The overall negative attitude and energy of people nowadays.

26  2015-03-07 by [deleted]

Has anyone noticed people are more toxic to others now than ever before?

I don't know if it's the economy, or the mind controlled news, but people seems to be constantly on edge in public.

It's very uncomfortable to go out in public in a good mood, people seem attracted to you like energy vampires, looking to make you miserable like them.

The USA is getting very difficult to live in, vibe-wise.




I know exactly what you mean. It's like people that are unsatisfied with themselves, or are depressed try to find a person who is for a lack of better words happy go lucky then try to make them feel bad about anything just to bring that person to their level of unhappiness. And the second the person realized their depressing or sad words worked and they had successfully brought the happy go lucky person to their level. It would instantly make the person who was originally depressed feel better in a fucked up sense of sympathy.that's like oh I feel bad so you should feel bad and now I will feel not happy but more satisfied now that we're both feeling bad I don't feel as bad. If that makes sense. Haha rant over.

It's because every fucking Millennial was told they're a special snowflake and got trophies for participating. Now that they're out in the world they're finding out that they're not that special and you only get trophies for winning. And they're pissed off that they were lied to for so long.

Well said!


It's harsh, but he's right. Millenials were promised a world that doesn't, and will never, exist. If you think it's bad now, wait another 5 years when the reality of student loan and health insurance payments for life starts to sink in.

You ARE exactly what OP is describing here dude. Every soul is infinitely unique and valuable and I pity you for not understanding this. The millenials have been targeted and I see a lot of them that are aware of this, culture is their enemy as it is for all of us. Are they soft yeah but they are more spiritual than us older folks as we were to our parents. They are necessary during this time of consciousness shifting to higher levels. All debt will be forgiven when the petrodollar collapses.

I actually very much agree with OP that every person is unique and important. However, I am a realist. Pretending everything is sunshine and rainbows, and convincing kids they're special snowflakes is exactly why we're in the situation we're in. We've got on our hands a pharmaceutically deadened, LED screen hypnotized, porn addicted, violence desensitized, junk food addled population of narcissistic zombies who need trigger warnings on their school text books. The truth, though? It's not their fault. Society raised these kids to believe they are the center of their own special little universe, and now it's using their self interest against them. We've taught them that everyone can be rich and famous. We've taught them they can have a university education, mortgage and a brand new car with no money down, but didn't explain that the bill will eventually come due. The reality of that situation is starting to dawn on these kids, and year over year there's going to be more and more of them in the same situation and they're going to be pissed. The debt will never be forgiven. This system has been carefully designed to entrap as many of these impressionable young people into perpetual slavery as possible, and it worked beyond their wildest dreams. Believing that burden will simply disappear 'after the collapse' is precisely the type of delusional fantasy these vultures prey on, and exactly the type of, "I'm too special to be a slave," programming I'm talking about. More spiritual than their parents? That's not what I see. I was born at the tail end of generation X and the very beginning of the millennial generation, and the culture of the people only 10 years younger than me is alien. When I was in my mid twenties, I had lots of friends in their thirties. Now that I'm in my mid thirties, I wouldn't have a clue how to connect with most 25 year olds. "Hey man, don't harsh my mellow," doesn't fix anything, and neither does pretending we don't have huge problems that need to be addressed RIGHT NOW. In five years we're going to have an entire generation of voting age kids who've never known what it's like to live a surveillance-free life. That's harsh, dude.

Spot on

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It's not so much that bit of ideology, it's more the fact that school prepared us for jobs that didn't exist by the time we needed to start getting them, and we're in debt and living with our parents and running out of savings and we're all pissed off about how they basically lied to us and took advantage of us.

That's the ideal situation, unfortunately we are slaves in a neo-feudal police state.

In the past three years I've come to hate everyone. Everyone, my friends, my family. Honestly, I have no idea why.

You can control it. Make a decision to love.

To combat negative pervasiveness, I try to be extra open & polite lately. It doesn't mean turn into a door mat, but I try to slow down a bit & check some of my aggressiveness. It seems to come back to me somehow which is nice.

