[META] Thoughts on 'Sheeple'.

13  2015-03-03 by -SPIRITUAL-GANGSTER-

You know, we in /r/conspiracy often deride the 'sheeple', but I believe, in reality more people than we think are aware that the world is completely fucked up. The problem is, it's really hard to escape the propaganda machine. It's really hard to shake decades of indoctrination through schooling and television. It's way, way easier to go with the program than it is to buck it. I can't fault people who are just trying to pay the rent for not having the will to push back. I've been there. I understand it. Going down the rabbit hole takes courage. It's fucking scary, man. There is compelling evidence that thousands of rich, powerful, and prominent people get together, procure, and fuck children. With impunity, and immunity from the law. How do you carry the weight of that? Our Government spends our money to openly murder children with drones on a daily basis. CEOs make more money in an hour than some families make in a year. Food is poison. Medicine is poison. How do you carry the weight of that? How do I change that? Vote? And have it thrown in the garbage because of a 'hinging chad' or have Diebold fuck with it? Do I protest? And end up in a secret prison on the outskirts of the city, or on the 'terror watch list'? We're living in a time where serious dissent is becoming seriously dangerous. If you don't end up suicided, or in prison, at the very least they'll destroy your reputation and bankrupt you. If the average Joe posts the wrong thing on Facebook, BOOM, fired from his job. It's too big, man. I've written in this sub before about questioning my own sanity. How can I not? With a little digging, a scratch below the surface reveals the modern world to be a lie. But it can't be! The problem is, once you're awake, there's no going back. I can't turn it off. No amount of drugs or booze will do it (I've tried). I can't watch movies without seeing propaganda. I can't read a headline without seeing the spin. Is that Masonic symbolism or just a really stoned graphic designer? It's exhausting. Actively trying to 'wake people up' is an exercise in futility. The more information we throw at people, the harder they will cling to the safety of the 'official story'. Writing people off who can't 'see' as stupid or crazy is a mistake. We just need to keep asking questions, and keep the information available for people when they're ready.

EDIT: Words


I agree with everything you said. Even when I thought I was 'awake' I continued to have revelation after revelation. Often looking back at the old 'awake' me with a smirk at how ignorant I was.

It took me a good solid year of reading and researching before I finally started to feel like I had a sense of the bigger picture, and even then I'm not silly enough to think I know what's going on.

Someone has to want to escape the machine before they can, and most people simply don't want to go through that trouble.

I can't watch movies without seeing propaganda. I can't read a headline without seeing the spin.

Yep, once you take that pill you can never go back. The Matrix did such a good job of explaining it.

Often looking back at the old 'awake' me with a smirk at how ignorant I was.

Haha, I can relate. The funniest part was thinking I had figured it all out, and arguing with everyone I knew about how blind they were, and that smug feeling of superiority I had. Cringe. No wonder everyone thought I had turned into a giant asshole.

Yeah, something I've noticed is that the people who seem to know the most and have the best grasp of this stuff are the ones who are the least likely to put anything in certain terms.

The more you know the more you realize you don't know.

a smirk at how ignorant I was.

I remember when I realized what the smirk stood for.....intense habitual need to be right. I stopped fairly soon after that realization.


The internet and 9/11 seem to be the two biggest catalysts for change right now. The internet has connected us all and brought unfiltered information to everyone, and 9/11 was just so ballsy that people couldn't help but notice. 9/11 was the start of my awakening. I remember bringing a DVD to my friend's house in 2004 and even his Dad was like "holy shit they blew the buildings up". It wasn't until years later before I really started to 'get it' though.

The anti-conspiracy circle jerk seems to be at a fever pitch but I just see that as proof that our side is winning. It's hard not to become a conspiracy theorist when you have access to as much information as we do these days. Hell, just look at the blatant shit like the HSBC money laundering. You'd be hard pressed to find someone who doesn't have a problem with that.

Actually I think I just realized something about the typical anti conspiracy person. The problem is that they get hung up on whether it was a 'true conspiracy' or not. They think that for it to be a conspiracy it must involve evil people meeting in secret and making detailed plans. Something you realize though as you read more is that it doesn't work like that. The corruption is baked into the system through revolving doors and golden parachutes. Bailouts and tax loopholes, handshakes and favors... The big picture is that the entire system is set up to walk all over the little people.

