TIL Iceland has had a revolution and its government has been replaced.

1141  2015-03-07 by [deleted]

Google 'kitchenware revolution'. Almost all media coverage was outside of the US. In short, the people of Iceland peacefully overthrew the government and instated an entirely new body of politicians, and also began writing a new constitution. It began in 2008 after a national economic crash due to banking fraud very similar to what happened in the US.


You forgot the most delicious part, they threw all the fucking bankers in jail!

Iceland's bankers had broken the law. Everyone elses are, even today, still writing it.

They're still breaking it systemically, just paying to prevent anything from going to trial, e.g. http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/news/the-9-billion-witness-20141106

And their economy recovered without the bankers....who would gave known D:

But but, whatabout "too big too fail?" Surely these cocksuckers in government and business weren't lying! /s

Its fucking iceland. The krona trades at 136 to 1 USD. Its population is 323,002. The Antelope Valley in California has a greater population. You're a fucking moron, to think that Iceland is of grave important to the worlds economy.

Not to the world's economy, moron yourself, but to Iceland's economy. The banking sector in Iceland had swelled disproportionately and by some measures outgrew the rest of the economy. And the government still managed to jail the CEOs and take over many of the private banks. The result was a short period of contraction and then period of rapid recovery, which is how any decent government can solve a financial crisis if it wants to.

The US government didn't coddle American banks because the politicians in charge cry at night thinking about how their actions might negatively affect the world economy. They coddled them because they sleep in the same beds and dine at the same restaurants and golf at the same country clubs.

The US banks weren't just important to the US economy, they were important to the worlds economy.

Yes, they were and are. But that's an extra incentive to fix them once and for all instead of letting the problems fester and spread. The world economy didn't immediately go into recession after Wall Street crashed in 2008. It took a couple years to really hit Europe and Asia. The trouble is that they've stayed down since, with little recovery.

My main point is that those who made the decisions about the banks in 2008-2009 weren't concerned about the world. Letting your biggest financial institutions run on fraud without punishment isn't preserving stability, it's creating enormous risks down the road and rewarding criminal behavior. The market can't run without trust and fair rules.

So they get to operate with impunity, got it.

You're a bootlicker of the worst kind, shining up jackboots so they can stomp on necks.

I didn't saw that either, but acting smug and superior, because a tiny comparative country was able to take different actions during the worse of the recession, and wondering why other countries can't just all cookie cutter it the same way.

If you want discuss if they should have been restructured and divided up? Thats worthwhile.

A better discussion would be why you seem to think it's OK for megabanks to operate with impunity.

At this rate we're going to all get collectively fucked once again by their and their cronies (paid for politicians) so they can gorge like hogs at a trough.

Never said that either.

you high?

Not really. They are still pretty weak. Billionaire investorn Kyle Bass refers to Iceland as the "investment roach motel"

Their economy had the benefit of defaulting on all of their previous debts to other countries.

It sure would be nice if countries could just decide to not pay debts anymore.


If everyone did it... who would suffer? Nobody, except the few people who own the money. Any system that governs any nation is only a legitimate system as long as the people say it is (aka mass complacency, socialized acceptance, democracy)

If everyone did it... who would suffer? Nobody, except the few people who own the money. Any system that governs any nation is only a legitimate system as long as the people say it is (aka mass complacency, socialized acceptance, democracy)

This. is. the. problem. and. the. solution. We keep accepting the premise, but it doesn't have to be this way.

The reason there was a media blackout (for all intents and purposes) in the U.S is because our government prefers to bail them out with taxpayer money. "Too big to fail." It's a matter of privatization of profit and socializing the losses. It's apparent who really runs the U.S. Government.

The blackout was because our ruling elite don't want us to know just how easy it is to recover economically with uncorrupt (yeah, it's not a real word, but it gets my point across) politicians and bankers in control.


Well! this is quite some time ago and the same goverment that was overthrown is back in charge again. Also I may add that we were in so much debt that no other then the IMF took partly control of our money here. This looks like "Fuck you NWO" to you guys, but is faaaaar from it.

Source : Icelander.

Their back in charge again? Can you give me some information or links on that? I just want to read about it.

Sure... It was the Independence Party (Sjálfstæðisflokkurinn) that was in control until the "Kitchenware Revolution". There was left wing party that got elected after that. But during the election of 2013 they gained again more seats at the parliamentary. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Icelandic_parliamentary_election,_2013

Also here you can see how the Independence party has been in control since the ’80 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Independence_Party_(Iceland)

Damn. Why isn't this the topmost rated comment in this entire thread?

