I believe the cops are spying on me

2  2015-03-12 by [deleted]

I don't know where to turn to but I'm in desperate need of help. I've been suspecting that the cops have been spying on me for the last few months. I am quite a vocal and vitriolic critic of cops online (under various aliases). At first it was just my internet going out for no reason. Wifi was fine but pages wouldn't load due to some DNS problem. Then suddenly my mic and webcam wouldn't work, despite being a relatively new laptop. On my way home, I would also see lots of cops tailing me but then drive off right when I'm about to enter my neighborhood.

I didn't think much about it until one day my internet randomly turns off again at 1:30 in the morning while I'm watching netflix so I attempt restart the router. I hear a car moving outside...it's usually extremely quiet in my part of the neighborhood especially at this time of the night (it's also a cul de sac so I can see and hear everything that moves through my window). I look outside and I see a car with someone inside of it parked right across from my house. I didn't think much of it since it might have just been a neighbor but I kept looking out since there were recent robberies around the neighborhood (not in my area though) and I wanted to make sure they weren't up to no good. The car begins to leave and I can see it barely under the dim street lights. It's a crown victoria with no markings, looks like an undercover cop car. I see another car at the edge of the cul de sac...it looks like another cop car, but I can only see the bare front of it, not enough to make it out, plus it is fairly dark outside. I also convince myself it is simply my neighbor's parked car and that I'm being paranoid so I shake it off.

Meanwhile I'm trying to run an antivirus to see if there's a bug causing my internet problems. Out of the corner of my eye through the window I see this second car leaving. A red light shines from inside the car and sure enough, as it passes around through the dim cul de sac light, I can see it is clearly marked cop car slowly leaving the cul de sac. Not more than a 30 seconds after this cop car leaves, my internet begins to work again, as if nothing had happened.

The only lifeboat I'm holding onto is that the police were doing routine neighborhood patrol and the cop cars were jamming or messing with my wifi signal somehow. That doesn't explain why my computer was still able to detect my router but wasn't able to access any websites. It doesn't explain why two of them were parked at the entrance of my cul de sac conveniently both right across from my house, in a part of the neighborhood that sees almost no crime and it relatively isolated away from the city. It doesn't explain how my internet miraculously came back on after they left.

Can anybody explain what is happening? I am scared shitless that I'm being spied on and my every move is being tracked


So your neighborhood is safe but you deduced the cops were there for the recent robberies in your neighborhood, which is a cul de sac? But the robberies weren't I in your area.

You know how I'm sure you are lying? Your hands are typing.

You think the cops are blocking your Netflix. Jesus man a grip.

No I'm convinced they are getting into my computer through my router, in the process blocking my own access to it. I don't give a shit about netflix, I care about them getting into private information

Turn the computer of for a few days.

Step away.

Well of course they are. You know that. Nobody steps up to be "the crazy guy" obviously, this wasn't the only clue. Your story is identical to many I have heard.

Oh dear. There's no such thing as private information.

Sounds like they traced your IP and are trying to intimidate you. Or you're reeaally paranoid. Maybe start recording your culdesac in the future?

Can you wire into you router instead of using wireless? You might want to consider stopping your use of wireless for the time being. If you Internet goes down again open up a command prompt and do an ipconfig to verify you have an IP address. If so then ping your gateway IP address if you have a valid IP address like 192.168.1.XX or 10.0.0.XX then your interface is probably good, if you get replys back from your gateway that mean the Internet connection is solid but if you still can't get online you might still have problem with DNS. Start with that, it could be paranoia or it could be something else. Definitely start recording what's goin on in your area, at the same don't worry about it to much if they are messing with like this their a desperate buch of people. Feel sorry for them

It was definitely a DNS problem. Wifi was fine, computer could detect internet and signal yet websites couldn't load. This was true of all the other computers and laptops in my house so it wasn't a hardware issue. Something was being blocked.

I am assuming occam's razor and like you said it could be just paranoia or nothing at all. But I'm not stupid

As I said you would want to test this via cable to see if its a wireless thing or a network thing.

I think the cars and the router were a coincidence. You need to do more investigating like actually going out there to see how they react.

I was going to investigate but I honestly thought it was just a neighbor's car and did not even realize they were cop cars until the last one left. Then I deduced immediately that the unmarked crown vic was also a cop car, or some other gov't vehicle perhaps.

I'd do some more investigation before getting yourself worked up. So far everything you said could easily be coincidence. I'd start keeping notes of when this stuff happens and try to confront the people in the car if you see them again.

If they really are watching you they'll probably drive off as soon as you exit your house.

