"They looked like GODS to me. I was liberated by the American soldiers." One day old account first post goes straight to front page, gets gold.

5  2015-03-13 by conzorz


Do you mean the one day old account for an AMA? Does that mean anyone who does an AMA with a new account is automatically not credible?

Yea I agree. Clearly them being the focus of an AMA is why their comments rose so fast. If it were some random troll, then I would see your point.

Does any symptoms make the extreme true for all?

Nope, I'm just pointing it put.

And that's what people like you always fall back on, "I'm just asking questions. I'm just throwing it out there." You know exactly what you're doing. You're trying to twist a completely logical detail into something that fits your own personal agenda, while at the same saying "I'm just putting it out there" to make it sound like you're really free thinking and open-minded.

You're people too! Like me :)

This is true, I am most certainly people.

No need to be a prick about it. You asked if by pointing out something about one post I thought the same of all posts, as a way to make my argument look ridiculous. I replied as such already and you start off on another trail.

I actually was honestly not trying to sound like a prick with that comment. I was kind of confused by your comment, so I tried replying almost with a joke.

In a sub where that happens often. Why is this garbage upvoted in this sub?


I just laugh at how hard a lot of users and mods here try to shut down criticism.

Some people also really value karma too, and seem jealous if someone else is popular when their own opinions don't seem to be highly valued.

And the comments are blatantly "good guy American army and Israel?"

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Anyone notice the illuminati symbol in the front of IamBenlesser name I also called him out on it as well let's see what he says about it.


His flair?

Its just a ploy to win American favor for Israel. Israel knows American people will fall for it, like they have. Look how reddit laps it up!

i saw it too. The guy is all buy my book its only three dollars and every child has three dollars for my ebook....... Hey how about not everyone that wants to read your book has a credit card to buy it. Or old enough to sign up for an amazon account.

Or better yet they prolly cant afford a goddamn kindle either. Just saying. The guy assumes much from people.

He also offers to send books to people for free and has given most of them away. He wants people to read it.

Or wants to push the agenda, as this post is pointing out. But no, that would be a ridiculous conspiracy.

What agenda? Kindness? Tolerance? There's no political message here. Just a plea for acceptance and tolerance. I found it roundly unobjectionable.

They looked like GODS to me. I was liberated by the American soldiers.


....because he was liberated by American soldiers, that was their nationality. They literally saved his life. He would have said the exact same thing if they were any other nationality.

Many Jews were liberated by soviets and felt the same glowing way about them.

But not every Soviet soldier was Stalin.

There's no political message here.


Okay, what policy does Ben Lesser oppose here? Or support for that matter?

Aside from the already point out "American troops are great" narrative?

Let's remember our sympathy for the Jews again! And forget about this... The report below is a BBC News article on the report Amnesty International did after Israel's war on Gaza in 2009. Here are some of the highlights:


  1. The investigators found no evidence of Hamas forcing civilians to remain in harms way in order to serve as human shields.
  2. Hamas DID frequently endanger civilians by firing from and storing weapons in civilian areas.
  3. Hamas violated international humanitarian law by firing rockets into Israel without regard for civilian life.
  4. Hamas killed a total of 3 Israeli civilians.


  1. Israeli soldiers used Palestinians, including children, as human shields.
  2. The destruction of of home, business, and public buildings was in many cases "wanton and deliberate" and "could not be justified on the grounds of military necessity".
  3. Israel used imprecise weapons like artillery shells and white phosphorous in heavily populated civilian areas resulting in the death of many civilians.
  4. The researchers were not able to determine why so many children and other civilians were killed by precise weapons. (To clarify, Israel's targeting systems are very capable to distinguishing between, for example, children playing on a beach and militants running across an open field, and yet the former were often the exclusive victims of an Israeli strike. Israel has not offered any explanation for many of these instances.)
  5. Israel killed at least 2100 Palestinian civilians, including more than 500 children.

No one is asking the United States to arm Hamas, or even to remove it from the State Department's terrorist list. But why is it that we continue to provide Israel with the very weapons it uses to engage in the behavior described above?


no one is countering your concerns here, man. Insisting that there's an agenda in the AMA that's some how pro-Israel makes you look like you're the one with the agenda.

Isnt it possible to feel sympathy for Jews and Palestinians? I think that you and him share a lot of the same cares and sympathies. Dont let the fact that he is Jewish and happened to be rescued by Americans (to whom he is earnestly grateful) distract from that.

His main issue is that there is not enough tolerance and sympathy in the world, that includes sympathy for your causes too.

He did an AMA previously on R/history under the user name /u/benlesser

I don't know why they made a new one but there is no conspiracy here.

Why not use the same username as opposed to a new account literally anyone can make?

Of course there's no conspiracy, the Jewish suffering on the front page and supporting the American troops is just common sense...

Probably because he's an old man and isnt a native reddit user. Someone probably helped him set up that first go and someone else helped him set up the second one, probably someone at Reddit itself.

Considering that he repeatedly answers questions directly to "Victoria" (the reddit staffer who facilitates AMAs) rather than to the username of the questionnaire indicates that he's probably not even at a computer and is just talking over the phone.

Oh, homophobia.

You're too cool.

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

They looked like GODS to me. I was liberated by the American soldiers.


Many Jews were liberated by soviets and felt the same glowing way about them.

There's no political message here.