IF the Snowden revelations were a limited hangout, then I think it's highly probable that the USA has a quantum computer capable of cracking the most advanced encryption methods.

36  2015-03-17 by [deleted]

That's a big IF.
but I've heard some people express the opinion that the Snowden leaks were a limited hangout. This senario results in maximum benefit for the people behind the scenes only if they have a quantum computer. The logic goes as such:

Anyone who's seen the imitation game: after alan Turing cracks the German enigma code, it becomes immediately apparent to him that he can't just go about saving people from German attacks, or else the gremans would catch wind that their code was cracked and they would change it. He has to use the minimum amount of information such that they'd win the war, aND the maximum amount such that the Germans wouldn't suspect that their code was cracked. .. in essence, you want the people youre spying on to go about their business as if nothing is shady. That will ensure maximum info from them.

Now, let's take this principle and apply it to todays world of the nsa spying on everyone. Suppose for a min that the nsa had a quantum computer capable of cracking the world's most advanced encryption methods. That would be all well and good, but only if you knew where to search, or whose data to Crack. Being able to Crack someone's sequre network doesn't solve the problem that there are entirely too many people using the Internet. There is far too much data to comb through! But... if you could release a story, a story in the news capable of separating the people who are up to no good, from the people just bullshitting online. Say a story that would make everyone who was SCARED of being spied on go out and download a program. A program that not only makes them think that they are safe and can go about their business in secrecy, but also puts a red flag on them, and cuts the number of people the government REALLY needs to collect data on down from billions to let's say thousands.... this would be the most beneficial conclusion of Snowden leaks, as it now solves the problem of having too much data to comb through, and introduces the problem of having to Crack encryption techniques on a small subset of people. An advanced quantum computer would be able to Crack these encryptions... but it wouldt be able to comb through all of humanity's data efficently. Thus if you had an advanced quantum computer, you would want your people of interest to only access the Internet using encryption methods. ..and it turns downloading something like a tor browser into a honey pot of sorts.

It's just a fun theory, and I'm not even entirely sure the Snowden leaks are a limited hangout. But the concept got me thinking. .. and i think if they were, then its highly probable that America has an advanced quantum computer.

Let me know what yall think (go easy on me, it's my first post here lol. been lurking for a while and figured I should add something to the discussion.)


Why would they need a quantum computer when all the computer stuff you use have backdoors built into them that the government could access anytime?

I'd imagine all that back door stuff is to catch the low hanging fruit. It's not that hard to build your own computer, anyone who is really doing anything dangerous is relying on encryption to stay anonymous. With encryption, you're at the mercy of the field of cryptogrophy.. and as long as the mathematicians who developed the algorithm didn't put a back door in it (which is sadly not unprecedented http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dual_EC_DRBG) you're pretty much safe from any classical computer. But a quantum computer could Crack classical encryption methods in a relatively short time.

Yeah, but if Windows has a backdoor, which I've read it does, the government could just install a keyboard logger to steal a password without having to crack anything.

Smart people with something to hide probably aren't using Windows.

yeah, well, smart people in Iran's nuclear facilities were using Siemens' engineering software, and that wasn't enough to protect them against Stuxnet's successful intrusion. Just a thought.

I was under the impression though that the most advanced virus in the history of humanity was created to fuck them up

Tails yeah but still everything has limits, whatever you do is hackable by a super duper computer. But who's getting hacked by it? Not me not you.

Yes, and youre completely right, they can spy on whoever they want. My point is that there's too many people to know who to spy on (if you're interested in any sort of 'real time' intelligence info). In order to make the people WORTH spying on separate themselves from the pack somehow, you convince thme that there's massive spying going on and that they need to take all measures to remain anonymous. Now this subset of people will all go about their business as if they are invisible to the nsa techniques expressed in the Snowden leaks (like putting back doors in windows). But that was their intention, because the Snowden leaks didn't say that all the encryption currently avaliable is useless against their superior technology (Whether that be a quantum computer, or just confidence that all/most of the encryption methods used and developed for the forseeable future will have nsa backdoors)

Your speculation isn't that far off the mark, but it doesn't have anything to do with Snowden. Everyone that cares knew about these programs before Snowden leaked anything, right? The Snowden so-called "revelations" are geared towards mass consumption, not targeted at intelligent dissidents.

So we can go ahead and say that even though the government would want to encourage honeypotting like you describe, Snowden doesn't have anything to do with that. What is Snowden up to?

For this you need a deeper grasp of the cultures of the CIA and the NSA.

