I wrote "How Reddit Was Destroyed" and it went viral. In under 48 hours, I have been site-wide SHADOW-BANNED. The admins sure are quick. Proof in post.

5348  2015-03-27 by shark_shanks_ghost

(5:16pm EST) UPDATE: Wrote to the mods on advice from others and just got this message back:

It looks like you got caught up in a vote brigade, but upon further investigation it looks like you were not part of it. Thanks for writing in so promptly. I've unbanned your account.

Not quite sure what "vote brigade" I would have been a part of. At least they answered. I am not going to dive into a whole new rant, but I will say that the whole banning situation still seems super sketchy to me.



None of my comments or submissions are visible to anyone but me, I essentially no longer exist:


And the cowards don't even send you a message to tell you. I only found out by accident and due to my suspicious nature regarding this website.


And to further prove that I am that original user, I updated the main post:


edit: Big thanks to u/Flytape, who helped this new account quickly become an approved submitter, so that you all can see this post. Also, he apparently has to manually approve my comments, so big props to him for doing that.


Wow, this just makes your original post that much more damning.

What can we do to push this viral on the Internet at large? Anybody have contacts with other (presumably independent) media outlets? It's a good story.

edit: Would make a good basis for a short video documentary, or supporting material for a longer expose of how the Internet is being corrupted.

Yeah, its freaking insane really. In over 6-7 years on the website, I have never been shadowbanned. And I have been going against the grain like it is my job for at least the last 2.5 years.

I have even made two other "How Reddit Was Destroyed" posts.

My conclusion is that the admins have gotten quicker. Or maybe I was reported by someone.

This is definitely very brazen. Good thing I don't give a fuck and will now scream about this to the ends of the Earth. So they rolled the dice and lost. I will not be intimidated by this shit.

If you're not intimidated you'll notice that eventually you'll start having a little mob of people follow you around in different subreddits and they'll comment on your posts about how you're a doxxer or something else designed to defame you.

edit: i see they pussied out and claimed you were mistakingly caught in a brigade LOLOLOLOL. Anyone that buys that excuse, I have a bridge to sell you.

Yeah, that already happened to me on one of my previous accounts. One of the reasons that I now make new accounts frequently. Some of the PM's I was getting were scary. Also, someone made a dummy account that would follow me from thread to thread, for weeks.

My first case of censorship was in /r/games, when that girl wanted to become the official /r/games interviewer. I linked to one of her youtube videos, which was her and her friends being "funny". It was pure cringe. I posted the video, because I thought everyone should know the type of person who would be representing /r/games. I didn't get banned from the sub. I didn't get shadow banned. I got IP banned. I didn't even know that was a thing!

Basically what happened was that every time I tried to log in, it said my password was wrong. If I made a new account, it would automatically do the same thing. Once I changed my IP, the problem was solved, unless I tried to log into any account that was made under the old IP. If I did, the problem returned, and any new account from the new IP, was now linked to the old IP, and would be automatically banned.

All this because I linked her youtube page, and made the comment that "I do not want this person representing /r/games". Wowza!

Edit: I just want to point out that I don't think the girl had anything to do with it. I mean, I can give her the benefit of the doubt. I have no problem calling out the mods, though.

can you post who you're talking about and the video?

Hmm, it was a while back. Basically, during one E3, this girl (forget her name, she's somewhat known, I believe her dad invented the lightsabre) did interviews at E3 (I beleive) for /r/games. Later on she started a thread where she put forth the proposition that she become the official interviewer for /r/games. Basically representing /r/games. The "cringe" video(s), which were of her and her friends desperately trying to be funny in front of a camera for hours on end, were posted on her youtube page, the same one where she would post the /r/game interviews. It should be pretty easy to track down her page on reddit, but I'm on a phone, and I can't really properly search for it right now.

Is this the post? Interestingly Unedditreddit isn't working. Have they changed something?

Does unedditreddit still work? I thought the admins strong armed the creator into shutting it down?

No idea. I know I was using it up until at least a few weeks ago without a problem, or at least I thought. Internet time can be weird, I guess.

Sounds like a fucknut: oh reddit user, puhleeease don't do that "omg attention from reddit admins, oh ok, friends." ffs.

when was that

See that faggot bot reply? NP was a user based idea, but admins use it anyway, it's all very bullshitty. Fuck you reddit.

/u/hueypriest - ashamed yet?

Oh, I remember her. Her dad is a special effects guy (won an Oscar for Spider-Man 2) and last I saw she was dating Chris Hardwick (she posted a couple of pictures of her and her "boyfriend" which was clearly Chris Hardwick). I have no idea if they are still dating or if this comment is even relevant in any way at all.

Yep, that's the one. I remember a lot of comments being removed. A comment graveyard due to "sexism". Honestly though, I don't think this was the girls doing at all. It seems far more likely that it would be the white knight mods, trying to "protect" her.

While not required, you are requested to use the NP domain of reddit when crossposting. This helps to protect both your account, and the accounts of other users, from administrative shadowbans. The NP domain can be accessed by prefacing your reddit link with np.reddit.com.

I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.

Was it chloe dykstra?

Chloe Dykstra?

Holy shit.. A lot of my friends are good friends of hers.

I didn't get banned from the sub. I didn't get shadow banned. I got IP banned.

I feel you bro, its an epidemic. This website used to be good till they started pulling shit like this on the reg. My last account was IP banned, after its very first comment. And that very first comments name? "Jet fuel cant melt steel beams."

My last account was IP banned, after its very first comment. And that very first comments name? "Jet fuel cant melt steel beams."

Yeah bruh but you were in the 9/11 memorial subreddit ;(

On what sub?

r/imretarded by the looks of it...

jet beams cant fuel melt steel

Are you still alive man!?

What's the alternative?

Didn't your parents teach you that anything is possible if you believe? All kidding aside history is written by the winner :(

Basically what happened was that every time I tried to log in, it said my password was wrong. If I made a new account, it would automatically do the same thing.

This sounds vaguely familiar...

heh kek, I was IP banned too, it was weird, if I had an account that worked, and logged in from the same VPN as before, boom.

she didnt get hired did she?

No, she didn't. And I honestly don't even think it was her doing. Though I don't know for sure, and I don't want to start shit, but I do believe it was the Mods trying to "protect" her.

VPN up in this bitch, gghf :p

I support you 100% and I'm one of those rednecks at home who maaturbate to the idea of someone coming to my house and starting shit. Oh god I wish someone would come to my door.

Wow wtf ยก

IP Banned, that makes no sense in this day and age. You should list the account and password and see if you can get whole universities IP banned (those using the same gateway/proxy server)

Well I'm not lying, so if you can figure out why else it would happened, I'm all ears.

only other info they have is all the cookies and tracking cookies and the your IP. We can test it, if you still have the banned account, tell everyone what the user name and password and we can all get ourselves banned. Or delete all your cookies or install a new browser that you haven't used before and try loggin in using the old banned accounts? I can't think of any other tests at the moment

This was 4 months ago, so I have no idea what username it was.

oh well, you know for next time. Most uni's and businesses now use the same IP for everyone in that building or institution sometimes whole ISP's users might appear as a single user. Which is why I say it's a stupid idea to IP ban people but I'm sure it still happens. I reckon it might have been a cookie though, it might not even have been a reddit cookie. You can test by deleting all your cookies (but it will mean you have to relog in to all your websites) (or you can use private mode in firefox)

I deleted cookies, ran ccleaner, and tried using chrome (was using firefox). I was actually a little worried when nothing worked. Sure enough though, resetting my IP did.

well then reddit network admins are complete morons for choosing such a thing.


I don't think linking to a YouTube page counts as doxing. She had also already given out a lot of personal information in her post. Also he wasn't shadow banned, he was ip banned.

You're allowed to give out your contact information, etc, in a post if it's relevant and unnecessary. That's very different from someone else posting your personal info/webpage/email/anything without your permission. I could see someone get IP banned for doxing before. I've had the admins check multiple accounts' IPs and ban people before for doxing me, so yeah, it's understandable.

Posting a link to publicly available content, designed with the intention of having random people give it views, isn't even fucking close to doxxing. If they didn't want people to see the videos, they should've been private. There's no such thing as a "personal" Youtube page. It's not designed to backup your videos... it's designed to share your videos with the world. Calling linking to those videos doxxing is retarded.

She could also go back and make the videos private or take them down... if it's a problem, she's at fault here, not this guy.


Yeah the difference here is that you didn't post your likeness and full name in your post.

Doxxing is providing personal information that wouldn't otherwise be available. Obviously if I posted your Facebook page, it would be doxxing, since people now have access to your name, which they didn't have before.

If you post your fucking full name and videos of yourself, and someone finds your dumbass Youtube page, it's not doxxing. People who want to be public figures generally consider this free promotion...

They're so obviously far from the same thing that I can't help but feel you're intentionally being dishonest with your argument. Nobody could realistically both type coherent english, and think those two situations are anywhere close to equivalent.

Doxxing is providing personal information that wouldn't otherwise be available.

Unless the person provided the Youtube channel link, you wouldn't be allowed to post it. It would be doxing, and you would get banned. Feel free to message the admins and ask. It's not my problem if you don't understand the Reddit rules.

Whether or not reddit admins would action your account doesn't dictate the definition of a word. Just means reddit admins are fucking idiots. Nobody is saying you wouldn't get banned, we're saying you would get banned and the admins would be in the wrong. Obviously. That's what the comment were replying to is kind of about. This is such a fucking stupid reply. Your arguments are terrible and your tone is insufferably cuntish, so we're done now. Later.

Falling into personal insults is a pretty tacky way to argue your point, don't you think? :) It doesn't matter if it's "right" or "wrong." This is a private website run by the admins and you must follow their rules. No posting personal information of other users, period.

Woops you forget to delete these last two?

Nah. I only delete comments when they get low enough that hivemind downvoting begins. It also lessens the number of people the admins have to ban because having a highly visible highly downvoted comments leads some users to send harassing PMs which are a bannable offense.

What did the PM's say?

Sometimes just random hate-mail like "Go Kill Yourself" etc...

I got a string of one-sentence threats like "Stop what you are doing." Or "I can't be held responsible for what happens next", stuff that I honestly just assumed were conspiratards trolling me, but then I noticed at least 5 different accounts that went to usernames with long histories (3+ years) but no comments or submissions.

And then I got some just plain weird ones, like real psycho shit. Stuff I cannot even remember because of how weird it was. Once again, could just be harmless trolls.

Then someone made an account called "Says.hi.to.(my username)" and they followed me around for about 2 months just saying "hi" after every post. At first I laughed it off but then it just started creeping me out, like it was a subtle "you are on our list now and we will watch everything you do".

It is a good thing that I was already on alternate accounts by that point. One of the main reasons I originally deleted my main 5+ year account. Because I realized that people could dig around in my history and make a pretty good guess about where I worked, they could have reverse image searched submission I made with my personal art, and been directed to my facebook etc...

EDIT: As a matter of fact I just got a new one:

Subject line: I suggest you quit posting about things out of your control

[โ€“]from DaHooch () [-1] sent 1 hour ago

This will not end well for you not just for this account, but also for your personal life my friend, heed this warning.

You should have made a new account titled "say.hi.to.men.with.microdicks" and said hi back to him everytime lol.

i've had a run in with one of those redditor for 3+ years, shit tons of link and comment karma, 0 comments 0 submissions. we need to start compiling a list. i made it a point to save their sn. user was just shilling/bull shitting so hard.

look at this shady shit


Doesn't that just mean they deleted all there past posts?

Why would they do that

Prevent dox'ing. Prevent people creeping them.

I've known some people IRL that do this. I don't understand it, but I know at least two of them, so others must also do it.

There's still a lot of ground for suspicion. Could be a corporate shill/bought account for karma (and wanted to hide the past users porn) or whatever have you.

Many people do. They just don't want people to snoop around what they have posted before. For instance, I have a friend who found out my username, he then went and looked at my posting/comments history. I don't want anyone I know to read that.


mind sharing?

It seems to have crashed

They're all /r/gonewild posters

yes. nobody can call out/trace inherent bullshit with deleted posts. i'm just waiting on a shadow ban for linking now.

He has a ton of posts, what are you talking about...

Subject line: I suggest you quit posting about things out of your control
[โ€“]from DaHooch () [-1] sent 1 hour ago
This will not end well for you not just for this account, but also for your personal life my friend, heed this warning.


FWIW, you can create a simple bot that replies to every comment that a user makes. It appears creepy, but it's automated and harmless. Mostly created to harass or annoy.


So I guess this comment won't exist soon, eh?

Out of curiosity, which one?

Dude, you're slacking.

Then someone made an account called "Says.hi.to.(my username)" and they followed me around for about 2 months just saying "hi" after every post.

I had one of those!!

It didn't say (my username), but it only ever commented to me, and always the same thing. Just 'Hi' or 'Hi there' or something like that.

Popped in at odd times in various unrelated subs.

Odd.. I had a small thing happen to me.

Made a few comments on some of those threads about how the CEO of reddit was doing not so great things. Then one of those 2 year old accounts with no comments started to Pm me too. Digging up my comment history trying to threaten me by pretending to know me from my previous comments.

but then I noticed at least 5 different accounts that went to usernames with long histories (3+ years) but no comments or submissions.

That's really creepy.

I don't ban anyone on any of my subreddits. it even says that in the rules of my sub /r/tuesdayafternoon. I also have /r/Anythinggoesnorules/ where there are NO Rules and ANYTHING GOES. EG no bans for anything. feel free to post this at my subreddits too.

  • RULES for /r/tuesdayafternoon

    The story/Fuckup/thing must have happened on a tuesday afternoon. NSFW posts must be tagged as such.

    NSFW posts can only be posted on weekends or tuesdays after 12:00PM Local time.

    Bans will NOT be handed out. You have to ask the mods to ban you, even then it might not happen.

    Sex/Gore is allowed, but please keep it civil, if you have some extreme stuff please post to /r/spacedicks instead or PM the Mods and let them decide if the content is appropriate.

    please respect the wishes of the mod and other redditors, Thanks.

    That is all

I wouldn't worry about the hate-mail, these are EE fanbois they probably don't even know how to turn a door knob to leave the house.

Probably thinly veiled threats and people calling him a troll. Basic scare tactics.

That's how you know you're doing something right.

"Vote brigading" isn't ok but online harassment is perfectly fine... Sucks, but only serves to strengthen my belief in what you have posted.

According to the NSA Snowden leaked GCHQ docs one way they get people to stop is by causing stress. By following people around and constantly fighting with them would cause some people to give up and do something else. You just got to keep on keeping on and ignore the haters and the deniers. If you don't then they win. If you move on to a new website then they win. It then becomes their website with no competition or opposing views.

I don't think we needed the NSA docs or Snowden to elucidate that technique. The FBI and similar orgs have been applying this sort of pressure on targets since at least the turn of the 20th century. Pretty much common knowledge.

I never check my inbox. Joke's on them!

I just open it delete all and move on. It's not worth listening to who you pissed off today.

According to the NSA docs one way they get people to stop is by causing stress. By following people around and constantly fighting with them would cause some people to give up and do something else.

Paging /u/Rockran and /u/Drytruth This guy is talking shit about you! Get em boys! ;)

I don't think you'll be seeing drytruth anymore 'round these parts.

At least... not using that name...

I don't think you'll be seeing drytruth anymore 'round these parts.

In which case, thank you for taking the necessary action. That guy was a relentless wall of negativity.

I had fun playing with him/her ;(

When you think about it, he was probably just an unemployed millennial. Ideally, a great convert....

i'm sure an hour or two in our new queue will indicate what their new usernames are haha

Sup /u/Drytruth? why the new account?

Weird, I thought paging only works if the user has Gold.

But anywho, where's the shit talking? I don't follow people around. I find it largely irrelevant who makes a post.

Attack the message, not the messenger.

Don't forget /u/CT_Warlock.

This, this, a thousand times this. Causing stress is far more effective than a direct attack. And it is why the people who make a real difference often appear a little odd (e.g. Julian Assange): only the ones who don't fit in can survive the pressure.

Holy shit that makes so much sense. I was wondering why he appeared so stressed and just kinda odd on TV, I thought he was living in a pretty nice place and aside from not being able to go outside, it would be relaxing.

