Climate change man caused?
1 2015-03-26 by csandburg
OK so the evidence seems to be mounting that there has at least been some bias in the reporting of both the causes and magnitude of man caused climate change. My question is if trying to prove man caused climate change is a conspiracy what would be the motive of such a conspiracy? I would be interested in what Redditors have to say.
4 strokethekitty 2015-03-26
One theory has it that by convincing the world that manmade climate change is a thing, they subsequently make bookoos amount of money. It follows, that they pass legislation, setting up a carbon credit exchange. Companies that do not comply with the new set of emissions rules get charged a penalty. Companies that meet or exceed those limits receive these carbon credits, relative to how much they exceeded the expectations. The "good" companies can then trade those credits theyve received for tax credits via the exchange. The "bad" companies that have not met the limits can purchase credits ffrom the exchanges. And as a lot of money would be flowing through the exchange, whoever runs the exchsnges take some percentage of profit.
I do not know the verifiability of any of this, whether it is a thing or not, or if it was all made up. I havent invested enough research into this particular theory to come to any real conclusion myself.
As for the question of anthropogenic climate change, i believe we are jumping the gun. It is too soon to tell for sure. Yes, we have a correlating set of data that relates carbon dioxide with warming temperatures. But what we do not have is a control set.
We have data from ice cores that show us further correlation between carbon dioxide levels and global temperatures, but again, correlation does not prove causation.
There is an argument for ACC that claims the global temps have risen since the beginning of the industrial revolution, and they use this to support their statement that humans thusly are causing CC. Yet, we have data that goes far beyond the industrial revolution that shows global climate is cyclical, to an extent, and that CO2 levels naturally rise and fall.
Next, we come to another fork in the road, as water vapor makes up the vast majority of greenhouse gases in our atmosphere. Although a certain amount of water vapor can only remain in the atmosphere for a relatively short period of time (whereas CO2 remains much longer), the volumes we are talking about, in terms of water vapor at any given moment vs CO2, are dramatically one sided, in that at any given moment water vapor is the vast majority of greenhouse gases in our atmosphere.
IIRC, water vapor accounts for about 3/4 of the greenhouse gases. CO2 is somewhere around 1-2%, of which humans are not fully accountable for.
So, for brevity, humans only account for roughly less than one full percent of attributabke greenhouses gases, when compared to natural sources.
I find it difficukt to believe that we can really affect the entire globe at these ratios.
Furthermore, i dont really see any proponents of ACC talk about water vapors role, despite it being the majority player. The ones that mention it downplay its role without offering any real explanation.
Then theres the correlation to CO2 and water vapor. This seems to be the closest argument ive found in ACC, wherein the increase of CO2 due to human activity has subsequently caused a large increase in water vapors role. Yet i have not seen any evidence set forth to prove or disprove this idea.
When it comes down to it, i am not a climatologist, and the complexities of global climate is convoluted even for the "experts."
Thus, my only position is that we do not know for sure. Hence, i do not believe it is ethical nor moral to install broad regulations based on data that is not conclusive, in which the lives of each individual on the planet may be affected.
3 csandburg 2015-03-26
Thank you for your well thought out sincere comment.
3 shadowofashadow 2015-03-26
Money. Carbon taxes, green technology, subsidies for green industries etc.
There is huge money in the climate change industry whether it's legitimate or not.
1 csandburg 2015-03-26
Yeah, I have thought about that. Whoever is building so many windmills must have a pretty substantial investment in that technology. Who is building these things anyway?
-3 3Try8 2015-03-26
It pales in comparison to the money in the status quo (Big Oil, Coal, etc).
3 shadowofashadow 2015-03-26
Probably, but that market is pretty saturated and everyone needs a buck ;) I think I recently heard the climate change industry is a billion dollar industry, so it's not chump change.
For the record I'm pretty sure climate change is a real issue and that man does have an impact on it, even if it's tiny.
I'm not sure the solutions offered by the government are the right ones though. And, as people who have enjoyed the benefits of living in the first world, who are we to tell industrial nations what they can do?
2 3Try8 2015-03-26
Just for reference Exxon Mobil earned $32.5 billion last year. One company!
3 shadowofashadow 2015-03-26
Yep, doesn't change anything I said. There is a lot of money to be made selling climate change solutions.
3 3Try8 2015-03-26
That's why I'm investing in the future of energy with renewables.
2 ct_warlock 2015-03-26
Big Oil and Coal will stay in the business looting as much as possible for as long as possible, and pissing on anyone else who tries to make an alternative, getting rid of competitors and also keeping their market value under-priced.
Then, the second it looks like the prices are going to become uncompetitive, they'll instantly liquidise all their assets and buy up every alternative power site, research lab, specialised personnel and continue to run the Big Energy show.
2 3Try8 2015-03-26
Most energy companies are already investing heavily in renewables so that they can hold parents and corner the market when it explodes.
2 ct_warlock 2015-03-26
It's somewhat depressing when I think that these immoral companies will get to still control energy, and additionally call themselves "green" in the future too.
