Zionist or Jew?

3  2015-03-11 by no1113

I rail against racism of all types, and some in this subreddit definitely know this, as I have called various individuals out very directly on their ignorance and racism. At the end of the day, I am against anyone that disparages any individual or group of people based upon their race or color of their skin, etc.

I've have drawn the distinction between “Zionist” and “Jew” for some time now - understanding that although most Zionists are Jewish, it still does not necessarily apply to all Jews.

That being said, I just saw this right now, and have to admit that everything that is being said on this topic is very, very valid still.


We are all individuals right?

the broad generalizations is all divide and conquer.

We are all individuals, but together we are greater than the sum of our individual parts.

The divide and conquer paradigm is one TPTB absolutely use to keep the masses controlled and conquered.

What's more divisive than forced integration?

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The man in the video makes the same point I have made here repeatedly. When speaking about the Jews, I use the word "Jew" because it is the most accurate term, despite the fact that it is politically incorrect, and that SJWs are constantly attempting to make those of us who use the term "Jew" switch it to "Zionist".

You will notice that Jews and white liberals have no trouble at all talking about the evils of "white America" or the historical crimes of "white Christians". Were all whites involved in the slave trade 200 years ago in Georgia? All white Christians? No, of course not.

The attempt to prohibit the term "Jew" and replace it with the narrower term "Zionist" is a ploy. It is a slippery slope that Jews very much want us all to slide down. "You can't talk about Jews when you mean Zionists," they say. Fine, we'll talk about Zionist Jews. "You can't talk about Zionist Jews when you mean Israeli Zionist Jews." Fine, we'll talk about Israeli Zionist Jews. "You can't talk about Israeli Zionist Jews when the crimes are being committed by the leaders of Israel." Fine, we'll talk about the leaders of Israel. "You can't talk about all the leaders of Israel, some of whom are not hard-line Zionists and don't agree with current Israeli policy."

Do you see how this works? We have no trouble talking about Catholics as a group, or the Irish, or Mexicans, or women, or men ... yet the cultural Marxists who are trying to control what words we use don't want us talking about Jews as a group, even when "Jew" is the most accurate term for us to use.

Yes, it's the cycle of euphemism. You can't win that game, because they don't actually care about fine distinctions between "Jew" "secular Jew" "Zionist" "Israeli" etc.

As soon as you use one term, they will make that "politically incorrect" and call you a "racist" or an "anti-semite" for using it. The actual purpose is to censor any criticism of the Holy People under any name.

We used to use the term "Negro" - a perfectly good word with no bad connotations. But then that became "politically incorrect" and we had to use the term "Black." But then that went out, then you had to use the term "Afro-American." But that was bad, so now it is "African American." What's next, "Nubian-Earther?"

That is the entire point of the euphemism cycle.

Zionist is a religious designation, Jew an ethnic one. A secular or atheist jew isn't a zionist because, it is assumed, he doesn't subscribe to the Judaic eschatology.

Israel is 2 things; a nation of people - the Israelites - and the nation-state of those people, Israel.

I thought that a Zionist is one that supports the apartheid state of Israel - Jew or not. That alone isn't necessarily religious per se. As such, it doesn't matter if they're atheist or not.

Such is how it seems to me anyway.

I don't know what to tell you.

Well, if what I said above here is correct, then it would seem that Zionist is more of a political designation than a religious one. This isn't to say that Zionism doesn't use the bible as a huge foundation for the atrocities it's responsible for, but there is enough bleed over and cross over atheistic Zionism, etc in the ranks of Israel and its supporters that I don't think Zionism can be said to be strictly or exclusively a religious designation.

How do you suppose they justify their 'atrocities'? Because whatever they do is done in the name of god in fulfilling the prophecy in the bible. God will restore the House of David and the Temple of Jerusalem (Zion).

A secular Israeli can be supportive of the actions of his country's government without being a Zionist. That's just being an Israeli. The indoctrination and propaganda they have endured is second to none in modern times, I'm sure.

Don't really disagree with much of anything you've said here.

The indoctrination and propaganda they have endured is second to none in modern times

Agreed. Unfortunately, that indoctrination promotes violence and aggression against everyone that isn't them.


The moment the scales are turned, however, they will be absolutely FUCKED if who they're under has the same ignorant mindset as they do.


I wouldn't say things have changed all that much actually. At the end of the day, there are still always secret assassins and suicide bombers that can target and take out key individuals regardless of whether you have a big bomb or not.


And the cycle begins again.

Yeah. Fucked up, shitty, stupid planet this is.

One more war and one more killing, that's going to be the one to do it.