Well wireless is notoriously flaky; I mean, even if someone nearby warms up a cup of tea in a microwave, that could interfere. Try hard wiring your connection and see if it increases stability.

If the NSA/any govt agency wants access to your machine, they already have it, and as long as it's connected to the internet they will have access, and there isn't really much you can do about it. If I were you, I would ASSUME they have access regardless of internet flakiness. Also, if they want access, there is no reason to assume that them gaining access is interfering with your wifi. They would gain access, and you wouldn't know about it.

Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me.

what state are you in?

Panic as far as I can tell.

Sounds like it.

Fear is their favorite weapon.

Maybe they're spiking his cocaine with Acid.

And not charging extra? Fuck you, gov, spike my shit!

Yep. Well, that, and then claiming OP is crazy....psyops 101. Btdt.

It's unnerving. To say the least.


Oh, shit, man...I really was hoping you didn't say that.

VA is HEAVILY influenced by the government.I highly suggest you stop all activity until you move.

When i was out of work back in 2012 and making some similar comments about police, i apparantly had the chief of police for my area outside my house. Not sure what he was doing but my neighbor told me he was out there. My internet will cut in and out all the time since he showed up. Its very random too when it happens. Ill be torrenting something and ill go down or ill be online on reddit and itll happen. It wouldnt surprise me OP if what you are saying is true.

"lone wolf" types, as described by the feds, especially unemployed are personality types that they look for when screening for "domestic terrorism". You don't get surprised when it happens to others but you always get shocked when it arrives at your own house and affects your own privacy.

Cops / Agents don't do this for fun. They will come to you openly at first, to tell you that it's in your best interest to drop it. That way, if you do bend, they don't have to spend time and resources trying to scare / bully you.

Paranoia is healthy sometimes, but in this case, with no prior contact from the police telling you that you're in for a world of pain if you don't shut your mouth, this is probably not what you're making it out to be.

If you want someone to "get the message", you have to send them a message first. What if you were really dumb and dense and just thought your router was faulty, or ISP having issues? How is that going to further their cause? Cops are many things, but they are not subtle.

Record them and post it.

Do ya smoke pot? when I did I would think the same shit. Until I realized the news paper guy just fancied looking at his phone after every delivery he made. (4am ) Probably nothing but you never really know now a days. Just lay low and if you're really concerned do some recording. Obviously not hooked to a hackable system. See if they pay attention to when you're not home and such. Then you have something to worry about.

No I don't smoke pot, I barely drink. This is not the first time my internet encountered the exact same problems, it's just the first time I've associated it with cops. I will be looking to install some surveillance device and also will looking to see if my internet goes out again in the same fashion with cops outside again. I will respond with an update if I notice anything particularly suspicious...logically I am assuming that this is probably nothing but for the sake of what could be possible, everything is on the table, especially after something this creepy.

It's not just you, it's all of us. The outages are new monitoring systems being deployed.

Could you elaborate?

looks like an undercover cop car.

LOL. Do they only use the same model or something?

Anyway... the only reason you noticed those cars is because your Netflix had stopped working and you started paying attention to the real world instead of your screen.

I'm not trying to troll you, what you're describing sounds a lot like a psychotic break or some kind of paranoid delusions. If you came here for help I think you should talk to someone, a therapist. What you're saying sounds unbalanced because it is literally all based on fear and assumptions and paranoia - not actual events.

Here is an example - You saw a car at night. Your internet connection died. Neither of these are suspicious. Tying them together is weird, saying you saw a second car that the first crown vic rendezvoused with is getting a little out there... Assuming that those cares were together, affiliated with the police and had just broke into your house to disconnect your wifi is delusional.

So your webcam doesn't work - install a driver or something. Cops do some pretty fucked up shit, they don't do this. They sure as hell don't gangstalk because you said something on the internet.

If you wanna be straight up: The CIA IS spying on everyone. If cops wanted to fuck with you personally, they wouldn't need such an elaborate and risky set up. Also I think everyone on this forum is a loud and proud critic of the cops, so far none of us have had our netflix cut off.

But I could go farther... In my hometown a local writer had a really bizarre sting acted out against him. He wrote an editorial in the local paper that was critical of the police and hinted he thought they were on the take. 2 weeks later he was arrested for drunk driving outside of a bar. He wasn't drunk and he wasn't driving. It later came out that a few rogue cops decided to set him up in a little sting. I'm sharing this story to point out that cops do actually come down on people in weird ways but its stuff that is within their power.

For instance they would always pull you over, arrest you, detain you, come to your door. Whatever. They would just do normal cop stuff but do it specifically to you all the time for reasons that aren't warranted. They wouldn't launch this elaborate scheme of cutting off your internet and breaking your computer and stalking your house. And if you honestly believe that and that is the conclusion you're drawing based on seeing a car or your internet dying then I seriously think you're going through some kind of break.

