In order to help out TIL with their Conspiracy theme, Post all your best Conspiracy vids there now and frame it is if you are mocking the video!

73  2015-04-01 by [deleted]

I just posted Phil Schneider. Post your best videos as if you were mocking them and let people dive in.


Might be better to post a story about Ghandi using his quote “First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, and then you win.”

Imagine if all of us made the exact same post at the exact same time with the exact same title.

Bicks would be shat as the banhammer smokes from wind friction.

Another idea is to post true, readily verifiable stories of actual events that sound extremely conspiratorial. "HAHA LOL COSPIRITARDS.... oh wait this is true... shit..."

e.g. TIL The unabomber was the subject of a CIA mind control program

Holocaust revisionism. Holocaust revisionism everywhere

It was precisely 6 million and they were ALL jews! Ohhhhhh, muh holocawst!!!

I don't think anyone argues that there were only 6 million killed in the Holocaust or that they were all jews.

That's nice that you don't think that. Entirely wrong, but nice.

Take, for example, this Jewish man's front page AMA from a couple weeks ago, in which he practically begs people to buy his book and help him "further the cause of tolerance", and to also sign up for "shout outs" on his website to "compensate for the 6 million silenced voices".

Not a single fucking mention of the other millions of non-Jews who also died. Nope, those people are always forgotten and left out by self-centered dickheads like Ben Lesser who want the holocaust to be all about the plight of the poor Jew. "Muh holocawst!!!"

This kind of thing happens all the time when it comes to Holocaust discussion, not only on Reddit but all across mainstream media, as well as in public schools. Perhaps you just haven't paid much attention or given it much thought.

Just because people don't mention the other atrocities committed during that time doesn't mean they're denying they happened.

I've never met anyone in my entire adult life that thought ONLY jews were killed and the death count was ONLY 6 million.

It's pretty common knowledge that ~6 million jews were killed out of ~11 million total.

The people who claim it was only jews are less common than people denying the Holocaust ever happened. At least in my experiences.

Edit: I'm not saying it's right to gloss over or not even mention the other deaths, some people just focus on certain things.

Just because people don't mention the other atrocities committed during that time doesn't mean they're denying they happened.

They don't have to deny anything. All they have to do is keep repeating "6 million" and "Jews" for years and years and years until, eventually, there are few people left who even know about the other millions who died.

How's that phrase go? "If you repeat a lie long enough, eventually it becomes the truth"?

I've never met anyone in my entire adult life that thought ONLY jews were killed and the death count was ONLY 6 million.

I doubt you would know that, unless you were specifically asking. Ask any random person off the street to tell you the first thing that pops into their mind when you say the word "holocaust", and I'd bet my left testicle they will reply with something about 6 million or so Jews being killed by Hitler. You won't hear any mention of Russians, Serbs, Slavs, gypsies, gays, handicapped people, etc etc. We are conditioned to believe it was an offense carried out against the Jewish people, and little else.

It's pretty common knowledge that ~6 million jews were killed out of ~11 million total.

Common knowledge to who, exactly? That 6 million figure isn't even correct, and has been revised numerous times. The commemorative plaque that sits outside of Auschwitz said 4 million people had died there at Auschwitz, and it remained that way until 1989 when it was revised and replaced with a plaque that reads 1.5 million - "mainly Jews" - instead of 4 million. So, the "6 million" figure is completely fucking made up to begin with. The only reason it is "common knowledge" is because of, as I mentioned, dickheads like Ben Lesser who like to throw misinformation around and whitewash the true history.

A lot of human beings died during the holocaust. Some were Jews, many were not. And I will forever argue against the assholes who want to make it out to be a Jewish tragedy and conveniently forget about everyone else.

I can understand some people just focusing on certain things, but holocaust discussion in 21st century America goes well beyond "some people just focusing on certain things".

Fair enough. I agree with what you're saying entirely. I'm sure there's lots of ignorance when it comes to the Holocaust I just didn't think it was so rampant.

While i think the other groups that were targeted are in fact underrepresented I was just pointing out that I don't think many people deny that more than just the jews were killed. I don't actively discuss the Holocaust either so I am honestly just speculating based on my experiences

It's a human tragedy.

I believe a lot of the time the Jews are focused on is because more than half of the Jewish population in Europe was killed according to the ~6 million figure. (which I don't want to comment on because I haven't studied the Holocaust since the 9th grade.)

Just posted this.

Yeah but that would mean I would actually have to go to the cesspit that is TIL. Not worth it.

Seriously...those douche bags just did that to get a rise out of everyone, and everyone is predictably getting all worked up. Just ignore it and go on your way people.

Just posted this

This is a brilliant idea!


I don't think anyone argues that there were only 6 million killed in the Holocaust or that they were all jews.