I've found a divergence in people's attitudes the last few years. Some people are worse, and some people are on their best behavior because they know the ice is thin. Just the other day I almost stopped a robbery. This jerk stole an old lady's purse out of her car while she was loading groceries in the parking lot. What was amazing afterward was how everyone around us who saw it pitched in to help. One guy called the police, another got the store manager, and I got the license plate. The police called me the other day and asked some more questions, I think they might actually catch the guy.

Anyway, my point is even though things are going to shit, some people only get nicer. Value those people when you meet them.


That's rather pessimistic. As one of those people working together, I can tell you I wanted to help the lady get her purse back, and that's all I really cared about. The "spectacle" wasn't going to happen anyway, the guy drove away soon after the robbery. Some people just genuinely want to help others, hard as it may be to believe.

Its very though. People don't talk to anyone unless they are buying something, in need if something or your at work in a project together. I'm in my 30s but have never seen such lack of human interaction and energy. Fuck around, say something funny to a stranger, make a joke, act out, be cool to others around you, have a random friend from the block.....Nah. Just total lack of inspiration. Nobody has anything to say. I pretty much stopped going around as an ambassador of good will, as my boss used to call me. I knew everyone in 2 block radius at my old office. Now I keep to myself. I'm not gonna be the clown. If everyone is so focused on how their gluttes and triceps look in the mirror....f it.

I had a very good friend un-friend me on Facebook because she felt that my posts about 9/11, Government Corruption, bio-engineering, vaccines, etc. Was too negative and it was putting her in a bad mood. My wife and I got in an argument because she wouldn't even listen to me about the Holocaust possibly being a hoax at worst or an over exaggeration at best. I just told her that I read an article on it. Not that I bought into their theories just that my mind was open to looking at what they had and Wether or not it was true but she got down right pissed off that someone would even suggest such a thing. Same with bio-engineering and Chem trails. I'm the kind of person that is open to investigating anything as long as they have evidence to back it up. I'm still on the fence on subjects like Sandy Hook and the Boston Bombing. But it doesn't piss me off that someone might suggest that Sandy Hook might be a hoax because I don't put anything past this government. But getting pissed off about it makes as much sense to me as saying that the 9/11 is an inside job theory is not supporting the troops.

I actually very much agree with OP that every person is unique and important. However, I am a realist. Pretending everything is sunshine and rainbows, and convincing kids they're special snowflakes is exactly why we're in the situation we're in. We've got on our hands a pharmaceutically deadened, LED screen hypnotized, porn addicted, violence desensitized, junk food addled population of narcissistic zombies who need trigger warnings on their school text books. The truth, though? It's not their fault. Society raised these kids to believe they are the center of their own special little universe, and now it's using their self interest against them. We've taught them that everyone can be rich and famous. We've taught them they can have a university education, mortgage and a brand new car with no money down, but didn't explain that the bill will eventually come due. The reality of that situation is starting to dawn on these kids, and year over year there's going to be more and more of them in the same situation and they're going to be pissed. The debt will never be forgiven. This system has been carefully designed to entrap as many of these impressionable young people into perpetual slavery as possible, and it worked beyond their wildest dreams. Believing that burden will simply disappear 'after the collapse' is precisely the type of delusional fantasy these vultures prey on, and exactly the type of, "I'm too special to be a slave," programming I'm talking about. More spiritual than their parents? That's not what I see. I was born at the tail end of generation X and the very beginning of the millennial generation, and the culture of the people only 10 years younger than me is alien. When I was in my mid twenties, I had lots of friends in their thirties. Now that I'm in my mid thirties, I wouldn't have a clue how to connect with most 25 year olds. "Hey man, don't harsh my mellow," doesn't fix anything, and neither does pretending we don't have huge problems that need to be addressed RIGHT NOW. In five years we're going to have an entire generation of voting age kids who've never known what it's like to live a surveillance-free life. That's harsh, dude.

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I know exactly what you mean. It's like people that are unsatisfied with themselves, or are depressed try to find a person who is for a lack of better words happy go lucky then try to make them feel bad about anything just to bring that person to their level of unhappiness. And the second the person realized their depressing or sad words worked and they had successfully brought the happy go lucky person to their level. It would instantly make the person who was originally depressed feel better in a fucked up sense of sympathy.that's like oh I feel bad so you should feel bad and now I will feel not happy but more satisfied now that we're both feeling bad I don't feel as bad. If that makes sense. Haha rant over.

Well said!