Magic practitioners? Magic believers?

8  2015-03-17 by ScumbagBillionaire

What kind of magic do you practice or believe in? How did you get involved with or discover it? Have you seen proof of its effectiveness whether performed by yourself or others?

Can you give examples of the magic that is possible of being performed or has been performed in the past?


In this book he will go over a preferred reading list as well. Your choice of magic is up to you I prefer the Enochian only because I saw this sigil during a very intense mushroom trip/ meditation. I experienced this sigil in 3rd and 4th dimensions, I had NEVER seen this before or knew anything about magic. When I saw that sigil my mouth dropped I had ONLY experienced it that one time. A demon did end up on the side of my house afterwards it lifted an industrial size trash lid and smelled like death and rot. My intent was this "Whether gods or demons show up I demand to know the truth behind human history." I then started meditating on gaining universal knowledge of human origin. I then saw this thing with my eyes closed and it was a real polygonal shaped thing spinning in multiple directions, impossible motions (4d). It left 3 toed imprints in front of my garbage can. Cat was freaking the fuck out at the 2nd story window where this thing came from. He has not in 1.5 years done that before or since.

SO yeah magic is real.

Do you have these experiences often? As in with mushrooms, like how's the meditation?

I have meditated for 30 years but this was the first and last time I went into the 4th dimension on mushrooms. How I knew it was the 4th dimension I smoked DMT and saw this space. Also how the geometry moved was impossible in 3d reality.

Have you ever heard of a merkaba?

Yes I have that's what I thought the sigil was at first. However the symbols I was seeing on it threw me off.

Thank you very much! How would it be then having never seen this sigil that I saw it in the 4th dimension...any ideas?

This is something I believe you already have the answer to.

If you were to contemplate this further in a meditate state, using Raja Yoga for example, perhaps it would become clearer to you.

a demon showed up at my house should be your first red flag. just saying.

Here is a great way to tie this in to the conspiracy theme of this sub. Pretty much: Magick is real and its being used to control and enslave us.

I'd say that maybe looking into the life and works of Edgar Cayce is a good place to start.

It would be a great start to learning about being a fraud or a con man

If you say so. I came away with a different conclusion after having read quite a bit about him and his life, but to each his own.


he is a fraud. if you believe in Cayce, you believe in any nonsense poppycock that any illiterate could fantasize; nothing that I can say will ever bring you out of your delusions.

While I have no formal training in the occult, I genuinely believe that there is a connection between matter and pattern in this world. IMO the universe operates on grid systems, and human minds (among others, possibly) are actually conduits between this world and others. By focusing on certain patterns and holding their conjoining pairs in our minds, I think there is a means by which we are able to subtly affect our world via intention.

I think that a lot of the real power of these subtle magics come from two sources: Architecture and Tabula Rasa. The architecture of cathedrals and other similar structures are designed to harness the intentions of the masses within, and project those intentions over a greater area. Because everything is interconnected, irrespective of scale, these intentions can even be harvested and refocused in different locations, and these places are where broader outcomes/expectations can be forced upon the world. Architectural magic seems to be the most subtle, and requires a great deal of public control and investment in infrastructure in order to pull off. The second form involves taking advantage of tabula rasa, or "blank slates", in order to reinforce the intentions of a group. Children and infants most likely have a stronger connection to higher worlds, as their perceptions and expectations have not been significantly weighed down by indoctrination. By sacrificing children or otherwise indoctrinating them into these systems, the children act as primary conduits between this world and others.

It's kind of hard to believe that there are people harvesting prayers and sacrificing children on altars in order to subtly influence the world, but I find these outcomes more acceptable than the thought of people in powerful positions doing these same kinds of things for shits and giggles.

Thanks for bringing up the architecture. The fact that ancient cultures around the planet all independently built specific structures that are mathematically, geographically, and astronomically significant is pretty amazing. Hunter gather societies and the very first city based civilizations built these pyramids and stone structures in the Americas, Africa, and Europe.

They knew more than we give them credit for definitely.

Interesting shit.... Especially considering the Freemasonry design of the nation's capital and what not. I saw a picture of the dome at the Vatican and the US capital in DC. The way the dome shaped structures face the obelisk and the the way the lines seem to appear from the architecture is damn near identical.

They weren't hunter gatherers. They lived a sedentary lifestyle around that time due to the uprising of agriculture.

What everyone must understand though, is how the world all received the information on how to farm. This is incredibly advanced stuff, like within the last 100 years we've finally made some huge leaps in genetics.

What is also nuts, is that the architecture, being somewhat different also has similarities. Such as every early civilization built pyramids, also these usually involved mathematics/astrology/astronomy.

I believe this question would be best suited for /r/occult.

Magic is real, and you would be wise to avoid fucking with any form of it at all costs. It's an alluring path that never ends well.

Can you expound further on this opinion?

Why do you say this? What are your experiences with magic? I've heard another user on this sub say the same thing a few weeks ago. Especially with that video of the British kids talking about killing babies and drinking their blood with their father.

Creepy, scary shit.

There ya go. That other guy got it. They can lure ya with "white" magic and shit. Make ya think you're doing good. Magic all has the same source, and it's not of God. God says don't fuck with magic. And ppl point out, "well, Solomon conferred with a witch!" yeah, and he fucked up in other arenas, too. Proof being the wisest man that was or will be still doesn't make you infalibale. Anyways, back to point, don't drink blood, either. That's not good for alot of reasons. Don't kill babies. Yes, they think sacraficing innocent life gives them power. They literally burn babies at thier wicked ceromonies while speaking with demons. In 3 days this will take place under the blood moon in iceland, and it's members only.

