Wow. The level of direct and virulent racism in some posts is astounding.

5  2015-03-04 by no1113

"Whites created western civilization, and without whites there will be no civilization worth living in."

This shit was actually said.

I mean wow. Given that this is indeed the way that some humans on this planet actually feel (apparently), I think it is very safe to say (unfortunately) that we humans beings as a species?

Are fucked.



I might not agree with what someone else says, or thinks. But I do respect their right to say what they think. That's the greatest thing about this sub right now. You can express whatever controversial thing you like. Of course that means others are going to do the same.

It should come as no surprise that some of us will say controversial things even by our own standards. But it's better to let them say what they think. That's the true test of Free Speech.

As soon as you start regulating what can and can't be said, you no longer have Free Speech.... you've got controlled speech instead.

Last comment. Cultural arrogance, or ethnocentrism, is nothing new and is definitely not limited to white people.

No disagreement with anything you've said here.

I'll shoot.

I'm sick of free speech. I'm against centralized censorship but for fucks sake, I listen to my local christian radio station sometimes and it reminds me why we are at war with the whole fucking Muslim world. not to mention derp paranoid delusions that homosexuals are going to ruin their precious cultural values.

If there was a way we could censor those fearful Samaritans, we might have more people "waking up" so to speak, to the beauty of cultural diversity.

Yeah those pesky Arabs saddled us with their numerical system too!

Fun fact: Arabic numerals arent actually Arabic, they are Indian. Arabs learned from the Indians, and when Arabs taught Europeans the system Europeans erroneously attributed the numerals to Arabs.



Now I don't want to offend you in any way, but using that term, "race", is quite outdated and a little backwards... The cientific community made it clear a while back that there is no such thing as a race when it comes to human beings, all of us carry a different ethnicity. Just think about it, every single human being has a pyramid of ancestors below them, first your parents which are 2, then your grandparents who are 4, then your great grandparents who were 8, and the number keeps multipliyng by two until you reach the end... If you go 10 generations back in your pyramid, that's 2044 different people, and you can't be sure about their origins either. You might have in those 2044 ancestors one out of every continent and still be "caucasian" because most of your family had white skin. I don't know how many different ethnicities there are, but there's a lot of them throughout the world...

I'd give you gold if I had any. Thank you for bringing sense and science to this thread of ignorance.

Thanks but no need for that, your appreciation is more than enough actually! And I honestly don't know the word race and racism still gets thrown around everywhere anytime, all this hate is simply a tool to distract people of more important stuff going on in the world in my opinion, because basically and technically almost everyone on the planet has different ethnicities... Only your brother or sister will share your exact same ethnicity for example, if we put things in the perspective i mencioned before.

Damn there are seriously some ignorant human beings in this thread.

I'm not necessarily saying this is absolute truth, but this very idea you expressed here scares the absolute shit out of ignorant types like some of the racist posters in here - a sad thing for sure because amalgamation provides the opportunity for great innovation and improvement in a culture. It is only those who live in fear and ignorance that do not realize the validity of this.

Especially since anyone who does a little digging into history can see that the statement is blatently false.

Kind of sickened by how a small number of racists have taken over the sub with their stupid and hateful posts.

Don't let it phase ya, my friend. They are not as large a number as they sound. Free speech zones like this one do let the ... more contraversial (that's political correctness indoctration right there -.-).. ideas be spoken.

Fair enough. I've stop feeding the tr...

Actually...that's the really sad thing about it all. He's not a troll. He a full on racist and actually fully believes in his racism - even though he's so dumb that he posts things that go AGAINST his own racist stance! Case in point. It's strange because his type rail against Zionism and become the biggest freedom fighting advocates when it comes to fighting against Zionism...but then turn around and talk about "the supriority of the white race above all others!" and become JUST as bad if not even worse than the worst, most racist Zionist pig.

Crazy! lol

ikr? I suppose they take the ol saying "Fight fire with fire" to heart. It's not until we knock down walls of division do we have any hope as a species. The longer we focus on the lil things that happened a thousand years ago, we'll never build a better tomorrow, cause we're too busy living in the past.

Agree with everything you said. I may have gotten a bit feisty in the linked/OP thread, but, if you read through the whole thing, you will see that my ultimately point is more closely aligned with what you're saying here than anything else.

Stop being so negative, it's only one person's opinion. Remember Kramer's melt down at that comic club? My point exactly.

