Call me crazy, I'm done. I'm not crazy!! We are not crazy! We live in an insane world!!

37  2015-03-24 by [deleted]

All the shit going on in the world, we are not crazy. I knew a crazy, no thought. I asked him, explain it. He couldn't. We explain this all so well. WE are not crazy. Why do people think we are? We aren't, we just see the fuck up shit and call it out, wtf. I'm so done with this. We all get mocked, and harassed. We aren't crazy, we see shit for what it is. What. the . actual. fuck. We are supposed to think rationally, science FTW. But they don't think, they just believe, I'm living with crazys who think I'm crazy, what the actual fuck. This is a rant, sorry. But I'm sick of it..... Left is right, up is down and you are a degenrate if you think other wise... WTF? We live in a topsy turvy world, i ask again wtf........


I feel the same way. I feel like I'm not playing a game anymore. It's really happening. The CIA really is arming al-qaeda, the dollar really is backed by nothing, the history we were taught in school was a lie.

It really is true and you aren't a worse person for refusing to put up with the lies anymore. I feel like I "snapped" recently. I really feel a transformation taking place within myself. I am thoroughly convinced in the justness of my cause and I will not give up, no matter how 'they' mock.

I read a post on here a few weeks ago which really crystallized things for me -- It's like the part midway through Fight Club where Ed Norton stops giving a fuck and starts showing up at work all bruised and bloody. And when someone tells him off, he fights back.

IDGAF about what people think any more. I'm going to say what I know is true and people can think what they want. 30 stories of skyscraper above the impact zone can not vaporize 70 stories below. Jet fuel can't melt steel. Two planes can't knock down three towers. Cellphones don't work on airplanes today and they certainly didn't in 2001.

Don't give up, you aren't descending into madness, you are undergoing a mighty transformation from afraid outsider into courageous leader.

Honestly, I would rather go out with eyes wide open rather like a Cowboy with Boots On!

You're going to stay solid! You will temper your personal impulses! Short of that, you will never bend knee and you will know what it is to die defending children, women, old men, yourself. That is your transformation, mine, OP's.

When you have a spirit willing to fight for women and children and for whats right, you wont be afraid to die because you know its not for nothing. <-Why our military join and why they come back PTSDamned

Ur comment is so uplifting. Thanks.

Jet fuel can't melt steel!!!

Jet fuel can't melt steel!!!

Jet fuel can't melt steel!!!


Honestly when people tell me thats not how they see or it or thats not their opinion, I've simply started to state FACTUALLY, what you think doesnt matter or your opinion doesnt matter, to me or at all, and each and everyone of us needs to realize this, freedom of speech fuck yeah BUT only if you speak the truth, lies cost you so it aint free speech. Litterally when someone says this this and that in the face of truth simply say "well what you think means nothing, because thinking isnt knowing" REMEMBER its THEIR psyop that all speech and ideas even the most derogetory and inhumane "are important because they come from you" Well i dont give two flying fucks who you are, if you aint speaking the truth you're spewing garbage and filth and making the air stink and its not helping a single person.

While you're snapping remember that part of what we have been taught is that we are only human yet I have found our mind is in charge of our body and all the aches and pains that go with it are reproduced by the mind and can therefore be stopped by the mind with proper understanding of how thoughts are things.

What are you learning? Part of what we have learned is that we are NOT merely just the flesh, we are more. So no not simply human, we are, Spirit.

Turn your electronics off. Take a walk.

Think about visiting a Library to sit quietly, read, reflect, digest!

You're overwhelmed. Step back a bit and find some balance, focus for your personal well being!

I've moved away into nature. Shut the electronics off, except for my internet. My fatty dog does need a walk. I'll walk her tomorrow, she just wants to run. I really do need to focus on health. Alcohol is killing me, so is ignorance. Thanks mate.

Go easy, friend. If you need anything, just holler!

