PSA: Check out r/todayilearned. Also, click on all the front page threads and check out the top comments. Grab a bucket first.

33  2015-04-01 by [deleted]


The use of "humor" to silence conspiracy theories seems to be quite the meme lately. The most effective tool to get people not to look at alternative view points is to marginalize the view--to point and laugh instead of listen and think for yourself.

The biggest anti-conspiracy meme lately is "X doesn't melt steel beams." It's very interesting when you consider that 9/11 happened 14 years ago this year. That means that people who were born post-9/11 or were very young during the attacks are now entering high school, and are at the age where many are starting to study world events. There are A LOT of theories out there that question (rightfully so) the narrative of 9/11, and if the war on terror is to be milked for the foreseeable future (which it will, it has to, the Middle East mission isn't over), the new generation of teenagers and young adults who grew up in the skeptical climate of the aftermath needs to "learn" to laugh at those people instead of taking them seriously. Older, "politically conscious" people who witnessed the 9/11 attacks experienced the full psychological effect, and the majority have made up their mind of the narrative on way or another.

I believe alternate 9/11 and inside job theories have the chance to reach JFK conspiracy levels of acceptance. But since the mission is still on-going, you cannot have a bunch of young adults who are getting close to military age filling their heads with ideas that 9/11 was a fabricated event by elements within our government for the purpose of geo-political gain. TPTB couldn't refill their ranks if the inside job theory was treated with respect instead of constantly mocked.

I see the "jet fuel doesn't melt steel beams" meme as an opportunity to converse on the subject. I believe most people propogating this meme actually believe that 9/11 was an inside job and the cover of a meme makes it easy to handle the psychological burden of what that means. People are still talking about it, that's a good thing. A simple reply of "9/11 = inside job no trollerino" does more good than harm.

The people who say that are probably not interested in any rebuttal of the subject. That meme has been used in jest in stupid, completely unrelated threads that weren't meant for a serious conversation to begin with. You could engage them, but it's set up to be a waste of time.

I started to noticed them a couple weeks ago.

“First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, and then you win.”
Mahatma Gandhi -George W. Bush

Good thing another Bush is lined up for the White House to initiate phase 3 now that Homeland Security, NSA spying, and drone programs are all fully operational. Can't wait...

Bush has zero traction right now. What you need to worry about is a President Hillary "Sniper Fire" Clinton or a President Elizabeth "IM/EX Bank Supporter" Warren.

Warren has already stated numerous times she isn't running; and if she (Hillary) can be beat by a black guy with a middle name Hussein I'm not too fucking worried.

Warren has already stated numerous times she isn't running

TIL: No politician has ever backed away from a statement like that.

IMHO she is this cycle's Senator with not much of a record to crucify...and the first female President of the US....go ahead vote against her you misogynist.

She is not running... You wil see

What's to stop the quote playing out as: “First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, and then you lose.” ?

They're rapidly bankrupting themselves trying to support a corrupted system, it costs us nothing to point this out.

How can an entity that produces money out of thin air go bankrupt? They rule by force and violence. Money is just a detail.

ask David Icke

These April Fools jokes are getting increasingly vague.

I wonder how many will be laying on their cots in a FEMA detention camp in a few years thinking "Damn, it WAS an inside job."

I'd wager they'll be double-plus excited to get three square meals and a nice bed.

There is no record of Gandhi saying this.

There, I edited it for you.



It's kind of creepy in a way.

We've had all these logs where you have all these mods obsessing over the 'trouble' subreddits like /r/kotakuinaction and /r/conspiracy, and then you get an obvious psychological warfare hit piece disguised as 'an April Fools joke' targeted at one of those subreddits.

It'd be the equivalent of /r/gaming tacking on a faux pro-Gamergate theme and tacked on misogynistic comments for April Fools.

It's kind of creepy in a way.

Think of it this way....they are forced to address our views....albeit from a cowardly flanking position, under cover of failed humor.

I'm not really insulted as a whacky ol' conspiracy theorist. I'm offended as someone who enjoys humour. It's neither clever, nor funny.

And I fail to see what it has to do with April Fools day. It's just bizarre.

I hope that the majority of you realize that the TIL mods were probably giddy with anticipation over this sub's reaction. I'm sure that the phrase "oh, man /r/conspiracy is going to go nuts", was mentioned many times in between other phrases like "Do you think Jenny will notice this zit?" And "my mom is such a bitch, she won't even let me use the car".

I am only saying this, because this is the 400th post about it today.

I honestly hope that I am not alone in giving no fucks about TIL.

I even notice these 9/11 comments trickled into gaming and some random subs I'm subscribed to.

Maybe I'm stupid, what am I looking for friends?

Figured it out. I wasn't reading the comments to the end.

REALLY weird. especially considering a lot of it says the same stuff.

Funny? No.

Juvenile? At best.

Some of them, such as "Big Pharma and the Illumanati [sic] doesn't want us knowing about natural cures like Homeopathy." exist only as strawmen. I cannot imagine anyone who is here because of skepticism and proof regarding the Maine, Lusitania, Gulf of Tonkin, or Polk's positioning towards Mexico leading up to conflicts and considering that these maneuverings still occur wholly and truly believes that homeopathy has all of the answers.

Jet fuel can't cook steel beans.