Not sure how Kramer shouting racist obscenities over and over compares. ELI5.

I don't get the problem. The OP didn't say this is a fact and give us proof, he stated his opinion, nothing more.

Iron Maiden - Run to the Hills (Rock in Rio)

Don't know why you got downvoted for posting this. The song is about the method Whites used to take over everything... Oh wait, it isn't Immortal Technique. If it isn't shitty rap music, it doesn't matter around here...

Whites also persecuted non christians and tried to steal "holy lands", and whites also stole an entire massive country from a brown skinned peopke and nearly drove those people to extinction. That's something to be proud of right there. /s

If you want Wasp Zionisms slavery to be humans civilization obviously this (and these whites) might bother you.

To be honest, I don't think he was being racist. OP seemed to be looking at it from a purely objective viewpoint.

You seem to have flipped out and blew it up into something that didn't exist before.

Actually, that users posts a LOT of Nazi propaganda here, amongst other stuff. He just spams this sub with dozens of links a day, most of which end up in the single digits.

I figure some of these users are disinfo. Whats a better way to discredit a community than to spam it with racist nonsense?

Ah. Okay. I see. So I'm the one that brought that statement out of him, eh? It's not that he's racist. It's that I made him racist, right? That's what you're saying?



Lets put it this way: You can't fight racism with racism. ;)

Wanna talk about humanity? Do it, but drop the race thing as it's only making you look a fool just as much as you believe OP to be.

The DNC would disagree with you.

You obviously didn't actually read the entirety of my posts then and likely just cherry picked one or two (or even three) statements that I made where I told him to "fuck off" because he's a racist piece of shit or something like that.

And, for the record, telling a racist to go fuck himself most definitely does NOT make the person telling them that look like "just as much of a fool" as the racist themselves. Hardly.

Not trying to say I had some "great and mighty" argument in everything I said, but even at the "lowest" that my arguments stooped to, there is exactly no way that saying "fuck you" or anything of the like to a racist is as bad as the ignorant tripe the racist themselves spews.

I read them all. And for the record, yes, acting like a toolbag does make you a fool.

MLK would disagree with you strongly on this one.

Meh. I don't have a great problem telling racists to go fuck themselves.

what makes me sick is the massive amount of antisemitic bullshit i see here on a daily basis. Oh, the jews control everything, well if that's true, how come this antisemitic crap is even allowed? and why is israel surrounded by it's enemies, surely if we jews controlled everything, we could send in the marines to clean out hezbollah, hamas.

People need to come to the realization that all this jew conspiracy nonsense is just the same old diversionary divide-and-conquer bullshit that's been played out over centuries.

Not all Jews are bad.

Zionism is most definitely the enemy of the planet, however.

Umm, the statement you quoted is completely accurate and true. What we call the "modern world" was created by whites. You may not like it, but that's the reality. You remember reality, don't you? It's the thing that political correctness cannot intimidate or influence.

Blacks as a race have produced nothing of significance that contributes to Western civilization. That, too, is the reality. I know you like to feel all warm and cuddly about Black History Month, but most of what is said about the contributions of blacks are outright lies or gross distortions of the truth.

Look at sub-Saharan Africa, where the negro race originates. What civilization did negroes produce over the past ten thousand years? They didn't even invent the wheel. Every advancement came from the Mediterranean, where there are Mediterranean whites, not blacks. Egypt was a white nation. So was Carthage. They were not negroid.

Blacks in America have been a drain on the nation from the beginning. At the same time, American blacks have benefited enormously over African blacks, mostly by interbreeding with whites. When a black breeds with a white, the black's children get a ten point increase in IQ. African blacks have an IQ of around 75. American blacks have an IQ around 85 (white IQ is 100). We're speaking here of average IQ levels by racial division, not individual IQs.

Look, you're black, so I understand why you are so defensive about the role of blacks in the world. You don't want to face reality, and you have the convenient dodge of modern political correctness, which maintains the absurd fantasy that blacks are just as intelligent or just as capable of creating a civilization as whites. They are not! Come to terms with this truth. Your race is intellectually inferior to whites and Asians, significantly inferior. That is not a racial prejudice, that is the reality.

Blacks as a race have produced nothing of significance that contributes to Western civilization.

  • Dr. Daniel Hale Williams - Founded the Provident Hospital in Chicago in 1891, and performed the first successful open heart surgery in 1893.