It never is.

All we have to do is wipe out all the people who don't agree to live the righteous One Right Way. THEN, finally, we can have peace.

The problem is internal - not external.

That's as doublethink as it gets.

Are you implying that this is how I'm thinking?

You could not be more mistaken if you are.

ignorance and racism


"Ignorance" means you don't know something. Usually, someone becomes "racist" against some specific group due to actually knowing and living around them.

If a person is of Ashkenazi ethnicity, but isn't a Zionist - than how is their Ashkenazi ethnicity even an issue?

Why do they even call themselves a "Jew?" Why not just be another white person?

It's not that more than a handful of Ashkenazis are actually religious.

So, why the "Jew" identity?

Why, it's to associate with Zionism, of course.

"Ignorance" means you don't know something. Usually, someone becomes "racist" against some specific group due to actually knowing and living around them.


Racists paint all people of a certain type with one brush - which is entirely ignorant of how HUMANS as a whole are regardless of whether the ignorant racist in question happened to grow up around a specific group that had some "general characteristics" which the racist ended up (ignorantly) applying across the board.

If a person is of Ashkenazi ethnicity, but isn't a Zionist - than how is their Ashkenazi ethnicity even an issue?

It isn't. That's...kind of the point.

Why do they even call themselves a "Jew?" Why not just be another white person?

That's what I would personally ask as well, but they themselves prefer to be looked upon and referred to in that manner.

It's not that more than a handful of Ashkenazis are actually religious.

I think this issue goes beyond simply religious doctrine alone, however. Many who do not call themselves "religious Jews" still very much comport themselves in accordance with many of the tenets of the religion nonetheless.

So, why the "Jew" identity?

I would imagine that this is something for a Jew to answer and not I, but it seems to me that there is an insular pride (as is the case with almost every group) wherein Jews simply WANT to be identified as such. That's why. And I don't fault them or anyone with wanting to be identified in a specific manner. Sure. Fine. Go ahead. More power to them. I draw the line, however, where that identity also happens to involve a feeling of racist superiority over any other person.

Why, it's to associate with Zionism, of course.


So much jewish SJW cultural marxist bullshit.

It's the same zionist jews who own the media that have brainwashed you into feeling all that white guilt.

There are differences between the races. Sorry to burst your neo-liberal bubble. Acknowledging these differences for what they are, does not make one racist.

Dude...Slow your fucking roll. Calm your fucking tits down a bit why don't you. I don't even know what tf you're even talking about with you "SJW cultural marxist" shit. lol. Wut?

Sounds like you're getting your panties in a wad because I'm willing to understand that not EVERYONE should necessarily get painted with one fucking brush.

Zionists and racists suck. Point blank. I HAVE seen some Jews that aren't racist asswipes though and that DON'T support Israel. I'm not gonna throw them under the bus just because they're Jews. If there are a few Jews that are AGAINST Zionism, then I'm willing to not lump them in with all the Jews and Zionists that are racists.

Yet I'm somehow some "white guilt" feeling "marxist warrior" or whatever the fuck it was you said because I'm not willing to say "Down with all fucking Jews!"?

I'm saying "Down with all fucking racists" - Jew, black, white, Asian, Spanish, or otherwise.

Your comments are very hasbara-ish.

"Boo hoo racists hurt people's feelings! Wahhhhh!!"


It's a bunch of cultural marxist bullshit.

Wow, man. You really are a 12 year old pimply troll. lol

Your...mother doesn't love you...does she?

Sorry, son. S'not my fault.

Typical JIDF trash response.

Gets rekt in the debate and begins projecting.

Racists paint all people of a certain type with one brush - which is entirely ignorant of how HUMANS as a whole are regardless of whether the ignorant racist in question happened to grow up around a specific group that had some "general characteristics" which the racist ended up (ignorantly) applying across the board.

It is hilarious to see white people desperately try to distance themselves from that slur, "racist." Let me give you a hint - are you white? If so, then you are "racist" no matter what you do or say. You could marry a Black woman, and you'd still be a "racist." Give up, even white babies are "racist."

The fact of that matter is, it's the white people claiming so hard to be "not racist" that are in fact ignorant of what the "anti-racist" movement actually is.

but they themselves prefer to be looked upon and referred to in that manner.

Right, because they are Zionists. That's the point.

Isn't it funny how some are so defensive about the Jewish Identity, and will defend the right of Jews to their own identity.

Yet if I identify as "White" - I get called an "ignorant racist."

Funny, that.

