It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it. – Aristotle * (I have an idea to help the subreddit: click below)

122  2015-03-29 by [deleted]

Conspiracy Shower Thought [CST]: a new type of self-post to this subreddit. All discussion must assume that the premise is valid so the OP and believers can delve deeper into the subject without being harassed.

[CST] could be a tag for self-posts, like the [Serious] tag in r/askreddit. Those who do not respect it are banned from the subreddit.

This particular idea may need some refining. Thoughts?

I believe ideas like this are necessary if we want this subreddit to thrive. Way too many OP's are put off from self-posting because they are trolled by people or the threads devolve into an attack on the basic premise. This is a CONSPIRACY subreddit, I should be able to post about something like the moon landing being fake and be able to have a safe discussion with other people who are also willing to entertain the thought.

UPDATE: I really think r/conspiracy should at least attempt to implement some new systems. At least for a trial run. If anyone here is interested, I have made a subreddit as a way to test the system:

I used some of my graphic skills to throw some lipstick on it. Come join us if you are interested and tell others about the sub if you see them getting trolled here.


I like it but the trolls will swarm like flies on roadkill. If enough people treated the major conspiracies to an Aristotelian dialogue, they might arrive at irrefutable evidence. Murderers don't like the light to shine on them and would enlist an army against the subject. Eventually, as we drew closer to the truth, they'd smash the chessboard. I'd say try anyway.

Would subscribe

This will get trolled hard, another problem being how you are talking about creating an echo chamber. Another issue is wether it should be moderated at all due to the nature of criticism (not vitriol, totally different subject)

Basically any sub or self post here is still ruined by it being the internet and the state of things. Continue making posts and go ahead with the prefacing, but you may want to consider some voat or another outlet. Or tweak the name as not to have any conspiracy connotations and try to figure out something more original. Also to avoid said trolling for a while until it picks up. Technically you could already do this on reddit with the non conspiracy name if you cared to avoid trolling, moderation or censorship.

It would be nice if we could discuss maturely over the internet without all the idiocy, but I doubt you can avoid it with a word so involved with propaganda throughout the centuries, especially the last two to four hundred.

I understand your concerns and definitely feel like they are valid. These are my thoughts:

If I say "I think the moon landing is fake" then I would love to have a conversation with people riffing off of that idea. People will have 100 different theories as to why, or how, etc...

If that is an "echo chamber", then maybe people need to be in an echo chamber sometimes in order to build from their theories.

A less "out-there" example is 9/11. If I want to discuss WTC 7 and why it was brought down. I don't want to have every other message in my mailbox be from people who are going to take all of my time and energy by explaining how stupid I am for believing it was a controlled demo. And most of the time it boils down to, "You are wrong and here are all the mainstream excuses (that I have literally heard 1000 times and thought of 1000 times)".

Lastly, the best example I can give is math. If I want to have a discussion about advanced algebra. I don't want to have to deal with people who barely have a grasp on addition or subtraction. A lot of conspiracy theories require a great deal of research. And there are people who want to talk with others who have also put in the time and energy needed to research the subject. A lot of times you have people coming in who have done no reading, research, or even thought about the subject beyond what they were taught about it in middle school. These people (whether trolling or not) will enter your threads and derail every conversation with their ignorance. And remember, its not stupidity, it is ignorance. They are ignorant of the subject because they don't know. These people deserve to be kept in check.

You mean, the informed deserve to have them in check.

Let's just make that subreddit them? I'm down to play with it.

Conspiracyshowerthoughts is not valid for a subreddit name.

CST is taken.

C_S_T will work, and is anonymous enough to not attract a lot of attention from the you know who's.

There, your first post is up :)

Interesting start.

Not sure if troll post or not... I'll delete it if you like.

No man, its okay. It is supposed to be a safe place for ANY theory. The completely ridiculous ones will just get downvoted or nobody will respond to them.

And if people want to entertain totally insane stuff just for fun, who am I to stop them? Its all an exercise in thought.

Fair enough, it seemed kind of amusing at the time. I like the idea a lot though, no negativity trolls especially..

Yea, I agree. Moreover, most of those that frequent this sub have greater than the average imagination/consideration for opinions they themselves don't believe in and are willing to entertain. Making it clear with a tag or with a comment in the description works.

I like the idea, just submitted a post. Cheers OP.

My problem with this idea, is first off, it could be used to censor dissenting opinions pretty easily. But more importantly in my opinion, if you assume a premise to be true, you'll never go any "deeper" into that idea.

Seems to me that by "entertaining" an idea you mean to contemplate that idea in a vacuum, ignoring all evidence to the contrary and only ever scratching the surface of that idea. You may go "deeper" but it will only be deeper into a fantasy. You'll never get to any real conclusion about anything. If this is what this sub wants, then by all means go ahead, just stop pretending that this will promote any kind of meaningful discussion.

If you really want to entertain an idea and delve deeper into it, you can't study it in a vacuum, you have to consider all the evidence, whether it supports the idea or not. You have to open it up to criticism, otherwise you'll never be able to develop your ideas. So I think this is a great idea if you want /r/conspiracy to become even more of an echo chamber, and I mean that sincerely. If this sub wants to be an echo chamber, that go for it, but realize that that's all you'll ever be.

On a side note, I find it hilarious that you consider any one who disagrees with the basic premise of a conspiracy to be a troll and that you equate disagreement with harassment.

This subreddit doesn't seem to have any issues in thriving. I dunno things seem fine in /r/conspiracy. There is good discussion and content here consistently.

this sub is fine as is. There aren't any nutjobs as you would expect a "conspiracy" forum to have.