  • George Washington Carver - Developed hundreds of applications for farm products important to the economy of the South.

  • Percy L. Julian - Synthesized cortisone, used to treat arthritis and other inflammatory diseases.

  • Dr. Charles Richard Drew - Set up the first blood bank.

  • Emmett Chappelle - Among Chappelle's discoveries is a method (developed with Grace Picciolo) of instantly detecting bacteria in water, which led to the improved diagnoses of urinary tract infections.

  • James West - Developed the foil electret microphone, which became the industry standard. Approximately 90% of microphones in use today are based on this invention and almost all telephones utilize it, as well as tape recorders, camcorders, baby monitors and hearing aids.

  • Philip Emeagwali - Won the Institute of Electronics and Electrical Engineers' Gordon Bell Prize in 1989 for an experiment that used 65,000 processors to perform the world's fastest computation of 3.1 billion calculations per second. Emeagwali's computers are currently being used to forecast the weather and predict future global warming.

  • Norbert Rillieux - Developed an evaporator for refining sugar, which he patented in 1846. Rillieux's evaporation technique is still used in the sugar industry and in the manufacture of soap and other products.

  • Lewis Howard Latimer - Invented an electric lamp and a carbon filament for light bulbs (patented 1881, 1882). Latimer was the only African-American member of Thomas Edison's engineering laboratory.

  • Granville T. Woods - Invented a telegraph that allowed moving trains to communicate with other trains and train stations, thus improving railway efficiency and safety.

  • Garrett Augustus Morgan - Invented a gas mask (patented 1914) that was used to protect soldiers from chlorine fumes during World War I. Morgan also received a patent (1923) for a traffic signal that featured automated STOP and GO signs.

Oh, come on, please. For every individual black who it is claimed did something useful (and most of the claims have proved to be bogus when investigated) I could list a hundred, or a thousand, or ten thousand, whites who did more impressive and more useful things. You post is meaningless.

Please point out which of the people I cited have bogus claims.

F*** you

you cherry picking

go Google Dogon

or go check your facts on human evolution. I'll give you a hint we're all blacks dumb s***.

What the hell? You must be inbred if you make a statement like this and think you can back it up using these 'clever' remarks. You sir are an idiot, and you just wrote some of the dumbest shit I ever read.

Firstly, what you call "the modern world" or "civilization" is the reason the HUMAN RACE is a plague on planet earth. The system creates poverty, polution, unsustainable growth, human animal and environmental slaughter, and it promotes "values" like ignorance hate and fear. I am what you call "white" as in I have a "white" skin tone and I feel offended when you make these dumb statements and generalizations you dumb fuck, some people that have "white" skin may have pushed the agenda towards the world we are living today but I'll bet that the people who helped globalize the system and the ones that are in power don't all share the same skin tone.

Secondly, african people have a beautiful culture and history, and yes Egypt was a "black" nation, just go look at the nubian people and if that isn't enough for you, guess what, what you call "brown" people or north african people are still what you call "black" you fucking pig! The egyptian civilization is one of if not the most advanced ancient civilization there is record of. And don't even go on about how african people have been a "drain in the nation" in your country, they have been marginalized ever since they got there in the first place, if you ever lived in the same conditions some of those people had to live in your "land of the free" you wouldn't say such a thing, and I'm not here defending african people because some were slaves once, because slavery was a worlwide thing milleniums before.

And to finish, no man or woman's "intelligence" can ever be limited or granted by their ethnicity, you pathethic excuse for a human being! To even discuss anyone's "intelligence" is idiotic in the first place, as it is a relative value nowadays in the shitty world we live in today. And this is reality, you cocksucker.

Nothing he said goes without saying really.

Don't know why you felt you had to post this

"First and foremost, the European race has absolutely been historically proven to be the number one most marauding, genocidal race on the planet - so the whole "Boo hoo - what about our land?" argument doesn't really hold too much weight when considering the race has taken so many lands around it, period. No one is saying let's flood Africa with Asians No one wants to live in African because the whites have fucking destroyed it to such a huge extent. And this is not some sort of "racist conjecture" here. This is 100% proven, historical fact."

It sounds like you are racist against white people op. European peoples the most genocidal? way to stereotype a whole peoples.

inb4 oh you can't be racist against white people.

