r/Worldnews mods have gone on a banning spree. Users are starting to notice that the "load more comments" button is increasingly opening to nothing. I was "comment banned" just for pointing out that every new days breeds a new viral anti-Putin piece.

174  2015-03-13 by [deleted]

And of course, there is no way to know if you have been "comment banned" until you sign out and click on the permalink of your comment.


If you aren't part of the hivemind you get brigaded, or banned. I used to get mad when I frequented that sub. Now it's just entertainment to me. We're the crazy ones, yet it's a proven fact governments all over the world are beyond corrupt and these brainwashed herds keep defending their bullshit.

ostriches fighting to keep the sand over their heads.

That is a good analogy I'm going to use it in real life to seem witty

We should be sympathizing with them as they're too frightened to face the truth.

Right but it doesnt matter to reason or argue with them. You cant fix stupid.

There is also a difference between stupid and ignorant. I think there is definitely a bottom percentage who would just go to the biggest crowd or to have one principal interest satisfied...such as abortion or gun control, i think they are easily spotted and easier propagandized. But nearly half of people just need to be better informed and educated. It's hard to have an opinion on a scientific matter with no understanding of science. If a person has no capacity for science, then they have to trust their emotional response to the topic. Emotions are easily played, that is evident in watching mainstream media. It is an emotional roller coaster of programming, with nearly no scrutiny. Whatever infotainment will make the most money or manipulate the narrative desirably is what we from these six corporations.

Agree 100%. But, what are you going to do? What can anyone do? The education system is influenced by religious folk and it really screws up any solution in regards to science.

I like to say "if you really want to screw up the locals, teach them religion first. After that they can't learn anything else."

Need superman to save us.

At this point it's just intelligence agents up voting each other. It's pretty interesting how quickly AI took over the Internet and government and the stock market.

I actually think that there are more and more people like us now than there were ever before. The problem is that you don't see it and it looks like there is a lot of sheep due to upvote bots and fake accounts etc.

Well of course there are more, but we're still vastly outnumbered. There are a lot of "sheep"

It's like America wants to go to war with Russia. That is crazy thing to cheer for.

Not when you're filthy rich and can leave any time you want or have a bunker hardened for nuclear attack.

The wealthy that want to live in a world so small that it is only them in a bunker as everyone else dies is truly pathetic and terribly sad.

Hi verylongusernamewow, I know mod explanations are not welcome in such outrage threads, but I'll give it a try anyway. Sorry, this will be a tad bit long and I don't really have a good TL;DR.

The reason for your recent comments not showing up is your negative karma. That is a measure applied by many subs against downvote trolls and spammers. It occasionally also hits new users with very unpopular opinions who exclusively post against the grain across all of reddit.

In your case it was mostly this comment in which you claimed

it is just as bad being gay in the US as in Russia.

which is of course a very controversial opinion and was thus met with a huge number of downvotes.

Your recent posting in /r/conspiracy might have been enough to offset the negative karma collected in /r/worldnews, so you're probably fine to post in /r/worldnews at the moment. If you notice any difficulties, just send us a modmail.

We're aware the mood in /r/worldnews can be a violently anti-Russian circlejerk at times, and we as mods welcome anyone who presents a different opinion so as to foster an actual discussion, but you'll also have to understand that you're not making any impact if you don't cater your comments a little to the general opinion. You're just reinforcing the view that there can only be one opinion on the matter and everyone else is just a lunatic.

That's the reason we won't lightly grant anyone an exception from the negative karma rules. We want those with an opposing opinion to be forced to formulate their point in a way that is more probable to be accepted a a valid opinion statement by the majority, so that they are having an impact instead of merely reinforcing the existing stereotypes.

Here's an example of such an approach being valued by the community and leading to an actual discussion:


kindofa TL;DR: You are not banned and welcome to contribute. Just try to work yourself into the positive overall karma range or message the mods to get comments approved. Also for the sake of supporting your political position: Consider formulating your points in a way that is more likely to be accepted by the community, such an approach is much more effective.