Then other people need to follow this poster around to support him when these cockroaches come out of their cracks to attack.

And they would consider that vote brigading and shadowban everyone again.

Except others don't have the luxery of being paid to do that all day. They have their own jobs to deal with. Better response it to tag them and if its the same user time and time again set them to ignored in RES

The response to a hater is "go fuck your mother like I just did".

You can phrase it however you like, but it must be with that same intent.

That tends to get you banned though. It's why I can't post in /r/news and /r/politics. :)

I dunno. Some guy just told me to fuck off, and i just told him to fuck off, so it's not like it can't go through.

"your a fag" works well too.

-spelled incorrectly by intent

I like "Well, you look like an asshole, sound like an asshole. even smell like an asshole, but I'm still not sure that you're an asshole. Maybe if you cry when I fuck you we will know for sure."

Oh i either ignored them or trolled back and got shadowbanned again lol.


this (neverending harassment) is exactly the kgb doctrine 1960-1985 (notable targets being sakharov and solzhenitsyn)...

Not doubting, I just want to know more -- could you post a link to where those tactics are outlined?

JTRIG Slides


Read it all but look at:

Page 11 for conspiracy stories.

Page 24 for the part talking about causing stress under "Affect".

Page 47 for "False Flag" and "Disruption Operation".

Page 48 for pulling a group apart by causing tension.

People who use "deception" as a tool are people without the best interests of any society in mind.

That's just what you want us to think...

What's JTRIG?


Joint Threat Research Intelligence Group

When they do that to me I just say "Thank you for your time." And stop responding.

So....ignor my inbox? Ok.

Don't forget death threats. If anyone has actual numbers for how many death threats are actually followed up on I'd love to see it. Seems like in most cases it's just a way for people who should be dealing with some blame and accountability to go into hiding. Not very many of these threats have been actually verified.

Lots of people have threatened to kill me on the internet.

My usual response?

'Uhh ooook..' and I move on.

People lie and make false claims on the internet. It's what the internet is best known for. This shouldn't excuse the inexcusable.

Yes fear is their greatest weapon however were onto their tricks and games!

NSA docs


When I get home from work I'll post a perfect example of this. I pissed of the wrong people I guess. Got -570 downvotes on a single comment. I made it clear I didn't care, and in no uncertain terms asked for more downvotes. Quite by accident I discovered a few days later my entire comment history was clearly nuked. Things I said weeks ago that had been at positive votes were suddenly at crazy downvote levels. I still don't care, so they wasted their time. It was just funny actually.

EDIT: Here is the initial comment I made. It's currently at over -600 something downvotes. As you will see, after I first noticed it was getting downvoted (at about -5) I made an intentionally dickish comment. I expected the downvotes to go to about -20ish...whatev...

Here is where you can see the before and after of my comment history. That comment starts about halfway down. Everything after that is horribly downvoted. Like I said, I have very little pride tide up into my reddit comment history, but it's interesting to see how it happens.

EDIT 2: Hmmm...When I first noticed the downvoting I stopped looking after going back a couple pages in my history. I guess it stops shortly after that, but if you take a look you can clearly see what I described.

That's crazy. When i was IP banned, someone messaged me the real name of someone (not even sure if it was a real name), then must have messaged the admins about "doxxing". I never replied to that message but didn't delete it so needless to say the admins went into my messages, saw that one, and shadowbanned me lol. I guess it's an easy way to get rid of someone you don't like.

Nothing worse than something like that. You have 0 ability to counter act it.

Oh yeah, and they know it. I was followed into benign subreddits too like cabin porn and cascadia lol. the best is when you get randomly banned because they message the mods (owned mods i guess) about it. "you've been banned from /r/xxxxx because you posted elsewhere about the holocaust"

Meh...it didn't really phase me. I think they do it more to make an example out of you to intimidate other people. If they're doing it to you it's probably largely because they know you don't give a shit.

Always remember, there's a shit ton of lurkers on here, people who don't even have accounts. That's who these bastards are playing to. You've made your decisions on this website. They're trying to affect the people who are still making theirs.

I just edited my comment above with links to the stuff I was describing if you're interested.

That's crazy....i've had similar things happen but not to that extent. Almost always i'd be able to trace down that my comment was linked in one of the tard subs or SRD. Not direct link, just a print screen but they were still diligent enough to track down the comment en masse and downvote

Yep. And downvote everything!

I lost about 2k karama, once, in a few minutes.

But I am also kida trollish, maybe it was something I said. so its hard to say for sure.

Yeah, my fault is i'm trollish too so I tend to garner the spotlight for these idiots.

Now he has an army of people who will support him.

"Sir, how much for this bridge?"


Like what happens to me...see for yourself at /r/DocHopper.

hey i might be down to write about it. I write with The Anti Media. Ima go read it .

Spread the news!!!


Yeah, its freaking insane really. In over 6-7 years on the website, I have never been shadowbanned

welcome to the club.

I was shadowbanned numerous times in the past, hope you will see this message :)

i see it.

I upvoted you. My upvotes mean something to me, and even if I disagree, damned if I'll silence you for it. Keep going.

Please don't go silently into the night! Make noise.

I just got banned from fatpeoplehate because I called on someone's bullshit.

I think it's a source of pride to be banned from /r/fatpeoplehate myself.

It was my proudest moment in my Reddit life.

Those subreddits (tumblrinaction etc.) honestly make me cringe, entire subreddits dedicated to shaming people publicly or making fun of people because they are different. They do nothing to further the discourse or change peoples minds they just feed into the same type of hatred as racism.

Comparing what those subreddits do to "racism" is flawed. You can't change your race, but you sure as hell can change your misguided, irrational beliefs.

Fair that it may be a flawed comparison, but making fun of people and shaming them is what kids do in highschool, it doesn't do anything towards convincing people they may be wrong, if anything it will entrench people in their beliefs and put up barriers towards dialogue.

The subreddits are shaming their beliefs, not the people who hold the beliefs. Important distinction. (Note: I'm only talking about tumblrinaction)

"if anything it will entrench people in their beliefs and put up barriers towards dialogue."

Some people on the other side don't even want a dialogue. They don't care about facts, they don't care about logic, they only care about what they feel is right.

You have to realize that. I've seen tumblr folks label FACTS as racist. You just can't have a dialogue with some of them. They don't play by the same rules.

Fair about TiA as there isn't much dialogue between reddit and Tumblr but withing Reddit, Fatpeoplehate is pretty awful, /r/fit used to be about promoting fitness even to those overweight but there are even times on that sub where it gets pretty fatpeopleshaming.

I can see that with fatpeoplehate, but not TiA

/r/imgoingtohellforthis is just as bad.

Yea that sub used to be about crass, insulting, non politically correct jokes that were funny. Now it just seems like its full of teenagers who are trying way too hard to be edgy and the only thing they know is racism.

I'm all for making fucked up jokes, including racist ones if the times right, but pointless racism is just that and it gets really old really fast.

that's why i mentioned it.

Yea sorry I kind of went off there but that was one of my favorite subs when I first found reddit and now it's shit lol

have you seen /r/firstworldanarchists it seems ok.

That's why I got banned -- for pointing that out!

Agreed! They all need to wake up, making fun of anyone is not cool.

Fatpeoplehate is run by an abused homosexual with severe abuse issues himself. He mocks fat people because he's been abused all his life and fat people have no defence it's like a child abusing the dog because his parents abuse him.

It's all starting to make so much sense.

Funny coincidence:

This is my new username. My previous had been here four years. Just a month or so ago I was called a government spook by some guy in an unrelated sub and I was shadow banned within hours. The atmosphere is near paranoia.

I feel like everyone needs to calm the hell down.

It's just discussion.

Discussion, in itself, does not hurt anyone.

Good thing I don't give a fuck

Good on you!

and will now scream about this to the ends of the Earth.

Hmm. Seems like fucks given.

Better than lying down and taking it though.

Are there any good completely independent forums we can use as an alternative?


oh yeah I know of voat, but I mean something less like reddit and more specific to discussion on these topics alone

Why would they shadow ban you but not delete the original post if it was so damning to them?

Why are you still using this website?

Not trying to be a dick, just curious. If you believe it to be dead and full of shills, why are you a participant?

Dank memes

don't forget dead pets too

Can you edit you OP to point people to www.voat.co as an alleviative to reddit?

I checked them out and I am not sure they are any better. Seems to me they are going to have (if they don't already have) the same issues in a very short period of time. Maybe before the exit alpha even.

They're better than reddit for the time being

If you say so but I don't agree.

You were reported.

I guarantee it.

Sorry, I had too.

http://imgur.com/B9M7Hib one day your original post will be here r/top where it should be with an infinite number of votes up for you!!!!

them doing this just further justifies what you wrote! lol :D

Congratulations, you're getting uppity about being able top anonymously use a website on am account when you can just go make another account. Time to reevaluate life's priorities? Methinks so.

I don't understand why anyone would be intimidated! This is reddit for Christssake

That being said there are certain subs I've boycotted over the years... Fuck'em. They can't censor reality...

wow such a big man you are!

Message the admins by heading over to /r/reddit.com and messaging the mods there. Ask them why they banned you and see what they have to say. They usually take some time to respond but often do.

props dude. keep being you man. sometimes when you speak out you get silenced and the more you try to fight the bigger hole you dig. good luck man. it's an uphill battle you're fighting.

Check out r/limitedhangouts

admins are extremely fast. i usually get banned within 5 minutes for posting a controversial comment on female centric subs.

Dont mean to sound like an a-hole but you and everyone else should stop thinking of reddit as the virgin Mary of the internet. Reddit is a business owned by a media monopoly which is owned by a billionare family.

Yeah I was with you until you started ranting about the Boston bomber. Plenty of evidence links those two, including video footage: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=3kCLM9c-Q98

However Reddits efforts made an innocent man take his own life:


So smh

Lmao Jesus they didn't kidnap your dog. They banned you from their site.

Holy shit. It's a website. Get the fuck over it and go outside, fucking wow.

Can't wait for the downvotes from the tinfoil hat psychos!

"Good thing I don't give a fuck and will now scream about this to the ends of the Earth." One of these is not like the other..

"Good thing I don't give a fuck [about being intimidated] and will now scream about this to the ends of the Earth."

Reading comprehension.

"Don't give a fuck" = not intimidated

i iz smahrt

Theres a delete button on your account lmao.

I think it's a good idea, LetsHack, but it has to be presented in a way that it's just not subreddit drama bullshit that non-redditors wouldn't care about - it has to be presented properly. Know what I mean?

Corbett is big on internet and crowd sourced communities and investigations, and actions like this can totally crush those organizations from forming of allowed to continue.

Adam Curry at No Agenda has also been banging the internet censorship hard lately, and this may fit in with his angle as well.

That's two off the top of my head.

Up vote for mentioning Corbett. I've spent the time to go through his source material; he is now my favorite journalist. The guy is amazing.

Well it's at the top of reddit so....

A good start. ;)

Yeah, but if the theory is that reddit is censoring him, then how am I reading this?

He created a new account, /u/shark_shanks_ghost

Send to Corbett?


Yeah, he and his team do great work. I wonder if they have an "open source investigation" of the Internet corruption problem.

If this went viral imagine it being posted on reddit. The irony

Talk about it a lot

posts like this is why I still have hope for this sub and the reddit community on r/conspiracy "fight the power"

It is terrifying actually. Reddit was (what I thought) once a great place for free discussion and sharing of thought.

Now it is repetitive memes, celebrity endorsement and unbalanced voting. There is even an approximation that it is worth $240 million from the increased popularity.

Many people have died for far less than that. There is an agenda at play now and anyone that stands in its way has to face the almighty shadowban

The same could be said for the Internet at large. I feel like we have a limited window of opportunity to get the word out that the public is being manipulated on a massive scale. AI is starting to take hold, and when it gets good we are screwed.

Make no mistake, this is an occupation of a hostile force. For a look at how this is playing out in the Ukraine/Russia conflict, and how it truly is a matter of life and death, check out this excellent discussion:

Whelp...I'm not sure but if you can prove that reddit investors and or 'customers' (i use this loosely, meaning an entity that writes checks to reddit or parents) are US Government, then you might be able to prove that reddit is in fact a public forum. And public forums have rules. Like first amendment rules.

wow, I am speechless that this has reached /all on reddit. I thought conspiracy was the one sub banned from /all and the front page. There is hope!

The last three posts I tried to submit have never showed up. The last one was asking if there were any reasonable alternatives to Reddit. Are there?

Not to my mind. If I left here, I'd probably go raise hell at the JRE forum. Lots of sleepwalkers looking for answers there.

I sent a message to The Anti-Media, if that helps at all.

Yeah Then more people can be aware of it and do absolutely nothing. Awareness is cool but I never see a top comment with a plan of action in mind. Same with our [US] government. "Everyone needs to know about this!" when they do, nothing happens..

Viral on the internet at at large? Unfortunatley I don't think anyone else but people on this sub really care and why should they? It's like if some random anonymous stranger had their Facebook book profile deleted, who gives a fuck.

It demonstrates how reddit is being massively manipulated. Could lead to a discussion of manipulation in other forums and the implications, how it fits into the propaganda machine.

Idk, I've always felt like usually this kind of thing is more than likely due to some personal issue between OP and mods. A lot of them do seem to feel pretty self important but ultimately I'm not sure anything that happens on this site should really matter to anyone but those personally involved. If it is being manipulated then so what? I've always seen that there's general fuckery afoot in our gov't and media but I just don't think the "rabbit hole" is is very deep In most cases. Is it just that I don't apply the term conspiracy as widely as many people here may do or what? What am I missing? Isn't just being aware that the governments national interest seems to be to create a global empire and the majority of media is entirely subjective and toeing some party line? I don't see any sweeping change in awareness, consciousness or even caring happening in society besides as things stand nothing short of a massive violent revolt would probably change anything anyway right?

What are you missing...

What if 9/11 really was an inside job? What are the implications? What are the implications of that? And what are the implications of that? Keep going, and pretty soon you've dug yourself a right cozy rabbit hole.

to OP and those not following up on things hes linking:

take away /r/reddit.com

You canj bring up any issues with Reddit on a ton of different subs, theres even subs with only admins as mods where they see messages from users. Also.. we've seen many issues about reddit brought up through /r/videos, /r/news, /r/worldnews, etc etc.

powergrab to become moderators of these subreddits

uh.. yeah. Are you surprised on how that worked out?corrupt mods/shitty mods have been pointed out numerous times in teh past. And some subs were removed from default due to major issues.

default subs controlled, drastic changes

hate to burst your bubble but /r/IAMA always required approval. All approval requries is for you to prove you're who you are. And the rules of IAMA have pretty much always been there. Maybe stop browsing /r/ALL and start browsing /r/IAMA and you'll see the non celeb posts. Who the hell can help it if people upvote posts of big celebrities/whatever? That's pretty much a given.

appearance of shills

Yeah.. they've always been around. The more popular reddit gets the more you'll see it.

blatant censorship on /r/news, /r/worldnews etc.. saying x site is not allowed

yeah people did vote on those things. And they don't allow sites notorious for making shit up on top of sites that users voted to not haveo n there anymore or people constantly reported for being shit sources.

changed voting

No argument here. I don't think it's something that destroys reddit though. But it definitely turns it into more of a hivemind.

shuffle front page subs

yeah.. theyve switched front page subs around pretty often. Why is that a problem? /r/circlejerk isn't exactly something you need to see on 'the front page of the internet', people newly visiting the site wouldn't understand anything in /r/circlejerk. default subs have a reason for existing, most people who use reddit OFTEN/are experienced either have their own list of subs they use or they use /r/all. Default subs are like an intro to the site. It's not a controversy.

you are posting too much please wait

not sure what your point is with this. You can post as much as you want.. but certain subreddits have limitations to how often you can post unless you have x amound of karma within that sub. There's no controversy there.

your votes do not matter

funny how this post is near the top of /r/all, and multiple times videos submissions/other submissions about corruption of reddit admins/ceo/etc have been on front page as well. Front page is decided on how popular x thing is at x time. Default subs will have a push because they are default subs.. people who just start using the site will see that stuff first. It's Always been like that.

online guerrilla tactics

yeah.. voat.co is still there and it got hugged to death with its 'became popular overnight'. Maybe reddit DDoSed it, or maybe a bunch of idiots did, or maybe a ton of people visited the site in a short amount of time. All you did was link to voat.co and to an article thats completely unrelated. Did the guy who runs VOAT.CO some out and say anything official about it? k

wasn't always like this

yes it was. Reddit destroys itself by design. The more people that come into it and the more popular it gets the more you will dislike it and it will slowly wither itself away from what you liked about it at first. Remember, over half the users will be nearing mental retardation in IQ - since it's one of the most popular sites in the world right now it reaches the General Audience. The people that watch all the shitty TV shows that have no substance, the people that read magazines and not books, the people that browse Buzzfeed 24/7.

