The newest "meme" being spread through reddit is that r/conspiracy is an anti-American subreddit. Just be aware of it.

191  2015-03-14 by [deleted]

Of course it it utter bullshit, but the propaganda on this site is (once again) beginning its rise to the next level. So expect new tactics and new smear campaigns to target this sub. Figured you all should know.


Apparently those propagating that meme must consider anti-tyranny, anti-corruption and anti-Imperialism to be anti-American.

Tyranny, corruption and imperialism!

If that doesn't describe America over the last century I don't know what does.

...wait, we are "un-American"!!

Unfortunately those things are all many people know, and so what they think America means; and worst of all, they have benefited from them, and wish to continue doing so; in spite of those benefits demonstrably being revoked by the same system of tyranny, corruption, and imperialism which granted them for purposes of seduction in the first place.

I'm anti-American and proud then.

The country that killed a million Iraqis. Fuck Rumsfeld

Exactly. Shit is so fucking wrong.

Killed a million Iraqis and how many millions of its own American citizens?

Can we get some links, evidence?

If someone just says it, it must be true.

There was a front pageTIL yesterday about a holocaust denial group refusing to pay a survivor after providing proof which the group said theyd pay 50k for. And there was a huge circlejerk on anti-r/conspiracy in that thread.

On mobile cant link atm

People are all on different levels and some people notice trends before everyone else does.

You don't have to believe me.

edit: yeah, downvote me because I don't want to spoon-feed every user with a full trend report, there are countless correct conclusions that are drawn daily by people just by using the evidence they have drawn from observation. If I knew, in the beginning, that what I was observing would add up to a much larger revelation, then I would have obviously saved and cataloged every little piece, because the majority of people are always going to be late in figuring it out, and someone is ALWAYS going to come out and say "Proof or it doesn't exist".

But the reality is that "Proof or it doesn't exist" is false just as often as it is true. And I am not psychic so I did not collect every instance from the onset, knowing that today would come. Plenty of people have read my post and they will now wait and see if I am right, there is really nothing more that one can do.

Um why do you need evidence!?! Just believe what I say and go find my evidence for me!!1! /s

Wake up sheeple. Open your eyes, the evidence is there!


Yeah do some research idiot!


I haven't seen this anywhere, yet.

Well I guess if one person doesn't notice, then it doesn't exist.

And before people turn that same logic on me, do you not see the people attacking this sub for being anti-American in THIS VERY COMMENT SECTION.

But yeah, you don't have to believe me. It IS happening all over reddit.

No, I'm asking you to show me where it exists, as I haven't seen it yet.

You're presenting an idea, I'm asking you to show me the evidence, that is all.

So I prove it to you. Then I need to prove it to the next guy. Then the next. Ad nauseum.

For me, it has been blatantly obvious. But I understand that different people notice different things and some people wouldn't notice something even if they were being slapped in the face by it.

So at the end of the day, you can either choose to "humor" my opinion and hopefully add it to the observational script in your head, and then maybe you will even start to notice and realize that I am right.

Or you can decide I am "crazy" or "stupid" and just ignore it and go about your day.

Either way.... it doesn't change reality.

Not really.

This is reddit, if you prove your thesis once, it'll get upvoted enough that it doesn't need to be referenced again.

Or you could just directly link to the one time you proved it.

Otherwise yes, it is just you, and an opinion you're attempting to pass as fact.

All facts start off as opinions.

The question is whether my opinion is an educated one, or a stupid one.

Like I said, I don't care if you believe it or not. Just wait and watch.

So, I'm supposed to just take what you say at face value; while saying that there are reddit comments saying r/conspiracy is anti-American, without you being able to back up this very easy to prove idea?


Pretty easy. Show us the comments.

Yeah, its is literally so easy that YOU can look in this exact thread and find a comment. But I guess you don't want to.

That was not what your original post was about though, and nor were they here 16 hours ago when I made my original comment, politely requesting evidence.

This is r/conspiracy, where everything is questioned. Did you expect people believe you solely off your word? It's not just a "meme" there is an organized campaign to discredit many of the "fringe" subreddits on this website.

Seems like a fairly convenient way to discount things you disagree with without any scrutiny.

and a great way to get others to say "oh wow, they're actually are crazy"

MSG is not a toxin bro lol

Thabk God I'm not a female rat ovary, then

Yep, that chemical goes out of its way not to harm you, it just looks for rat ovaries. You're safe and comfortable. Be there and be confident in your knowledge. This is just one example. If it was "good" for you, you can bet it would be expensive for the to use and not in a shit ton of your foods.