So if downvote brigades accomplish their job with new accounts, they actually get rewarded and you won't see their comments? Thats hilarious. How about you just, you know, let the down votes and up votes decide what shows up, like how reddit was designed? Is this another case of "we mods know better than you, let US take care of hiding comments so YOU don't have to!" this shit is getting more and more ridiculous every day. Just, for fucks sake, stop trying to sugar coat it. The admins and a group of mods are trying to censor reddit. We get it. No need to put lipstick on a pig. At least be more "transparent" after releasing that wonderful "transparency" report.

This makes a great deal of evil sense if you consider this from the perspective of a marketing monkey running a multi-user/multi-subreddit posting campaign. Especially a campaign that uses more than one post working together ... just look at the sex doll pics followed up with a convenient AMA ... anybody who mentioned the frequency of sex doll posts (and how they fought their way back to the top over and over again) in that 24 hour period quickly disappeared ... just one of many. Shit was paid for YO. Reddit made at least $20,000 off the initial campaign and god knows how much will come from actual sales in the next 90 days (20% commission on those dolls is no joke). Serious gravy there and this is just one campaign. The gaming going on is tremendous. I wonder how many long games are being played with many posts working together on one campaign? Just look at the posters on /r/awww and how quickly some of the same reposts are rising to the top followed up with brand loyalty posts related to the cute puppy. I wonder if there are multiple layers of bots fighting each other outside of direct reddit control. I bet the analysts are losing their minds combatting the indirect gaming.

You know this propaganda you're pushing is getting people killed. Good people. Brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers... children... Over 6000 civilians are dead - in part because sick fucks such as yourself hide the truth from the general public.

What do you think is going to happen to the propaganda agents once this is over? Surely you see the tide turning. And surely you know shit rolls downhill. What are you plans?

"It can't happen to me" - everyone who doesn't accept that there is karma in real life.

Yeah. Spit.

Excuse my ignorance. But how are they dying? Whats going on?

The US staged a coup in Ukraine, but the Eastern part decided they weren't okay with the puppet government. They've formed their own republics, but the junta won't let them go and are shelling civilian areas. The western press is framing it all as Russian aggression. And the US public is okay with slaughtering civilians because they have no idea what's really happening.

Much more detail here: http://ian56.blogspot.com/2015/01/how-february-coup-in-kiev-was-plotted.html?q=Ukraine+timeline

Every one of the dead had friends and family, and they will demand and deserve justice. I honestly don't know whether the propagandists, who are complicit in mass murder, will be hanged or imprisoned or completely forgiven. But frankly I don't see why they should be forgiven, and I don't know whether I could.

Thank you for your informative answer. I haven't been keeping up with this. All I know is that the day American troops were sent in to Ukraine that stupid black and blue/gold and white dress thing popped up all over the internet and very quickly. Very odd if the U.S. government had nothing to do with it.



but the Eastern part decided they weren't okay with the puppet government

They were okay with a puppet government when it was controlled by the Russians, jackass. Don't try to paint it like this war can be reduced to "good vs. evil" because that's not the case, although I don't expect a useful idiot like you to comprehend how complex this whole conflict is.

The western press is framing it all as Russian aggression.

Because that's what it is, a Russian aggression which is a reaction to US trying to take over Russia's unofficial playground. Nothing surprising in here, I can imagine Israel would go apeshit too if a major pro-Palestine force appeared in US congress.

And the US public is okay with slaughtering civilians because they have no idea what's really happening.

This coming from someone who is completely uncritical of what Russians did in this conflict is plain hilarious. You're probably one of those chucklefucks who dismiss any evidence/reports that contradict your views with the "US/western propaganda" card. That said there is definitely a lot of shit going on and you are at least partially right, not many newspapers/sites decided to publish the information about pro-Russian civilians being burned alive in Odessa as it would screw over the oversimplified narrative. In a sense, you and the western media have much in common.

You're either very gullible or you will (if you're lucky) have your day in court. Plan accordingly.

I don't even think you and the other guy I was responding to could be legitimate shills, shills aren't that dumb.

