Why I am, and you should leave reddit

36  2015-03-26 by [deleted]

It would appear that Reddit is in the hands of those who wish their particular narrative to be the only one that trends here. If you for instance in anyway make contrary arguments in regards to Israel, Russia, Palestine or you present arguments that cannot be countered with simple emotional rhetoric, you will be banned and this is silencing legitimate voices. reddit is a sham. You should know it.


I'm sticking around for the subs that are non political. But I gotta say that after spending some time nosing around in /worldnews I can't believe how controlled this place is.

Whether or not its outright post manipulation or concentrated group think Reddit is a great big msm circle jerk.

As long as you recognize corruption and propaganda, why leave? There's still content/subs that are separated from the cancer.

Yeah. Going to world news or any of the Main Stream subs will completely demolish your faith in those subs. But you were probably an idiot for expecting the mainstream to be anything but parrots and sheep.

Most of mankind can not be saved.

Are you going to be saved? Please...

How can you preach about the government being elitists who want to keep the common man down and say something like this, and then say something that implies you are better than other humans?

You're a fucking hypocrite. Mankind should be in this battle together and people should be helping their fellow people learn about what's going on. What you're doing is alienating people for not having the time or the knowledge to find out for themselves what the world powers are doing to them. Every life is worth saving.

If you do not support the agenda narrative they will ban you and lie to you about why they banned you. Green_Flash accused me of attacking others and making racist comments. I challenged him on that. I do believe he didn't like the fact that I didn't support some US/Ukraine love triangle situation and explained how things were from a different point of view that is highly contrary to the typical American narrative. Boom! Fake. This place is indeed just another piece of the surveillance kingdom like facebook and others. Weird, small minded control freaks. I don't trust people who hide behind an ounce of authority that can cause you real problems. It's ugly and small.

Yeah, I got banned from worldnews.

You make a good case, why do you want to deny yourself an audience? Reddit doesn't control anyone's mind, its a tool. How you use that tool is up to you. It's primary purpose is self-advertisement, what do you expect? If you believe you are sharing the internet with other intelligent beings, you are sadly mistaken.

I find it suspicious that you should, with only a recently made account, pop up to say something like that in one of the subs where all those things aren't the case.

posts to the only place that cares about reddit censorship and mod corruption

"Hey guys you should totally just leave reddit now that it's so shitty and don't bother trying to show people what's right, just go, don't waste your time"

Resistance is futile.

How many accounts have you had here? This one is about my 10th so far. Find suspicious whatever you like. You're in the right sub for that anyway. lol

Did you really laugh out loud?

They want you to leave so they won't have to censor you.

I am staying, because I'm far too stubborn and my work is not done.

But safe travels, where ever you go.

You've learnt a lot in 9 days.

Honestly though, I now make a new account every month or so. If you go against the grain in big default political subreddits, you end up with comment waiting times, or you get your username banned, or most importantly, you actually get stalkers who will send you lunatic PM's or who will follow you around from post to post.

Also, I ended up deleting my MAIN account because I pissed off some people somehow and they started digging through my history trying to piece together where I lived or where I worked, etc...

Lastly, once my main account was gone, I realized that I no longer was held down by the subconscious chains of the point system. Changing your account every few months allows you to freely speak your mind on this site, with zero worry about anything else.

Just saying...

I still have to wonder when a new account wanders into this sub and asks us all to leave, just like the Govt, conspiratard and other injustice supporters would like? Well how about we all stay and keep enlightening the vast amount of people here to the disgusting practices of TPTB and reddit? Every day another ordinary person is awakening to the reality of their enslavement.

Yeah, it is not wrong to be suspicious. It is a good quality to have on this website actually. Its just funny for me because I went YEARS with a main account and now I end up making a new account every couple months, for the reasons I listed above.

I agree with the sentiment behind your comment.

Account age is just another way for narrative drivers to belittle people's opinion - shouldn't matter an account's age, the veracity of someone's comment, if it's contributing and if the opinion is honest should be the only factors that matter.

I have no idea why people think the age of an account is relevant. I've been on reddit since the beginning. I've had dozens of accounts and have logged in from multiple IP addresses. Try to be more critical in your thinking.

I have no idea why people think the age of an account is relevant.

Because a longer account history allows other users to decide for themselves whether you are a genuine user or just making shit up.

I've been on reddit since the beginning.

And if you had posted this claim from a 9 year old reddit account I would have no choice but to believe you. As it is...

Don't leave. Spread the good word. CARRY THE FIRE

There are hundreds of entities and agencies with their own agendas who spoof votes using botnets and lab-owned boiler rooms.

Stay on here to find out what the hot-button issues are, the ones that warrant automated/reckless downvotes are where the money is at.

I made some money doxing these guys to eachother. I am not able to do it anymore, I have been almost entirely compromised. The next step is they would find my control system. Either way it was a fun game for a couple of years. You should try it.

I've left apart from the odd look at /conspiracy.

I only come here to check-out this sub every now and then because I don't really know of anywhere else I can go to discuss what's really going on.

I'm poking about too, but I will NEVER drop anything close to the truth in here. Too dangerous. This place is a front like facebook.

What do you mean by 'drop anything close to the truth'? Is Reddit like the Jewzuckersteinburg spying tool facebook?


/r/worldpolitics is pretty good, it's like a mini /r/conspiracy. And I like it here; my opinions are accepted, the mods are good and I learn new stuff all the time. When shit goes down I like to read mainstream media articles, default news subs, then come here and see what Y'all have to say. I find that valuable.

I just read this from wherever you sent it from which means its not entirely hopeless. If you had actual info to link or anything of value to say now is the time to say it before it really get shitty. I guess we are as good as the site, but at the same time we cant deny businesses are in on reddit and have accounts, yes even businesses from within the government.

What if you like being manipulated into what to think, buy and say? Or being what amounts to court jesters for the mods when they ban you?

I have been downvoted for speaking out for thise reasons. But thats because this is a US based site, majoroty are american users. So to go against murica, to go against propogabda that gets spread there is a tough thing. So I come here for the junky posts. Keeping my serious abd political disscussions out of US based forums. Best thing atm imo. US isnt friendly, social or resonabke bunch on the webs. Too much them vs us mentality.

Try talking history on any of the history subs. Forget about it folks.

where are you going to go thats similar? some good suggestions would help people get away from here..

and god forbid you bad mouth ellen. good luck, brother. i'm just here for the fluff and popcorn now.

Hitler was right the entire time

If you treat it as an apolitical zone it's best. Certainly there are times, when the discussion from /r/politics gets everywhere, but after you say your peace, you clean up, and move on.

Yeah, it is not wrong to be suspicious. It is a good quality to have on this website actually. Its just funny for me because I went YEARS with a main account and now I end up making a new account every couple months, for the reasons I listed above.

Did you really laugh out loud?