The REALITIES of war are very different from the dumbed-down "good guy/bad guy" cartoon version we are fed by the government and media. The following quote (from a book I am reading) hit me hard and I had to share it:

69  2015-03-31 by [deleted]

“I suspect, Austin, that the Americans you’ve met in the banking world aren’t high school dropouts from Nebraska whose best friend got shot by a smiley Iraqi teenager holding a bag of apples. A teenager whose dad got shredded by a gunner on a passing Humvee last week while he fixed the TV aerial. A gunner whose best friend took a dum-dum bullet through the neck from a sniper on a roof only yesterday. A sniper whose sister was in a car that stalled at an intersection as a military attaché’s convoy drove up, prompting the bodyguards to pepper the vehicle with automatic fire, knowing they’d save the convoy from a suicide bomber if they were right, but that Iraqi law wouldn’t apply to them if they were wrong. Ultimately, wars escalate by eating their own shit, shitting bigger and eating bigger.”

Excerpt From: David Mitchell. “The Bone Clocks.”


Yeah war is awful. But who gives a shit what the soldiers went through in Iraq? I mean honestly.. You signed up to go kill the Haji's in a foreign country and you're whining because it was a horrifying, dehumanizing experience? Well... Shit... Don't know what to tell these guys except go fuck yourself for your service.

The people I feel really sorry for were the Iraqis dying in the hundreds of thousands defending against (or trying to survive) a foreign invasion. The things we did to the Iraqis are beyons horrifying -- how many US soldiers were themselves tortured at Abu Ghraib? How many gave birth to children with horrifying birth defects (we're talking tens of thousands of Iraq children born with extreme deformities)? How many soldiers witnessed their homes bombed and destroyed and families murdered?

Probably none, because the family you abandoned to go murder other people in a foreign country were safe at home, watching TV the whole time. Their country wasn't destroyed. Theyre not giving birth to deformed children -- and thank God for that.

Fuck having any respect or gratitude or sympathy for veterans. Fuck them for their "service." No draft? Your bad, bro.

I don't disagree.

It also cannot be denied that many of the kids who signed up for military service were tricked into it. It could have been through a culture of blind nationalism, outright lies, or having a carrot dangled in front of their face to take advantage of their greed (it is no accident that high schools in the ghetto are targeted by military recruiters).

It is all very tragic. And I totally agree that it is much more tragic for the Iraqi's. A country that experienced an exodus of millions as a reaction to the knowledge that the Americans were coming.

The history of emigration and of the diaspora community then drastically changed with the invasion of Iraq in 2003. There are many sources claiming different amounts of displaced Iraqis. Some claim as low as 1.2 million people have left Iraq, while others claim this number to be around 4-5 million.

Millions of people forced to flee their homes with their children and belongings on their back. And somehow people are still convinced that we were greeted as liberators.


It was a documentary on the birth defects in Iraq that made me realize just how bad we fucked that country. It's just horrifying, footage of men and women cradling these fucking mutants who can hardly breathe, let alone take a shit or piss without assistance, and pleading with the reporter, "Why? Why have they done this to us? What did we deserve this?" And there are thousands of cases in Fallujah alone, likely caused by our use of depleted uranium.

Of course America is the richest and most powerful country in the world, but they can't afford to give these people any help.

My wording toward veterans was very harsh, especially since you're right, a lot of dumb kids go into the military because they're led to believe that it's a right of passage, a way to prove your manhood and worth as an American. But it's just ridiculous that we've let this military worship get so out of control in the first place, which is why I make a point not to give a single flying fuck if someone tells me they're a veteran. And it is a fact that there are a lot of vets out there who expect you to say "thank you for your service" once they tell you they've been deployed; and 9/10 it's the ones who never say any combat.

Adam Kokesh said it best. No need to thank me for my service because I didn't serve you. I served the interests of multnational corporations and corrupt governments.

Yeah man, its a travesty. Kind of makes me ashamed to say I am American whenever I leave the country. Which sucks. And the crazy thing is that foreigners get that, in the same sense that us Americans understand when Germans go out of their way to say they are ashamed of their history.

People outside of the US really look at us in that way. I tried to mention this once in a default subreddit and I got gang-downvoted. Even though I prefaced it by saying I have spent a total time of over 4 years outside of the US during the last 8 years.