The Ukrainian military is bombing, shelling, shooting, and burning to death their own citizens. This has created a massive refugee crisis in which 1 million people are fleeing for their lives.

Russia is not only doing its best to address the matter with defense, aid and relocation, but they are the country in the best position to do so because of their geographic location, they can bridge the language barrier, and they have the logistical capabilities and the military means to distribute aid and provide protection, and the best part is they are being demonized for it.

Not only that but to add insult to injury, the same scum who caused the crisis are threatening and bullying the victims and those offering aid, but that is just standard behavior for the neocons. They commit the crimes then point fingers at someone they have prepped the public to hate for months and decades in advance. (Keep an eye on Venezuela now for this reason. The good thing is the Maduro gov has caught on to the destabilization game and is talking about it loudly, and that's why they are getting slammed in the press and by the Whitehouse, but even the media is starting to call out the government PR scum for their blatant lies.)

Who else do the neocons, the media, and the world expect to address the humanitarian crisis? No help, solutions or alternatives are being offered by the west, just media cover up of the refugee crisis and sabre rattling and irrational condemnation.

But that's the narrative they need to justify a potential US intervention so US corporations (such as Chevron and Exxon Mobil) and Joe Biden's and John Kerry's sons with the help of their Ukrainian fascist oligarch lapdogs can sell the Ukrainian people out to the IMF for 15bil in loans and steal their oil and natural gas.

I thought it was the liberals that are mostly against Russia?

As far as meaningful opposition groups are concerned, the most aggressive and powerful of Russia's enemies internationally has always been the MIC, CIA, and US corporations with international interests, which is comprised predominantly of and dominated by conservatives and Neocons.

The phenomena of the Red Scare is a century old and was driven by conservatives from the outset. This policy of propaganda and persecution made the only viable political left party in the US right leaning centrist.

Wow. Thanks for the explanation. I was actually wondering if there was a new kind of "shadowban" but what you say makes a lot of sense. I mean, it sucks. But I do understand the method to the madness now.

Really, thanks for putting the time into responding!

You're a good dude u/green_flash! Though I will add that your subreddit is one of the worst places on the internet.

it's a nice explanation but it's a more subtle and generalized shadow banning than we expected heh

What's the cut off level for the negative karma? You say that the -39 may be enough to make his posts not appear? Would -25 users show up? -15?

It starts at having a different opinion.

That's the reason we won't lightly grant anyone an exception from the negative karma rules. We want those with an opposing opinion to be forced to formulate their point in a way that is more probable to be accepted a a valid opinion statement by the majority, so that they are having an impact instead of merely reinforcing the existing stereotypes.

I have a better TL;DR for you, /u/green-flash: "If you want your comments to be seen in /r/worldnews, change your opinion! Just read what the "cool kids" are saying, and join the circle jerk!"


2 words.

"valid opinion"

2 words.

"valid opinion"



  1. a belief or judgment that rests on grounds insufficient to produce complete certainty.

  2. a personal view, attitude, or appraisal.

Opinions are just that - opinions.

Whether or not a given opinion is "valid" is in the eye of the beholder - that is - UNLESS mods prevent SOME opinions from being seen.



The reason for your recent comments not showing up is your negative karma. That is a measure applied by many subs against downvote trolls and spammers. It occasionally also hits new users with very unpopular opinions who exclusively post against the grain across all of reddit.

In your case it was mostly this comment in which you claimed

it is just as bad being gay in the US as in Russia.

which is of course a very controversial opinion and was thus met with a huge number of downvotes.

Is this the policy, then? Controversial opinions equate to downvotes, which translate to invisibility? Why not just remove this from /r/worldnews, to ensure that voices cannot be effectively silenced by brigades and against the grain thinking.

You do understand, coming from this board to yours, can be quite frustrating (for myself and others I see try and start dialogues and are quickly at -20 because they simply think Putin didn't start he holocaust or something).

If you truly do want to improve your sub, this should not be baked in to your visibility settings.

Oh look, the announcement of the downvote brigade.

