47 traitors petition about to hit 200k

121  2015-03-12 by [deleted]



Funny thing is that Chris Matthews was chief of staff for Trent Lott during the time the democrats sent Kerry to the Sandinistas to derail things there. It's cool though, those were his people.

Yeah, about 200 k rabid morons out of 350 million Americans. That's a lot of people who are crybaby liberals that worships the ones who done much worse in the past.

But it does not matter that Hillary, Holder and Obama were all directly involved in felonies via email accounts at the same time.

Nothing will happen to any of them. It's all grandstanding. The WWF political style.

Your use of the word liberal as a pejorative is telling. It is as if you still believe there is a difference between the political parties.

I look at people like you with pity and derision. You're like the guy down at the bar picking fights with random people after your wife cheats on you.

Your wife is fucking a banker, not a democrat. The guy who took your job is a banker, not a democrat. You're a chump who is fighting against his own best interest in the form of a made up enemy who is exactly the same as the politician you support.

I have pity for you if you can't see the difference in belief systems of the different ideologies on the level of the populace.

You are assuming I am part of a particular party, when reality is I am personally a political atheist. I don't buy into the WWF of political systems that is rigged so that all of the followers lose.

You're the type of guy that hits on my wife outside of a bar, but rather a local store or mall because we don't go into bars. You did (do not) not care that she had a wedding ring and had no sense of who it might hurt (Like kids) as long as you get a piece of ass. Then you cry wolf, claiming it was someone else that made you do it because you were not treated fairly as a child.

My wife is my banker because I provided the money to start the bank that WE own and she runs. Nobody can take my job because I am the job creator. In essence, I am the bank.

I am the leader who fights against tyranny, and considers not only my interest, but the ones who depend on me, including my employees and the companies I use to operate my businesses.

I easily recognize the created ideologies that are a threat to my life, my family and way of life that are dictated by moral standards that you would be crushed by, simply by pondering them.

I call a spade and spade, and you are a spade, as are the ones who signed the petition when they blindly follow known felons and continue to support them both politically and financially with the tax dollars I provided the government and they were given by the government, just as Republicans do.

It's called personal responsibility, you should try it.

If you were 1% the man I am, you would know that I give republicans the same assault when they step out of line as these morons have.

My contempt for liberals is the same as for republicans. You should learn to use common English, it does not make you any smarter by attempting to make yourself look smarter. Using words like pejorative simply shows your ego while lacking any substance to back it up.

You lack understanding.

You still bin opponents to Republicans into a blanket term 'liberal' after taking the time to write all that? You know Republicans aren't even republicans, right? Today's Republicans are far right wing leaning toward crypto fascism. Today's Democrats certainly aren't liberal. They are just left of center in a few cases but on the whole and by their accomplishments they are dead center conservatives. There are no liberals in office, and there certainly have not been any liberal moves in our government on over a decade.

The words you use are loaded, and inaccurate. Use the google 'define: ' function.

You are too stupid to comprehend. Was I inaccurate in my description? No, I was not. So who's the real moron here hotshot?

Holy shit who told you my code name?

It is evident that the Logan act applies here. Perhaps you need a better understanding of the act . Here it is. ยง 953. Private correspondence with foreign governments. Any citizen of the United States, wherever he may be, who, without authority of the United States, directly or indirectly commences or carries on any correspondence or intercourse with any foreign government or any officer or agent thereof, with intent to influence the measures or conduct of any foreign government or of any officer or agent thereof, in relation to any disputes or controversies with the United States, or to defeat the measures of the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both. This section shall not abridge the right of a citizen to apply himself, or his agent, to any foreign government, or the agents thereof, for redress of any injury which he may have sustained from such government or any of its agents or subjects. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Logan_Act

Yah know if you're going to make a petition and sign it you should at least do a little research to see if anything it says is accurate

Semantics aside, it's sending a message. You can bicker and partisan all you want, don't make America look weak and divided to the rest of the world.

It looks like it's already working.


If you want to send a message then use your email.

That's how you really change society.

Changes more than a senator chickling at how stupid and ignorant of the constituoon the people signing the petition are.

My senator loves the constitution. here he is buying chickfila bc they have "they have the right values." After they apparently were contributing to anti homosexual groups.

Well that's completely irrrlavnt to anything else stated in this thread.

I don't give a fuck what my senator thinks if he can't accept basic innate rights shouldn't be decided by people like him.

I found it relevant because it's a perfect example of what kind of douche bags we have "representing" us and our country and writing the legislation they hold us to but not themselves.

I'm genuinely curious. If they filed charges against all 47, what happens to the Senate? Are they short 47 votes only if they are not allowed bail? It would create a huge political shit storm.

A coincidental catastrophe would miraculously occur and the whole thing would get swept under the rug while everybody is looking the other way.