People are waking up. It is reaching the tipping point. Btw, after 9/11 another thing to look into is Cathy O'brien.

I don't deride the sheeple, just the use of the word itself. In any meaningful context the childish connotations of the very worst of the tinfoil hat brigade will be used as a stick to beat you with. The people you refer to are the politically unaware.

Be a person that is looked up to for your actions/character. Weaker people often follow a good strong leader.

Watch the youtube video "platos cave" for some insight here.

I just wanted to say thank you. I'm a 23 year-old undergrad studying international development, and saw your original post because of a consulting project I'm working on regarding Ukraine/Russia relations. I've studied philosophy, and like Socrates, enjoy questioning everything, though this does have major repercussions mentally and socially. Going into intentional development, hoping to work at the UN or a global NGO one day, I've always questioned the "bigger picture" but have tried not to go too far down the rabbit hole in fear of losing my ability to associate with others and try to do some social good (although I even question if that can be a thing in today's world, especially in a world of underbelly geopolitics). I see interviews with people at the IMF, World Bank, UN, major diplomats and wonder how puppeteer-ed they really are, if anyone in any of these situations is "authentic". Maybe they are, but the circumstances and situations were predetermined by shadowy external forces operating on the grandest of scales. Regardless, it provides me a small bit of sanity, enough to continue searching for truth and meaning, that there are others who share your sentiment, and that there is maybe a middle-ground for people like me to exist. Maybe it's a healthy amount of blissful ignorance and inherent skepticism. Maybe I'll be working for crab people at the UN, who knows...

Sheep is the term masons use for those that arn't Masons, or as they put it "rode the goat". So when tin foil hats use sheeple as an insult, it makes me shake my head. You're either down with mason traditions and snobbery or just ignoratantly participating in thier elitism. I, for one, am good on all that.

Awareness. Truth will set us free. Knowledge is Power. Don't give up dude. Wake people up. Sooner or later, we'll reach a breaking point. Don't be afraid. Fear is a form of mind control. Have faith in the human spirit.

On a side note, consider moving to a different country.

Ever since i joined this sub I've wondered what the most active contributors do for a living. When I look at some of your comment histories, I see posts from every hour of every day. How do you support yourselves? See, what I actually think is that this feeling of "the world is so fucked up" is actually you being lazy and not wanting to blame yourself for being in the fucked up situation that you're in.

You speak of "compelling" evidence of all these atrocities that are happening all over the world, but so what if you can't do anything to change it? Some, but not a lot, of the contributors to this sub seem genuinely intelligent. Not everyone has the focus and the drive to make connections between such seemingly unrelated events, and yet all you do is bitch and moan about no one doing anything about it. Why don't you put yourself in a position where you can do something about it? Why don't you attain riches and fight back? Are you trying to say it's not possible because the New World Order will murder you?

The reason why so many conspiracy theories are laughed at is because the people who came up with those ideas are just, plain and simple, fucking losers. I have never seen a conspiracy theorist/ "enlightened individual" who doesn't look like an unhealthy loner. Do you know what that looks like to other people? Have you ever tired to put yourself in the shoes of "sheeple"? You guys would probably consider me as part of the sheeple, and from my point of view it looks like you're just coming up with ways to not blame yourself for your misfortune.

Probably one of the most judgmental posts I've ever seen here.

Calling people who believe differently "sheeple" is judgemental.

Believing yourself special because you were apparently able to find the truth is convoluted as fuck. Like seriously?

Conspiracy realists are some of the most healthy and environmentally friendly people I know. They may be posting every hour because their comments are under constant attack from people like you, a person who peaked in high school but still feels the urge to put people down who think differently than you. Are you a cop? You seem like a cop.

I don't think you thought your comment through...

If they're posting every hour because they're under constant attack from people like me, that actually sounds like they are constantly in need of defending their own opinions. Any why would they have to prove anything to me? I'm just part of the sheeple. What do they care if I think they're just a bunch of tin-foil soldiers?

Oh, a condescending cop at that.

