Reddit keeps track of upvotes and downvotes, and if you don't support the usual dreck that gets upvoted, consistently, you will always get buried via the algorithm.

64  2015-04-02 by [deleted]


Let me show you a very interesting part of the algorithm that almost everyone seems to miss.

The "load more comments" buttons that are scattered amongst the comment trees appear to have no rhyme or reason to them. Sometimes just one comment is hidden. Sometimes multiple. At this point, an admin could just decide "lets disappear that comment from the main view" and just tuck it away nicely into one of those buttons.

And since every time I bring this up, I get bombarded by act-oblivious trolls who say things like "OMG, its the end of the comments on the page, you can change that in the settings", I have made a big fucking red arrow pointing at what I am referring to.


This is a small piece of the reddit experience that is neglected and ignored by almost everyone. Control this tiny feature, and you can change the face of comment threads dramatically.

And now that you notice, watch how it works. There is some sketchy stuff going down when it comes to what comments end up being buttons and which ones don't. And upvotes or reply comments have nothing to do with it.

Would you have an example with less than two hundred comments in thread? Reason I ask is because reddit only shows 200 comments by default, and i suspect that's where they come from.

Yes, but even then, WHAT decides which comments get swept into the "load more comments" buttons.

Like I said, even if it was random, an admin could very easily be going through comment sections and flagging comments.

Possible, but if you can't provide a thread displaying this behavior with less than two hundred comments, then if your theory is correct that would mean they limit themselves to threads with more than two hundred comments, because the behavior doesn't just "have no rhyme or reason", it's there to limit the comments to two hundreds.

I see your point about the collapsing happening after 200 comments. And I was not aware of that prior.

But the main question is still valid. What decides which comments are collapsed?

It remains a good question indeed, perhaps one answered by the sources. I never meant to trash the thought process btw, perhaps they only really care about 500+ comments threads then my point would be moot, it absolutely remains a possibility as well.

Your comment was totally valid. I started looking at threads at under 200 comments and none that I found had comment collapsing.

So I definitely learned something. And that is what this is all about!

In ur link the further along the chain, the less comments appear. Not trying to prove you wrong, but that image seems to make sense.
Shit nvm just looked again.... But, how old is that hidden comment? Idk, I'll pay attention to it now. Lastly, is that screen shot old, or am I missing out by not seeing up/down ratio?

I noticed the up/down ratio as well. Also noticed that, in some cases, the two don't seem to add up. eg. the top comment shows 300 karma, with 308 up and zero down. Should the comment show 308 karma?

Seems plausible.

Some evidence would be nice but who on here would actually be surprised if it's true?


They've bought Reddit Gold?


What should I be seeing? They bought reddit gold? They're a mod?





you nailed this.

damn. really cleaver.

Why does this subreddit attract the dumbest people

It's a conspiracy

This is the only place where totally idiotic comments are considered and discussed.

Everything is a lie.

Everything is a lie.

Everything is a lie.

Everything is a lie.

Everything is a lie.

Everything is a lie.

Everything is a lie.

It's to curb trolling. Do you have a better solution?


I wonder if there's something about circlejerking – perhaps it's an ideal mental state to absorb advertising messages. I'll go and search "paroxysm of conformity".

Is the point of your account to jump into every thread and make veiled attempts at trying to upset the OP?

It's Drytruth's latest account.

There's something about accounts with two to four numbers and short nonsensical words that strike me as odd. They are almost always combative and aggressive and toe the official party line.

Makes them easy to spot and avoid.

Bots for karma?

Oh, no. These are actual people. I'd post their names, but I'd be breaking rules.

It's to avoid brigading and harassment.