I committed /worldnews thought-crime by withholding judgement on MH17. The accusation that I was part of "Putin's FSB" went viral in the thread and I was gang-downvoted and targeted with creepy PM's.

43  2015-03-20 by [deleted]

The thread: Evidence proving that flight MH-17 was taken down by a BUK missile

Look at my comment history now.

I was also targeted with numerous private messages. Some even asking me what it was like to work for the organization, because they were genuinely curious.

And after this insanity (which is not the first time), people have the nerve to ask me why I need to create new accounts.


probably because you are not a paid troll

There are certain subreddits that are just not worth it. Why bother with establishment liberal circlejerks like /r/worldnews or /r/politics? If people want to be in their echo chamber then thats their privilege. You're banging your head against a wall at this point and putting yourself at unnecessary risk (i.e. creepy PMs escalating into a situation where the authorities need to get involved).

I guess I am just a glutton for punishment.

I refuse to stand around while lies and propaganda are being dished out as truth. I will be the thorn in their side, and I will not stop being that.

It's gradually changing people's minds.

Same thing happens to me around here. People don't want to think when they go on reddit. They want to upvote stuff that confirms their beliefs and downvote anyone who dares challenge them.

Be honest... the same happens to you for a VERY good reason. Gonna come clean yet?

lol... Drytruth playing the victim card pretending not to be a pathetic shill:

Hey everyone! Feel sorry for /u/Drytruth . He's just "an honest guy who wants the truth". It's amazing how his version of the truth always supports the state narrative.

People are tired of the bullshit manipulators who try to tell them what to think. Drytruth should just fuck off.

edit: nice, brand spanking new account you got there /u/poobuttmcbuttpoo All of you idiots follow the same pattern of behavior: http://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/2zkieb/tired_of_seeing_this_defamatory_refrain/cpk0ngy

Nice topic avoidance by caring about my account.

I've been a redditor and on this sub longer than you I almost guarantee. I change accounts about every three months for my own protection. Not that you'd know anything about that.

And shills always portray themselves as victims to garner sympathy.... seriously... you guys need to develop a new playbook. Your victim card doesn't work anymore.

/r/quityourbullshit <--- is that way


People are tired of the bullshit manipulators who try to tell them what to think.

So if you don't think what I think, you.....

should just fuck off.


Nope. I am for all people having free thought. The issue is that people are sent in to deceive others through sophisticated forms of sophistry and other types of false logic because it serves their agenda.

Wal-Mart has annual revenues around $480BB. The US Corp has annual revenues of around $3Trillion. That is a 6-fold difference.

On one hand, you expect a company like wal-mart to engage in sophisticated manipulation and outright lying to people to their benefit. Why would you not expect the same from a "government" that has a 6-fold difference in annual income at stake?

And whether you are a shill or have been turned into a "useful idiot" who parrots what the state tells you is of no concern to me: You are still doing the same damage to everyone else whether you are paid or not.

There is a difference between an honest person who is ignorant of the facts and a dishonest person who would intentionally work to deceive you.

Wonder why cries of shill are so common then?

My bet is because while people think to themselves things like

I am for all people having free thought.


There is a difference between an honest person who is ignorant of the facts and a dishonest person who would intentionally work to deceive you.

But as soon as someone disagrees with them they are simply "an honest person who is ignorant" or "dishonest person"

Which in reality negates their entire first ideal, because there is no room left for someone to have free thought, cause they are automatically dishonest or ignorant because they disagreed.

The most interesting part is that most of the people like that don't even see that is exactly how they are, and will fight like crazy, absolutely crazy against the mere thought.

So you are for protecting the identity of those who are paid to disrupt conversations and obscure the truth?

It must be nice being you and not have to worry about being responsible for your actions and holding others responsible for theirs.


When there is an assault on consciousness, my concern isn't to protect those who are assaulting us. Reddit likes to cry "witch hunt", but the intelligence agencies have released real witches on us. That's reality and you better deal with it.

You might as well just give up. Everyone here already knows you're a tard-sub troll account.


I guess I am just a glutton for punishment.

I refuse to stand around while lies and propaganda are being dished out as truth. I will be the thorn in their side, and I will not stop being that.