Welcome to life?

I'm sure you have some points in there that mean something, but it is taken way out of proportion.

Also, when I click your profile that was banned/doesn't exist - the user is still there with recent submissions. Also, Voat.co is up and getting more traffic than it did before the blow up.. it's not like it will become the #1 thing ever overnight.

I would never ask for upvotes, but I really wonder what would happen if this post also went viral.

Does anyone know if they can shadow-ban your IP address?

Also, it sucks that my mind starts to get super paranoid and then I start thinking what else they are capable of. Reddit obviously is one of the biggest and most powerful web-forums in history. To protect that, they would do anything.

Don't want to get a knock on my door, my computer confiscated, and then suddenly they find "child-porn" or some other nonsense. It really sucks that I even have to consider if that is possible.

Yep, they can shadowban by IP. Fortunately, using Tor browser lets you circumvent their tiny-dicked Nazi moderators, and the worst bans they can throw out.

I've been shadowbanned a few times now. They can't stop the signal.

You remember what happened to that guy in "Serenity" right? They may not stop the signal but they can sure stop you.

S'ok. My sex droid will take over from there.

"They killed me, Mal. They killed me with a sword..."

"My one weakness....."

"Mal. Guy killed me, Mal. He killed me with a sword. How weird is that?"

Sure. But they can't stop the signal.

And that means they die insane, pulling at their hair and screaming at the top of their lungs, because they don't always get their way.

That's comforting to me.

I do not. Please link


Some things are worth fighting for.

Especially when, if those in power get their way - you will have nothing left to lose.

You don't need Tor and its slowness for this. A VPN is more than sufficient. Disable flash, and if banned again clear cookies and switch VPN servers. Same as any forum.

In this day and age, everyone should be using a VPN as a matter of course.

Going to leave this here, http://www.vpngate.net/en/. Free, easy to use VPN.

Nice. I wouldn't trust free VPNs for anything serious, but for evading forum bans, perfect.

This one doesn't come with any VPN servers built in, you have to download the config files that have the RSA key and certificate generated into them.

that's like... a network of vpns? interesting!

edit: ok that's not exactly what it is as far as i can tell, some clients open their ip to be used as vpn, and all the clients can go through it. There seems to be 2 weeks of logging by default too. This is still dangerous imo but i could be missing something.

i use hola vpn to watch hulu in canada. also works on forums, i reccommend it.

Looks like it requires running Windows. For me at least, that's not gonna happen unless someone is paying me to do so.

Plus I'd be suspicious of anything that's free.

There is a Mac version. For Linux, I think it would run fine enough with Wine. I'd test this myself if I had a copy of Arch Linux downloaded since I had just upgraded my PC to Windows 8.1.

As someone not very tech savvy, I love you.

No problem!

You don't need a VPN and its slowness for this. An anonymous proxy is more than sufficient. Disable flash, and if banned again clear cookies and switch Proxy servers. Same as any forum.

In this day and age, everyone should be using an anonymous proxy as a matter of course.

Not sure if you're going for sarcastic or funny, but you're not doing well at either. A proxy might do in a pinch, but many forums and sites that allow comments go out of their way to block proxy traffic, and with good reason. Proxies, transparent or anonymous are used by so many human and automated spammers that it's just easier to block them where possible. Very few ISPs these days force the use of a proxy, so the chances of blocking legitimate traffic are low.

Proxies won't provide any of the other benefits to privacy that VPNs do. Evading forum bans is the most trivial of VPN uses. VPNs are not slow for web content, either.

Not sure if you're going for sarcastic or funny,

Neither. Just the facts Ma'am.

For the above mentioned purpose, getting around bans, a proxy is every bit as good, and comes a less resource penalty than a vpn. You don't even need to bother installing special software to use them.

I never said vpns aren't 'good', just given the situation, not as good, for the same reasons tor is not as good as a vpn.

No doubt though, the merits of a vpn are much over rated, and flat out false.

I doubt very much that the powers that be are unable to see what you are doing just because you've installed some software that you did not write, likely could not write, have no idea how it works, and depends on some strangers website/server for 'security'.

The truth is, the only way you will ever be secure it to design and manufacture all the components for a computer yourself, assemble them, write all of the code that will execute on the computer your self, and connect only to a network that you have complete control of.

The internet was designed from the ground up to share information.

Read that again.

The internet was designed from the ground up to share information.

Good luck 'patching' that.

I got shadowbanned on my original account and I don't even know why. I didn't post anything that was "anti-reddit" or conspiratorial. Mods/Admins are just on a power trip. Really frustrating since I had that account since 2008.

In my case, they actually made up a rule about my arguing with people on subs.

You can always reset your modem/router, and have new ip addresses issued. With my particular router, i have to leave it off for about 5 minutes before i can turn it on and have a new ip. This resets your local and public ip.

Switching it back on after 10 seconds with the reset button held in for another 10 seconds works too.
Edit: flush your cookies and cache too

Yes, but any settings for the router will also be reset. Any port forwarding will be gone. If the Wi-Fi password was changed from the default, any wireless devices will be disconnected. IMO it's less of a hassle to just turn off the router for a few minutes.

I like the idea of resetting everything to ensure any 'modifications' are removed too, not too much hassle for me.

Not if you have a static IP. Just saying

Or even dymanic IPs can be set to only change every so often, even if you reset or try to renew. I think Comcast will just give me the same exact IP if I reset, but like next month I'll have a new IP issued.

Mods don't shadow ban?

tiny-dicked Nazi moderators

The internets are serious business guys

circumvent their tiny-dicked Nazi moderators

We call them The Castrato. Their Feminazi mothers usually turn their ball sacks into purses. The Castrato spend all day singing praise of their Glorious Motherland.

Or you could try not breaking the rules of reddit. Works pretty well also, and you don't have to dick around with your browser.

Tried that.

Got shadowbanned.

Now, rules aren't really important anymore.

I'm sure you did.

Yes. (?)

People always claim they did nothing wrong. Until you point out their very hilariously obvious transgressions. It's really really predictable.

Why does this matter so much to you?

They shadowban by IP and also by flash cookies. They're cunts.

Anyone still using flash deserves to be banned.

Dude you're on Reddit bitching about Reddit, you're not going to go to jail for 30 years. Put what's going on in perspective.

Does anyone know if they can shadow-ban your IP address?

Only if you have a static IP.

Well, then can shadowban your dynamic IP as well... But it would only be temporary.

Well, then can shadowban your dynamic IP as well

Not really... I mean they could shadowban all of Bell Fibe internet and its millions of customers by banning the entire subnet, but that wouldn't be a wise move...

They can ban any IP they want. They don't know if it's static or dynamic. What I'm saying is they (Reddit) can ban an IP but, if dynamic, the ban would only be effective until it is recycled and some poor schmuck gets the banned IP while the intended recipient of the ban gets a new IP that isn't banned.

...which is why nobody bans by IP anymore.

I don't think you understand rhetorical statements. Yes, they can ban IPs. No it would not be an effective method of banning someone. Yes, they still do ban IPs (hence why this thread exists).

A rhetorical statement is one that is made with rhetoric; ie an appeal to emotion or character. I think you're thinking of rhetorical question.

Instead of quoting the first line of the dictionary, you should look up the word rhetoric. It doesn't always appeal to emotion.




the art of effective or persuasive speaking or writing, especially the use of figures of speech and other compositional techniques. synonyms: oratory, eloquence, command of language, way with words

"a form of rhetoric"

language designed to have a persuasive or impressive effect on its audience, but often regarded as lacking in sincerity or meaningful content.

"all we have from the opposition is empty rhetoric"

synonyms: bombast, turgidity, grandiloquence, magniloquence, pomposity, extravagant language, purple prose;

Rhetorical statement does not mean "a statement made without meaning to elicit a response". That's just a statement.

Not appealing to emotion != "without meaning to elicit a response". A statement, much like a question, can be rhetorical. Except that it isn't a question, just rhetoric. But if makes you shut up, then sure, you're right or whatever.

It's possible, but these days it's rare to see IP bans on any websites/services (unless for region restriction) because IP bans are not really practical - many users may use the same IP like at a school, so banning one person using that IP would ban the several other innocent users, and also persistant users would use proxies.

The popular thing lately is mobile verification (mostly found on asian websites). Banning phone numbers is a lot more practical because it's more difficult for a person to obtain a new phone number than it is for them to obtain a new IP, also only 1 user can register using the same phone number.


Heads up, SRD has started a brigade on this thread.

They're over there circlejerking about how LEO agencies literally have never planted evidence ever in the history of the planet.

It boggles the mind that people could be so incredibly fucking stupid and gullible.

They're over there circlejerking about how LEO agencies literally have never planted evidence ever in the history of the planet.

Don't give us a quote, or link, or anything; we'd be able to check.

Edit: Wait a second. You are in that thread, insisting that everyone else is "circlejerking about how LEO agencies literally have never planted evidence ever in the history of the planet" and they're pointing out that that's complete made-up nonsense. You are the only person in the thread who has discussed law enforcement frame-ups at all.

dont have a riseup account? you can get free vpn with them. if you are having dificult getting an account i can help you with some invitation codes.

They can ban your IP but you can just use free proxies like ZenMate for Chrome.

You can just change your ip so it doesn't really matter too much.

I believed this until you started saying they're gonna knock on your door. You sound like John McAfee lol

Get a gun if your country allows it. Only bullets can fight tyranny.

Sometimes I wonder if they killed Aaron to get him out of the way so they could do more nefarious things.


Damn. Straight out of 1984.

This doesn't even make sense as a reference to 1984, let alone in relation to what we were talking about.

As a long time user of reddit, I find it annoying that you believe the upvote button is designed to show agreement or disagreement. The transition from voting for relevance to voting for popularity was one of the biggest McReddit downfalls.

You helped make McReddit.

I read your post the other day and found it incredibly thought provoking. I'm sorry you were shadow-banned, but it validates every word of your post.

I think this is going to get a lot of attention and I hope people start to understand that Reddit is not a beacon of free speech as it so often claims, nor does it promote individuality.

What is an alternative website? Tired of being addicted to reddit anyway.

Crazy enough there is /r/RedditAlternatives I can't say which one is worth while, just found this subreddit. Granted the irony of the subreddit is not lost on me.

What is an alternative website? Tired of being addicted to reddit anyway.

Good question. Anyone?

Alot of redditors have made accounts at voat.co

I just visited voat. I may never come back

All they need is a mobile app and I'm there.


Have not, but this looks interesting. Thank you, sir.

Errrr no. Don't get me wrong I like the idea, after all it is just an extension to what 4chan is, but last time I visited their version of random it contained child porn. I won't be going back no recommending it to anyone.

Yeah it's time for me to quit too.

The internet is no longer wild. There is no safe haven. It all happened too quickly.

Voat. Literally a Reddit clone except it has much more transparency.

youtube comments obviously

Have you heard of a site called 9gag?


well... there used to be this site called www.digg.com.

Reddit is not a beacon of free speech as it so often claims, nor does it promote individuality.

I realized this on day one. After some time I began pointing it out from time to time in various subs. Always to be mob downvoted, labeled all manner of foul shit, and banned if I pushed.

You are fucking delusional if you think it will get better.

Doesn't reddit know how to play the game? Deleting and shadow banning people for their content is Streisand effect 101.

Streisand effect does not apply here. Censuring vs. Publicly stating you don't want something to show

Ok, I'm gonna jump on here because you don't have many replies so I might get visibility.

OP claims "the cowards didn't even tell me they banned me". That is 100% the entire point of being shadowbanned. It was designed for spammers and other people like trolls, CP peddlers, vote cheaters etcetera. The idea is that they don't know they are banned, so they won't create a new account and do more rule breaking shit. Of course the admins will not tell you. Then there's his post from the other day:

1) The first thing they did was take away r/reddit.com.

If you had any concerns about the website as a whole, you could address them through r/reddit.

You still can. Seriously. Go to /r/reddit.com and you'll see. The only thing you can't do is post there. If you message the mods, you are contacting the admins. That is literally how you speak to them.

2) The power now resided in individual subreddits, obviously the most popular ones. There was a power grab to become moderators of these subreddits.

I remember as the upcoming election loomed, all of a sudden, r/circlejerk (one of the old default subreddits) became completely obsessed with bashing Ron Paul. I am not even a RP supporter, but that was definitely orchestrated, and NOT by some kids trying to be funny. Also, it coincided perfectly with this highly suspicious campaign to filter him out of the election.

You can do it too! Ever noticed that button on the side of the frontpage that says "create your own subreddit"? It's really that easy. As for 'power mods', those who have control over a large number of subs, ask yourself: you need mods for your subreddit that has millions of subscribers. Who do you recruit, the guy who's been on reddit for 6 months with no mod experience, or the 4 year power user with experience modding defaults? Gee, I wonder. There's no secret cabal, it's just getting the best man for the job.

And with /r/circlejerk going apeshit over Ron Paul, blame the users. They're the ones who post the shit. Look to 4chan, as most of the childish shit on here comes from there.

3) Once the default subreddits were controlled, drastic changes began to occur.

I remember when r/IAma was open to anyone and the popularity was decided by voting. Now it is nothing more than a cheap place for celebrities to whore out their products and you need to be "approved". Someone named Victoria is involved and how does that makes any sense whatsoever? Celebrities have entire teams of branding/PR/social media teams that work for them. Why do they need to be at reddit HQ and/or required to have a reddit rep? Because these AMA's are extremely organized and sponsored with money.

This post should explain it thoroughly. And as for requiring approval, do you still wanna see "I'm an astronaut trust me guys" or do you wanna see I'm in fucking space right now. There are no ifs, buts or maybes, it is a fact that /r/iama was made better when it was changed.

There are plenty of subreddits that are now covertly controlled. Check out this post which was pushed into r/undelete for identifying a list of keywords banned from r/technology.

Maybe because mods do far too much to announce every single thing we do. And why the hell would we announce it anyway? If we automate rule enforcement and tell people how, they will just find a way to work around it. "Oh, but Streisand effect, the users will find out, you can't hide it forever". Trust me when I tell you, for every secret mod action you find out about, there are a shit ton more that you don't. And they're not evil. Most of them are word/phrase removal, like f***** or n*****. A lot of subs auto remove those, because who wants to see that shit?

4) The appearance of shills soon became VERY apparent.

All of a sudden new accounts started popping up out of nowhere. Cue the birth of r/HailCorporate. "Feel good" military posts started appearing, like a soldier coming home to his dog. New users entered AMA's to lob softball questions "Mr Burns, your campaign has the momentum of a runaway freight train, how does it feel to be so popular?" From brand new accounts that never posted again.

Maybe because it takes less than 30 seconds to create an account. And the AMA thing has been debunked so many fucking times it's insane. Celebrity Bob is doing an AMA. Bob posts on twitter to let his fans know. Bob's fans come to reddit, create an account to ask their idol a question, then are never seen again because reddit is not a site they use. It doesn't take a brain surgeon to use that kind of logic. As for shills, are there any? Has there ever been? Probably. Reddit gets over 150 million unique visitors every month. What company wouldn't try to exploit that? In those cases, they receive the aforementioned shadowban, that you all think is so nasty.

5) Now we have blatant censorship on r/news, r/worldnews etc... saying that X site is not allowed.

What ever happened to letting people vote on the content of this website? Trash tabloids constantly go viral on political subreddits due to sensationalized headlines and the fact that most Americans are unaware of different overseas publications.

Not to mention the fact that default subreddit rules are now completely refined, sophisticated and purposely worded to allow maximum mod-interpretation. Honestly, someone with a law degree with a proud. Major politically-charged subreddits now insist on exact titles or quotes because that stops users from being able to post the important point summary of the article as the title . Using only official titles from only approved media has turned reddit into mainstream media.