When white people do it, it's "colonialism." When others do it, it's "cultural differences." Remember that, you privileged shitlord!

Alright... What exactly were the Crusades then? How about the acquisition of America? My ancestors were murdered, their lands STOLEN, by white people, who I depressingly also share heritage with. My ancestors who weren't murdered were rounded up like fucking cattle and placed on reservations. White people, historically and as a whole, fucking suck. Eat it.

Nice racist reply. Way to blacken a whole race of peoples. All races have done that. You seem to be blinded by hate to actually realise that. Even to this day it is happening in Africa and the Middle East.

"Hell, I hate my own caucasian brethren more than I hate anyone else."

Why hate anyone? lol. sad.

Well Africa is still a giant shit hole, well except for South Africa which happens to have more whites. Lol

The only improvements in sub-Saharan Africa have come from whites. Blacks like to talk about Egypt, but Egypt was never a black civilization, it was Mediterranean and white. If we look at the negro part of Africa, we see ... nothing. No civilizations of any significance, no great building works, no important contributions to human science or culture. All advances in civilization came from outside, and Africans were unable to use them effectively without the support and guidance of whites. That's just the way it is, and I'm sick of people pretending otherwise just to satisfy some politically correct narrative.

Man. You need to research the Dogon. They possess ancient knowledge that totally defies the white man's history books.

Or consider India. Or China. Huge civilizations that aren't Caucasian.

Or research the actual dates of the pyramids and the Sphinx. I'll give you a hint, they predate ancient Egypt by tens of thousands of years. And remember that Cleopatra existed closer to today than even the shallowest dates on the pyramids.

Or consider the Aborigines in Australia. The hands down oldest civilization on the books. They will probably outlast modernity, as Australia could benefit from climate change and is likely to enjoy lower radioactivity after us dumb "high civ" folks nuke ourselves into extinction.

You obvs need to open some academic quality history books and stop going through life acting like your elementary education was based in truth rather than propaganda.

but Egypt was never a black civilization, it was Mediterranean and white

This is totally false.

This clown wants to destroy the white race. Clearly, what you're saying is "Let's knock off whitey". And yet, I bet he'd rather live in a WHITE neighborhood. If I'd said that civilization without the blacks would be crap, I'd get applauded. Even though they can't run a civilization. Only white pride can save the world.

The truth is out of fashion in our cultural Marxist society. The loons are running the asylum. We can keep speaking the truth, but we can't make those who have bought into political correctness accept the truth.

Your thinking that anything you state is "truth" is an indication of a special, extremely insular type of ignorance the likes of which ensure the very downfall of that darkness you try so hard to hold close to your chest.

This is a good thing, as the sooner it's gone, the better.

Therefore, keep it up.

Apparently, they're hooked to gills in white-hate.

implying black people aren't the master race

Just because we hate you and are witnessing here the last death throes of your movement which is crushed hard under our boots...

...Doesn't make it white hate. There is no "White Race" to hate, therefore we could not have white-hate.

I would say there is a white race, but the frightening and caustic level of ignorance that some types like the two above demonstrate shows that some members of that race are amongst the lowest of the low in terms of general human intelligence and development.

This clown wants to destroy the white race. Clearly, what you're saying is "Let's knock off whitey".

Wow. Really? That's what I want to do?

You seem like a person that has an extremely fearful race complex - the exact kind you go on claiming the Zionist Jews you hate and rail against so much have in order to justify their continued violence against others - because you obviously didn't actually listen to anything I said if this is what you think.

If I'd said that civilization without the blacks would be crap, I'd get applauded.

No. You'd be just as much of an ignorant, close-minded racist then as you most definitely are now.

Only white pride can save the world.

lol. Wow. I don't even...

You're so embarrassingly ignorant that it's actually farcical.

I prefer living in a Hispanic neighborhood. I know my neighbors are hard workers and I know that they will smile and wave at me because they have a culture of neighborly friendliness.

The predominantly white neighborhood in which my parents live consists of a ton of people who make money doing jack s*** and they hide inside of their little Mcmansions with the curtains drawn and never wave or say hello because they are afraid that their predominately white neighbors will steal from them or some jack s***.

Imagine how much better it will be if you leave the USA.

I have. Unfortunately, English is my strongest language and I've got a pretty great family and some great friends. I'm pretty settled on fixing the problems here where I'm most familiar with them, rather than having to relearn a whole nother set of problems half a world away.