends on what definition you use. The media is using a very broad form of the word, which includes sending military vehicles across the border to help separatist forces, or volunteers coming into Ukraine to fight. In the definition the media is using, that is technically invading.

I'm not sure how the Russian jets part is sensationalism, because Britain has had to turn away aircraft at least a few times. It's reminiscent of the Cold War, where that happened pretty much every day.

So yeah, it's sensational, but the information is technically true. I just tend to ignore the headlines, or if I see something interesting on CNN or Fox, I just go to BBC.


Russia is genuinely trying to provide humanitarian aide, and they are being demonized by the same type of Cold War propagandists (Neocons such as US State Dept rep. Victoria Nuland (who has openly admitted to conducting a propaganda "truth telling" campaign) and her in-laws the Kagans and their rightwing extremist think tanks) that they have been attacked by for decades.

The vast majority of Eastern Ukarinians are running from the Ukrainian military massacring them and going towards Russia. Who is verifiably offering relocation programs, aid, and protection. Why shouldn't they have military vehicles at the border? What country with a military doesn't do this for refugees or to help during disasters? The US does the exact same thing, when we park warships just off the coast of countries like Haiti or Indonesia to dispense aid. The situation is no different in Ukraine and the press releases from the US State Dept and Obama admin are worse than hypocritical, it is out right lies and manipulation.

Even if Russia is invading Ukraine, their actions against Ukrainian forces are incredibly restrained, and what other country has offered, or is providing protection, relocation and aid to the million+ refugees being persecuted by the Ukrainian military? And what country is in a better geographic location with the logistics, resources, and forces and to provide humanitarian aide than Russia?

What does the US and Europe expect from Russia, just let people die at their border?

We need an enemy don't we? Thus, only our leaders can sell us the solution. Today, for your two minutes, target your seething hatred to Eurasia. For Oceania!

We've always been at war with Eurasia...

Insane people rule the world and as such, the world is a crazy place.

The us vs. them mentality is a cheap, dirty, and easy card to play and most people love when that card comes up because they have nothing to live for in their own lives besides the idea that maybe they still live in a community.

This has been the case for over a century. The West has always waged a propaganda war against Russia.

I myself live in USA, a refuge from the Soviet Union. I was born in Lugansk, Ukraine. Yet I mostly identify as Russian despite being born in Ukraine and having a Ukrainian mother. I still have relatives that live in ukraine. My aunt that lives in a small village 5km from what used to be the border of Ukraine and Russia. From what she sees and tells us is that hundreds of military vehicles entered Ukraine. So yes Russia is invading Ukraine. I believe that much. Also the Propaganda that they feed the "dombas"(Russian controlled part of Ukraine) is ludicrous (their is some of that here in US too). Most people in Ukraine are uneducated(as in only high school ed.) and are quite ignorant in anything politics wise. They have the mindset that everything on the TV must be true. they believe everything. But then again I have to give credit where it is due...Russian propaganda is very good, better than what we get here in US.

If you believe what the Russian government says or it's propaganda I don't know what to tell you. Especially after they've been caught lying red handed about the situation on more than one occasion.

http://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/2maltv/russians_have_a_satellite_picture_of_mh17_being/cm2ybf1 Red handed.

It's not hard to see that neither side is being particularly truthful about the situation in Ukraine. Unfortunately, in a brilliant exercise in deductive reasoning (sic) a lot of people have decided since Obama is a proven liar then Putin must be telling the truth.

Personally I'd like to see the leaders of both governments and their power brokers tried and executed.

This just in! 8 Billion people on this planet now discover real human nature almost in real time! more at eleven...

Exactly. Why can't pig capitalist Americans be more like us comrade? We simply eat our borscht and says our praise of Putin each night before bed. These western fascist watch dumb reality tv and eat cheesy burger.


Not all of us are like that. I married a woman from just outside of Donetsk. We spoke with her family yesterday and briefly touched on the situation. They, like most others, just want to be able to work and pay their bills without worrying about being shot. I think that's a fair request. Thus far, I haven't read anything incriminating about Russia's actions in the matter that can be confirmed by people who actually live there. The Ukrainian government is a different story. I already know I'm on a list, which is stupid since I still love my country, but I would like to know what the truth is and I'm married to a woman that's from the area in question so I must be dangerous. Don't hate individuals, hate organizations and crowd mentality.

another party will rise, gain power, be corrupted by power, try to achieve absolute power, and be overthrown in a never ending cycle

If we continue with capitalism, yes.