Whatever happened to voting? /r/atheism happened. That sub was a testament to what happens when the users are allowed to decide content.
And the reason the titles are required to be the same as the article is to stop sensationalist and false titles being posted, because most redditors won't read the article, only the thread title. If it's wrong, they don't get the correct info, do they?

6) Speaking of voting, they changed that too.

Seriously? This is supposed to lend credence to your conspiracy theory? Jesus Christ, boo fucking hoo. Get over it.

7) Hey guise, us nerds who run reddit have decided to shuffle all of the front-page subreddits, tee-hee we are so random โ€ฟ^

No more r/circlejerk, that pesky subreddit hits too close to home. Lets add 2X to the mix, (even though they wanted to remain an anonymous sub), fuck them, we need to show our shareholders we represent the female demographic. Lets also add a bunch of subs that we can use to share propaganda like r/nottheonion.

/r/circlejerk is still quite visible, hitting frontpage very often. And that subreddit gets special privileges from the admins, so they don't have a vendetta against it. 2X didn't wanna be a default? Then why not uncheck the box in subreddit settings

8) You are posting too much, please wait...

This is to stop spammers. Seriously. Think for a minute, Jesus.

Or you can always just have your comments deleted. You will not even know your comment is deleted. You will still see it. Only you. The only way to know is to be inherently suspicious, and sign out of your account after clicking on the permalink of the comment.

Same reason as SBans. If you don't know it's been removed, you won't post it again.

9) Reddit is not a meritocracy.

Really? Really? Posts that are higher get voted more? No, it can't be true! It's not that they have more visibility, and so are voted more by people who don't go too deep or anything

10) The arrival and subsequent take over of r/undelete.

Try reading that guy's post. It's hilarious how fucking stupid he is. "People can make requests for my sub, whatever will I do to get it back?" I dunno, maybe request it yourself you fucking spanner. There's also the fact that mods cannot shadowban. Only admins can. So he's pissed them off somehow. Most likely from posting things that get removed.

11) Now we are seeing a new site-wide trend that is designed to make it even harder to call out shills.

Most likely because an accusation like that would get those problem doxxed. Everyone knows how reddit loves to play Batman (Boston bombing anyone?). Make them think someone might be a shill and they'll have to go detective mode.

12) All of the proper "checks and balances" are now in place.

OP is quite literally arguing that reddit's part in the Boston bombing debacle that I just mentioned was a good thing. You want to take advice from someone this fucking stupid?

13) Online guerrilla tactics.

As I said before, 150 million visitors a month. I wouldn't be surprised if some of them did it. Or one. There was a while ago when reddit was DDoSed by one guy so bad that the site was screwed for days

I thought the entire point behind a conspiracy theory is having insider info that others aren't aware of? OP doesn't have inside knowledge, he has a lack of it. Pretty much everything I refuted I was able to in less than 5 seconds by thinking about it. OP is a moron.

EDIT: working on formatting and spelling errors

While not required, you are requested to use the NP domain of reddit when crossposting. This helps to protect both your account, and the accounts of other users, from administrative shadowbans. The NP domain can be accessed by prefacing your reddit link with np.reddit.com.

I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.

Repost it, and title it, "How To Get Shadow Banned From Reddit".

Then say in body, ctrl+a, copy, paste what you said in said subreddit. Maybe we should make a massive one we agree upon and all post it at once.

This happened to /r/knives. Someone posted a knife and the mods banned it for some reason. Then the entire reddit community caught wind of it and posted the same knife picture and flooded /r/knives with that same pic. The mods were scrambling trying to delete them all. They finally gave up and said "we get it"... they also made the sub private for a while. Not sure if they ever apologized. But the Streisand was in full effect that day.

Here it is right here in all it's glory.


You have been banned from /r/knives

He is a fork guy, though

The funny thing is that knife is reposted on the front page of /r/knives right now.

lol That is funny.

I remember this shit. Hilarious for awhile

While not required, you are requested to use the NP domain of reddit when crossposting. This helps to protect both your account, and the accounts of other users, from administrative shadowbans. The NP domain can be accessed by prefacing your reddit link with np.reddit.com.

I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.

In that case I kind of agree with the mod. Fuck operation "Iraqi Freedumb" and fuck some shitty American company trying to make money luring good ol' Muricans by putting those words on a "tacticool" knife.


Well forgive me, it's first time I've ever used said word in my life. Probably the last too.

I like this idea.

Please upvote this to the top. Reddit is such a great vehicle for change (for both public and private entities) and the members still adhere to that "grassroots" mentality. We have the necessary members and platform right here on the site. The owners of this site NEED to realize that there lots of people who see right through all this....bull shit.

I'm in.

We need an alternative.

Look no further...


So how long did it take for reddit to turn into DIGG? I think voat.co has about 2-3 years before the manipulators find a way in.

It's based in Scandinavia which is a massive plus to it's manipulation potential. Non US based is the only hope for freedom, which is ironic.

switzerland isn't in scandinavia...

That's a very good point :) I thought they were based in Scandinavia...

hah no worries! My reply was useless Reddit snark. It's an advanced european country with a reasonably strong record on human rights =], so potato/potato

your point about not being in the US rings true but is so depressing. I guess it's a mark that you're old when you say "it's not the country it used to be", even though i'm only in my 20s.

fuck Citizen's United and fuck corporate personhood!!!

Well said, it's not a whole lot better in the UK TBH, same shit different bucket.

Yeah... but at least you guys seem to be a half-step behind us on the march to neo-con crazyland... we're developing this funky police-corporate-libertarian state fusion that's so incredibly weird and stupid that it defies all credulity

Case in point: the 2/3 ruling party is in favor of expanding uranium mining in an area directly adjacent to the grand canyon. arguably the greatest American icon, regardless of party affiliation. That, to me, is maybe the most emblematic thing that's happening in the country related to the 'tea party' fervor. they control the population and sell everything to the highest bidder.

True, we're not quite as batshit crazy here govt-wise and I hope it stays that way. Nothing short of a mass refusal to pay taxes, boycotting voting and a country-wide general strike is going to sort America out any time soon.

Umm, Switzerland is not in Skandanavia.

Hi there fellow voater

Any way to switch to a cleaner look there? I don't want thumbnails or the low density/fat arrows.

it's still alpha but they're working on it

Thanks. I myself would have probably picked news.ycombinator.com/news as a codebase.

Not sure https://github.com/wting/hackernews applies to the current code.

The admin/owners of voat are always looking for people to help out, go create an account and offer up your services, i'm sure they'd love it :)

I use the dark/night theme. Looks much better than the default one, IMO.

Some of it is in the hands of moderators. I run /v/shirtwascash and we changed the CSS theme to be a bit cleaner.

we = me :3

Meh, not good enough. Same mods that you have here and it's literally a reddit clone using "their" code. We need something from the ground up.

Same mods that you have here

As a mod on /v/politics who is not a mod on /r/politics I have to ask, what are you talking about?

The fact that there even are mods is a problem. It needs to be 100% community driven without anyone able to acquire powerful positions.

Idk man. It might turn into /b/


All CP is deleted within minutes

heaven to betsy

At the very least you would want to limit a mods powers. Instead of a delete, they can flag a post with the corresponding rules violation and it shows up under a "rules broken" tab. Plus none of this shadow crap - if banning exists, the banned list should be a public part of the sub.

Yeah thats true. I just imagined /b/ (old b) to be a shit hole. I visited like 3 times and saw some crazy stuff lol. I really loke that request to view history idea. Maybe a request to see profile? Or would that protect the coporate shills?

Look at 4chan for your reason why no mods is a terrible idea. The place would be overrun so fast.

I didn't say all, obviously.

Great, who are you talking about then...why are those individuals poor mods (as you insinuated) and why make such a dismissive comment about a site without providing proof?

Why, to defame of course.

Voat doesn't use the same code as Reddit... it's all custom coded. There are tons of features on Voat that do not exist on Reddit.

I think their biggest issue they will need to overcome is the similar UI and educating the public that it's not based off of Reddit's code...

Correct. I already mentioned I stand corrected. It's written in C#.

similar UI

similar, as in, it's hard to tell the difference at first glance

Well that was pretty fucking stupid. Write from the ground up a fucking mirror of reddit. WTF?

Looks like a god damn 10 minute wordpress copy site.

Damn, I thought it was a reddit fork. Looks a lot like reddit.

And just because something isn't a fork doesn't mean it can't have extra features.

Not Reddit's code, they built from scratch.

I stand corrected. I believe it was using the code before, but now it's in c# (lol). That means it's running on a windows server? Oh geez.

Your point? Linux isn't suddenly going to make anything better or worse. If you're using Microsoft asp .net it would be to their advantage to use a Windows server.

Which makes it very vulnerable. You been living under a rock? Microsoft has NSA backdoors.

The code is open source and the website is public, how is the OS having backdoors going to put spokes in the wheel?

If you have no experience/knowledge on servers, please do not respond. If you are running a windows server, running C#, you are asking to be hacked. This right here proves that I will not join voat, sorry. Windows == backdoors and hacking. Windows is a hackers wet dream. This shit should be on a linux server, written in either PHP, Ruby, or Python. Take your pick. Windows is a joke, and this site will be hacked by those who want to shut it down.

edit: not to mention, in order to run this, you must pay windows. Bill Gates is a shit head and should not be funded. Fucking eugenic ass hole that man is.

Judging by your language and mannerisms, I'm fairly positive that I was developing and maintaining servers before you were born.

Nobody will take you seriously if you sound like a kid who has just hit puberty with an incessant need to curse at everything.

Judging by your language and mannerisms, I'm fairly positive that I was developing and maintaining servers before you were born

That's weird, I would judge it to be the other way around, as an observer of the exchange, and as a guy born in the year of woodstock. The real woodstock.


Nice attack, what is the difference of linux and windows? How do you setup a server on linux, mainly port 80? What is difference? What is the root dir of linux and what is the root of windows? Does windows require a fee and is linux open source and free? What is a server on windows? How do you run PHP, python or ruby on windows? Fail to answer 10 mins, you are googling it and a shmuck.


Er, what's the issue with using reddit's code? Fork it, clean it up. It's open source, they can't really do anything about you using it.

The point would be to create something brand new, not just a fork of their code. A completely new system built from the ground up based on what the community thinks should be in it.

Hugged to death ATM!

But I have a new bookmark...

What measures have been taken to make this site more resistant to the type of corruption on reddit?

If the answer to that is "none" or similar, then it will be infiltrated and destroyed in the same way, should it gain enough popularity to "matter".

and how does this site differ from reddit when it gets big, when it is too much to ignore?

The owner is adamant about putting measures in place to prevent that. As of right now you can only mod i think 10 subverses, there's a who subverse dedicated to questions like this though, i think it's called askvoat?

i still dont see how a fat check or some asshole he works with wouldn't just do the exact same thing we see wrong with reddit

If it somehow did turn into another reddit, that would be years away. Just sign up and take a look, you'll see most people there are of the same mindset...reddit sucks and we want something better.

Sometimes you gotta fight the same battle again. Look at US politics for proof. We used to have a 4th amendment, and new we are fighting that battle again...

Yup... Look what those assholes from occulos did.

The owner is adamant about putting measures in place to prevent that.

I'm not a fan of dickheads demanding sources for everything under the sun, but I'd like one for this if possible.

This is a link to his profile on voat. It might take a while to find him talking about it but he did have a AMA like a month ago where he probably addressed it


He created voat just because of what's going on here in terms of admin/mod abuse and the like.

Just signed up, This is my first post


This dude is fucking awesome lmao

awsome, wonder if he voiced this guy? sounds similar.

I know I'm six hours late but how long before they get a mobile up? I never browse /r/conspiracy but this is something I've notice for the past few months and is too obvious to ignore.

I'm not sure, good question. If i find out i'll post the answer here.

Is there a RES for Voat? That should be built into any site that hopes to take reddits place.

They're working on implementing it into the site itself last i heard

I was like "WTF!? Where all the cat pictu....? oh nevermind." https://voat.co/v/pics/comments/70226

So can someone give me a rundown of what Voat is?

If you give up here you're giving them what they want. They want you to go away. It makes their jobs easier and it's exactly why they do what they are doing. To drive you away. Take it as a badge of honor. And don't quit. I'm not saying don't go to other sites but you shouldn't give up here. I've posted in the past about this sub and moving on from it but really we should stick it out and not let them win. No matter how much they want to discredit everyone here as racists and bigots and whatever other tricks they try to steer people away we should stay and prove them wrong. Debate their propaganda with our own.

Why do you want to stay here? It's a website. It is not permanent. It's not some historic building that means something. It's a shitty website owned by some faceless corp.

Why would you want to stay here and "fight?" When that just gives them more power. Every page view, every visitor, every comment is money to these people. Reddit is too far gone to be what it once was. The only way to change reddit is to leave. If you leave this website, and every one else does, it's useless. What's a website with no visitors?

People take this website way too seriously. It's a website. It's not a country, it's not a government. It's something that could be gone tomorrow if the users decided they no longer like it. This is just a window to the Internet to me, it is not a fighting ground. It means nothing because there will be hundreds more after which will do the same. Think about digg and MySpace or xanga or....

Stop putting so much into this website. It's just a page of the internet. You give them more power by thinking it's more than it is. "Fighting" gives them what they want! Page views and visitors is all reddit cares about because that is money.

I find it odd that people complain about reddit here on their website and are surprised by bans and what not. It's a website. They can do whatever they want. It's not a democracy. Open yours eyes and see what this is.

I disagree with this. They fight us because they want to drown out the information. So, us leaving, is the ultimate victory.

You're right that this is just a website. But it's the biggest community/news aggregator, we shouldn't let anyone bully us away and then assume that everyone will follow. It's far more likely that only a small portion will leave and the majority will stay and be more susceptible to all the bullshit in the process.

Don't feed the trolls, simple as that, just pile on the links, evidence, information. In a sense, do as politicians do, don't answer questions, but say what you want the discussion to be about.

Remember that these shills don't believe the official story, they just don't care either way.. Treat them like the bots that they are and just focus on all the good people that are still out here, there's plenty of people with an open mind who are happy to start a normal discussion.

Because the community is here already. And it's fun to watch shills wet themselves when I post.

Communities come and go. How much of a community is there if more than half are bots & paid accounts (marketers, shills, corporate interests, "celebrity" accounts, politicians, the list goes on, etc). How much of this community do you really know? How do you know half the commenters here are genuine? Do you really think the shills care about some no-name comment on the internet? Most of the comments here are bought and paid for (as is the karma). Your opinions don't mean much when the person behind the screen isn't reading what you're saying.

Don't be afraid to move on.

Do I think they care? Yes. Otherwise they wouldn't be here. And it is making a difference. When a front page reddit sub posts about pesticides causing cancer from a respectable scientific study they care. It's viewed by thousands and they come back the next day and attack that study and any dissenters with their obvious brigades. Corporations do this and have money invested in doing this to save face. If they are going to shill on this site then I'm going to anti-shill on this site.

Open yours eyes and see what this is.

A website?

now that reddit has gotten more mainstream, they want to kick out the original redditors who have that certain mindset. Now there's buzzfeed people here who can't think for themselves.. and this is what current reddit wants to keep.

Sadly, that is what happens when the mainstream enters. Yes, from an account that a year old too.

How do we kick them out of reddit?

they own reddit

You can't.

We turn it into digg. Reddit isn't thenbastion of free thought it used to be. Popularity brought new users that heard about it from TV or the jailbait fiasco, whatever, more people means more pandering which means please the masses end of sentence.

We turn it into digg. Reddit isn't thenbastion of free thought it used to be. Popularity brought new users that heard about it from TV or the jailbait fiasco, whatever, more people means more pandering which means please the masses, not the

Where'd the rest of your thought process go?


We go back to Digg?!

They are Reddit.

Playback on other websites has been disabled by the owner.

Ha, best line ever!!

Had not thought about that in at least a year. Thank you!!

What the fuck world do you live in? They want the user base to leave? it's a business, the more traffic they get the more money they make.

Censorship? You're laboring under the delusion that reddit exists solely to provide you an outlet to speak... it's OWNED by a business and they can control whatever they want in it. It's not like they're reaching into your personal conspiracy filled site to shut you down, you're using their fucking site that they make money on to bash on them. That's the same thing as Muslim terrorists using Twitter to criticise western countries.