Kill your apathy.

Well that sure is nice of it

That is confidence.

so there's a massive conspiracy to poison and brainwash everyone but somehow they missed you? i really doubt that. if that were true they would have gotten you a long time ago.

Well, if someone goes through chelation, they can rid themselves of the heavy metal build up. Our work provided chelation free, so I did it and I've felt like a different person since.

but if that worked why would they even let you do it? for a huge national conspiracy that sounds pretty lazy. this idea flip-flops between believing the government is capable of a widespread mind control campaign and thinking they're inept enough to let something as simple as chelation therapy throw a wrench in that plan.

anything is possible i suppose but personally i think we're distracted enough by petty personal shit to let them get away with whatever they want to do without chemicals. elementary school history classes do enough brainwashing to keep people from questioning our government's morality as it is. isn't it more likely that you just read some different books than most people? rather than believing you miraculously escaped the government's insidious plot?

ninja edit: and they might be poisoning us slowly but that's more an issue of greedy fucks not caring what they put in their products as long as they make money. still pretty evil, sure, but not in the same way as your theory suggests

an issue of greedy fucks not caring what they put in their products as long as they make money. still pretty evil, sure, but not in the same way as your theory suggests

Just not glamorous enough.

The chairman of our company really believed in a lot of the health programs our company implemented. He actually paid for them out of his own pocket and had it in his will that the program would keep going after he died. He eventually got ousted from his chairmanship over the issue.


The whole "us VS them" mentality is perhaps the biggest stumbling block out there right now. God, I hate all the stupid people who perpetuate that mentality!

Isn't it obvious, you either believe Putin is Hitler or you are a "Putin-lover" and there is no grey area in-between.


Fuck that! I love my country. I proudly fly my US flag alongside my Marine Corps flag. That may not mean much to some, but it means a lot to me.

It goes without saying that our country's government has done some truly fucked up shit. The list goes on and on. Regardless, I'm glad to have been born and raised here. Even though my hometown is the abandoned former "Arsenal of America", better known as Detroit. Still beats living in most other countries.

I personally think that people are patriotic to what our country USED to be.....

I am disappointed to see this post downvoted.

The sentiment expressed is quite common - perhaps even prevalent - among former military.

You would be quite surprised by how high the standard of living in supposed third-world countries.

Of course! There are many "third world" countries that surpass the US standard of living. And there are just as many that make Detroit look like a model city.

I love the constitution, and most of the citizens. Its the system that's corrupt, broken, and doesn't give a shit about us

No the system isn't broken it was built this way

Wasn't supposed to be built that way originally

Depends on who you ask....

What an ironic meme for Israelis to spread...

...Because you're "un-american" if you don't want to be forced to pay for weapons that kill innocent people so that the rich and powerful become more rich and powerful.

American is the new anti-american.

it's whats for dinner

On reddit, everything you say that goes against the hive mind opinion is "Anti-American". Someone posted a picture of a casket with the flag of the US being loaded onto a plane saying " thank you for your service". I said I didn't agree with the Pro-military propaganda that is being shoved down your throat starting pretty much as soon as you are born. "Our military is so great, we are the best nation in the world, we are the pinnacle of democracy (lol), if you disagree with us we will bomb you because we are always right"

Here in Europe, a vast majority of people are of the opinion that America is being brainwashed. And it seems to be effective, since Americans believe what they are being told and don't accept any other opinions, because "muh freedums"

They're right. My guess is around 95-99% of Americans are brainwashed. What's your best guess for Europe?

Simple distinction. One can love one's country and simultaneously despise the actions of her stewards. It's not rocket science.

There's definitely a Putinesque vibe about. R/conspiracy is about sifting through the noise.

This is partly my fault.

Fuck the fascist regime.

Literally Hitler 2016!

I am anti-American in the sense of what goes down daily by the Unaware. The being the best country shit is over. We need to overthrow and shutdown government and the financial markets and go back to the drawing board to design a system that cannot be infiltrated.

I love the land, despise it's rulers, and endure it's inhabitants.

This sub has been labeled everything under the sun yet it continues to grow. Truth and logic are contagious.

Sure, just because I want truth, disclosure, accountability, integrity, and gasp! Transparency! I'm anti-American?

i want to be anti America as much as the next guy but i'm still trying to get to grips with being anti Israel , i hate both countries and think the people who live there should just move away , maybe go to Canada or Iceland ...