The CIA has a lot of operatives that think they are doing America favors. They know they run drugs and stage coups and so on, but most of them sincerely believe they are doing this in the interest of defending the petrodollar and therefore national security. They have a sort of "cowboy" personality - get out in the world and fuck shit up. They are maybe 1 part intelligence and 9 parts blow shit up / sling lead into heads / etc.

The NSA has a different role. They are quiet infiltrators. They are staffed by more timid, intellectual types. Coders. Mathematicians. Hardware geeks. They are passive aggressive.

The shadow government has more to do with the CIA than the NSA. There exists concerns that the NSA can blackmail potential political dissidents and such, but these are overblown. The American public is prepared to accept anyone who is prepared to utter the truth in public. The problem is that the CIA types will assassinate all opposition, up to and including presidents, both foreign and domestic.

Let's go back in time a little bit to a story you probably have some passing familiarity with.

In the weeks after 9/11, many officials of the Bush administration went on TV saying things like air force one was called by an unknown person/group in possession of nuclear launch codes. Within a couple weeks this quieted down. Similarly, there was an assassination threat against Bush on the morning of 9/11. A fake TV crew attempted to gain access to Bush which was denied by the secret service. Interestingly, the day before (Sept 10 2001) a bomb in a camera was detonated and injured the leader of the Afghan resistance movement.

In response to this, the Bush administration started doing mass domestic surveillance without court warrants. They were presumably trying to find all the people who had threatened the President that day and organized 9/11. Given the surveillance grid was already in place, and the administration had access to information via the FISA court which traditionally served as nothing more than a rubber stamp (they have no history of actually denying warrants) it's very odd that the administration would be so insistent on going around this court - unless of course they thought that there were enemies on it that would block them.

What did the so-called NSA reforms do? They didn't decrease any surveillance. The only significant reform was that it reemphasized the role of the FISA courts in controlling the flow of the collected information to executive officials.

Thus, the result of the Snowjob has been nothing that is in the interest of the American people but instead serves to make it more difficult for any honest President to locate coup factions.

This is how you run a limited hang out and what you get out of it. The Snowden "leaks" have done nothing more than put the shadow government back between the NSA spy grid and executive decision making process. This was the intent all along: no member of the executive branch of government shall collect incriminating information on the shadow government without it's knowledge.

The timing of the Snowden leak is also interesting, but it would take even more space than this to explain exactly what was going on to flare up the controversy.

ive never actually heard of any of those reports, can you link me something?? I thought the morning of 9/11 Bush was having storytime with the childrens or some shit lol.

But yeah, Its def crazy what evil can be done when you think "the ends justify the means". theres no limit to the evil tactics someone would employ when they ultimately feel that their side winning is for the greater good. I deff think about that alot, if i had all the information in front of me, would i still judge their actions as being so immoral as i do now. lol i could debate the essence of mortality all day, but that too would take more space.

However I am intrigued as to how you think the people behind the scenes who are there for the long term have tied up the loose ends to stop attempts to investigate them. im sure youve heard about Mrs clinton hosting and deleting her emails while sec of state? That to me seems like the executive branch putting things in place to stop the people behind the scenes from gathering THEIR data (unless you think its really the same people in the first place). You know, during this whole time span that she was deleted emails from, They had mummar gaddafi killed (most likely by funding al qaeda in libya, and then these same people killed the diplomats in benghazi). This is an obvious attempt to cover up a coup, by hosting all the communications on a private server and then deleting it when their done (this is illegal however, the email messages of a government employee address are the property of the american people). If what you say is true, I would suspect that any attempt to investigate this scandal would be denied by the FISA court under a 'national security' violation, whereas before the public knew about mass surveillance, the precedence for going around the court system would not have been able to be enforced because it wasnt something that was yet known to be happening in the first place to need enforcing?

Non-mobile: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dual_EC_DRBG

That's why I'm here, I don't judge you. PM /u/xl0 if I'm causing any trouble. WUT?

when they can infect your hard drives firmware with a cd you put in the computer yourself, you are never "pretty much safe".


It's not the USA that has the most advanced systems. Northrop Grumman does. They work for The Master Race. They are all just humans, but we are like a tribe in the Amazon to them as far as the technological advances we are allowed to use from The Master Race.

Word. Ffs, it's a punishable offense to speak your mind.

Encryption? Yeah right.

If tptb didn't have total control over the internet, there would be no internet.

Assange had the right place right people right time/just enough knowledge to get under the bar before the door slammed shut behind him.