It's hypocritical, no one owes you shit and if you want to say whatever you want without anyone being able to police you then go create your own forum. Honestly if the lack of transparency on a fucking privately owned internet forum is the worst of your problems then you're pretty fucking well off...

Not Reddit, the corporate and government shills want "conspiracy theorists" to leave.

And it's nothing like terrorists. LOL you're pathetic. And nice name dfgrmfpos.

Don't worry I too get defensive when I have no argument

Well thanks for admitting you have no argument. I'd say your defense is weak though.

But it's been infiltrated :/

And take the conversation to other social media outlets. Post screen caps of conversations, vote manipulation, shadowbanning... Everything. It's happened in the past regarding other sites being discussed here, so why not do the reverse this time?

It's just a domain. Vote with your feet - https://voat.co/

There will be no alternative until a better option is created by someone. myspace --> facebook. digg --> reddit. It's the way it's always been.

And no, voat is not better than reddit. Same layout and ugly design, and vulnerability to be abused by mods.

I miss MySpace though. I enjoyed the format and my ability to customize everything. Also all the sparkle .gif weep weep ๐Ÿ˜ญ

as a music producer I've recently switched from soundcloud to MySpace... they have a nice ui

I'm currently building one. What would you like to see in a new and better news and views aggregator website.

Also, voat may not be a perfect alternative. But it is a small evolutionary step in the right direction.

Slashdot -> Digg -> Reddit

I remember during the original Digg migration to Reddit that people who were new to the site were making a big deal about Reddit clones and how awful they were.

And now here we are, wishing there was one.

It's obsolete websites all the way down.....

Are the reddit mods not abusing us?


people used to say reddit had ugly design

We need an alternative that can't be easily compromised. That's the tough part. Maybe something distributed, where nobody could gain too much power. One problem with that would be spam, it would be a magnet for spam. Still, a distributed model would have some advantages, such as not being beholden to any individual owner or host. It could also limit the damage that a bad actor could do. Such a system would allow for anyone to easily clone an existing "sub", which would mean no more than a name change while preserving content. It would be simple to allow anyone to back up data of interest, and republish as necessary.

Obviously, I'm just spitballing here, but I think we need a different kind of system than reddit. It's a failed model due to its vulnerability to corruption.

We need an alternative.

Reddit is open source.

Take the code, disable the vote fuzzing and other things that lie about data, and host it. Possibly on TOR so you would be free to not delete anything. But subreddits still need a way to stop their content from going to shit. Possibly have every single post show up in /r/all and the subreddit it was posted to, and if it's deleted it just shows up in /r/all, and maybe a /r/deleted.

I don't like python and I think a completely new system needs to be built from the ground up. That idea you have could work well (in a new system).

Personally, I still think reddit's codebase is fine as it is. Also, they switched languages (maybe when it was a lot smaller) before, so switching again would give a chance to go over all the code and see what it does. But I like python, so I have no problem with it as it is.

One thing I would like to see is image/video/misc data hosting inbuilt into the website, instead of relying on outside content. A lot harder to take down that way, and more anonymous. Would use a lot of disk space thougAll they will find is that I'm an anime watching, 24/7 computer gaming nerd.h, text compresses a hell of a lot better than dank memes images.

Also, what do you do about illegal content? You can either host it on TOR (and only on TOR) and have hardly anyone use it, but you wouldn't be forced to take down anything, or you can host it normally but you will have to take down illegal content.

To each there own, I mean the code is fairly simple. I would rebuild it with PHP, but why not just start from scratch based on "how it works".

One thing I would like to see is image/video/misc data hosting inbuilt into the website, instead of relying on outside content. A lot harder to take down that way, and more anonymous

That actually could be a good idea, I like it.

Also, what do you do about illegal content?

That is the problem, how the hell do you handle that. Which is why it makes it risky running a site like this without a team of lawyers. They could litigate you out of business, sigh....

I hardly think any team of lawyers would help you when someone's posting CP to the front page, and you're refusing to hide or delete it in any way. You HAVE to get rid of it. Or hide the server on TOR.

Oh definitely, that is what I worry about when I think of maybe creating an alt to reddit. Obviously the site would have to, and I'm all for taking down THAT content. Also, I don't think TOR is the right way to go, because it limits the user base. It would have to be on the regular web, not deep web.

I think someone could make a slippery slope argument, in that you'll just start censoring stuff you don't like if you start removing anything, but 4/8/whatever chan does it quite well, in that anything that could get the website taken down is removed, and that's it.

where can one get the source code? for science of course

bottom of every single reddit page.

ah thanks, found it.


Awesome site, terrible for actually having a conversation.

What those guys have about nesting comments, I don't know.


Exactly right. If you don't like reddit, don't type in the address. Pretty simple.

It doesn't work because the-powers-that-be or some jokers immediately spam a new site with CP and the like, thus begins the need for advanced moderation. It evolves from there owing largely to humans being involved and not being able to handle power.

It is my understanding that not being informed about having your account shadow banned is part of being shadow banned. You are not supposed to know that you are invisible and impotent, because if you know this you will make a new account and continue your unwanted actions.

I'm curious to what do you think you wrote that actually made someone want to shadow ban you? I read your post and saw nothing that's actually news.

Also, could it be that someone in power is part of the anti-conspiracy (not to be confused with anti-/r/conspiracy) and actually shadow banned you so that your original post, and by extension you, would get more visibility?

It explains all this in the original post.

According to the updated OP the mods responded to OPs message informing that he was banned because he had been mistakenly interpreted as being a part of a vote brigade. Since /r/conspiracy is a sub where the No Participation bot gets consistently downvoted I'm willing to accept that this is indeed what happened.

Are shadowbans universal across reddit? Also, as long as people respond to you, does that mean you are not shadowbanned?

If you are shadow banned then a subreddit mod has to manually approve your comment for it to be visible to others.

If i run a subreddit eg /r/tuesdayafternoon or /r/anythinggoesnorules and i get shadowbanned does that mean that those subs get shut down?

I have no idea but I would assume not. What would be more interesting to know is if you would have to approve your own stuff on those subreddits to get around the shadowban.

that's what i was going to ask next.


Shadowbanning is a reddit-wide thing that's supposed to exist to stop spammers. You still see your posts, but nobody else can.

Moderators can still approve posts by someone who is shadowbanned and they will show up.

What some moderators are doing, though, is having automoderator automatically delete posts by people they don't like. It's even harder to detect, and is really shitty.

Well they can't just let any joe shmoe have a say visible by anyone with a device that connects to the internet! Free speech zone ----> that way, where no one can hear you.

Also, could it be that someone in power is part of the anti-conspiracy (not to be confused with anti-/r/conspiracy) and actually shadow banned you so that your original post, and by extension you, would get more visibility?

That's an incredibly convoluted gamble and actually kinda genius. I was just thinking that I would have never seen this post if not for the dude being shadowbanned.

I dont think its that convoluted amd certanly not rare. Fake outrage amd various other karma whoring tactics have alqays been used and easy to implement

Why the fuck did people give gold for that post? It was pretty obvious that you would be banned so the two months go to waste while making reddit 10 bucks richer...

People give gold to make a comment or post more important.

Seem* more important.

Ya you can gild yourself. Pretty cheap way to convince thousands that you matter.

edit: thanks for making me looking like an asshole.

bows Your Grace.

I believe you.

I believe you.

I believe you.

I believe you.

I believe you?


I believe you.

Nice try Conde!

I believe you.

Increased visibility and a way, however small. to say thanks for the good work.


Giving them a couple $$ -- not like it's $5.2B or whatever. The publicity is worth it.

Haha yeah, absolutely.

You know that is really interesting. How many people have been given gold and shadow-banned? Sounds like an FTC investigation waiting to happen.

I don't see why it's goldworthy or banworthy - all that shit's pretty much common knowledge in any meta sub. The spin/interpretation of it is a bit extreme but, considering the sub, it's to be expected.

IMHO, it's hard to maintain credibility when you take /r/circlejerk seriously.

It happens all the time in popular AMAs where they give the OP years of gold that will never be used.

I got 12 fucking months of Reddit Gold when I called out the admins for trying to get people to e-mail congress pertaining to net neutrality when literally a week prior they told /r/KotakuInAction naction to not do the exact same thing.

I actually wish I could return it.

Man, it has really sucked watching the censorship snowball out of control the last few years.

It's pretty amusing that people are suddenly treating "censorship" as a bad thing.

I've been using this website for five years, and in that entire time the site-wide trend has been toward more and heavier moderation. And the reason is not because moderators somehow overrode the wishes of the population. Almost all of these decisions were extremely popular, and it's still quite common to see people request that various mods remove or ban even more posts than they do currently.

I've been against increased moderation for a long time. In my view, the voting system works perfectly fine without any interference, and people are always free to go to alternate subreddits or sites if they want to. However, this is apparently a minority opinion. It seems like most people are in favor of more censorship, as long as it only extends to posts they don't approve of.

Reddit mods get a little bit of authority and they really feel they are something. I would even argue that most of them bring up offline that they are mods on this internet forum. This is how new the role is to them. I am telling you never look upon these "newbies" lest you become like them - hypocrites.

They have no idea that they are blocking actual information while they abuse this authority. Truthfully most mods are blind. The reason for this is because they aren't mature and are unsure how to properly moderate or facilitate with this privilege.

Don't blame them as a whole but blame the ones who work and conspire together, we have been shown chat logs but still continue to use this site. No different than most do with Facebook at this point. We submit our voice in turn for these cheap services. There are cops who patrol and will show up at your door for what you say on here too. It's become the same concept. The blind are truly leading the blind but no real admission of it from them. They don't know what they are or where to begin as themselves, but remain comfortable with being a hypocrite.

The trouble you all expect will come. Keep watch then against the world.

As for me I will continue to use this site less and keep safe measure against the ones who I described, yeah, I will be at ytmnd.com

The right way to deal with mod bias is to fork a community. You can thus route around moderation bias by subscribing to a set of subs, mixed to match your interests.

I feel there is a confusion among this community.

Reddit has become corrupt and is as that.

This could be because the user enjoys having a high tally of karma-points or being a member for a lengthy time. There are individuals who are mods in multiple sub-reddits, spread across this entire domain. Because of this, nothing is to change at this website. They have managed their desired traffic poorly. The persons who have made sub-reddits with specific names have only allowed specific posts.

What is to happen is that the reddit community will divide itself.

Yes, a possibility that a front page pinned post about 'fixing the issue' with no real fix as the problem remains embedded permanently. This is as good as it is.

The smart will disconnect and the rest will see rejoice seeing their stories on CNN, FOX, etc

my /r/anythinggoesnorules does exactly what it says

I would even argue that most of them bring up offline that they are mods on this internet forum.

They do.

How do u become a mod

There are certain sites that analyze reddit accounts. At least one of them maps hourly activity charts. Try plugging in some high profile users. They are active on strict 9-5 hours. Not a single post outside of those hours. The last one I noticed was probably working in Eastern timezone.

I know I only reddit while at work, government job with lots of downtime... I bet alot of people do that too. Being on from 9-5 probably isn't too damning of an offense.

Not saying that there aren't people paid to shill on Reddit. Probably a lot are, more than I can imagine. I mean, I have friends who are paid to tweet.

But also most day jobs are boring, computer based, and have a lot of downtime.

Just sayin there's probably a lot of factors.

But those sites sound awesome, do you have any links? Would love to check some accounts out (and my own). See how they compare.

There's been several, but http://snoopsnoo.com/ is one of the better, newer ones. I also like http://www.roadtolarissa.com/redditgraphs/, very detailed and easy to read.

I believe http://www.redditinsight.com/ does similar, and http://www.redditinvestigator.com/ is an older one, not quite as thorough.

I worked on a fairly high profile senate campaign that got lots of national attention. The office I worked out of had 10-12 interns at any given time constantly posting and manipulating votes in an insane variety of subreddits. I'm pretty sure there were 5 other offices involved in this operation.

I'm not gonna say what campaign I was on, but I will say this. I'd be very surprised if the DNC didn't have some kind of deal with Reddit. You don't just get the world's most powerful person to do an AMA without any strings attached.

Considering the politics of people like Alexis Ohanian, I'm sure it was something Reddit offered to do.

And have you noticed most people never post 11pm-8am? Definitely some damning evidence

A worthy alternative takes it's place soon enough, It's happened before with Digg. Here is a list of potentially worthy alternatives I compiled earlier:

Snapzu - Very visual, lots of great articles and videos. XP and leveling adds fun and sense of progress.

Empeopled - Gives you more influence based on the amount of up-votes you've received. Use influence to steer future of the site.

The Needs - Seen this on twitter a lot, content seems a bit off (automated content maybe?).

Hubski - Old school, had similar attention to voat a few years ago. Decent discussion but few members.

Spreadit - Dark theme, doesnt seem all that different from reddit. Even the name is similar.

Hacker News - Lots of business and programming talk but can also find some good misc discussion.

Linkibl - No comment, seen it posted at /r/redditalternatives. Looks like pinterest for links.

Voat - Almost direct clone that cropped up just recently.

Hacker News - Lots of business and programming talk but can also find some good misc discussion.

Ycombinator suffered the same level of infiltration that reddit has.

Voat.co is pretty excellent. Been there for two months and have been impressed so far.


I'm feeling reddits popularity is gonna decline as a result of these expositions and people will start going to these sites lol

You could always repost on voat.co at /v/conspiracy โ˜บ

Except no one likes Voat.


Sounds like reddit when it was just /r/programming


Because it's sole purpose seems to be "getting away from censorship" such as shadowbanning from vote manipulation and asking for upvotes (OP admitted it in his post.)

Wake up man, Reddit's not corrupt, we're not important enough for people to actually care about.

could always post it to my sub, /r/anythinggoesnorules

Boose Allen Heath designed software to manipulate social media for the government. It's silly to think facebook is the only place it's being used.

Actually, it's probably much more effective here.

People are so used to stupid posts on FB they don't pay attention like they used to. On here, people will believe almost anything.

I don't often come to /r/conspiracy, but when I do, I'm always entertained. And confused. But mostly entertained.

Lol same

It's so idiotic I upvoted it.

/r/conspiracy on frontpage. This is gonna be good!

Yeah these people are hilarious

Yeah, it's all a joke, amirite?

Hail Murica!

Fuck off.

Jet fuel can't melt steal beams

Right, but did you ever take into account all the chemicals on it for the chemtrails? That's why the tower went down! /s

Shit I hadn't thought of that. You must be right though


Looks like the group of kids that has nothing better to do just showed up.

Its funny how they mock us, yet they spend their time here pretending to be retards.

I just read through all your comments on your conspiracy post and multiple times you violate the rules of reddit.

It is likely that you were banned because you violated the site wide rules. You know you can message the admins and they will tell you why you were banned.

I just read through all your comments on you conspiracy post and multiple times you violate the rules of reddit.

You should probably either link or better yet screecap a few of those "rule violating" posts, because as it is this is just an unsubstantiated allegation. I'm not saying it's false, I'm saying it's unsubstantiated.

No, that's backwards. We know for a fact that people get banned from Reddit all the time for perfectly ordinary reasons, and that sometimes they then lose their shit and post rants about a conspiracy to suppress them. We have no actual evidence that anyone has been banned from Reddit for their opinions.

The sensible thing to do when a rant like this is posted is to assume that OP was banned for vote manipulation etc and just has a martyr complex about it. It's on OP to demonstrate otherwise, no sensible person would waste time researching it themselves when the answer is so obviously more likely to be "yeah, they were banned for violating rules X, Y, and Z and making 10 different accounts to evade it."

No, that's backwards.

Ehm, no, it really isn't. I'm not asking AndyWarwheels to go out and read OP's comment history and post examples; I'm asking him, since he's already gone through it, to post some examples to substantiate what he says. I'm not putting an unreasonable or improper burden of proof on him, in fact I don't think he has a duty to do anything, but it's not wrong of me to ask.

Are you a 12 year old girl?

Because all of this reads like the rantings of a 12 year old girl.

It is ok!! One Direction hasn't broken up yet!!

I would post the whole thing on a separate blog, for posterity.