This is especially juicy since they now know that they're not moving comments to the bottom of the page any more, they're making them disappear altogether.

They've learned they can silence anyone they want to. And they'll pat themselves on the back about their pro censorship, anti dissent stance. Keep fighting to uphold the status quo boys, it's good to see you're so happy with the way things are currently with the world.

Since you are a mod at r world news, whats your opinion on r conspiracy? What do you think about censorship? Response?

All those brains and youre still a dumbfuck. You really value your karma points IRL dont you? Pathetic.

Consider formulating your points in a way that is more likely to be accepted by the community

So just go along with the herd? Even if they are wrong?

I agree with your last point especially. It is all about how you deliver your point. You'd be surprised how many upvotes you will get in the news subs for the same thing you say in /r/conspiracy.

I noticed that A LOT lately...on way more subs than just world news.

As have I. Even on this sub it's been happening, as a mod the comments are still totally invisible to me when I hit "load comments". It's even a step further than shadowbanning the user since I'm able to see shadowbanned accounts if I come across their comment.

The load more comments - poof no other comments (I think it's a mobile bug with the shadowbanners).

They have gone overboard, for sure.

Definitely not just mobile, pretty much all of my reddit'ing is done on PC and I've been noticing this more and more lately too. And as I've said elsewhere in the thread, being a mod here makes no difference at all - the comments are still invisible to me when I click to load them, which is really strange considering I can always see shadowbanned users.

You think some fuckery is a good Ambig?

I do for sure. It's been happening too frequently to be coincidence in my opinion, if you go to worldnews or politics or any of the bigger subs, pretty much every thread has a few comments like that in it at least. Even mine from the other day about the Apollo missions had 2 or 3 comments like that in it.

The only thing I'm caught up on is how obvious it is, shadowbanning is a lot more discreet. Maybe it's a bug but I don't know, somehow I doubt it.

I've seen new threads in places like /r/games that state they've got 4 comments, I open the thread and only see one or two.

I'm just saying it will be explained away as a bug. I think.

I've seen this a few times as already. I click load more comments and nothing happens. What does that actually mean?

Seems like a new form of comment censorship, even as a mod of this sub they're invisible to me too.

censorship is everywhere now, /r/news, /r/worldnews are so biased, I rarely stay there long, most are garbage news, irrelevant stuff. /r/Canada is getting worst too. recently, I found here is getting some of news faster than other place, such as zerohedge.

WW3 confirmed.

I've noticed this too over the last few days. Even as a mod of this sub, I still have invisible comments showing as "load more comments" and then nothing happens when I click it.

I've been seeing this more and more lately, I don't think it can be chalked up to a "reddit bug".

forget /r/worldnews -- long "compromised".

go to /r/worldpolitics instead.

Hey guys it was happening on every subredit. I had the same problem earlier on /r/soccer and /r/europe

That only means that comments are also being deleted in those subreddits.

Why would there be comments deleted on soccer.. They don't delete anything there...

Are you a mod there? Are you the only mod there?

If you cannot answer yes to BOTH questions, then your opinion is mute.

That's weird logic because you too aren't mod on any subredit so why your view should be right. Why everyones opinion isn't mute or are you all bunch of worldnews mods? You said it was happening because anti putin I debunked it.. Move on

i was downvoted for saying we need transparency, and every country should see her own buissness, imedietly 2 shills jumped on me or just one with multiple accounts. For this: " [–]TheMasterBane -6 points 3 days ago

its bad for putin to interfere with other countries but when usa interfiers with countries is good, whats up to that idiotic view? every country has the right to defend themselvs and choose their type of government no matter that is right or wrong, it was Lybias (choice to remove itself from dollars to gold not the usa)'s" the part in the parantes is highlighted

it was Lybias (choice to remove itself from dollars to gold not the usa)'s" the part in the parantes is highlighted

Funny... Iraq moved away from USD for oil in 2000 and guess what happened?

the democracy happened

I'm just saying it will be explained away as a bug. I think.

the democracy happened

I've seen new threads in places like /r/games that state they've got 4 comments, I open the thread and only see one or two.