I have been trying to implement a system in this subreddit that makes it easier to build from the premise of a theory without being attacked, ridiculed, or worn-down by people not educated in the subject.

59  2015-04-02 by [deleted]

My idea was a system like the [serious] tag for r/askreddit. And for self-posts in this sub, we could implement it and define what it means. But my idea (which I have proposed many times from many different accounts) continues to be ignored. Not that I don't understand: there are a lot of mods to deal with and not to mention a sub of almost 300 thousand.

So I have developed a subreddit as a testing ground to prove that people can benefit from this system.

Critical Shower Thoughts

Feel free to up or downvote, but when you enter a thread to comment, you either entertain the premise of the post, or you do not comment. That way people can actually build off of their theories with other like-minded people.

There are plenty of disagreements and a million different branches of thought that people can discuss after accepting the premise of an idea.

Come and join the experiment.

Trolls be warned, my ban hand is way strong.


Trolls be warned, my ban hand is way strong.


Op. R limited hanhangouts suppprts u

Note: some of my finest conversations have been had this week on this website have been on this sub, of which I am also a mod.

/nods to /u/shark_shank

I will try and balance the quick ban hammer as I am usually amti-censorship and am going to try and be a counterbalance, but invite all of the NewQue™ to sub and join in with some great discussions.

Linking to source material whenever possible is recommended, but hasn't made it to the sidebar yet.

I am also interested in transferring the Owl over to that sub but have no idea how - so anyone who knows (mods?) lemme know.

Where is the line drawn between "entertaining the premise" and being the theory withstanding critical scrutiny? Be careful not to just let it become an echo-chamber - disagreement is contribution in its own right, so long as it's productive.

so long as it's productive.

I believe thats the line you ask of.

Thumbs up


Fuck'em. Those who hear not the music think the dancers mad.

It's a shame they can't appreciate the dancing for itself, by itself.

...especially when the dancing is designed to free one from their mental shackles.

I didn't learn to be free and dance until the daughter demanded me to dance with her almost all the time.

It's crazy what kids can get ya to do.

Your kid's into conspiracy theories covert truth? That seems very cool if that's the case.

She's two, man.

But if you want to know the truth, she'll certainly be tasked with learning how the world works (and will grownup far earlier than she needs to and hate ole' Jim for it. But she'll get over it, and probably end up running this place.

And full disclosure - I teach her the worst dance moves, for purely selfish reasons.

and hate ole' Jim for it.

I don't think so. Teach her three things - A) that you love her, B) that this world is fucked UP, and C) that you love her - and I think there's not a bad chance that she won't hold it against you. You're not the one that made the world this fucked up, afterall (make sure and don't forget to teach her that too). You're just explaining to her that it is this fucked up and aren't sugarcoating it for her.

You're giving her truth. That's a good thing.

And full disclosure - I teach her the worst dance moves, for purely selfish reasons.

If it's conspiracy theories real truth that you're starting her off with, then those are most definitely NOT the worst dance moves. They're the best ones if you ask me.

She may grow up realizing that many others in the world will think her mad, but let her know that that's only because they have ear muffs up and nobody ever helped them hear the music.

It's a tricky proposition, to be sure, because you also don't want her growing up to be a megalomaniac thinking that she's the only one who's right and "sees things" and everyone else is wrong, but...well, that's where teaching her to be a critical thinker also comes in.

And so with all of this wonderful child-rearing advice, I'm going to 100% STFU now, since I myself don't actually have any kids...

All the best, brother.


Great advice, anyways my friend.

And the dance moves comment was purely from a paternalistic perspective, because the worse she can dance the less dudes I'll have to deal with if I can make her as goofy as possible on the dance floor.

But I doubt that'll work, anyway. It's fun to literally make people. My favorite so far on this pale blue dot.


Surely that is the creation of a belief echo chamber .. rather than a critical examination of the theories themselves

Nothing wrong with it, but it's like saying we want to discuss the Loch Ness monster with only those that believe it exists without the bother of having to deal with any skepticism on the matter

I think everyone is just sick to death of "skeptics" showing up in every thread to argue with and belittle others.

"Question everything" should not be discarded as soon as someone proposes a theory. That's not how theories, or research or basic science works.

In fact, that's how religion works

God's speed.

It just looks like a colossal circlejerk. Not interesting.

So in other words, you just want people who agree with your ideas to comment.

And 'accepting the premise of an idea" is very vague. Is this like saying " yeah, 7WTC could have been demo'd"? Then we'd get to disagree?

Because that just sound like some extra, frivolous step.

But hey, if it weeds the circle-jerkers out of here and over to there...so be it.