I was a bit of a conspiracy buff in college, but it didn't really hit home how....ashamed?....I was to be an American until I left the country. No one made me feel ashamed....but I just didn't want to tell people from another country that I was an American for fear they would hate me or see me as dumb or view me negatively in general without talking to me. I shouldn't have to feel that way.

"Why? Why have they done this to us? What did we deserve this?"

All paid for with our tax dollars. Don't discount your own (and mine, and everyone else's) complicity in all of this. Though we may not have been the ones pulling the trigger, we helped pay for (and build) the gun.

That's true enough. We are effectively forced into 'aiding and abetting' terrorists -- pisses me off. I'm looking forward to the day that the men and women of the US military wake up and turn their guns on the generals, congressmen and presidents who fooled them into a war. On that day I will gush and thank them for their service. Shit if the US armed forces were fighting a war against the US government I'd join up today - Oorah!

That isn't going to happen; if individuals try, they'll be shot, and there isn't a single instance in history of a US military unit refusing to engage US citizens when ordered. So much for collapse/conspiracy theories of "the troops switching to our side".

Look what happened in an earlier 'protest march'.

Actually I think some people are very worried about not being able to use the military against US citizens if that time comes, which explains the hefty militarization of police forces and handing out Seroquel and other destructive drugs to returning veterans like candy.

What is the name of this Documentary? I am very interested in watching it

I don't remember, but here's some information on the subject regardless:

Thank you for saying what I feel. Veterans volunteered to go murder people they don't know for reasons they don't entirely understand or support all so they can leave their family behind and act entitled. Poor them. Don't want to go through that shit and want to be treated with respect? Don't fucking sign up for a war I don't support and act like I owe you a debt of gratitude for fucking up other peoples lives.

This is exactly correct. I understand that lots of people don't have many options but you can always work at McDs. The pay sucks and the job sucks, but that is not that different from the Army anyway. The only difference is that you cannot delude yourself into believing that you are saving the world flipping burgers and you don't get to kill or rape anyone.

Well said, but... People are brain washed. People believe they are doing good. That is way war torments them, they see the truth eventually.

These are brainwashed 18-20 y olds you're talking about. You seriously underestimate the power of propaganda being employed against US citizens.

The youth are always the most strongly affected.

Honestly, who in their right mind would downvote this?

Par for the course, here. Do not take it personally.

Bitcoin use by 30% of population and this all changes . wake up everyone. oh this is conspiracy you are awake , never mind

But this quote is a dumbed-down oversimplified vision of war.

I don't disagree.

It also cannot be denied that many of the kids who signed up for military service were tricked into it. It could have been through a culture of blind nationalism, outright lies, or having a carrot dangled in front of their face to take advantage of their greed (it is no accident that high schools in the ghetto are targeted by military recruiters).

It is all very tragic. And I totally agree that it is much more tragic for the Iraqi's. A country that experienced an exodus of millions as a reaction to the knowledge that the Americans were coming.

The history of emigration and of the diaspora community then drastically changed with the invasion of Iraq in 2003. There are many sources claiming different amounts of displaced Iraqis. Some claim as low as 1.2 million people have left Iraq, while others claim this number to be around 4-5 million.

Millions of people forced to flee their homes with their children and belongings on their back. And somehow people are still convinced that we were greeted as liberators.


Thank you for saying what I feel. Veterans volunteered to go murder people they don't know for reasons they don't entirely understand or support all so they can leave their family behind and act entitled. Poor them. Don't want to go through that shit and want to be treated with respect? Don't fucking sign up for a war I don't support and act like I owe you a debt of gratitude for fucking up other peoples lives.

This is exactly correct. I understand that lots of people don't have many options but you can always work at McDs. The pay sucks and the job sucks, but that is not that different from the Army anyway. The only difference is that you cannot delude yourself into believing that you are saving the world flipping burgers and you don't get to kill or rape anyone.

Well said, but... People are brain washed. People believe they are doing good. That is way war torments them, they see the truth eventually.

These are brainwashed 18-20 y olds you're talking about. You seriously underestimate the power of propaganda being employed against US citizens.

The youth are always the most strongly affected.