Because this was turfed hard. Rose very fast.

The revolution was still impressive. They forced the government to resign, elected 25 common people and rewrote their constitution.

not 25 common people... 2 of the Left wing oppositions partys took control. And about the constitution... we made really few changes. Mainly about big issues being turned to a national vote.

The "25 common people" he's talking about are the members of the "Stjórnlagaráð" (i.e. the committee that wrote a proposal for a new constitution).

That the people revolted with at least some success is indeed impressive. What opalextra said above and what their response was to you right here is quite a bit tempering, however.

...elected 25 common people and rewrote their constitution.

The constitution hasn't been rewritten. We still have the same constitution.

Are they hiring? ;)

Depends, do you like 23 hours of darkness a day?

Isn't that basically reddit?

why is my skin translucent?

I'm ginger so it's ok for me to be a pasty shit, hire me plox Iceland

Plus free air.

I'm willing to make some sacrifices. Plus I can bring 20 years worth if vitamin D if needed.

I know a guy.

A co worker from Scotland didn't like Iceland because of the weather.

Now that's some bad ass weather.

Its the opposite in the summer. I went there once and played golf at 2 a.m. It was still nice and light.

Only during the winter. In the summer they have 23 hours of daylight. Not sure if that makes it too much better, but still.

Fuck yeah I do :D

This sounds like my sorta country.

You still falling for the Vikings Greenland / Iceland trick?

Damn Vikings!

Iceland isn't that far north, is it? Besides that means 23 of light in the summer. :)

Edit: Okay. Guess it is that far north.

... and like eating weird dried fish?

Since they're the world leader in per-capita cannabis use, I'm sure anything that can be eaten will be.

Well, on the other side of the year, isn't it 23 hours of sunlight a day? Ya gotcher pros, ya gotcher cons. It's all about how you choose to look at it.

The losers who run our countries dont want a 'Western Spring' just like the Arab Spring.

Neither do you.

Controlled opposition; no thanks.

Dont take everything literally. I was trying to make a point. Obviously dont want a revolution that has the same nature as the Arab Spring.

Or the French Revolution or its even more macabre copycat, the Soviet one.

See: it's already here.

Planet Money and other NPR/PRI shows have covered this extensively.


Awesome thanks

My Second favorite podcast.

What's your first favorite?


Freakonomics maybe? As for fiction work Snap Judgement is definitely one hell of a show!

IT was covered. Just negatively, and on the contingency that it would fail. Similar to the rhetoric that is used which says communism failed.

Communism didn't fail.



Iv would say the closest thing the world has seen to communism was some Native American tribes.

/s Damn cultural hegemony, even in /r/conspiracy!

Never had the opportunity to succeed

So you mean it couldn't compete?

Anyway, I'm no capitalist. Your views are just as vile as capitalist views, they are both based on materialism, how goods should be best distributed, etc. They are both soulless.


Communism is an affirmation of quantity over quality.

This sub never ceases to amaze me.

What he is saying is 100% true.

Americans have been propagandized into thinking they can't be propagandized.

Bull, everyone knows we can't be propagandized...


But clearly he's being sarcastic so no he's not 100% correct.

Yes, communism only killed 100 million people in the 20th century. Let's try it again!

It's an excuse - communism has failed repeatedly. It's a great idea on paper, just doesn't work in reality.

No, im sorry thats were you are wrong. the conditions for communism have never been met. Thats the propaganda that you have been listening to, how ever pervasive it is.

Proponents of Communism often use the excuse that "it was never given the right conditions". Yet can never explain why the capitalist system that replaced it succeeded.

Like I said, it's a paper theory, it doesn't work in reality (not yet anyway). Anyway, it requires very heavy state control and propaganda, something I thought conspiracy theorists were adverse to.

And the propagandists always say that what you just said. Almost like you are reading from their play book.

Look this is a vicious circle. We have a very entrenched system of control all over the world that makes it very difficult to implement new ways of creating a society to the point that most movements become compromised by these control mechanisms.

Im not trying to make excuses, im simply stating that there is more to this then what you have learned from academia.

But... But... It's either/or!

And the propagandists always say that what you just said. Almost like you are reading from their play book.

The results speak for themselves

Look this is a vicious circle. We have a very entrenched system of control all over the world that makes it very difficult to implement new ways of creating a society to the point that most movements become compromised by these control mechanisms.

