#ModTalkLeaks Part 2 is live! 30,000+ new lines of leaks from the reddit moderators inner circle.

32  2015-03-10 by [deleted]


/u/XavierMendel wrote this. Just some food for thought.

He also lost his mod spot on /r/srotd in relation for these leaks.

I respect him and I know full well that he is fighting for the right side.

Fair enough. I just thought I would point out the ooey-gooey sticky-icky delicious irony.

Don't get confused,

He said it himself, he released these logs as retaliation against these people fucking with him. He is fighting for self preservation, not sides.

It doesn't sound like he thinks too highly of the conspiracy community

This is satire right? Or a joke about /r/conspiracy being the subreddit of the day, mentioned in the comments. Or just general trolling. I've never heard of this xavier dude, what's was the context of this?

He leaked the first modmail, and made KiA Subreddit of the day so it would get full visibility. RIP xavierdude.

Heh - I think it's great to have satire of /r/conspiracy's worst tendencies. Also, FWIW the new leaks are very findable.

That's pretty deep

Sep 08 14:55:42 <theredditpope> God, isn't that r/conspiracy and r/undelete rolled up into one? A group of angry people using free speech as a weapon.

Fitting username for someone so pompous. Promotion of free speech is considered an act of anger now. And we're using free speech as a "weapon". With our anger. A reddit moderator actually said this.

/u/theredditpope is a troll. Nothing more, nothing less. He exists only to further the agenda that moderators should be able to manipulate the organic curation of content as they see fit.

Moderator of /r/politics...wonder if they'd care over there that one of their mods thinks this way.

They all think that way; they are one of the bastions of the "mods as editors faction" that has been exposed by these leaks.

I meant the normal users/readers, but yeah I believe that.

Thanks for putting this together.

Have a beer on me. /u/changetip

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He is wandering dangerously close to posting PI here.

If you see any PI contained in the links please report it to the mods. The post will be taken down until the PI is removed.

how so


A couple of days ago I leaked a bunch of shit from #Modtalk under my policy of "fuck with me and I post stuff"

That's a shitty policy as any other mod. If /u/XavierMendel was a TRUE champion on the reddit users, he would have leaked this info regardless of if someone 'fucked' with him. The goal is not become the blackmailing abusive mods. This info should have been public form the GET GO.

I don't think he's trying to blackmail. I think he's leaking to defend himself from another "project panda".

Project panda was an operation run by the goons from something awful which resulted in the predditors tumblr being used to doxx another mod who was starting to have doubts about the actions of some of his "colleagues".

I don't think he's trying to blackmail.

It's blackmail.

I think he's leaking to defend himself

That's selfish as FUCK for a snowden wanabee. THE PEOPLE NEEDED TO KNOW.

And he needed to put himself in a position where the leaks could continue after he made the initial drop. I know what he's up to and I respect how he is going about this.

I do not agree.

You wouldnt even know any of this was happening if he didn't wait. You would have maybe gotten 1/10th of this. Demanding someone do something differently and even earlier than they did is the dumbest thing. If Snowden dumped all his info the second he heard about it without actually gathering it, it would probably be insanely easy to just sweep aside as it most likely wouldn't have anywhere near the depth or proof needed to actually give it any weight.

If you actual read his motivations, this information was his 'Dead Man's hand'; he was ONLY going to release it if people didn't stop messing with him, NOT because he was gathering more information for US. It contained PI, so that's one hell of thermo-nuclear way to end a Reddit spat. I simply cannot support that motivation, regardless of if the information obtained is extremely damning to Reddit. That is NOT the right motivation.

The right information obtained for the wrong reasons is tainted information.

Blackmail requires a demand. What does he demand? And where?

It's not blackmail. I'm not demanding anything, or using it to any advantage. I keep it around because I don't want people to do things to me. If I had posted it all from the beginning there would be a lot less to post and I would have gotten a lot less done. The timing of these events are perfect.


What personal information?

Did you even read the shit you are posting? Fuck you. You are ruining people's lives over fucking internet forums.