Imo, there was compliance somewhere, because wherever they can't achieve the desired obedience, there's an ambiguous cause of death. Jobs said no thanks to googles global surveillance, so they killed him. Aaron Schwartz, refused to quit his exposé of MIT pedophile ring, he hung himself with a belt for a 32 inch waist. There's a yes in there somewhere. It's happening.

I fail to understand why people don't see things for what they are, other than cognitive dissonance.

Offuckingcourse they have total control. Just look into the GROVER surveillance program.

If you understand the capability of the technology available, you know there's no possible way to hide anything online.

wow google has nothing to say on the topic of GROVER

Jobs said no thanks to googles global surveillance, so they killed him

Is there any evidence to support this? I'm seriously asking. I do know he got cancer in late 2003 and had serious health issues from then until his death. From what I understand, a major factor in his death was his choice to refuse traditional healthcare options and using holistic medicine instead. I have never heard the theory that he was killed or anything like that.

Nope. Just chronologically, it's been a feeling since then...

Plus, they lie.

There is no hiding from them and I mentioned GROVER the other day on here. My source tells me GROVER implants thoughts into people's minds. They can also use your eyes as GoPros with it. I know its in the rest of the Snowden docs. The world will never be ready for the truth. It will just show up on them.

Right. I am grateful for the info. I've been romping around the surveillance state for a bit, especially after I became a person of interest... and some verrry crazy things started happening to my tech...and the like. I don't see this information of which you speak specifically, but I don't need to. I've seen enough.

I've seen them gobble a bullshit breadcrumb trail I threw down, so I have no doubt, they're on the lot of it.


We are building something big.

Have you looked in to /r/badbios sub?

No, but I dig it. Subscribed to chime in on something I saw already. Thanks. /r/digitalcartel is my home base.

I know that 256 and possibly 512 qubit machines exist. This directly translates to any encryption weaker than 512bit to be defunct. Last I heard there was a Canadian company working on >1000 qubit.

If quantum machines adhere to Moore's law at all, you should be aware that 2048 bit encryption will be defunct within 3 years for a select few. Probably 4-5 years for mostly everyone with a spare $100k.

Encryption, at least as we know it now (RSA, etc) is as good as cracked.

This also applies to cryptocurrency, as the currency relies on being difficult to forge ledger entries due to the way encryption works. Encryption broken? Crypto broken.

Got any links. I looked into working on Quantum Computing and, as far as I am aware, no one has gotten close to stabilizing more than 20-30 qubits long enough to run even a basic calculation.

D-Wave Two is 512 qubits, released 2013

"...but, because each qubit in the D-Wave architecture communicates directly with only six other qubits..."

That's the gotcha. It is effectively a number of 7 qubit processors working in parallel. While it is a lot more powerful that a comparable CPU it will only crack codes 5040x faster.


Having a quantum computer doesn't mean they can break all encryption. Commonly used encryption, like prime factorization and elliptic curve are known to be vulnerable to Shor's algorithm (or a modified version of shor's algorithm). That means that they can break most of the encryption used right now, but algorithms that aren't vulnerable to any known attacks are available already.

Computer scientists have been investigating quantum computers far longer than they've been able to actually build them. This has given us a lot of lead time in developing such algorithms.

Just look up "post-quantum cryptography" to learn more about it.
Wikipedia even has a page on it.

Also, one of the oldest known forms of encryption is also mathematically proven to be perfectly secure: the one-time pad.
It's not used because implementation is difficult. You need a secure channel to send keys through, so it's useless for most internet communication, or still requires secure public-key cryptography to manage key exchange. Properly implemented though, a one-time pad is only really vulnerable through "rubber hose" cryptanalysis.

Also, you don't need to download anything special to use encryption. It's built in to your web browser. Every bank transaction, online banking, all ecommerce, is all encrypted.

Many corporations use VPNs to let workers connect from home or to connect physically separate offices - all encrypted.

There is tons of legitimate encrypted communication going around - so being encrypted is no indication of being "of interest" to the NSA, unless they considere everything to be of interest. (Which they might, but it just rules out the use of encryption as a guide to finding what's interesting and what's not).

If you haven't watched the movie 'sneakers' recently, you REALLY should. http://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/sneakers/

Thanks, just looked it up, I mos deff will it looks great!

If they had a quantum computer, couldn't they find a better use for it?

Yes, but what if the NAZIs losing the war was according to plan? The largest part in war was logistics and raw material. You stop the supply, you no longer can possibly sustain an on going war. Besides, the Soviets had twice the tank amount than the Germans. And the U.S. had 50k shermans.

something to consider, OP: it most likely isn't even necessary that the communications of suspicious persons be differentiated from those of harmless persons by any additional measures. The reason is because DARPA already possesses the technology to perform completely automated and complex analyses on the meanings and inferences present in written messages.

