Ayahuasca and political awakening

22  2015-04-02 by LetsHackReality

Had an interesting experience this weekend. I attended an ayahuasca ceremony, my sixth, at a place down here in Costa Rica. About 12-13 other people attended the ceremony, most of them first timers.

The next morning, we all gathered and discussed out experiences, but then conversation continued to the control matrix, government corruption, media deception... the whole Great Deception. Everybody was hip to it and participated in the conversation. Everybody understood.

Today, I ran a poll in a FB group, "Ayahuasca" -- a FB group with over 30,000 members. I essentially asked them what they thought happened on 9/11. Before the poll thread was deleted, 25 people had responded -- 20 people thought it was an inside job, 1 thought they had advanced knowledge, 2 believed the official story, and 2 others had a write-in answer -- and the 2 "official story" people turned out to almost certainly be shills. (It turns out that group is tightly controlled.)

So there appears to be a link between ayahuasca and political awakening. Just what is going on here? I've heard the pineal gland called the "intuition organ", but I'm struggling to understand how extra-dimensional visions and emotional healing could make a person more aware of 9/11, Ukraine, etc.

Or maybe I have it backwards: Maybe politically awake people more often tend to seek out ayahuasca. (That's what happened in my case.)


Drugs are deprogrammers. Feel that third eye pulsing in your head? Thats the leopard shepherd - trying to show you the tesseract.

I don't feel it, but I'm working hard to get there. I've had visions on ayahuasca, but after 6 tries I still have not been able to go real deep.

I honestly don't think your energies on Ayahuasca are from the enlightened path - they come from your dreams and emotions.

Drugs such as Mushrooms-LSD are much more beneficial for the release of isotropic hallucinogenic feelings.

Ayahuasca is a plant and definitely has a part on showing people the light, but you have to get though you own darkness first. The amount of suffering people have cause in their own lives has to be faced to move forward. Ayahuasca shows you your darkness.

That sure does seem to be true. You gotta face your demons before making positive progress. Some people have a really hard time of it.

I can only imagine the experience, say, a sociopath would have to go through. Would be like hell, I would think, but also the best possible work they could do.

What do you recommend for the enlightened path?

That was... something.

What's this? Some kind of art?



Just leaving a easter egg for a friend of mine- that is friends with Otto, and might come across this...

I consider myself a friend of his.

cool, he seems legit.

I was teasing with this but seriously before enlightenment chop wood carry water after enlightenment chop wood carry water.

If you want to increase your power Raja yoga, the book Modern Magick, Kabbalah these subjects can take a human and make them a living god.

How so? Can you give us a demonstration?

I'm open-minded to it, but I wanna see some walk with the talk before I go down that path.

The world is run by dark occultists, look around. We need to balance it with white magick. Look at the Lord of the rings for the allegory. Sauron was the blackest darkest Magician, Sarumon was the white wizard and Gandalf was the grey. The temptation for power turned Sarumon to a black wizard and in doing so it demanded Gandalf to turn white to balance it.

You can also pull from Star Wars too with the force being used for evil by Darth Vader and The Emperor while Ob-wan Yoda and Luke using the SAME force for good. It is all based on will of the user. If you know yourself 100% and tryst that ego won't take over (unlike most of the Golden dawn folks Aleister Crowley) then it is safe to use.

I want to add that before Gandalf turned whit he battled demons these may be internal or external not sure that it matters but before becoming white you must transform yourself through battling all of your demons. I don't recommend everyone walk the path unless you are clear and have worked heavily on the self. Pharmahuasca and mushrooms are good for this. Acid is OK but prefer the natural occurring to the synthetic.

I've done a lot of personal work. I can trust myself with more power. When it rains, I'll seek out mushrooms and add them to the ayahuasca. I just started yoga (I'll move beyond hatha when I can), I know a bit about Kabbalah and holofractal theory -- still a beginner, but it's a start.

What I was looking for from you, if I may be so bold, is an example of the "living God" aspect in your own life. Can you give some examples of superhuman abilities or qualities in your own life? Feel free to PM. Really interested in this.

I think it's a little from column a and a little from column b. Haven't had Aya, but had some solid times on dmt. It more or less told me that there's a galactic war going on and earth is the focal point and that a lot of the conspiracy theories I'd been reading about were true. That gave me a lot more conviction to go and investigate things further. But, I wouldn't have been inclined to try dmt in the first place were I not already questioning the program.

I haven't tried DMT but would like to. Ayahuasca is more gentle, less intense, but lasts for hours. I want to go deep.

What do you think the active ingredient is?

Aya is 2 ingredients: the alkaloid and the maoi.

Vaporized/ingested dmt is a bit different than aya whereas its only the former.

Correct. You can't really accurately claim you haven't had DMT.

P.S. Find an MAOI if you so desire.

that and its produced by every living thing on this planet plant and animal.

so theres that to think about

RE-PS: grapefruit, strawberries, etc, etc. heres a list

Agreed. The scenarios when humans naturally release DMT is extremely fascinating.

I'm told it's a very different ride. Ingested lasts longer, is more gentle, but you don't generally go as deep. Smoked or vaped blasts you right off to another dimension, but only for 10-15 minutes. But I haven't tried the latter so this is just what I read.

its called a business mans high for that exact reason.