This is a perfect analysis of possibilities. It could very well be the best and most efficient way for humans to advance. I personally think people need to stop working against each other but as long as there's scarcity there will be crime and that crime can be used to warrant control mechanisms that can and probably will be abused at some point. Is it worthwhile? I suppose we'll eventually find out.

Right now people in Ukraine are fighting to create an equitable society in opposition to predatory capitalism. Capitalism we have now is built on a private debt based monetary system that enslaves people to banks that create money out of nothing. DNR is planning to issue interest free government money along with a different banking system.


Maybe the "elite" are doing this in a way that seems ugly to a prole, but in reality is the fastest, most efficient, and most humane way of advancing and perpetuating the human race.

I already had this thought in my mind, and never saw it elsewhere before. Well said!

I just explored all three of those links, and didn't find anything conclusive about lithium.

Could you send me somewhere for fluoride, now? Maybe I shouldn't drink it next time I go back to living in a place with city water?

If the West was not more powerful than Russia and China, they would be doing the same thing to us

Not really, just look at Africa to see how China's foreign policy differs from America's. China's policies are diplomatic, peaceful and progressive compared to the neo-colonial policy of subversion, theft and violence engaged in by the US. As far as Russia is concerned their policies in South and Central America were dedicated to promoting the empowerment of the proletariat versus the banana republics and narcoterrorist states the US set up.

what percentage of fluoride in your system comes from the water we drink (rough estimate)?

I can not answer your first question properly because it will vary on how much fluoride is in the water you drink, your metabolism, your weight, your age, your environment, your food and how much water your drink. Fluoridated water kills horses after some time due to the incredible amount they drink per day (45 - 70 litres of water). An adult that drinks 1 litre of fluoridated water normally exceeds the allowed/recommended threshold value of fluorides. I would estimate the water intake is responsible for 30%-40% of fluorides and water absorption under 3%.

I am lucky to live in a country without water fluoridation and I did not do much research on installations for my own house. But if I would live in such a region I would have several reverse osmosis filters installed. Not only for drinking water but also for the boiler for the bathroom. There also some other filters that a capable to filtering out the fluorides. What I did is to grab a comparison of different mineral waters and find those with the smallest amount of fluorides. The next step was to find a vendor of one of those waters.

My personal choice was Evian because it has very few fluorides and is widely available. It is not cheap though. We drink this water. But for tea and coffee we use filtered water. There are also other brands I use, but they are not that well known. You have to do your own research.

I have a feeling just changing the water you drink is not enough

You bet. I do not know where to start, because I am avoiding fluorides for a decade now and I know where I found it so far. Let us say you try to avoid every source of fluorides for some time, then you will have to change a lot. My foremost advice is to know the ingredients of the food you eat and drinks you drink. But there is so much more. You should know for example that volcanic soil contains fluorides and a lot of volcanic island have a fluoride problem. So when you drink their water, eat their products, their bread, cosume their beverages, leafs and fruits then they might contain more fluorides than normal. Perhaps you remember that when you are on vacation there.

What about processed food you buy in the supermarket? Did you know that they use salt with fluorides and they do not write that in the ingredients? Sometimes fluoridated salt has iodine added. So when it says in the ingredients that it contains salt with iodine it might also contain fluorides. Some beverages and soft drinks also have high amounts of fluorides. Ice tea and Coke for example. There a certain products that always have higher amounts of fluorides than others. All depends on the soil they grow, but tea, rise and raisins might have higher amount of fluorides then just a salad. Some industrial fertilizers contain fluorides and they get also on your food. When in Europe do not buy salt with fluorides.

Dental products: use tooth paste without fluorides, saccharin or thymol, dental floss without fluorides and mouthwash without fluorides and when your dentist wants to fluoridate your teeth after cleaning them you tell them it is not gonna happen. Never use fluoride gels. Find a good healthy brand with natural ingredients for your dental products.

What about pans? Did you know Teflon has fluorides and old pans can leach those fluorides in your food? I bought stainless steel and ceramic pans and never looked back. Drugs: if you are medicated with psychotropic drugs then they might have high doses of fluorides, because there are very few without them.

And if you have a toddler you should avoid to give them fluorides under any circumstance. That means to search for a baby formula without fluorides and if medicated with vitamin D to give them the ones without fluorides.

It is hard work, but it is possible to reduce the fluoride intake to a certain degree. It is more difficult to repair your thyroid after years of excessed fluoride intake.

Welcome to the Outer Party. We've been waiting.

What size jump suit? Medium?