0 yellowsnow2 2015-03-26
Oil makes billions a year, the carbon market will make trillions a year.
2 3Try8 2015-03-26
Got any links to that info?
1 yellowsnow2 2015-03-26
Forcing every business in the country to buy into a market system. Come on, think a little. You don't think that will make trillions? Also think of the control that will give them over all business.....
2 anarchopotato 2015-03-26
to increase the power of the state.
1 csandburg 2015-03-26
I guess you mean that they gain more control over our lives through law, regulation and taxes... Is that right?
2 t8thgr8 2015-03-26
HAARP and chemtrails
shut me up and prove me wrong, all you have is poor excuses to the contrary by the same people doing it. You havent seen the clear blue sky uninterrupted in years and you know it.
2 throwawaymikehawk 2015-03-26
Hell yes its man made. You know why? The planets getting warmer because hell is getting full. Unless these degenerates repent the fate of the climate on this planet is doomed.
At least that is JC's threory on the Art Bell show.
2 csandburg 2015-03-26
Good old Art Bell.... Haven't heard his show in years... quite a bunch of characters on that call in...
2 throwawaymikehawk 2015-03-26
JC was one of my favorites. Still don't know if he was for real or not, but he difinetly had his entertainment value.
Gotta love the sign on the you tube best of JC. Its on the reader board of the First Baptist Church.
"..."Their agenda is conversion. They are trying to homosexualise the population"
"Have you seen those shows the have on TV? They got those queer guys, with their eyes on the straight guys." - more of the best of JC.
1 Flytape 2015-03-26
As in there is a conspiracy to change the climate?
There is a conspiracy to make people think we are changing the climate on accident?
1 csandburg 2015-03-26
As in there may be a conspiracy to make people think we are changing the climate.
3 Flytape 2015-03-26
The motivation is power (global government, global authority over sovereignty of nation states) money (taxation that is enforced globally) and who knows what else.
2 csandburg 2015-03-26
Yeah, the global government thing seems to be a reoccurring idea. It sure explains why so many other countries seem to be getting on board with the idea. I wonder if some governments have been offered money or position in the new world order to go along with it.
0 digdog303 2015-03-26
Something something carbon tax scam or agenda 21.
0 t8thgr8 2015-03-26
What wouldnt be the motive???
Im so sick of the sky looking like shit everyday. I cant even remember the last time Ive seen it pure blue without that bullshit haze. Them robbing me of a sunny day is what pisses me off more than anything else.
Downvoting doesnt make it go away. Im not wrong, you people are in denial. The sky is compromised and this is the one thing people refuse to accept yet the one conspiracy that is in your face. Look at the sky every once in a while ffs. The shooting hoaxes, gmo food, kid fuckers, israel, all of that shit is believable but them literally spraying the sky in front of your face is the one you deny. Lunacy.
1 csandburg 2015-03-26
Brown air seems to be caused primarily from particulate emissions and local geographical conditions which block or inhibit natural dispersion. However, no doubt it would likely be man caused. While not pleasant for the people who have to live in these areas, this condition has not been linked to global climate fluctuation as far as I have been able to determine.
1 t8thgr8 2015-03-26
Ah, but it does. They spray an area where they'd like the pressure to drop so that they can steer the jetstream. Look into project skyfold indigo for more detailed information. This isnt everyday jet exhaust, they spray areas that arent high traffic areas, they spray everywhere they need to. It puts a barrier between us and the sun and it needs to stop.
1 csandburg 2015-03-26
Where I live the sky is clear all the time.
1 t8thgr8 2015-03-26
Where is that?
1 csandburg 2015-03-26
Northeast Brazil
0 3Try8 2015-03-26
Are you talking about contrails?
0 t8thgr8 2015-03-26
Because contrails do what Im seeing across the sky everyday. Im losing my patience with people... How fucking retarded do you have to be bro? How old are you? Are we really at the point where some people are too young to remember what the goddamned sky is supposed to look like?
1 3Try8 2015-03-26
Right. As air traffic has increased year after year, we should have expected more contrails. Not sure why it's surprising.
-1 t8thgr8 2015-03-26
Contrails dissapear, chemtrails dissipate. Plain and simple.. I dont know what your fucking problem is but youre not doing yourself any favors taking untrustworthy people's weak excuses for gospel. I'll ask again, how old are you?
2 3Try8 2015-03-26
Can you explain why? I've never heard a straight answer to why this is.
-1 t8thgr8 2015-03-26
wator vapor vs coal ash
3 3Try8 2015-03-26
3 ct_warlock 2015-03-26
Coal ash is so hot now in the chemtrail community.
Just like how they all used to be deadly toxins, but then no one died, so they had to change it to "geo-engineering" which is much vaguer, but also sounds cooler.
2 3Try8 2015-03-26
So the coal ash dissipates quickly but water vapor doesn't?
0 t8thgr8 2015-03-26
the water vapor dissapears, the coal ash dissipates slowly
1 3Try8 2015-03-26
Or it accumulates, right? Aren't clouds water vapor?