What power do they gain by doing that stuff? I'm not interested in killing babies or drinking blood... I'm saying what do these people GAIN by practicing "magic"?

I doubt God's (the Abrahamic one) existence and I don't know if I buy this magic stuff.

There can only be one God yo. All religions speak of the same one, they just all interpret it differently.

k, well that's certianly your right. But the power they gain is corrilated with the spirit realm, and so wiether you believe in God or not won't change the 20th blood moon ritual one bit. Still gonna happen.

That's just what TPTB want you to think.

lol maybe, but it's also what they pratice.

Magic is the internal belief that you can alter Yahweh's pattern and or "tap into" Spirit through an external means. It was written " For the wrath of YAHWEH  is revealed from heaven against all wickedness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness;19 Because that which may be known of YAHWEH is manifest in them; for YAHWEH hath shewed it unto them. 20 For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and supernal nature; so that they are without excuse: 21 Because that, when they knew YAHWEH , they glorified him not as Elohim, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. 22 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, 23 And changed the glory of the uncorruptible Elohim into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things. 24 Wherefore YAHWEH also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves: 25 Who changed the truth of YAHWEH  into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. 26 For this cause YAHWEH  gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet. 28 And even as they did not like to retain YAHWEH in their knowledge, YAHWEH  gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient; 29 Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers, 30 Backbiters, haters of YAHWEH , despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, 31 Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful: 32 Who knowing the judgment of YAHWEH, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them." That pretty well sums up what magic is...

I practice the art of Magic The Gathering. It is a card game in which you use mana generated from land to summon creatures, allies, and cast spells to destroy your opponents. It has a really competitive scene and some really big global tournaments online and offline with prize money and everything. It's a fun game.

Edit: In all seriousness I'm not so sure about magic being real, but I am quite sure things in the 'kinesis family are viable with practice. Particularly Aerokinesis which I believe to have genuinely witnessed.

Particularly Aerokinesis which I believe to have genuinely witnessed

Explain please?

Aerokinesis is the mental control over air. My entire life growing up from like 5 years old to even now (20 years old) I've been able to sit quietly someplace and just focus on the air around me to push specific leaves on the ground or stop wind from blowing in a specific area all together. It isn't a lot, but their is 100% some sort of energy control there. I've also met a few people who could do this as well. It's nothing crazy to like create a tornado, but it's enough to get a damn kite off the ground. I live in a really weird town in central new york where a lot of hippies and weird gypsy people live.

I remember talking to this elderly woman when I was probably in middle-school who talked about all sorts of 'kinesis abilities and that every person alive has a specific element they have some amount of control over just by thinking of it and visualizing that element bending to their will. It's quite possible it was all just a lot of coincidence, like a hell of a lot of coincidence throughout my life, but their hasn't been one time I haven't been able to make the air around me outside not do something I wanted by just focusing on it.

EDIT: I also saw this really old chinese dude set paper on fire by just holding it in his hand and said it was pyrokinesis. I'm 100% certain that there is some sort of elemental energy that flows through everyone that they just need to tap into. Videos on similar things aren't terribly hard to find either.

Yep you ever try messing with the smoke of an incense stick? Ive done different manipulations on the smoke in an air tight room and ive had groups of people focus on it and it makes the smoke "whip out" hearts its interesting. What i think is the most interesting is that people see it experience it are apart of it, but dont seek it out...

I don't really seek it out too much because it freaks me out a little bit in all honesty. I've totally tried stuff with incense smoke and similar things. Really curious stuff.

Ive got a vid of me movong a psy wheel when from agter i first learned about them, it really works. i can post the vid if youd like.


not on my body or a heated room i even put a thick sock over my mouth which made it hard to breath to show i wasnt blowing it...

Could you record this?

And I've seen the Chinese dude one but I believe it was proven to be a hoax.

Law of attraction. I used it to attract $5000.00, and was gobsmacked when it showed up completely out of the blue, without any effort on my part. Have not been able to repeat it though; I think it's because I am afraid to change my life, which is what real money would do. The devil you know, as they say.

I believe that human thought ( consciousness ) creates reality, so if you really believe you see the Virgin Mary in the clouds, demons, stigmata or aliens you really do. Reality is subjective because its experienced in the mind. If you really believe in magic it will be real.

So.... a conspiracy in what way now?

If magic is real and people are practicing it to wield more power and influence in the world, that's definitely a fucking conspiracy.

Especially considering the stories of the Bohemian grove, the world elites practicing pedophilia, and the world elites performing ritual sacrifice.

Come on dude

Can u explain the pedophilia comment? Does that have something to do with practicing magic?

Yes aspects of ritual magic use a child as sort of a virgin lie force. and the Bohemian Grove is deff real and not good. My Great Grandfather was the Keeper of the Grove for 8yrs.

Tell us more about this, please.

I only know what i know, funny as fk when i first learned about secret hand shakes i went and looked at his pics with presidents and yep S hand shakes

And that's a conspiracy. But that's not what you posted.

Just one of the many "innocent questions" that popped up today making this sub look several shades more nutty than usual, nothing to see here.

I'm stunned at how many people believe magic is real is real in this sub. I figured most people moved past that when they were told Santa Claus didn't exist.

Doesn't matter so much whether it actually exists or not; more that there are powerful people who believe it exists and carry on secret rites to tap it.

Well, if it doesn't exist, then I'm not really worried about whether they try and tap it. The child abuse that sometimes is associated with it however is a concern. Seems to be a lot of higher ups enjoy abusing children for various reasons. Really sick.