There are subreddits with auto filing... Maybe post it in one of those...

Eh? No man, you want to remove it from the power of reddit's admins, so it can't be deleted! Hence off site :)

I would post the whole 
thing on a separate blog, 
for posterity. 

I've been around here for more than five years and have watched the slow decline in quality and big rise in censorship. I don't see the point in banning accounts unless they explicitly break rules such as calling for upvotes, spamming, or using social media to brigade. And even then I think there should be some sort of warning given. I have run across a number of people who got shadowbanned and they honestly had no idea why. I would go check it out and see they had posted to their blog too many times compared to their other engagement, or some shit like that.

As a mod at /r/dreams I have invited members of the professional community to drop by the sub and share their knowledge, but I have to warn them about all kinds of "reddiquette" and have found it turns them off. "You can do this but you can't do that and if you do too much of this and that your ass will get banned and your soul eaten by Satan."

I think Reddit is screwing itself. I mean, it'll still get all sort of traffic, which means revenue, but I think it's scaring away people with knowledge to share. If you read what founders like Aaron S. said about why they created the site, they wanted to create a community to share knowledge and information. But hey, George Clooney is doing an IAMA so fuck it.

I joined reddit 6 months ago and it was pretty fun but soon realized there was a lot of fishy stuff and corrupt mods in main subreddits. Where are we going to go next?

Edit: this is my third account. First one was banned from /r/anime :(

How'd you get banned from that one, if you don't mind my curiosity?

He probably had an argument with a mod there on who's waifu is better.

I revealed all the corruption and dirty business from that subreddit , JK, I was new and revealed spoilers. My bad. Madoka best waifu

Serves you right then.

Oh Yeah. I had no idea there were a thing called spoiler tag.

I joined nearly 7 years ago and people will try to tell you Reddit was always this way. It definitely was not.

You have changed my perspective of this website (and the media, and governments and basically everything) completely. Just reading through all the tedium links in the posts, I have found that I am no longer going to be able to take ANYTHING at face any more. This seriously made me question the world I live in, and I thank you for provoking such thoughts.

I didn't know anything about any of this. I am and have been the Eternal September. I was once blind, but now I see.

Just wow.

I'm feeling the same way brah. There has been a new awakening on this site!

This was on top of /r/all then suddenly got removed. Sneaky sneaky!

I thought this subreddit was for conspiracies, not people who got banned from a Website after complaining about it on that very same Website? I'm not saying it's right that they did that, but it's not exactly grassy gnoll/aliens-among-us/"Republicans are in league with the antichrist" material, is it?

Ssssh. You're going to frighten them.


But the people of /r/conspiracy are manifestly incompetent to decide that. Why would we pretend otherwise?

Has anyone considered building a plug-in to alert you if you've been shadow banned? Something that would ping your posts via non-logged in state, maybe via VPN to skirt IP banning, then notify if your post isn't visible?

Fuck.... in your previous post, you mentioned the mysterious Victoria (https://engage.vevent.com/index.jsp?eid=3110&seid=111)

From that link Reddit is selling AMAs, and Reddit as a CROWDSOURCING PLATFORM! Super Trooper 2 anyone?

They honey-dicked us!

What does this post being on the front page mean for your theory? (Seriously curious.)

The internet has gone soft. The place that birthed goatse.cx is now banning people left and right over words. Fuckin' words!

Account restored and flair added.

Ctrl+f restored

Only result.

Any news on why this account was shadow banned and/or restored?

Honestly, what is the point of reddit's "five rules" if individual subs and mods or admins can do whatever the fuck they want?

I was reading your post yesterday, and I forget where I went but I left the page for a second then went back and couldn't find it any more. It just made me think you were right.


It's not admins, it's bots. Aaron didn't die for 'E. Pow.'

The original spirit of reddit died with Aaron.

You may be right, who knows?

Move to Quora? Go back to Digg? Create another aggregate site? Reddit is a corporate entity, if all of this were true, no one should feel surprised. You don't "own" anything here.

Any proof to your claim that you were shadow banned? Doesnt a user page who deleted their own account also look like the one you linked in your OP? How do we know you didnt just delete your account to use a fake victim card. Trying to keep an open mind


I was on this thread a couple hours ago and clicked his old profile (shark_shank) multiple times and all it took me to was a page saying that his profile never existed/couldnt be found. The mods apparently just recently unbanned him after he sent them a message.

It looks like you got caught up in a vote brigade

So you can be punished for voting the wrong way, too? Subtle.

interesting! now what?!

Now what? His original post and claims has now much more weight.

A lot of people are jumping ship to voat.co

A tiny fringe of people is talking about jumping ship to voat.co

No-one is jumping ship to voat. it's a barren wasteland.

It's like the mods are using the "if you don't like America then you can get out" technique

Blogging about this now. Not sure if that will help at all, but I contacted Reddit's Press department too.


Don't you have some creepy PM's to send someone?

Yet somehow you make it to the front page, sounds like you're full of shit like all these other tin foil hat wearing conspiracy nutjobs boy.

He only made it to the front page because this this is a new account, only 7 hours old. They haven't banned this account yet.

Great post and exactly why I left Digg but now it's somehow worse.

Honestly if you wanted to be taken seriously, you should have posted someplace other than /r/conspiracy, since the rest of the world teats this sub like the butt of an XKCD joke.

What has happened to reddit? Have they been taken over by the thought police?

Yes, more than 6 months ago

I'm not sure what all the fuss is about here. Is it shocking that the NSA or [insert government/subcontracted spying agency here] is heavily monitoring and censoring a massive and open internet site like Reddit? For fuck's sake, they've admitted to much, much worse. Absolutely EVERYTHING we do now is watched. The chips in your car, every CCTV, every device connected to the net or GPS...etc, etc, etc. I'm no conspiracy guy but it's not a conspiracy when it's in your face 24/7.

And with this post, I will quit reddit. I have seen the endless circle jerks, the shills, the abuse, the descent into shit. I will no longer visit this wretched site. Thank you for fighting the good fight.

See you on your other account!

FWIW, you and your ghost are pretty much the king of /r/conspiracy with top 1 and 2 posts. Go for the hat trick?

Nah, you were shadowbanned because you broke rules.

If the reddit admins actually cared about this kind of crap they wouldn't have shadowbanned two of my accounts for downvoting you people too much.

What rule did he break?

Seriously, not looking to debate

4000+ upvotes and almost 500 comments.

Nice to see. Too bad this won't make it out of this sub... :(

Deleting my account right now, fuck you Reddit

Shameless plug for http://voat.co

I see people begging people to go to voat.co. what I don't see is people on voat.co

An alternative to Reddit with no censorship and some RES features built in.

It's cute you think there is no censorship.

Not much at least.

This is why you listen to the crazies at least for a bit. Because once you know too much, and you start to talk, they label you crazy if they can't silence you another way.

You should have really called your new profile Shark_shank_redemption.

Aww yeah.

I had to find a way to use it. It was THAT good. You should be a copy-writer.


Ugh, again!

Well thank God for the TOR browser you can have a random IP address all the time! Torproject.org

Obligatory reminder that tor in no way offers you anonymity from government oversight.

In 2004, the Naval Research Laboratory released the code for Tor under a free licence)


This post in on /r/all at the moment.

Yeah, I was thinking this. I've agreed with this whole thing kinda. But how come this post is on r/all, just contradicts the whole theory. Ahah.

Because if they don't let it get there it will cause the Streisand effect and they will be worse off. This way it will fade away.

Yeah, True. Fair Enough.

Well, if I was to disprove censorship while still censoring letting a few posts go viral seems like a nice strategy.

Thanks for this and thanks for posting again didn't get a change the first time. Reddit is government and corporation sponsored, period.

Hey, this is a great post. Why don't more redditors see these things as a problem? I would like to see the old reddit put in place or let's switch. I don't want to be a voat bot. But there's room for a new website.

I really hate this kind of crap. Being someone who has been shadow banned on alts, and out right banned from multiple subs, mods tend to act like you cannot just make another account, and keep on posting.

Pretty stupid fucking system

"Oh no, how am I supposed to get points that don't matter from people I'll never meet?" It's a god damn entertainment website. Get over it

Unfortunately the people who seek to become moderators are likely sociopaths who crave power.

so...http://www.reddit.com/user/shark_shank is a profile you can see again.

Did someone see this and un-ban you?

take away /r/reddit.com

You canj bring up any issues with Reddit on a ton of different subs, theres even subs with only admins as mods where they see messages from users. Also.. we've seen many issues about reddit brought up through /r/videos, /r/news, /r/worldnews, etc etc.

powergrab to become moderators of these subreddits

uh.. yeah. Are you surprised on how that worked out?corrupt mods/shitty mods have been pointed out numerous times in teh past. And some subs were removed from default due to major issues.

default subs controlled, drastic changes

hate to burst your bubble but /r/IAMA always required approval. All approval requries is for you to prove you're who you are. And the rules of IAMA have pretty much always been there. Maybe stop browsing /r/ALL and start browsing /r/IAMA and you'll see the non celeb posts. Who the hell can help it if people upvote posts of big celebrities/whatever? That's pretty much a given.

appearance of shills

Yeah.. they've always been around. The more popular reddit gets the more you'll see it.

blatant censorship on /r/news, /r/worldnews etc.. saying x site is not allowed

yeah people did vote on those things. And they don't allow sites notorious for making shit up on top of sites that users voted to not haveo n there anymore or people constantly reported for being shit sources.

changed voting

No argument here. I don't think it's something that destroys reddit though. But it definitely turns it into more of a hivemind.

shuffle front page subs

yeah.. theyve switched front page subs around pretty often. Why is that a problem? /r/circlejerk isn't exactly something you need to see on 'the front page of the internet', people newly visiting the site wouldn't understand anything in /r/circlejerk. default subs have a reason for existing, most people who use reddit OFTEN/are experienced either have their own list of subs they use or they use /r/all. Default subs are like an intro to the site. It's not a controversy.

you are posting too much please wait

not sure what your point is with this. You can post as much as you want.. but certain subreddits have limitations to how often you can post unless you have x amound of karma within that sub. There's no controversy there.

your votes do not matter

funny how this post is near the top of /r/all, and multiple times videos submissions/other submissions about corruption of reddit admins/ceo/etc have been on front page as well. Front page is decided on how popular x thing is at x time. Default subs will have a push because they are default subs.. people who just start using the site will see that stuff first. It's Always been like that.

online guerrilla tactics

yeah.. voat.co is still there and it got hugged to death with its 'became popular overnight'. Maybe reddit DDoSed it, or maybe a bunch of idiots did, or maybe a ton of people visited the site in a short amount of time. Did the guy who runs VOAT.CO some out and say anything official about it? k

wasn't always like this

yes it was. Reddit destroys itself by design. The more people that come into it and the more popular it gets the more you will dislike it and it will slowly wither itself away from what you liked about it at first. Remember, over half the users will be nearing mental retardation in IQ - since it's one of the most popular sites in the world right now it reaches the General Audience. The people that watch all the shitty TV shows that have no substance, the people that read magazines and not books, the people that browse Buzzfeed 24/7.

Welcome to life?

I'm sure you have some points in there that mean something, but it is taken way out of proportion.

Also, when I click your profile that was banned/doesn't exist - the user is still there with recent submissions. Also, Voat.co is up and getting more traffic than it did before the blow up.. it's not like it will become the #1 thing ever overnight.



Honestly, what did you expect?

C'mon Reddit this was the perfect time to completely ignore this post and make OP think his alt was shadow-banned before he even posted.

And by this time tomorrow everyone will have forgotten about all of this. Whomever is behind this is good, and is stopping us from stopping them. We keep letting these men behind the curtain go because nobody every follows through with trying to bust them. We figure if it doesn't directly effect us than we will be alright.

Suicidal thoughts because I live in a world like this.

They'll be distracted by what Ted Cruz had for breakfast.

Few things are more contemptible than shadowbannig ... there's everything wrong with it ... it's opaque, dishonest, cowardly, you name it.

Oh shit

Sorry to hear that, bro. If it's any consolation, one does not really pop their r/conspiracy cherry until they get themselves shadow-banned. ;-) On the plus side, the term "shadow-banned" was like big-foot or the chupacabra around here about a year ago. It was something people didn't really believe was happening or existed.

Is it not at least a little funny that people would believe some of the really out there conspiracies but not something like shadowbans?

That how things go in r/conspiracy. The term "shadow-banned" use to be something no one talked about here.

So yeah, go back in time a year and ask people around here about what the term means and you will get called crazy.

Talk about it now and it's common knowledge.

But I'm sure if we all found Bigfoot one day, everyone would be like "yeah well, we all knew he existed anyways...."


He made a point of saying, in the other thread in a lower comment, that it's banned from appearing on the front page, for unsigned-in browsers (people who just open r/all but don't log in).

Unless Reddit is tracking cookies across browsers somehow, I just opened the /r/all on a browser I have never logged in on, and it's current sitting there at #11.

I guess it's possible they disabled that algorithm so this post could appear to make him look crazy.

13 now /r/all

As far as the shills go, you should have seen the change in popular opinion when reddit decided that AlienBlue should have sponsored posts show up in the client, regardless of whether or not a user paid for pro. One day, everyone up in arms. Within 24 hours, those people are assholes because they just can't stand seeing a few ads! Incredible.

Great couple of posts, awesome info. Sucky deal for you but great information to open up eyes around here.

I completely agree with your take on the AMA subreddit.I used to love checking out ama for interesting stories about people's lives and what they have experienced. Now its just a whore sub for whatever celebrity wants to push shit down our throats , and don't even think about asking a controversial question because Victoria will be sure to ignore it on top of other good questions asked.

That's messed up. I read your v 3.0 post when it was up. I commend you for your diligence! I've always doubted reddit, but you paint a clear picture that's easy to see. I wish I could help, and will when I can, but my reach is limited. Regardless, keep on keepin' on!!!

edit: spelling and punctuation

They are butthurt, fuck you admins, fuck you /u/ekjp you criminal, fuck you /u/yishan you're a criminal for stepping down as CEO when bribed by Ellen Pao, you're fucked bro, SEC and FBI informed.

I think you need to look up the definition of the word 'criminal'.

I think you need to look up the definition of the word 'criminal'.

Defrauding investors of pensions funds to the tune of $150,000,000?

How about defrauding reddit investors by bribing a CEO to step down?

[citation needed]


I guess you are a victim of all the removed stories from reddit.


Thanks for proving my point.

you didn't have a point, I'd stake $1000 that you've never had a point on reddit ever, and probably ever in your life.

How can you even excuse that?

So please tell me, what crimes were ekjp and yishan convicted of exactly? Because one needs to have committed a crime to be a criminal, which you'd know if you'd bothered to look up the definition like I said.

Stupid cunt.

Good argument! Have you considered a career in law by any chance? With such a strong grasp of rhetoric and legal definitions you're bound to go far. You should speak to your school's guidance counsellor.

Don't be silly, I am only 11, I should keep my options open. I am thinking professional wrestler, or spaceman, or both.

Psst, hey... fuckwit... yeah... you. Guess what?


This is a dickbutt stained toilet stall in the middle of a IB convention which was accidentally set at a hotel hosting a mexican food convention the same weekend.


Thanks for proving my point, again! :)

This somehow appeared on the top page and made this the day I lost my faith in Reddit.

But shadowbans make your user account page disappear....

You essentially no longer exist? Stop being so dramatic. Its a website with meaningless points. Make a new username and move on, just like you did. You don't have to act like reddit committed some great injustice to you.


He's showing that reddit isn't what it is anymore. This website was designed for freedom of speech, posts, and all the like. It's clearly not that anymore. They're trying to control what we see. What see on in social media, which we use to get away from the ever controlling society that we live in.

Ever since Aaron past away this website changed. I hope you see that.

In fact they did. Worse they committed a grave in justice to us all.

Give me freedom or give me death and when it comes to social media you either give me freedom or fuck you, you will get what is coming to you. Loss of user base and loss of revenue.

I used to spend a lot of time on Facebook and once I found out about the shit they do I stopped. I still go there occasionally to check on friends but not near like I used to. I am not alone. I don't want my feed fucked with by some algo that some asshole decides what shows up or not.

I see it as the mods upholding free speech. They claimed they banned him for vote brigading, which is taking away other users rights to free speech. When they found out he didn't do that, they unbanned him.