Most countries share similar systems, yet have arrived upon them independently, and by the same trial and error. It's nothing to do with control, its to do with development. State control of the means of production and collectivization just didn't work very well, everyone just ended up poorer, so most countries switched to better systems and methods

State control of the means of production and collectivization just didn't work very well, everyone just ended up poorer, so most countries switched to better systems and methods

All instances of communism were implemented in countries with a rapidly growing or bad economy because it was made to look good by politicians. In current historical reality, all communism attempts have failed due to three reasons. Political greed, unstable economy, and size of nation causing an uneven distribution of effort per point of effort given.

Hypothetically, a country could adapt communism if they could base income off of effort/ output, which would require a heavy infrastructure that would have to have near perfect judgement of work per person. This would give society a reason to put effort into work, making less slackers. The country would also have to be resource rich and able to import and export based on the needs of the people. Finally the country would need a rapidly moving political system with a relatively well informed voting population so that those serving in office would not be able to affect society in ways that would help them specifically(increase wage for senate, etc) and the best people could be placed in government as soon as possible.

Don't forget that the economy can't grow rapidly or the wealth distribution could be skewed based on which business is more important. And also that the more people, the harder to distribute wealth. Also pay scale has to change with the profession(reason for education and hit peak jobs, etc) and all prices be stabilized across the nation, or pay scale change from location to location to avoid rural vs urban prices.

So Communism is almost undoable in this day and age. Maybe at the point where infrastructure is so high that not everyone needs to have a job for a productive society would be the tipping point where communism beats socialism and capitalism, but perhaps not. I cannot say.

You're reading directly from academic works,there interest is in maintain status quo by not telling the whole story. No change of system will work while a dominate power is in effect around the world and yes it is control, control over populations to maintain the dominate system called capitalism. We're are going in circles here as you can see. Wake up from that dream world

there interest is in maintain status quo by not telling the whole story

It's not a James Bond film. Capitalism is just an economic system, the private ownership of the means of production. You set up a lemonade stand - that's capitalism.

However if the government collectively controls all the lemonade stands in the country - that's essentially Communism

The latter has been shown not to work so well.. because we thrive best in competition. Simple human nature.

Perhaps one day, Communism will work, but so far it hasn't.

Disregarding the fact that a true communist state has yet to materialize, communism has a fundamental lack of economic agency in a competitive world.

It succeeded in killing a lot of people...

But communism succeeded. The peasants all died.

My great grandparents were born peasants under Communism. They lived to a ripe old age their own parents never got to. Their children became artists and scientists. Some of them got repressed for political and other nonsense reasons, yes, and we condemn that, but that doesn't erase the progress brought by Communist governments the way your post tries to do.

? Capitalisms feudalists murdered a hundred million peasants. Every damn thing the anti-racists did they did out of spite at anything that threatened their fantasies of replacing medieval peasantry with a new medieval caste slavery (workers etc). Your great grandparents were just animals.

Evidence of negative coverage?

It did fail, everyone had a shitty life and it collapsed

It's sad that you have such a closed, small mind.

What, because I think communism has failed to work in the past? Come on then, prove me wrong.

It's a completely mainstream, accepted idea, at least outside of the US, that there has never been an example of a proper communist society yet. If you look at Marx's ideas about the stages of economic/social development it's pretty clear that the soviet union only got to the socialism / workers revolution phase, but never true communism, which would be the functioning end goal.

Outside of the US it is generally accepted that communism has never succeeded, it's only really communists in wealthy countries who believe that it either is brilliant but has never happened or that it worked well and it is all just a massive coverup.

Same crowd carries give peace a chance banners.

Dude - why not provide links in your original post instead of telling us to google? It's just annoying as fuck.

Why not be less lazy holy fuck its what two maybe 3 clicks? You must feel like a martyr for the lazy.

Why not be less lazy holy fuck its what two maybe 3 clicks? You must feel like a martyr for the lazy.

Calm down son.

It's not that I'm lazy at all. It's quite obvious that it's not hard to google. Do you really think that people on reddit are so new to the internet that they don't know how to google?

How about you use that brain and think a little deeper.

I'll help you out - He's trying to inform us about something that happened years ago and at the same time he's also condemning the US media for not covering this story. He provides zero links to support his claims.

This can cause numerous issues with people reading contradictory sites/articles. You should read the comments in this thread and you'll see that the story is not nearly as cut and dried as the OP makes it sound in his post.

THAT'S what's annoying as hell.