This in itself is likely a distraction from some shady shit they're trying to do in another country that our people would not approve of. Or perhaps another shady piece of corporately catered legislation they're trying to sneak through congress without people knowing about it.

Solution: robot replicas.

Oh my, the irony

Oh my god. This is neither treasonous nor a Logan act violation. That last time either of those things really happened, iirc, was in the eighties. And the problem people were, ted Kennedy, Jim wright and John Kerry.

Even stupid Pelosis trip to mediate (after being asked not to by bush) in Syria wasn't a problem.

They set the precedent themselves in the eighties that it was acceptable to meddle in negotiations of foreign policy.

The point is to send a message to the masses that something is going on and they should pay attention.

Lying to the masses sends a great message. /s

It is not a violation of the Logan act the way they did it. Nuttyyahoo says jump and they said how high, but not a violation of the Logan act.

Dude, you are autistically sticking to the wrong details. Most people signing probably don't know what the Logan act is. People are pissed off about the letter. People are working together to say that the are pissed about the letter. Put the encyclopedia away and get out the popcorn.

It is controlled opposition IMO.

Instead of asserting our anger about the traitors swinging on the dick of a foreign leader we are to be angry over the false breaking of a law?

That sure shows them why we are mad /s

I signed the petition knowing full well that the Democrats and Republicans play on the same team.

I just want to see how Obama try to explain how he can't charge them with anything. Or explain why our congressmen appear to be under direct control of a foreign leader

Oh my god. This is neither treasonous nor a Logan act violation.

Israel's Netanyahu: STICK IT TO IRAN!!!

47 US Senators: SIR, YES SIR!!!

Israel's political puppet bitches just outed themselves. Terminate and incarcerate.

The only precedent that it's being set here is that is that if enough people do something illegal it's harder to charge them all. The rule of law is important. I'm not saying that they don't break the law already. Im not even going to debate the merits of the Logan act. I just think it is important that citizens make sure their government knows that they know the law too. Reminding officials of their duty with the threat of jail time or worse.

In Pelosis defense, Syria was on the list the neocons had slated for invasion as far back as 1998. Bush never honestly intended to not invade them or otherwise intervene.


Non-mobile: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_wars_involving_the_United_States

That's why I'm here, I don't judge you. PM /u/xl0 if I'm causing any trouble. WUT?

So, you recommend that like you, I bend over and spread my ass cheeks? No.

you want to change? Make the campaign something all people can get behind. Vote them out. Every last crook, pedo, theiving bastard in government. Dem, Rep, there are no more party. there is one party, the fuck the people over party. Frum pta to city council, senators, vote every incumbant out. get "none of the above" on your ballots in case its two dipshits. Supreme court epheld that for a ballot. Cant even see the baby in the bath water any more. These tools have shown all they can do is fuck shit up, waste time imbezzel money. Get new blood in. then the next election, same thing. after one term they are curropted. even if they dont get caught, dont mean they havent done nothing.

Old german saying, beat your kids every day, if you dont know what for, they will. Beat these clowns out of office every last incumbant. Incumbant, next

If government careers lasted a year nothing would ever get done. I understand the sentiment but anything worthwhile thats done in government takes a lot longer than a year.

And you advocate beating your kids? A real winner.

What exactly gets done by the government?

Here's Candidate Obama debating President Obama.

A youtube video cant build an airport

That's right, people do.

quite a bit gets done by government. If you are directly reffering to the current state of affairs in the legislative branch of the United States it's quite dysfunctional right now but you don't even have to look back very long ago to see it has been extremely effective. Bill Clinton and Newt Gingrich did amazing work as well as Ronald Reagan and Tip Oneal. So just because things are bad, RIGHT NOW, doesn't mean it's a bad system overall.

kids is a figure of speech, not mine, germanys, if you take it literally, pump your breaks. Although when I was in shcool, the princepal could spank kids, and ADD was down, and no one was on psycotropics and shooting their school up.

Second, the terms are 6 years in senate, 2 in the house, and what are they getting done being there now? You like the job there doing? Think they are helping the people?

I have meds, but yours are obvioulsy better than mine, can you hood me up with your doctor, or some of what you have? My life would be so much easier. here is an up vote, for the simple fact you made a point, a weak one, but didn't resort to name calling or disrespect. That still means something to me.

The petition's legal assertions are false.

This petition sends the message that 200k people are to stupid to understand the Logan act.

You are too dumb to understand vox populi, vox dei

That is not how a constitutional republic operates. That is not how the law operates. We do not aspire to be a lawless tribe.

Yeah, those 200k people are two stupid.

The Logan act is no longer legally enforceable.

You are too dumb to understand vox populi, vox dei

I signed the petition knowing full well that the Democrats and Republicans play on the same team.

I just want to see how Obama try to explain how he can't charge them with anything. Or explain why our congressmen appear to be under direct control of a foreign leader

Yeah, those 200k people are two stupid.