I would like to read this post

Jury Rules Against Ellen Pao in Silicon Valley Gender Discrimination Trial Ellen Pao, who alleged gender bias resulted in her termination from Silicon Valley's Kleiner Perkins venture capital firm, has lost her suit.

lol "vote brigade." suree. vote brigades don't result in shadow bans anyway. that shit makes no sense.

I find it ironic you mention flytape has to approve your stuff before it can be posted in a post about censorship.

I just checked and this was #13 on /r/all, on the 1st page. Good shit

corporate toadies--they would rather lie than breathe....their like marched in nazi parades and lynched hundreds...and now they rule reddit..

I read your post and looked at one of my comments and logged out. Sure enough, one of them was hidden. (Number 8.) Sad..

I said mods were nazis and got banned from several subs. Just proving my point.

Here is a word cloud of all of the comments in this thread: http://i.imgur.com/VpFNjUm.png
source code | contact developer | faq

I found this via r/all. Not sure what to think. I would assume I wouldn't be able to find it based on what I read.

So why isn't this post deleted?

Because he started a new alter account.

And this one the super over bearing mods can't see or figure out how to block because reasons!

"vote brigade" sounds like newspeak

Wow. This post AND the post about how Ellen Pao lost her sexual harassment suit today on Reddit's front page. Must be mods' day off.

I am glad you are back, I hate the state and its drones who suppress free thinkers

I love how the admins shadowban anyone who makes these posts. I'm not on the conspiracy bandwagon, but can you say Streissand effect?

So they unbanned you. Now what?

now FUN!

Can I still read that article? Or post rather?


I've secured several domains, some foreign. I started combing through reddit's code offering, but it's too much for one person to validate.

Just saying I'm going to try to create a safe, uncensored environment. I live on a fixed income, but I have no interest in making money or selling ads and certainly not selling information.

That said, how can anyone know they could trust my intentions?

I'm going to try anyway.

I wouldn't be suprised if it turned out that OP accidentally upvoted a thread in np or something equally menial :/

I'd be surprised if it were something so trivial. It's more likely that he's like the 8th consecutive alt account of someone who habitually breaks all the rules "to compensate for CIA vote manipulation" or whatever.

Do you have links for more information about the suspects of the boston bombing? I'd like to read more.

I read the original post. I have proof with my own eyes.

Anyway. Great post.

Shitty mods

hey as long as i can see titties, landscape photos, get travel advice, more titties, and read about other people hurting themselves, they can ruin the website all they want. all thats going to happen is someone will start another one.

I'm beginning to think this needs to be my main subreddit. Jeez, if only us proles could be trusted with real info and an actual community! Instead, this is the shit that goes on. What bullshit.

Sorry this is happening to you, /u/shark_shanks_ghost. You're doing good work, though. Keep it up!

You lot are obsessed with drama and stuff being deleted. I can tell which subs are the Conspiracy ones just from the titles.

There have been a lot of shady news around reddit lately. Unfortunately this is the only fun site that isn't banned at work... what alternatives are there?

This shit should be on the front of /r/all

It will be

It is.

It was and it just got "deleted" from the front page!

Luckily I rarely walk those subreddits thats political-, news- or religion-orientated (etc), so I dont notice it much, BUT I do remember that there has been a few occations where I thought "wtf is going on" where like certain views (anti-climate change or similar) suddenly was mass-deleted (censored) by the mods. This shadowbanning of you, is an eyewakener though.. Something is definetely fishy here.

You, my friend, are awesome!

That is such a weird and noticable move. That doesn't seem like a good way to shut someone up.

Much respect for sacrificing your account to inform people. Thing is, only few must do so, the majority must stay calm and conscious to the situation, not spreading info but consuming it, keeping their cover, pretending to follow the stream. Otherwise there will once be nobody to inform people anymore.

Thank you for putting that all together in one cohesive post. I've been here over 5 years, and I can clearly see the truth in much of that, while other things are news to me (thank you for sourcing it). I'm done with this site.

You guys know reddit.com is entirely open source and you can see that there's nothing crazy going on.. https://github.com/reddit/reddit

April fools or I'm not understanding this. There are a bunch of older posts saying the same shit. What's going on? http://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/search?q=how+reddit+was+destroyed&restrict_sr=on&sort=relevance&t=all

What did you write/do?

The censorship is REAL!

the wait ten minutes to post shit is ruining reddit for me.

You can see a cached version of your post/comment history here.

Can you post the raw comment to pastebin? the whole "how reddit was destroyed", raw with markdown, so we can make small changes (few bytes all over) and post in in various places.

Are there any "real reddit" subs that you feel are cleanly moderated? or at least more like how reddit "used to be"?

What was the other site said to be like reddit before it turned like shit? Looks like we may have to abandon ship soon...

I know it's fun to hate on Reddit Admins in here, but let's get something straight.

Users can be banned automatically. Reddit Admins don't have to bring down the banhammer manually. If a user gets too many reports, the user will get shadowbanned by the system.

A simple, polite message to the admins can clear it up if you didn't actually break any rules.

My guess is that if you broke rules, your account will remain banned, but if you didn't then it will come back.

The reality is that lots of shills probably reported your post and the user was automatically banned. If approached correctly, and if no actual rules were broken, the user will come back.

In the post that got you banned could you change "all of a sudden" to "suddenly"?

aww..I happened to love reddit too.

Fuck the Reddit Marxists and their systems of control. Go to voat.co

If that place becomes a Marxist cesspool as well, then we'll all move somewhere else after that. Ohanian is rolling in his grave. Reddit is dead. Fuck the Pinko bastards!

Reddit is dead, and yet here you are. voat.co is the place to be. except no-one is there.

Have you ever heard of tabs? Did you know you can have more than one thing open on the internet at the same time?

Also, voat user base has grown by over 3000% in the last 2 months so its growth rate is insane compared to any other websites.

Reddit is dead. Fuck the Pinko bastards!

Yep. completely dead. You sound like one of those wow players that claim every new game coming out is gonna be the 'wow killer' and claim it's so awesome. Only you still login to wow every day and you watch your friends go to this new game and after the free time is up, they all come back.

You watch what happens to voat. It's already pretty well dead. It'll be worse as time goes on.

You motherfuckers take Reddit way too seriously.

You do realize that the 2X mods had to agree to become default, right? It was a bad decision but it was an independent one.

holy shit

Was just looking at this /r/conspiracy post on the front page. Was thinking, the average official-story-believer will see that and think "OK, so maybe there is a conspiracy just this once. Still doesn't prove that there are conspiracies."

I don't really have a point,... maybe just that most people would rather not know.

So you didn't bother to contact the admins, but instead jumped straight to "they're out to get me"? I'd laugh, but you know...

Welcome to the Shadow-Banned Brotherhood OP.

I have one of those things that you can also use it to be a great deal

What is this shadow banning thing? I've been on Reddit for years and never heard of it and now I see a post on it every single day.

It's the most single, childish thing that can happen to you on reddit. If some mod doesn't like what you are doing, you get banned...fair enough? Here comes the childish bit, they don't tell you. You will post like usual, think your posts are being read, when all the while nobody sees your posts. Some fat nerd is getting some pleasure out of this. Why on earth they can't let you know is beyond my understanding and I wish they'd stop doing it this way. Just let people know ffs.

Wow why does Reddit even allow that?


I still love it here and love all t You bastards

You guys really need to find some meaning in life, because this is truly pathetic.

So do you still think you're fighting the power and standing up to the man by being a raging progressive sjw?

Why do my eyes hurt?

Because you've never used them before.

Thank You.

I was wondering where that post went to. Ain't this some shit. It really is unfortunate what reddit has become.

Very well thought out post.

Ellen Pao the IRL personification of SRS and we're to believe that SRS doesn't get preferential treatment in brigading etc.

I disagree with you on many points but I STRONGLY agree about AMAs. If I open an AMA and they mention Victoria I close it immediately, you know it's horseshit. Like, why the fuck is Steve Buscemi typing [chuckles] in his replies?

What do you mean? I can access your account just fine and see submissions, comments, etc..

Leave, go here, never come back except to bring others there.

If someone invites me, I will invite others.

Making people disappear is a characteristic of a fascist state. This has completely tarnished my reddit experience. Sadness.

Either way, I choose to embrace my undeniable Sovereign Rights protected by Common Law and the like. Uncle Sam, and the government servants are number 2, and I am number One of The People. They can be creeps all they want, until one of my laws are broken. After all, they claim they are looking for terrorists, and that I am not. By the way, we all have these Sovereign Rights at birth, and are not required to be granted any rights as a Citizen slave. If we have excepted this, the choice has no requirements, and is interchangeable; as we may contract with; or not contract with who we choose. Our Rights to complete Freedom from damages from persons, or People never go away. No matter what propaganda you hear. Common Law rules Internationally. The new Statutes that are constantly created under The Constitution, are not laws; and do not apply or hold up under a 'legal' document that we are told is "the highest law of the land." (It isn't even signed by any one, like any legal document should.) It is a list of rights that The People already have, and a list of rights to the Servants of The People to uphold. So Live with Peace, but invoke your Rights, and your own Laws when needed, with consequences when they are violated. Never except any contract law with a reptile, unless it truly benefits you, and does not damage your freedom. "The People should not fear their Government, The Government should fear their People."

you are secret banned

Complaining doesn't help here.

Join James Corbett and his Open Source Journalism. https://www.corbettreport.com/tag/open-source/

Or a similar platform, it won't happen on reddit anymore.

It happens over and over again. As soon as it b becomes about making a profit all goes to shit.

It just becomes a billboard which has to be kept clean. Advertise that game, that show that movie, that celeb.

Other then that sites like reddit have no use for corporations.

Having a good community. Discussing interesting subjects for their own sake. Mindless distraction without any hintergedanken because it's clear that what you see has been manipulated by money hungry cunts. That's worthless. Grow up. The bottom line is profit.

But there's fun in sabotaging their shitty strategy.

At least you got unbanned. Mine was not related to a noble cause like yours, but apparently due to IRC logs that were sent to the admins.

Evidently even the mods have their own conspiracy theories, " vote brigade" lol

While not required, you are requested to use the NP domain of reddit when crossposting. This helps to protect both your account, and the accounts of other users, from administrative shadowbans. The NP domain can be accessed by prefacing your reddit link with np.reddit.com.

I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.

Also, he apparently has to manually approve my comments, so big props to him for doing that.


He who controls the information, controls the world.

Reddit's not about private property, or corporate rights, or none of that crap... until it got taken over by greed. It's about regular people talking freely, saying what they gotta say, and the internet recording it forever&ever.

... Got P.Brew suckin it down below, lulz.

Welcome to the dark underbelly of reddit.

Were you shadow banned after Versions 1 or 2?


So what you're saying is you wrote this shit a long ass time ago, have been posting it over and over again for years and NOW you think there's a conspiracy to ban you? k

Buddy. You should make a new account. Something completely unrelated to your account.

here's the good news, digg is being rebranded

Long time redditor, can confirm it's been destroyed by the mod elite.

I lost a previous account because another moderator in a subreddit I had was friends with an admin.

Whenever I tried recovering the account the recovery email that I received would always expire when I tried to change the password. Messaged admins twice, posted to a few subreddits thinking it was a bug, and absolutely nothing.

I was frustrated but didn't think much of it until I talked to the other subreddit mod about it months later and he mentioned something suspicious about it.

if this sort of thing keeps happening it might make good john oliver material one day.

If you keep creating accounts as you are banned, and keep this information up, its gonna put the shits up them, and enough people will end up seeing it.

Wanted to add I saw this on the front page but its already gone. Anyone have a good alternative? I've been tired of Reddit's lackluster community for a while now. All this aside, its just become populated with silly bullshit. I enjoyed it when it was intellectual and techie far more. I've been waiting for the next big thing for a while.

Shadowbanning is the most retarded thing I can imagine.

Uhh... your account is not shadow banned. It's right there. I see it.

To those who think that this is a string of anecdotes and assumptions sourced by other anecdotes and assumptions, and not proven yet, I'm right there with you. However the admins of Reddit have dug this hole themselves. The way they responded to this is because of a tumor of either corruption or incompetence in the administrative ranks.

This really needs to hit #1 on the front page. What can we do about to help btw?

this is so retarded

what a two-bit conspiracy

An army of shills and a few corrupt mods have stolen our free speech like thieves in the night.

I wish I had the smallest clue as to what this post is about

I too have been banned in various subreddits for attacking the moderators for silencing anyone that wants to discuss subjects like race or religion. I will join this fight. Salaam brothers

How do we know you were shadow banned and didn't just delete your stuff to make your points seem more valid.

I just came across this post from scrolling through /all, so I don't know anything about any of this, but you can tell he is shadowbanned because you can see his posts if you get directly linked to them.

I will admit, I was somewhat emotionally crushed when /r/Anarchism tards began trying to govern me on this great bastion of freedom of expression that is reddit.

Other subs, often subs related to freedom in some way, have done the same, as well as used shadow banning, the most evil thing on the internet IMO, especially while pretending to be all about freedom.

I've in fact been banned more than once, from more than one sub, for trying to discuss it.

Nasty nasty business.

I'd go to 4chan, but I hate the layout/format.

What are ya gonna do?

As an aside, wikipedia = a hiding place for dangerous religious cults to spread false and deadly dogma to a specific group of vulnerable people. I won't say anything more about that here though, except to say that there is a related sub, several actually, doing the same thing to the same specific group of people. And ya, shadow bans there too, if you dare speak up.

Shadow banning: that is about as low, down and dirty and deceptive, deceptive, deceptive a practice I have heard. A filthy practice indeed.

What a bunch of fucktards. No other words for the lot of you. You think you have any right to say what goes on, on a website you don't own/operate? GTFO of here with that ignorant nonsense. You have a problem with a free site? Nut up and build your own. If not, quit fucking posting and browsing here. But I guess that is TOO much common sense

well this whole site is built on the foundation of community

But that is like going to the soup kitchen and complaining about what you get to eat.

no it's not. A soup kitchen costs money too run. This place accepts money too run.

Your logic is completely invalid.

No-one is forcing you to pay. You can use this site 100% without ever buying gold. If no-one does. It goes away. Just like if no-one donates food for the soup kitchen, eventually it's gonna be gone. The food doesn't come from thin air.

I'm not commenting further off-topic. IDGAF about analogous situations or what have you. The fact is Reddit is a service. We are the product Reddit sales. If I want too argue about what Reddit is doing I will. And I can do it on Reddit or elsewhere. OP can take his inconsequential opinion and shove it. Because he can't do anything about it.

I see a lot of people saying they want an alternative to reddit, and I see a lot of people saying we need to stay and fight, overwhelm the enemy, win by numbers. I say we do stand and fight. But this needs to be an organized effort. If everyone works together to flood one sub with the same previously banned post, the mods may give up there. If we divide, we cannot overwhelm them by numbers like we all could together. I also say we create new subs as alternatives to the major ones. Same themes, but keep them as under-the-radar as possible. When they begin to become regulated, fight back. It will have a smaller, tight-knit community full of people who are really dedicated to pushing back the regulations and shadow-bans and whatnot. An Internet divided cannot win. We need to fight, and we need to fight TOGETHER. One post at a time, let's take the first step to taking back reddit. (Edit for bad phone spelling)

Goody. A massive group of cunts systematically ruining each sub trying to prove a point.

If you don't like the way reddit is now, just fuck off and find an alternative. Don't fuck this place in to a pile of shit on the floor on your way out.

I'm taking it that you're incapable of understanding what the original post was about, because you really don't act like it.

I replied to you, not OP. you want a large group of inconsiderate cunts to fuck up each and every reddit you think has a problem until they give you what you want.

That's a nice opinion you've got there, but that's absolutely not what I was saying. Sorry you feel the need to be immature about it.

I say we do stand and fight. But this needs to be an organized effort. If everyone works together to flood one sub with the same previously banned post, the mods may give up there. If we divide, we cannot overwhelm them by numbers like we all could together.

That's exactly what you said.

Dude you are crazy. Half the problems you point out only happened because the user base grew so nachos and other sites lost the popularity sending certain groups here.

Can someone give me tl;dr of this. I have no idea whats going on

I know that this comment will go straight to the bottom, but w/e.