I quit alcohol and cigarettes except socially. I smoke weed from time to time. Health is so much better!


The lean is killing my kidneys.

Booze is the easiest way to check out. Good and bad. In the micro scale, I'm happy to buy alcohol from my country (US), in lager and bourbon. Consumerism dollars kept domestically. However, it ain't good to be addled by ye old potables. But thinking about the status quo is stressful........

Kind of difficult to do all those things often when the world you live in really is so very fucked up, sir.

Pretty sure that this is far more intense for those in War Zones, but they do it, fuck all if I know how they do it /r/no1113!

They might have nothing to unplug but they seek, they gather, they discuss...

Friend, sometimes they find solitude in the shreds that they have left and they come out the other side because someone offered to walk with them, even electronically!

Dream, reddit! Dream well!

Edit: had to add a #1...

There is beauty on this planet, of course, but there is also so much darkness that some of us, justifiably, cannot close our eyes to it even for a moment.

I will walk in the beauty and rage all at once.

My eyes are wide open.


Very well, sir.

Namaste, :)

And to you!

I can feel the love in this thread. :)))

science FTW.

Science has really revolutionized killing people. Ballistics, black powder, mustard gas, airplanes, battleships, the electric chair, tanks, rockets, machine guns, chlorine gas, bunker busters, white phosphorous, napalm, nuclear weapons. Science is a real bastard.

Science is a problem solving mechanism and when the problem is people who are not currently dead, science has a solution for that shit.

I agree partially. Say what you wish but some of our ancestors knew better.

As a college student, I've lost friends and been ostracized by many for my beliefs (mainly regarding 9/11). It infuriates me, but my views and obsession with sharing them will NOT change.

Same bro/sis. I could not quit it. I started seeing the signs everywhere. Use your talents to be the change you wish to see. Peace

Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!

I'm a deist, but looking back... thanks mate. I pray every night, just not for what you do..... Maybe, we do, idk...

edit: a word

No one likes to be called crazy; as Dave Chappel says "it's dismissive." I'm not this way because I was raised this way, I'm this way because I went down the rabbit hole of symbols and found out what TPTB were worshiping. Figured if there was a bad, then the good was real too and He was going to come back like He said He would and burn it with fire. Glory to the King.

Upvote for the Dave Chapelle reference. I respect and love you. Glory be to it in the highest...

I suggest you do what I did and pray for the truth, just the truth, no matter what it is. That was my prayer. I was in tears and on my knees things had gotten that bad and I felt that helpless.

What happened? What truth did you find?

That the devil is real and hollywood is his tool. You can follow the symbols alllll the way back to just after Noah got off the boat. The names have been changed, but the SYMBOLS stay the same; all of them. And all of them represent fallen angels. The same symbols show up in crop circles; movies; music; art; advertising; company logos, they're E.V.E.R.Y.W.H.E.R.E. The people in charge worship satan, (or lucifer, same entity). If that entity is real, then Elohim is real too. Right now they're working on order out of chaos, and it will ramp up until cern opens the portal and let's that entity into this dimension. Go ahead and call me crazy, but there's just way way too much evidence to the contrary.

Have you considered the possibility that this is what they want you to think? Blaming extra-dimensional beings while greedy psychopaths rape nature and steal everything that isn't nailed down?

yeah, that's what brought me to my knees feeling completely helpless. You can't have that kind of evil without the good. I begged for the truth, and the truth is stranger than fiction, and so much bigger than people think.

I really respect your conclusion, even though I have come to the opposite one. It is important not to get bogged down fighting about why when we can both agree on who and what.

I don't fight with people about it, there's no point in that. I was just answering questions, I hope you didn't think otherwise, my apologies if you did. I will tell you though, Biblical prophesy is turning out to be the most interesting subject I've ever researched.

definitely was not getting an argument vibe from you, just sort of general advice that I wish this board might follow a little more. Maybe the problem is that this board is dedicated to discussing conspiracy theories. Are we done theorizing?