Forget QC; it could simply be a flaw in the algorithm that can be exploited in a reasonable time with classic computers.

Don't use AES256, it's recommended by the NSA.

Over my head

This limited hangout sillyness is about the dumbest concept that has ever come up on this sub.. and I've seen them all (Hello Skyrim-guy!). I promise you, it exists solely & for no other reason than to obfuscate & cast doubt on Snowden, an obvious hero to the cause of freedom & protecting the laws of the Constitution. Only people who haven't looked at it closely enough even go there. Other than that it's just idiots, hard-core contrarians (nothing is as it seems, there's always a big twist at the end!!) or paid employees who are peddling this nonsense. For every slightly dubious element they proffer, there are 10 other things that don't fit that scenario at all. You have to have faith in it first, then cherry-pick the fuck out of it, and then only be talking to people who don't like to use their own brains, before you can get this idea to stick. This gang keeps trying though, even though they look worse & worse everytime. They must be salaried ;-)

My favorite: "You know Omar is a billionaire right? The whole thing is a scam then, they must be limited-hangout!1!11!11"

that one makes me chuckle everytime.. I mean it's just dripping with desperation

if Snowden was a limited hangout, it was a disastrous operation that would have been shut down by now. Before Snowden, there was no public awareness of NSA surveillance. Everything and everyone could be and were dismissed as 'conspiracy theorists'. It doesn't matter if there are people who are have gone further down the rabbit hole than Snowden, it doesn't matter if there is 'much more' than what Snowden leaked if the public doesn't care of know about them. Snowden MADE the public know and care about it.

It's all about control and public awareness, and the Snowden leaks created the greatest amount of public awareness about NSA than ANYTHING before him. If he is a limited hangout, its clear that its backfired, and they should have shut it down immediately already. Instead, you have Glen Greenwald releasing leaks every few weeks to make sure that the public is constantly reminded of how sinister the NSA surveillance is. From there, its not much a stretch to convince people to dig deeper down the rabbit hole.

Youre wrong. Its about the Panopticon. They need ppl to know they're being wAtched

except in the panopticon people are in prisons.

we are not. How exactly do you explain all the people fighting back, both in legislation as well with technology?

Also how else is one supposed to expose secret mass surveillance systems without people like you saying he's a limited hangout? Got an alternative?

everyone is fighting back? rly?

Everyone with at least half a brain, yes.

And do you mind addressing the other points?

Tor certainly is a honeypot but quantum computers will never exist for the same reason time travel will never exist.

So if they had quantum computers, then why the hell would they expose the mass surveillance systems and make everyone afraid of sharing important info on the net?

This whole "snowden is a limited hangout" seems more like an attack by government shills, keep trying

If you can't kill the messenger, discredit him. Sometimes it's that simple.

Yes, and youre completely right, they can spy on whoever they want. My point is that there's too many people to know who to spy on (if you're interested in any sort of 'real time' intelligence info). In order to make the people WORTH spying on separate themselves from the pack somehow, you convince thme that there's massive spying going on and that they need to take all measures to remain anonymous. Now this subset of people will all go about their business as if they are invisible to the nsa techniques expressed in the Snowden leaks (like putting back doors in windows). But that was their intention, because the Snowden leaks didn't say that all the encryption currently avaliable is useless against their superior technology (Whether that be a quantum computer, or just confidence that all/most of the encryption methods used and developed for the forseeable future will have nsa backdoors)

Smart people with something to hide probably aren't using Windows.

if Snowden was a limited hangout, it was a disastrous operation that would have been shut down by now. Before Snowden, there was no public awareness of NSA surveillance. Everything and everyone could be and were dismissed as 'conspiracy theorists'. It doesn't matter if there are people who are have gone further down the rabbit hole than Snowden, it doesn't matter if there is 'much more' than what Snowden leaked if the public doesn't care of know about them. Snowden MADE the public know and care about it.

It's all about control and public awareness, and the Snowden leaks created the greatest amount of public awareness about NSA than ANYTHING before him. If he is a limited hangout, its clear that its backfired, and they should have shut it down immediately already. Instead, you have Glen Greenwald releasing leaks every few weeks to make sure that the public is constantly reminded of how sinister the NSA surveillance is. From there, its not much a stretch to convince people to dig deeper down the rabbit hole.