Look, guys, the Internet is public property. Websites are not.

There is no such thing as an "abusive mod." If you're talking about the site owners, it's their site, and they can do whatever they want. You have no rights here, nor should you expect any.

It's like if you walked into someone's house, set down, and then demanded they cook you a meal.

Or, to make it more relevant...it's like if you go into their house and start bitching about how strict they are.

What do you expect their reaction will be?

A rational person would expect something like this, "Hey, get the hell out of my house, then."

If you're talking mods of an individual sub...grow up. News flash: You can make your own sub.

With AutoModerator, a mod can set it up so that if you get negative karma in their sub, you get shadowbanned. It can all be automated. This is the only way they can fight trolls.

There is no conspiracy here. Don't poo all over other people's way of making money unless you want to be shown the door. It's common sense. What's irrational is to complain about it on that same website.

At the time of this writing, this thread is 93% upvoted. So are you guys really such free thinkers? I see a lot of willful mob mentality here. Is it so unreasonable that Reddit would ban someone for trash talking their site on their site?

I know no one will see this, since you guys are going to scuttle this comment, but I had to say my peace.

Peace out!

Reddit died when it sold itself over to becoming left wing propaganda. Look at /r/Politics. It was made a default along with /r/atheism to automatically gain millions of subs to fluff the numbers and recruit. Any right wing source is considered sensationalist and removed, yet left wing sources that post blatant propaganda are allowed and upvoted to the top. Notice how everything in that sub has 100-300 upvotes yet the anti-Right wing stuff always gets 2000-5000. Anything anti-Left wing is downvoted to silence. But people on reddit don't care about blatant propaganda and censorship because it helps their agenda. And people will downvote to deflect my post but really it just proves me correct everytime, much like how they ban people like OP.

Edit - Love the downvote brigade, as predicted. Keep proving me right.

-Be a right-wing redditor.
-Notice that /r/politics and /r/atheism are massively subscribed (they were prior to being made default subreddits; that's why they were added).
-Notice that, on a Website anyone can sign up for and post to--with tens of millions of unique hits per month, worldwide--in subreddits that are available to anybody who wants to post to them, people massively support left-wing ideology and downvote conservative ideology in huge numbers.
-Subscribe to /r/conspiracy because it's obviously manipulation, based on the fact that you must be right.
-Snowball on the Senate floor means no global warming.
-My end of the Titanic just rose 200 feet in the air, ship isn't going down.

Notice how you assumed I'm a right winger. That's another funny thing about it. People on here are so brainwashed they think anyone that speaks out against the left wing must be a crazy Republican because they can't fathom their party having faults and being criticized.

If you think that's bad, try being a communist and seeing how it's received and abused here.

I think that depends on the sub, /r/polirics would agree with a large majority of your beliefs as long as you leave out the word communist.

I somehow don't think the abolition of capital and property rights would go down well with the reddit hivemind.

Notice that, on a Website anyone can sign up for and post to--with tens of millions of unique hits per month, worldwide--in subreddits that are available to anybody who wants to post to them, people massively support left-wing ideology and downvote conservative ideology in huge numbers.

100% free and open to the population of the world, and the world dictates the popular content. Then complain that the popular content doesnt support your viewpoints?

Let me remind you:

This is the same subreddit where they don't believe Sandy Hook happened, the Boston Bombing happened and they think that the govt can somehow pull of 9-11 but the Secret Service (the Presidents guard..the people with the highest security job in the world) cannot hide a South American hooker party?

You want to know how you can tell this subreddit is 100% horseshit? Ask the regulars which large and known conspiracy theories they initially subscribed to, that they no longer believe in, and why. You'll get silence.

Where is the common sense? I have to poorly paraphrase Bob Costas here.

For one you are assuming the person you responded to is a "right winger" (Whatever that means anymore) and not a "left winger"(Again whatever that means).

You then bring up global warming and weather. Shit tactic. If the great debates in human history all started with each side grabbing at the low hanging extreme fruit of the opposition, I wouldn't be replying to your bits saved on a database, of a server, connected to the internet, from a computer I built, with parts from a company with global presence.

Both "sides" have good rational points. If you mind to look past the sensationalist titles. Stop with the "my tribe and your tribe" bullshit.

Anyone can see there is a bias on several of the subreddits on this site.

I give you today's example of the "rhino hunter". Protesters knew, but left out the information that the hunter was hunting the rhino for actual "good" reasons. Someone who just read the long as hell title(and I presume the article), would have never known.

I think your best weapon here is the unsubscribe button for those communities.

Ha! As if any part of mainstream reddit is any way left wing. All the default subs and any others with a lot of subscribers are nothing but establishment swill. Leaning liberal, perhaps, but definitely not left wing. I'm a die-hard lefty and I suffer the wrath of the downvote brigade constantly.


I still see it, its at #29

It's on page 2. Relax.

Can this be tldr please someone explain it

Uh, all of your comments (dumb conspiratorial stuff) and submissions (conspiratorial idiocy) are visible to me/others.

Only in /conspiracy does a post like this get any attention.

OP: My posts and comments have been swallowed by the reddit alien and sent to Benghazi! Shadow banned!!1

User: No they aren't. All of the dumb shit you said and posted is right here.

OP: No it isn't! I'VE BEEN SHADOW BANNED!!!11!1

User: Please share whatever drugs you've ingested with the rest of the class.

Seriously, pass the drugs please.

Dude, it takes 8 seconds to make a new account. Who the fuck cares if someone banned you.

that's not the point lol they banned him for exposing for what reddit truly is. If they banned him for disobeying one of the subreddits rules that's a different story. But they banned him for the content that's in the post, which clearly doesn't disobey any rules in this subreddit.

What do you mean "they" banned him? It's a fucking internet website / news forum. Also, that voat website is lucky they only got "hacked" and not sued for blatantly mimicking reddit.

The.. Mods? LOL and the motto for when reddit was first made was free speech, posts, and the like. Clearly that changed. and I'm pretty sure mimicking a website that didn't copyright or patent it's layout is not illegal. That's called Capitalism.

That's not how copyright works you dumb fuck. And yes, a group of mods all got together to silence this whistleblower who could just make a new account in 5 seconds and post the exact same text.

So what else would they sue voat for? mimicking is not a patent? Copyright? Nike can't sue someone off Copyright infringement cause they use the exact symbol? LOL

I hope you know that they can IP ban users.. Or you want me to explain that for you too? since you clearly don't know what you're talking about lmao. I think I'm replying to a brick wall.

Edit: so far from what I see reddit has made no copyright or patent on their layout. SO yeah

I hope you know that they can IP ban users.

hilarious. ever heard of a dynamic ip or vpn?

Copyright isn't like a patent, you don't need to do anything for it to exist on your original work. However, you can register your work with the copyright office in the USA.

And if you used the Nike symbol you would definitely get sued.

Source: Law student currently taking upper year courses in intellectual property law.

You are clueless. Reddit is open source. Anyone can download it and run their own reddit site. Legally. See: Copyleft

You can revoke anyone's right to your intellectual property at any time, unless pre-existing contractual obligations explicitly wave such right. In the exact same way a mall owner can revoke your right to access the mall property at any time and for any reason, and make you a trespasser should you decide to stay on the property against their wishes. The right to exclusion is arguably the most fundamental right in property law.

No. The license stipulates release. It's released. The code is there and legal for anyone to use as they see fit.


Your dish is gobsmacking ignorance with a smattering of arrogance and overbearing stupidity. Finish law school. You'll fit in perfectly.

Funniest post I've read this week. Thanks /r/conspiracy!

Why do you use Reddit if you hate it so much?

Wow. The mentality of a 6 year old

Wow. You're a dildo.

If you love reddit so much why don't you marry it?

And yet, here we are. Sad, really.


my /r/anythinggoesnorules is safe as i am the only mod and don't bow to big brother.

Some of what you are posting is insanely reasonable and the other bit seems way out there. It neuters your message to have both, because people can handwave the insanely reasonable stuff away by pointing to, for example, that self congraulatory thing about the misidentification boston bombers. The kid's sister and parents were bombarded in death threats.

Anyway, this shadowban says two things to me:

  • Whoever does shadowbanning is needs to work on their damage control, because you already wrote your own post into that grey area where it's easy to just shrug and say you're crazy, and all they did was hand you back all the legitimacy you destroyed.

  • At least some of what you have said is 100% correct.

You people take this shit way too seriously. I think it is pathetically sad. Who honestly gives a fuck? It doesn't effect anyone .

JIDF pls go

Hey, Hi guys. Former anarchist and """urban terrorist""" here. Have any of you fucks looked at the world lately? Yeah, we can't post on the internet about some things. Yeah, censorship. Boo fucking hoo. You know what we can do? Drive cars wherever. Eat. Get electricity we don't have to physically make. Take showers that aren't rainwater in a bin on the roof heated by the sun. Worry about incoming missiles on the way to fuck us up.

We have so many rights here it's disgusting. You should all be ashamed of yourselves. You are the absolute lowest kind of sleaze.

Those things you listed are not rights. If you do not have the money to pay for any of that, guess what? No running water. No electricity. No car. No fcking fast food. And yes, we do have to still worry about incoming missiles. Don't you think half the planet wouldn't launch them at us in a heart beat if the benefit were high enough, or even if they just had the capability?

TL;DW: shit in the rest of the world is going awful so shut the fuck up and get over a forum being moderated.

p.s.: If you read the bill of rights it says that your rights are conditional, one of those conditions being that your expression of them not infringe on the rights of another.

Well said sir.

Posting on Reddit, Bitching about Reddit. Banned from Reddit. Makes new account to bitch about being banned from Reddit. Calls it Conspiracy.

What would be the point of a shadowban if they messaged you to tell you? Dumbass.

Isn't shadowbanning only used as a deterrent to bots so they can't spam? I don't think the shadow ban actually had a point.

No, it's used on trolls and vote manipulators so they carry on without realising no-one can see their comments and their votes aren't being counted. If they were told then they would immediately make a new account.

So maybe you can find out how you fucked up and not do it again? Some people man...

Also notice how reddit removes anything that's against climate change, even discussion, deeming it crazy. I've never seen a better way to brainwash than to say everything scientists say is correct and anyone questioning it must be silenced. Hell, scientist could come out and say climate change is deemed false and people would just say they're "crazy right wing scientists". That's how science works, right? But people love to fall for it to make themselves feel smarter.

And not a shred of compelling evidence was posted that day. Obviously you were shadow banned, but in your post I didn't see anything besides a theory.

So I guess you couldn't be bothered to click on any of the links. Okay.

I did, the stories behind the links are compelling but barely connected to your theory.

Clearly you did not even open the thread. Either that or, well, you know...

A shill? If this is such an obvious conspiracy then it should easy to shut me up.

that is a logical fallacy

And believing in something without proof is what?



The basis for most faith-based culture, which are the foundation for most of our so-called secular societies, so a lot of our experience within these cultures and institutions is going to be absurd, of course.

The lady doth protest too much me thinks..and that's your last freebie.

Last freebie? Then what, a ban for disagreeing?

What would be the point of that? I'm no cultural marxist.....but if you are going to detract, then do so with a coherent argument. You'll find your statements are then taken a bit more seriously.

Rather than saying nothing compelling, highlight what you consider dubious.

Probably thinly veiled threats and people calling him a troll. Basic scare tactics.

And believing in something without proof is what?

Sometimes just random hate-mail like "Go Kill Yourself" etc...

I got a string of one-sentence threats like "Stop what you are doing." Or "I can't be held responsible for what happens next", stuff that I honestly just assumed were conspiratards trolling me, but then I noticed at least 5 different accounts that went to usernames with long histories (3+ years) but no comments or submissions.

And then I got some just plain weird ones, like real psycho shit. Stuff I cannot even remember because of how weird it was. Once again, could just be harmless trolls.

Then someone made an account called "Says.hi.to.(my username)" and they followed me around for about 2 months just saying "hi" after every post. At first I laughed it off but then it just started creeping me out, like it was a subtle "you are on our list now and we will watch everything you do".

It is a good thing that I was already on alternate accounts by that point. One of the main reasons I originally deleted my main 5+ year account. Because I realized that people could dig around in my history and make a pretty good guess about where I worked, they could have reverse image searched submission I made with my personal art, and been directed to my facebook etc...

EDIT: As a matter of fact I just got a new one:

Subject line: I suggest you quit posting about things out of your control

[โ€“]from DaHooch () [-1] sent 1 hour ago

This will not end well for you not just for this account, but also for your personal life my friend, heed this warning.

People are so used to stupid posts on FB they don't pay attention like they used to. On here, people will believe almost anything.

If you are shadow banned then a subreddit mod has to manually approve your comment for it to be visible to others.

Personally, I still think reddit's codebase is fine as it is. Also, they switched languages (maybe when it was a lot smaller) before, so switching again would give a chance to go over all the code and see what it does. But I like python, so I have no problem with it as it is.

One thing I would like to see is image/video/misc data hosting inbuilt into the website, instead of relying on outside content. A lot harder to take down that way, and more anonymous. Would use a lot of disk space thougAll they will find is that I'm an anime watching, 24/7 computer gaming nerd.h, text compresses a hell of a lot better than dank memes images.

Also, what do you do about illegal content? You can either host it on TOR (and only on TOR) and have hardly anyone use it, but you wouldn't be forced to take down anything, or you can host it normally but you will have to take down illegal content.

To each there own, I mean the code is fairly simple. I would rebuild it with PHP, but why not just start from scratch based on "how it works".

One thing I would like to see is image/video/misc data hosting inbuilt into the website, instead of relying on outside content. A lot harder to take down that way, and more anonymous

That actually could be a good idea, I like it.

Also, what do you do about illegal content?

That is the problem, how the hell do you handle that. Which is why it makes it risky running a site like this without a team of lawyers. They could litigate you out of business, sigh....


The funny thing is that knife is reposted on the front page of /r/knives right now.


Shadowbanning is a reddit-wide thing that's supposed to exist to stop spammers. You still see your posts, but nobody else can.

Moderators can still approve posts by someone who is shadowbanned and they will show up.

What some moderators are doing, though, is having automoderator automatically delete posts by people they don't like. It's even harder to detect, and is really shitty.

I'd be surprised if it were something so trivial. It's more likely that he's like the 8th consecutive alt account of someone who habitually breaks all the rules "to compensate for CIA vote manipulation" or whatever.

Well thanks for admitting you have no argument. I'd say your defense is weak though.

If i run a subreddit eg /r/tuesdayafternoon or /r/anythinggoesnorules and i get shadowbanned does that mean that those subs get shut down?

I remember this shit. Hilarious for awhile

In that case I kind of agree with the mod. Fuck operation "Iraqi Freedumb" and fuck some shitty American company trying to make money luring good ol' Muricans by putting those words on a "tacticool" knife.

Anyone still using flash deserves to be banned.

[citation needed]

my /r/anythinggoesnorules is safe as i am the only mod and don't bow to big brother.

Hacker News - Lots of business and programming talk but can also find some good misc discussion.

Ycombinator suffered the same level of infiltration that reddit has.

Voat.co is pretty excellent. Been there for two months and have been impressed so far.

They can ban any IP they want. They don't know if it's static or dynamic. What I'm saying is they (Reddit) can ban an IP but, if dynamic, the ban would only be effective until it is recycled and some poor schmuck gets the banned IP while the intended recipient of the ban gets a new IP that isn't banned.

All they need is a mobile app and I'm there.

You are clueless. Reddit is open source. Anyone can download it and run their own reddit site. Legally. See: Copyleft

They're working on implementing it into the site itself last i heard


I'm feeling reddits popularity is gonna decline as a result of these expositions and people will start going to these sites lol

Wow. You're a dildo.


Up vote for mentioning Corbett. I've spent the time to go through his source material; he is now my favorite journalist. The guy is amazing.

Your logic is completely invalid.

No-one is forcing you to pay. You can use this site 100% without ever buying gold. If no-one does. It goes away. Just like if no-one donates food for the soup kitchen, eventually it's gonna be gone. The food doesn't come from thin air.

Goody. A massive group of cunts systematically ruining each sub trying to prove a point.

If you don't like the way reddit is now, just fuck off and find an alternative. Don't fuck this place in to a pile of shit on the floor on your way out.