How incredibly ignorant. You are writing this off as if OP has a mental disorder? It's people like you, who write this shit off as paranoia yet there are loads of evidence of shady shit going down from various agencies. It's people like you that have allowed this shit to get to where it is, by denying and assuming OP is mental and not listening/investigating.

You do realize that the unmarked car could have been another agency (not local PD), with another marked patrol car as a detail right? OP says he is in VA, that area is crawling with spooks/gov agencies. You do realize that cops have devices called STINGRAYS to spoof satellites and intercept phone calls, texts, right? OP says he/she is vocal about the police and an unmarked car is parked outside his/her house and the internet shuts off. OP seems like a prime target in post 9/11 world to be looked at and/or harassed. This sounds like intimidation. The NSA cant cut your internet off from afar, but a spook parked outside your house could, they could jam the signal. This could explain the internet. As far as the webcam/mic goes, that could be a fluke. But fucking with the internet connection, could definitely be what they were doing. As for why, intimidation. With all of what we know these agencies can do, how in the hell can you write this off as OP being mental? They are actively intimidating and spying on dissidents/protestors/people who are speaking out.

Wow my comment just got deleted.. Err never mind I think it's was a refresh issue

Which one, I can see one of yours? Did you reply to /u/SatansAliens ?

false alarm :D

Maybe it was the government, did you check your netflix? When is the last time you saw a crown vic?

Alas, they must be busy, I havent seen one in a week.

How incredibly ignorant. You are writing this off as if OP has a mental disorder?

No, I specified a psychotic break. My point of view is based on empathizing with the guy. If I put myself in his shoes I don't see how he can reasonably believe that a government agency is spying on him because his netflix is down and he saw a car. Keep in mind, his proof is essentially "my internet was down and I saw this car once."

psychotic break

That would be a mental disorder.

his netflix is down

Internet got interrupted/shut off.

his proof is essentially "my internet was down and I saw this car once."

Internet goes down, cops outside house. I'm perfectly sane, and I'd think something was sketchy too. Especially if I'm actively outspoken about police/gov agencies online. Add that he/she is in VA, yeah I'd be spooked too, doesn't mean he/she is having a "psychotic break". We live in a world where this shit can happen and is happening to people.

empathizing with the guy

Really? So, you say he is having a psychotic break? If you really were empathizing, you wouldn't say that. Maybe, you would say you are just overreacting or over thinking, don't worry about it.

OK I'm not going to argue. If this guy winds up in a secret CIA prison I'll buy you a beer.

How would we know if he winds up in a secret CIA prison? Plus, it doesn't have to be CIA. Chicago LEO's are kidnapping people and bringing them into black sites. Have you been living under a rock? This shit is going down in the US.

OK fine, if the ELO kidnaps this guy and puts him in an electric light prison - I'll buy you a beer.

You seem to be the contrarian, that's fine. It's good to be skeptical and questioning. I just explained my story exactly how it happened. Only I came to the conclusion that these guys might be spying on me. As I mentioned in my OP, it could be a routine patrol and their signal/radar is interfering with my internet. That doesn't explain why my router still worked, the internet was still active, the connection was still active, but I was unable to access anything online. It also doesn't explain how it almost immediately began working right after they left. It was too much of a coincidence to let go and I've been brushing off MANY coincidences as of late. My culdesac is also usually extremely quiet and devoid of people and activity most of the time, especially at night. Seeing two cop cars, especially an unmarked one trolling around at that time of the night was extremely suspicious and unusual.

The netflix was just me explaining a sequence of events, just to explain why I happened to be up that late at night. I was not purposely looking out for cops, I wasn't worked up at all andI had no reason to be paranoid, I was simply trying to fall asleep watching movies. There was nothing clouding my judgment at that point since I thought I was just dealing with a routine internet fart.

I have reason to believe they are looking for something much more, or they are waiting for me to fuck up somehow. I won't go into detail for obvious reasons

I'm not so much afraid of prison as I am afraid of them monitoring me and setting up shop right across from my own house. Who knows what else they have done. This is not an incredible thing



affiliated with the police and had just broke into your house to disconnect your wifi is delusional.

Can you read? Op never said anyone broke into their house.

I'm scared man, OP hasn't replied in a few hours do u think he is being water boarded right now?

Maybe they're spiking his cocaine with Acid.

Alas, they must be busy, I havent seen one in a week.

Yep. Well, that, and then claiming OP is crazy....psyops 101. Btdt.