So...next time you feel the urge to jump on someone - pause and think deeper. You don't win any internet points for being a jerk.

First off fuck you I am no ones son. Secondly Go fucking spread your diseased rhetoric somewhere else. I am not even going to bother reading this horseshit you are spewing. Stop bitching about being a lazy fuck.

First off fuck you I am no ones son. Secondly Go fucking spread your diseased rhetoric somewhere else. I am not even going to bother reading this horseshit you are spewing. Stop bitching about being a lazy fuck.

Do you feel more like a man now?

Spirit vs. Guns

Spirit wins Guns kills

You're a real piece of shit.

Didn't even read it nor respond to anything the guy said, just called him names. Damn, I didn't think people were still this unintelligent.

I give a fuck, I promise.

Nobody cares.

I don't give a fuck either. Just your ignorance amazes me.

Not a real revolution. The government wasn't overthrown, the constitution wasn't thrown out, the president wasn't removed etc.

So how long until some terroristy thing happens there?

Totally not something the US would do, right?


Pssssh, they would NEVER do that.

Its really difficult to infiltrate and subvert such a small population, practically everyone in Reykjavic knows each other.

I believe there is an app people there use. It tells you how closely related to someone you are so you know whether or not to have sex with them

It's the same app they use in Alabama.

It's a bizarre thought though isnt it? The population being so small that you have to check how related someone is to you

Clearly thats bullshit. The city has 121 thousand people.

Depends. Where do they stand regarding a small and relatively new country in the Middle East?

Ah good point


A bunch of beautiful blonde people get attacked by Muslims believe me the Germans and Americans will be enraged

Oh, so you still think that the elites care about something else rather than power? How cute.

The elites care about the money they would make in a war. Everyone else cares about racism.

It's true though. Mainly because their population is so small, I would guess.

Yeah, I don't know why I got bombarded by downvotes. Just telling it how it is.

I wouldn't call replacing the politicians as a revolution. A revolution implies an entirely new system, with new methods of governing.

Agreed. They pretty much just fired their politicians. Same system though.

i kinda want to not stop this lie but hey its bullshit, yeah we fired our obama but we got our bush back in control, and the bankers are not in prison they are @ a daycare this is a bananastory from a bananarepublic im sorry

and here you can see the 1%prison the bankers are staying @ https://www.google.is/search?q=kv%C3%ADabryggja&biw=1768&bih=881&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=FS37VIelC8OzUZeng9AO&sqi=2&ved=0CAYQ_AUoAQ

and no there are no guards or walls, they cook there own meals while browsing the internet

Isn't this how a lot of prisons work in Europe? America has this odd sense of eye-for-an-eye, Western shooter style justice system.

Yeah most prisons in Europe are actually real correctional facilities where they don't treat people like dog shit.

What, you mean you don't imprison people for the sake of using them as a private labor force? And to let them get raped for disobeying orders? Yeesh. Talk about missed economic opportunities!


so what you are saying is that they are civilized people and dont treat theit convicts like animals?

Nice sensationalist title. Let's try to not be like mainstream media, hmm?

How would've you put it?

There's a line between being informed and being paranoid, if you try to limit how people express information to a point where their afraid to do it, your hardly different from what your where trying to distance yourself from in the first place.

Well, it wasn't a revolution, so that shouldn't have even been in the title. I'm not trying to limit people spreading information, but from spreading MISinformation. Maybe something like "The people of Iceland replaced disgraced politicians in the next election cycle so now they hold no power?" A revolution is where a regime is REPLACED, not altered.

Revolution - "a forcible overthrow of a government or social order, in favour of a new system."

I would say that is exactly what happened here, it's hard to not call it a revolution. It's even known as the Kitchenware/Pots and Pans Revolution - indicating that while it may not be the type of revolution that we might all envisage, it was definitely still one.

Lastly, calling the OP out for a "sensationalist title" when it is referred to as a revolution literally everywhere is like nonsensical at the very least.

indicating that while it may not be the type of revolution that we might all envisage, it was definitely still one.

It was not a revolution. There were some protests and the parliament decided to have an election early. There were no changes to the constitution or anything like that.

This happens regularly in the world and is not a "revolution". but if we want to classify this as a "revolution", then there have been 7 revolutions in the UK since WW2, one in Germany in 2005, one in Spain in 2011, one in Sweden in 2015 and so on.