0 t8thgr8 2015-03-26
clouds converge, chemtrails dissipate.
1 3Try8 2015-03-26
So how do clouds dissipate?
1 t8thgr8 2015-03-26
Not by gradually falling to the surface, which is what those chemtrails do. Chemtrails dont rain like clouds eventually do. It just spreads and falls. Your shit isnt going to work on me, youre wasting your time. I have eyes and common sense.
1 3Try8 2015-03-26
So why do you think contrails are really coal ash?
-2 pimpythrowaray 2015-03-26
False. The disinformation is mounting, and you are confused.
1 csandburg 2015-03-26
I disagree that this is a false argument. I have done a lot of research on both sides and I am not confused about this. There has been some sound science indicating that the fluctuation we are seeing is climate both during periods of apparent warming and periods of apparent cooling are normal and not being caused by the activities of men. However there seems to be an effort afoot to squash or shout down any conversation contrary to the argument that fluctuation in climate is due to any other cause than the activity of men.
0 pimpythrowaray 2015-03-26
2 csandburg 2015-03-26
You gotta do better than say false.. Simple observation is that the models predicting runaway increases in temperature are false. There has been no significant warming in more than a decade despite model results to the contrary. Furthermore it has been revealed that historic temperature data has been tampered with to make it seem that warming has been occurring. So don't just say "false" without explaining why observations have not matched model predictions and why it was necessary to tamper with historical data.
0 pimpythrowaray 2015-03-26
It gets exhausting dealing with people at your level, which is low like the floor.
For one thing, you are referring to "models" which is a grandiose way of saying "computer program simulations of physical reality."
Take a look at physical reality. Everywhere on the planet, the weather is extreme and the wind is strong. Storms have more energy in them, ocean currents and winds have more kinetic energy in them, and the iciest parts of the planet are melting.
So here's a fact: the climate is getting extreme. Or, as Bruce Sterling wrote, we are experiencing heavy weather.
On the flip side of that, you have the activities of man. Man has quadrupled the CO2 in the atmosphere. Go find the number on total amount of oil man has pumped. Then go calculate what fraction of that is burned. The answer is around 0.6T barrels.
Once you realize the stoichiometry of that situation, you either know global warming is true, or you're crazy.
Go read Heavy Weather by Bruce Sterling and get a clue. Meanwhile, the rest of us will watch the Clathrate Gun go off this summer while actual warming in 2015 is what was projected for 2100.
See other comment for more info.
1 csandburg 2015-03-26
My level? And what pray tell, do you mean by that? My level indeed. Satellite observations show that the ice is not receding. Weather is no more extreme than it has ever been. But it is reported as though it was. You need to examine your beliefs. The hoax of the warmest's is coming apart.
0 pimpythrowaray 2015-03-26
That is what I mean by "your level." You actually live on the planet but don't understand what you see.
1 csandburg 2015-03-26
I understand what I see. I just don't see the same thing that you see I guess. I'm really sorry we could not have had a more scientific discussion here but name calling and shouting down seem to be the order of the day. It is a pity for science and mankind.
0 pimpythrowaray 2015-03-26
This is false. The reason I write "false" on your posts is that you are a liar with an agenda. There isn't much more to say about what you write than to say that you are spreading falsehoods.
The recent "revelations" are meaningless, the changes to records are not sinister and do not refute global warming when reverted. The fact is that weather stations have to be replaced, repaired, and sometimes moved. The corrections to measurements you refer to were done carefully, by comparing new machine to old over time, and do not invalidate the science.
Meanwhile, the best thermometer for the earth's temperature you could ask for would be the earth itself. Both poles are melting. Greenland, Alaska, and Siberia are melting.
The ocean floor clathrates are out-gassing at ocean-saturating rates in the North Atlantic, NW of the Bering Straight. The tundra is releasing methane from underground high-pressure reserves.
The amount of methane released from melting clathrates last summer is on the order tens of megatons.
THOSE are the real revelations you should be paying attention to.
The "revelations" you speak of are hogwash and if you keep talking about them I will consider you a liar with an agenda who comes here to spread disinformation.
2 csandburg 2015-03-26
Wait a sec there. Data has been tampered with that is a fact.
Polar ice in the Arctic and Antarctic is growing not receding.
You have nothing to support your claims.. You are trying to incite panic and it won't work.
-1 [deleted] 2015-03-26
2 csandburg 2015-03-26
Yeah, I can tell you are a REAL professional - Your remarks are a reasonable attempt to bully and it is obvious you have done this a lot. I have read your sources and I don't find them to be credible. I am sorry you can't be civil in your remarks and I hope you come up with something better than name calling in future posts. You really have no idea what you are talking about.
1 pimpythrowaray 2015-03-26
The nicest thing about the heavy weather is that people such as yourself will mostly be extinct in not too long. Good day to you, too.
1 SovereignMan 2015-03-26
Rule 10. No personal attacks. Removed.