For those who don't know what ayahuasca is, here's an article I highly recommend reading.

Haha good call -- it's become such a normal thing for me, I forget that a lot of people don't know the first thing.

There's also a nice subreddit, /r/ayahuasca -- keep in mind that like any place of influence, it's likely corrupted. The play here is that they try to steer you towards New Age philosophy -- "just imagine a better world and it will magically happen!" Just be aware.

It's one of those chicken and egg things - most of those that feel the urge to explore ayahuasca have already began to search for meaning outside of the mainstream, socially sanctified paradigm...

Then again, it moves you so profoundly into your humanness. The mysterious core of existence that is not echoed in the scientific materialist society is shown in it's full glory, and inherent in that is a sense of love of the self and creation. When a sacredness is felt, I think it makes it easier to see the extent of madness and darkness on the planet, as compared to the apparently so far unrecognized spiritual reality and transcendental human potential.

I think planetary/societal unity is a vector that we have inside of us and that we wish to realize. When the realities of how beautiful that could be are glimpsed upon, the distance between our present moment and that possibility are much easier to see!


Beautifully said. I have a theory that by aligning ourselves with the "Christ Consciouness" (love, intelligence, and courage), we are in effect assembling a super-organism -- much like the trillions of cells and bacteria assemble to form a human consciousness. That seems to align with what you're saying.

Thanks! And yeah that definitely aligns with what I'm saying, sounds like a good theory to me. I find it quite hard to talk about without sounding new agey, but If enough people were tuned into this conscious, caring and for the greater good type consciousness then I think it would result in a domino effect greater than the individuals inputs combined, which I guess is just like what cells do, like you said. We just need to tune into that. Have you drank ayahuasca, if you don't mind me asking?

Don't mind at all, I'll talk your ear off about ayahuasca haha.. Yes, I've drank 6 times, so still a relative beginner, just learning the ropes.

Yeah I think New Age is a trap, designed to stop us at the internalization stage and never proceed to actualizing our intentions and thoughts. It's a conspiracy unto itself, worthy of a few posts.

Yeah the New Age is a weird one. It's such a gimmicky term, and since every movement is a 'new age', it seems like a bit of a joke to proclaim the coming age as an especially new age. Then again, it kind of seems like it is?

And how do you think it is trapping us? By keeping the perception of the movement as a conceptual fad rather than a genuine thing?

If you're going to make a change in the world, the general process goes:

Intention -> Thought -> Action -> Manifestation

New Age thought tells you to stop at Intention or Thought and then some positive change will take place. "Just change yourself and you change the world!" "Just imagine a better place!" "We create our own reality within!" That's just the first part; we gotta get off our butts and do work! The stakes could not be higher.

It could be more of the type of person who would take part in an ayahuasca ceremony. Most "mainstream thinkers" probably don't even know what ayahuasca is, so it seems likely that it's mostly more open-minded people who would take part and probably people who have looked beyond the superficial Matrix the huge majority of the world exists in.

Other aspect to this is: were the other 12-13 people American ex-pats such as yourself? If so, that would be another reason since I'd assume the majority of ex-pats are pretty aware of what's going on in the world and in the US (which is probably the main reason they left in the first place).

That said though, I think there's definitely a link there between drugs like ayahuasca and "seeing beyond the veil", it probably does have something to do with the pineal. I hope I someday get the chance to take part in an ayahuasca ceremony, haven't done so yet.

Some expats, some European tourists, some local Costa Ricans. But yeah most expats I've met down here know what's up.

Real interesting area of exploration. Whereabouts do you live? Ayahuasca is getting more and more common in the States, I may be able to find you a place.

I'm in NYC so generally not somewhere known for great levels of freedom or doing anything out in nature. I've always assumed I'd most likely need to go elsewhere if I actually wanted to take part in a ceremony.

No, there are several places in NYC. I can prolly track down contact info if you want.

Hmm... yeah, I'm curious if you don't mind - I'd definitely look into it.

Perhaps it should be made an institution that everyone takes ayahuasca the day before voting day.

I've heard the pineal gland called the "intuition organ"

Yup. As your awareness rises, you start to rely more on direct perception instead of thinking. You get more comfortable identifying with 'awareness' as your true identity rather than ego. You then are able to pick up on more information directly, since your ego isn't blocking things out or distorting them.

As for intuition and political awakening - obviously you can't intuit the temperature that steel beams burn at, etc. But things like the obsessive media coverage of 9/11 set off serious alarm bells. It starts to look fake. Like planned out, fear-based, repetitive programming that purposefully contradicts itself. "They attacked us because they hate our freedoms, so we're going to respond by curtailing our freedoms." etc.

Intuition is hard to 'prove.' It's not a magic power. It's more about being really in touch with yourself and the nature of things, so you know BS when you see it.

Beautifully said. I have a theory that by aligning ourselves with the "Christ Consciouness" (love, intelligence, and courage), we are in effect assembling a super-organism -- much like the trillions of cells and bacteria assemble to form a human consciousness. That seems to align with what you're saying.

No, there are several places in NYC. I can prolly track down contact info if you want.