Edit: and who has time to go through people's history? Small town cop… hmm the plot thickens.

the same kind of ppl who look up conspiracy theories lol

The reason conspiracy theorists can be seen as 'losers' or 'loners' is because many probably do prefer to be alone.

While the 'cool' people are out getting drunk, partying, getting married, like they have been programmed to do, many loners have more time to be on the internet discovering these things.

I have never been a social person. I wouldn't consider myself a 'loser'. I'm highly educated, and have a great job with great pay. But I prefer my own company. That means I have hours free every day, when others would be talking with their friends about bullshit, that I have time to research world politics.

So yeah, others probably see me as that weird loser with no friends who believes the government killed Kennedy. I know, that if they had put the hours into the research that I have, that they would come to exactly the same conclusion.

Make no mistake, one of the very reasons you are being forced to work so hard to pay the bills is exactly so you don't have time to research the bigger picture. Just read the news headlines, feed your family, and go back to work, citizen.

Btw, I'm also in great shape, very healthy, and get regular sex with decent women from dating websites. So your 'all conspiracy theorists are fat and ugly' is probably based on media programming that you have been brainwashed with.

So what has your "research" amounted to? Sounds like you're just wasting your life man. People are out there having fun, and you're just sitting in your room by yourself with your "high paying job" and not doing anything about the conspiracies that are apparently fucking everyone over.

How can you be very healthy if the government is trying to poison us? Do you grow your own food from your room? And how do you know you're healthy? I thought education was a scam fabricated by the government?

More foolish assumptions. Why say I'm not doing anything? You have no idea. I am doing something, the details of which I'm not going to post here.

But all of us are doing something - showing others. Because its only with overwhelming numbers that we can win against the mega rich.

And no, I'm sitting in my nice house alone, which as I said makes me very happy. I'll often go out and utilize my commercial pilot license by flying around the mountains of the south island of New Zealand or doing some hiking. But no, I have no life do I.

As for the rest of your post - please don't be a trolling idiot.

You aren't doing anything I guarantee that. If you were, you wouldn't feel the need to defend yourself against such baseless accusations.

I guarantee that if you were succeeding in life in any way whatsoever, you wouldn't feel the need to come in here and attempt to put us all down for no reason whatsoever.

Have a good day.

You are exactly what i'd imagine a tin-foil hat soldier to be. Getting mad when they get the truth thrown at them. The reason why I fucking hate you lot is because you are actually doing nothing to correct the problems that you preach. And please, spare me the lies about your "wonderful" life as a loner

Have a good day.

You making fun of me for not having friends is the same as if you were making fun of me because you get lots of homosexual sex and I dont.

I dont want to have homosexual sex and choose not to. When I'm in a room with people having homosexual sex, I just want to go home. So making fun of me for not having homosexual sex has absolutely no effect whatsoever.

Nice try though.

You sure are doing a good job of showing me how enlightened you are by calling me a homo. I guess there isn't anything special about the people who know the "truth" after all. It's absolutely hilarious that you even bother responding. I'm actually still hoping that any of you enlightened ones show me that you aren't a bunch of lazy misfits who do nothing but preach, but I guess that's a little too far-fetched

It really looks like you're helping a lot of people will all that hiking and flying that you apparently do.

Holy broad strokes and generalizations, Batman

What point was this guy even trying to make? He sounds like an idiot. That second guy made a valid point. Humans are resourceful, if we find a way to stop them one way, they'll work hard to find another way to hurt us. How is that a zombie rehearsed statement?The worst part is that he's making fun of the guy for, possibly, rehearsing something he read. Where the fuck did you get your information? Did you not read it? Did you actually go out and conduct an experiment to find the answer? This guy narrating the video got his information the same way. He got his info from an article from a biased editor and he's just spewing back out what he read.

How can you get anything done when you just go about your daily life thinking everyone is an idiot? And then the guy starts making fun of how the people look? Are you serious? How is that even relevant to anything?

I don't know man, I'm a rule follower, so if there's a rule, I follow it.

Calling people who believe differently "sheeple" is judgemental.

Believing yourself special because you were apparently able to find the truth is convoluted as fuck. Like seriously?