Is it time for "r/revolution?" That's super lame, yes, but if people today can't get off the couch and protest, maybe they can at least pay some attention from the couch.


I am endlessly fascinated with biblical prophecy, kabbalah&the occult, ancient sumerian and sanskrit texts. What sorts of biblical prophesies do you see in the world?

These ancient documents are surely proof that history is larger than we know now, I'm just more inclined to accept the idea of advanced lost civilizations than I am to accept anything supernatural.

This sort of stuff ^ resonates with me in the same way that organized religion does. The facts are not exactly correct, but the general outline, attitude, meaning is solid.

Personally, the way I'm seeing things the U.S. may have outlived its usefulness. After the $ crashes, what are they going to do with all of us? I'm thinking that they may set off yellowstone, which really wouldn't take much if you've been watching it at all. What sort of prophesy do i see? is see the 2-state solution in Israel may be the start of some serious fireworks. I see the Hosea prophesy in the mass animal die-offs increasing exponentially over the last 2 years, from fish to cattle to birds. Then there's Cern, the gateway to the pit. Their logo is even 3 sixes and a nine (ninth gate).

"These ancient documents are surely proof that history is larger than we know now, I'm just more inclined to accept the idea of advanced lost civilizations than I am to accept anything supernatural."

Both are at work, and more. Have you considered the possibility that what we usually call 'supernatural' could actually be entirely natural? Our brains are quite small, you know...

Israel's flag you might enjoy this one.

"I begged for the truth, and the truth is stranger than fiction, and so much bigger than people think."

YES. User_Defined, you are well onto the right track. But don't despair! For all of our enemies in high places, we have friends as well. And it may be that our friends hold the real trumps in this game.

Keep praying for exactly that "the truth"... It will show up.

Can you elaborate on this portal?

Elaborate how? I already sound like a tin-foil-hat-wearing-crazy person lol!

Well, I don't think you're crazy. I would just like to know any other details you might have on it. I have read about dimensional portals.

They have a project called Rainbow Gravity. The rainbow is representative of God's throne (rev 4:3) and they're going to attempt to bring it down, much like the tower of babble days. Additionally, I suspect the plane crash today was a direct result of cern's "short circuit," or vice versa.

Deist is an intelligent viewpoint if not for the bible. I don't care what people think of it, it can be confusing and many things don't seem right, it was written by men after all, but christ was the messiah prophesised in the old testament and if people actual followed his message of love for one another we would live in a much better world. The truth about God is God is everything and everything is God. You are the part of God experiencing life as you and when you die your spirit will return to heaven.

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My sister joked to me: its opposites day but like everyday!

By trying to create an ideal world, we've been creating just the opposite. The systems broken and we need to fix it.

"I insist that not the handful of parasites, but the mass itself is responsible for this horrible state of affairs. It clings to its masters, loves the whip, and is the first to cry Crucify!" Emma Goldman, 1917.

I assume English is not your first language. If not, you actually might be crazy.

That being said, I agree with the sentiment of your post.

Probably just intoxicated.

We aren't crazy

Sure you aren't, buddy. Now let's go find your mittens and pin them to your jacket so you don't lose them again.

The left has been brainwashing the entire population for decades. It has a narrative that is a total fantasy, not the reality. We are all expected to believe the fantasy narrative, and if we express doubt we are abused and shamed and punished for our free thought. That is the world we presently live in. Children are being actively and deliberately brainwashed in school to hate themselves if they are white, or to hate white children if they are black.

That's standard government policy today. It's war on Christianity, war on religion in general, war on white people, and especially war on anyone who thinks independently and doesn't accept the narrative of cultural Marxism.

I don't fight with people about it, there's no point in that. I was just answering questions, I hope you didn't think otherwise, my apologies if you did. I will tell you though, Biblical prophesy is turning out to be the most interesting subject I've ever researched.