It is hilarious to see white people desperately try to distance themselves from that slur, "racist." Let me give you a hint - are you white? If so, then you are "racist" no matter what you do or say. You could marry a Black woman, and you'd still be a "racist." Give up, even white babies are "racist."

…what the fuck is this guy even talking about? Wut?

…Dude. Reading the rest of what you typed out…I don’t even know how to respond to it. lol.

I don’t know if you’re upset, or agreeing or disagreeing, or “calling me out” or what. But okay.

What he is talking about in the lines you quoted is that, in the minds of the SJWs, the far-left liberals, the academic Jews, and blacks, all whites are by definition racists, because they are white. That's the latest bit of cultural insanity the cultural Marxists who run our lives have come up with.

I have zero idea what any of that dribble is about, honestly. It's just a bunch of jibberish to me. "Far left", the "right", blah, blah. Labels everywhere. Seems a lot of people need so badly to label things. Sad because what it does is actually limit and curtail the mind.

"Seems a lot of people need so badly to label things." Makes post titled "Zionist or Jew?"

Acknowledging popular nomenclature shouldn't be confused for internalizing the concept oneself.


lol, k

Case in point. Thanks for giving great evidence to the very thing I was saying.

Wow, just wow. You are so afraid of the hate term "racist" you've devolved into blubbering.

If you are white, you are a "racist." Deal with it.

Jesus. The level of stupid you encapsulate is...impressive. You have to work hard and make a great effort to be that stupid. I congratulate you. You've succeeded.

The level of stupid you encapsulate is...impressive. You have to work hard and make a great effort to be that stupid.

Wow ... now you resort to childish name-calling. That is what people resort to when they lose an argument, of course.

Not name calling. Truth calling. Obviously you don't know the difference. But okay. Meh.

Nazis and slave traders were against racism of all types (supposedly they excepted their own). As are communists and other capitalists.

So what? You have become the Human and not the Wasp Zionist (Christian Identity) diaspora enforcer of the end of history's anti-semitism (anti-racism) that you clearly seem to be? Congratulations /s

All Judaism is Zionism.

So what? You have become the Human and not the Wasp Zionist (Christian Identity) diaspora enforcer of the end of history's anti-semitism (anti-racism) that you clearly seem to be? Congratulations /s

I have no idea what the fuck you just said here. I tried, and even read it two or three times, but the sentence structure just...crashed badly actually.

Regardless, you and some other idiot on here seem to think I'm some WASPy type or something. The irony in this is could not be deeper.

Most zionists are Jews, and most Jews are Zionists. To differentiate is splitting hairs.

I would say there definitely seems to be a lot of validity in this statement. However, there are also some Jews that actively oppose Israel and the apartheid acts the Zionist regime is responsible for there.

Hey, let's forgive them all because 0.05% of the Jews aren't serpents.

SJW bullshit.

Wow. Hey, man. Calm yourself the fuck down, dude. Seriously. You don't actually understand that I'm not your fucking enemy...do you?

What the fuck is wrong with you? Are you some little 12 year old that has some complex and thinks they need to be a pimply troll and argue against every point on reddit? even as you're not even realizing that what you're railing against isn't even in THAT much opposition to you? Wow. Facepalm.

At the end of the day, I'm actually ALL FOR destroying everyone - white, black, jew, spanish, etc, etc - who advocates racism and apartheid activity on the planet. Somehow, this isn't actually good enough for you, and you feel I need to say that "All Jews must fucking die!!"

Sorry, man. I'm not gonna say that. I'd sooner say all ignorant racists must die.

God, you're an idiot.

Nice try, but no one is excited but you.

All excited to tell us how "we're all the same", and "we're all equal". And yet, you don't have a single shred of evidence to support that.

Instead you fucking parrot the stupid cultural marxist bullshit that you hear all over the mainstream media. Like a goddamn fucking retard.

You ever stop to think for a fucking second why they want you to mix races so bad, and yet they refuse to fucking do it themselves?

Ever fucking wonder, for a fucking second?

Look at the Alien Greys. That's what you're advocating for. That is the fucking result of cultural marxism.

A bunch of degenerate, diseased, short, grey piles of trash.

Now look at the Nordics. That's our future if the zionists are defeated.

Figure it fucking out. Stop being a mindless fucking parrot.

Didn't even read your tripe. Hope you enjoyed typing this and your next response all out. You're getting ignored. Keep trolling somewhere else.


Not name calling. Truth calling. Obviously you don't know the difference. But okay. Meh.

I would say there definitely seems to be a lot of validity in this statement. However, there are also some Jews that actively oppose Israel and the apartheid acts the Zionist regime is responsible for there.