Literally 2% of the population were involved involved in the protests that democratically-overthrew the government. Almost 3% of the adult working population. the equivalent number in the US is 9 million. I wonder if 9 million in DC can accomplish anything so revolutionary?

Doesn't matter what 2% of our people do when 0.01% have enough money to tell our "representative government" what to do.

Try to post things that help

I think reality is more helpful than fantasy. American democracy is about as real as student government was in high school. Things change if profits are threatened, period.

So you're saying to threaten profits — but that sounds like the beginning of a plan, not the end of one. Maybe you'd like to paint a more complete plan?

No, what I'm saying is that when profits are threatened the billionaires pay their employees, aka Congress, to change the system so it stays in their favor. Maybe you'd like to paint a more complete plan since you seem to believe in one. Knock yourself out.

What I'm saying is, if you're not taking your time to make & communicate plans — then what are you even bothering to do? We have very limited time and energy in life, and it's made more thin by comparison to people that have these resources. Don't waste your time restating the problem; propose solutions.

If you don't believe in solutions, then what are you doing here? Nihilism? Why don't you drop off grid, stop paying taxes and other involvement in the system?

Today, 'your my person' for this debate — just like your commitment to ranting without a plan. So, come on, tell me what you're doing to make a real difference.

He posted the truth. That always helps.

They're pretty much back in control so... yeah

Yes they are

How do we mimic what they were able to do?

Get interested in politics and vote. It really is that easy.

What's the conspiracy?

It's not so much a conspiracy as a cover up. Western governments don't want people to see that this can actually happen. By government I mean corrupt politicians, lobbyists and special interest groups.

Cover up? Everytime Iceland did something following the recession it was on the front page of reddit, reported on by western media. (no not fox news or cnn)

(no not fox news or cnn)

That counts as a cover-up to me. God forbid we headline people who are actually finding solutions to this madness.

That's true in a sense, but in all reality those news sources as well as the nightly news, are becoming irrelevant very quickly.

More people look at the front page of reddit than watch fox and cnn combined. By far.

But the people that need that info the most are those still glued to their TV sets.

The people glued to their TV sets probably have no idea what an Iceland is. They're a lost cause. The internet informed generation will be the difference maker.

No fucking cover up. It was covered all over the western media when it was happening.

I love these replies.

It was actually pretty simple. Iceland went bankrupt, which made it all a lot easier.

I never thought I would see this on reddit. On the front page, no less.

Iceland is a very small country which can easily be erased from msm. If something like that happens in another major european country, I foresee fun times, and chances are moderately high that greece could be one such country. Time will tell.

Easier to do because their population is so small

Really, you people didn't know? That's sad....

It was all over social media years ago, probably upvoted by people who are new to this sort of thing

So, like a cacerolazo... neat.

It amazes me that a revolution on this level, even if Iceland isn't a greatly populated country, can go unheard of. Obviously, political elites don't want us hearing about this but how the hell have I not heard about this through another source?

This has nothing to do with conspiracy.

I thought everyone knew this. It was covered by a lot of different media outlets.

Also Iceland is in the shitter now.

Iceland also has one thousandth the population of the USA, about the same population as St. Louis, MO.

Holy shit...


ITT morons comparing Iceland's (pop 300k) problems and solutions to the US's (pop 300mil).

Trust me, the solution scales.


It's not so much a conspiracy as a cover up. Western governments don't want people to see that this can actually happen. By government I mean corrupt politicians, lobbyists and special interest groups.

I love these replies.

I believe there is an app people there use. It tells you how closely related to someone you are so you know whether or not to have sex with them

How would've you put it?

There's a line between being informed and being paranoid, if you try to limit how people express information to a point where their afraid to do it, your hardly different from what your where trying to distance yourself from in the first place.

They're still breaking it systemically, just paying to prevent anything from going to trial, e.g. http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/news/the-9-billion-witness-20141106

Bull, everyone knows we can't be propagandized...


But... But... It's either/or!

And the propagandists always say that what you just said. Almost like you are reading from their play book.

The results speak for themselves

Look this is a vicious circle. We have a very entrenched system of control all over the world that makes it very difficult to implement new ways of creating a society to the point that most movements become compromised by these control mechanisms.

Most countries share similar systems, yet have arrived upon them independently, and by the same trial and error. It's nothing to do with control, its to do with development. State control of the means of production and collectivization just didn't work very well, everyone just ended up poorer, so most countries switched to better systems and methods

Communism is an affirmation of quantity over quality.

Clearly thats bullshit. The city has 121 thousand people.