So expect new tactics and new smear campaigns to target this sub.

tl;dr: The mods need to make some more rules and become even more ironfisted.


I think people here know their are no nations anymore.

Exactly. Just races. Unless you're black obviously.

Smear? To be anti-American means you're for less war and are against the imperial tyranny of Corporate exploitation and pillage.

Just read through the comments in this from yesterday.

The amount of discrediting of anything to do with conspiracy is incredible

What could be more American than justified paranoia?

For crying out loud.

I for one want reddit to become less americanised. People around the world use reddit but links are from US and titled like we the rest of the world know what is happening. But similar links from else where get down vited

Oh noes! Will I have to suck all your WASP Zionist dicks now?


Cool story.

I guess since YOU don't see something, then it doesn't exist.


This is the meme he's talking about. I've seen it in /r/news and /r/worldnews. People will say something about how the Ukraine situation is the West poking the Russian bear and then someone will come along and tell them to go to this sub because it's pro-Russian/pro-Putin.

Interesting that I'm not the only one noticing. But there is no evidence that it is a concerted effort to paint this sub as pro-Putin. Or it could just be that people are so brainwashed that they really believe the U.S. is just being nice and helping the Ukraine and Russia (specifically the evil Putin) are trying to take over the region. So if you disagree with that you are a conspiracy nut.

Or it could just be that people are so brainwashed that they really believe the U.S. is just being nice and helping the Ukraine and Russia (specifically the evil Putin) are trying to take over the region.

This. Obviously.


Got some sources for that? Why would he want and old outdated system which collapsed back? Russia is prosperous under the current system. Sounds like you are spouting the MSM talking points.


And if the world let go of the petro-dollar, the US would be what? Russia is prosperous, that's why the US and Saudi Arabia conspired to lower oil prices. It's economic warfare on Russia.

If you think the Russian military is incapable of defeating the remnants of the Ukrainian military you've gone full derp.


I would think POLSCI 101 would include establishing the basic intent of the western power structures.

Wait. What do you think happened on 9/11?

I wanna see you go full derpgasm here.


Would that include the US government? Israel maybe?

(Careful, your boss is watching...)

The mind boggling thing is how you have convinced yourself that there are only 2 extremes

1) You think Putin is Hitler


2) You are "pro-Russian"

And nothing in between.


At the end of the day, r/conspiracy eats anything RT feeds it.

Are you kidding?

Why don't you link some RT stories that have been upvoted into the 1000's.


No, it's not.

Why the hell would it be commie instead??? Anal sex for 7 year olds? Effing freak!


Oh you're cooking with gas now! Hurrrr-Durr!


Actually he's kind of a pompous monster, but least he's standing up to other pompous monsters.

oh christ.

Your own brain is trying to kill you, softly.

That is, as best as I can tell, objective truth. There is 1% pro-American sentiment here.

You got confused between pro-American and pro-American Government policies. But you are probably American and have been poorly educated by said policies, so nobody blames you.

Pro-American sentiment: There is none of it. Maybe I hit comrade's tender spot.

From your own comments:

Curbing empire building requires the destruction of the USA. Either peacefully by themselves or with foreign involvement.

Nazi Germany was based in part on American ideas. It's well known, and the same families responsible for those ideas are still in power, and we absorbed the Nazi military, intelligence, and propaganda organs into the USA where they have continued to function in much the same way.

Those aren't policy views my friend.

I'm talking about these people, who are anti-American. Does the Bush Family represent all Americans?

George Bush's grandfather, the late US senator Prescott Bush, was a director and shareholder of companies that profited from their involvement with the financial backers of Nazi Germany.

Who the fuck would gold this comment?

Sometimes comments "gold" themselves, lol.

Yeah, its a great way to bring "legitamacy" to rubbish. I see it all the time on major subreddits.

I'm talking about these people, who are anti-American. Does the Bush Family represent all Americans?

George Bush's grandfather, the late US senator Prescott Bush, was a director and shareholder of companies that profited from their involvement with the financial backers of Nazi Germany.

Well I guess if one person doesn't notice, then it doesn't exist.

And before people turn that same logic on me, do you not see the people attacking this sub for being anti-American in THIS VERY COMMENT SECTION.

But yeah, you don't have to believe me. It IS happening all over reddit.

Isn't it obvious, you either believe Putin is Hitler or you are a "Putin-lover" and there is no grey area in-between.


Who the fuck would gold this comment?