You're about to cry. Don't worry though, scumbag. You can just ban him from every sub you mod on sight, lmao

I read several thousand lines, yes. It took me many hours. How did you read all of it so quickly?

Same way you posted the initial shit, grepping it


I was alerted to a single line that contained PI. I've reuploaded the file. If it still contains PI of any kind, send me a list of the line numbers and I'll remove those too.

I'm not sending you shit. You disgust me.

So instead of helping remove personal information, you're content with it being posted unwittingly?

Don't post it at all, how fucking hard is that to understand?

It's a reaction. If the initial action hadn't occurred it would have never been posted. In this case, the initial action is a constant stream of harassment from people affected by these leaks, stretching back months.

If you hit someone, expect to get hit back. That's how it goes. I get hit, I hit back. I wasn't the one who threw the first punch. Don't put it on me.

So ruining peopls's live is the appropriate response? You are hiding behind the curtain of anonymity and using your goons from KiA and 8chan to remove any possible responsibility and it makes me sick.

"ruining peopls's live"

You need to get out more. Reddit is not life.

What part of "There is PI in those logs" wasn't clear? People's lives have been ruined multiple times over less.

so you should be able to prove it pretty readily

You can literally search doxxing in google, I'm not holding your hand

You could help him to remove the PI, instead of that you are just whining like a little bitch. Seems like you care more about your righteousness than about those people's lifes. Classy.

So it's my responsibility he is responding to imaginary enemies in this way? He can go fuck himself. He shouldn't have posted shit, I'm not helping him doctor anything

Fair enough, but then don't pretend that you care about other people's lifes.

Why wouldn't I? These people are my friends.

Interesting that you don't want to help protect your friends' personal information. Do you really consider them your friends, or are you just saying that to sound like this actually affects you in any way?

That's some... interesting friends you have there.

I sure hope so.

Was it not trying to ruin my life when I was nearly fired over bullshit that someone else started? Or was it not trying to ruin my life when I got repeatedly told to off myself and make the world better? Why does my life have to be worth less than theirs?

I don't hide. I would do the same things whether or not anyone supported me. It just so happens that the vast majority does.

How did this whole thing start? Who went after you and why?

From the beginning? After I got removed as a moderator of /r/Games, instead of letting it go, its mods (as well as other mods they're friends with) started a barrage of character assassination. Even an admin got in on it. I put out information and said that I would put out more if it continued, and so it stopped.

Not too long ago some mods started it up again, and I held off for a long while because I didn't really want to be involved anymore. Someone crossed a line and I decided I had had enough, and had been put in a position where I must stay true to my word and post more information.

As for who went after me, besides the /r/Games mods there were a few notables from #modtalk. Either it was constant lying and shit talking on the room itself, or some personal insults to specific members of my family (including children), or attacking my viability as a parent, or the anonymous (and sometimes not anonymous) messages with more specific threats, and of course, a moderator or two leaking information about me.

That's fun, those emotions and sudden urge for accountability.

You and your goons from mod talk don't seem to give a shit about the effects of your own actions until something like this upsets your little house of cards.

Upvoted for justice.

B-but Muh karma! :(

If you find juicy tidbits of text from these new leaks, feel free to submit them as standalone submissions. Also, send me a message and I will make sure to flair them with "#ModTalkLeaks".

Hell, you can even submit links from this post as standalone submissions.

This sticky is not a centralized discussion topic. It is simply a megaphone.

No worries m80 was only joking ;)


But seriously, submit whatever you may find in these leaks. This story is going to trend some hell or high water.

If you actual read his motivations, this information was his 'Dead Man's hand'; he was ONLY going to release it if people didn't stop messing with him, NOT because he was gathering more information for US. It contained PI, so that's one hell of thermo-nuclear way to end a Reddit spat. I simply cannot support that motivation, regardless of if the information obtained is extremely damning to Reddit. That is NOT the right motivation.

The right information obtained for the wrong reasons is tainted information.