Last night, I got to experience first hand the police state. AMA

12  2015-04-03 by kennycojo

It was about eleven p.m. I was just about to go to bed. Then, BOOM. My front door flies inward. Police! Hands on your head! I'm not sure How many there were. It had to be at least thirty officers. SWAT, regular uniforms, Some special forces looking people in fatigues. I am....was a small time weed dealer. They found about half a pound on marijuana in my apartment. Most of it meh cheap weed. I was completely cooperative and respectful for the ordeal. Which worked out well. I was not taken to county jail. I was released on my own recognizance. I'm facing two federal charges. One for having over 50g of marijuana. The other for intent to distribute. The experience was terrifying and surreal. They completely trashed my home. Threw everything on the floor. Ripped up the carpet. Took all my money. Which was nominal, but my rent money was among what was taken. The warrant states they were there to look for marijuana and Oxycodone........ I have never sold a pill. I don't take/sell pharmaceuticals.
This was a no knock raid. Now, the way is see it. One of two things happened. Either someone dimed me out. Or a neighbor brought attention to me(which i believe is what happened). I have pretty good relations with my neighbors, except one guy. I really don't think anyone ratted me out. I don't deal with unsavory people. I'm a kind person. A hard working disabled army vet. I sold weed to help make ends meet. Even with working and dealing. I live in poverty. I have no violent criminal history. The only time I've ever gotten into trouble with the law was for weed. The fines I will incur for this, will set me back, but they won't even cover a portion of the cost of the raid. Its still up in the air how it will pan out for me. I may go to prison. I will most likely get many fines, and probation. At the end of it all. The leading detective. said to me "I don't think you are a criminal." Many of the officers involved expressed how it was wrong, that it was bullshit. They can't wait until marijuana is legal. I must say, the officers involved were polite. No tear gas or flash bangs. Thankfully. I know this isn't a conspiracy. I believe some members of this community can benefit from my experience. So feel free to ask me anything about it. I have to pick up the pieces of my home and life. But I will be on and off during the day. This experience really opened my eyes. I thought I knew about the big machine that is the State. Having it happen to you.....its really unbelievable.


How do they justify breaking your shit? I mean, yeah, take the drug money. But taking a blade to the carpet is fucked up. At that point why don't they break down the dry wall where you could be hiding kilos of contraband. These raids are a Stasi wet dream. They literally had nothing better to do that night than violently invade your home. It is insane how much they spent on the raid, besides the cost to you, to stop a small time pot man. What kind of business is that? They'll never break even off you. The insane part is how blindly they follow orders that they disagree with.

Yeah I know. Its unbelievable. There was some sheet rock patches in my place. They broke those out too. The broke the bottom of my sink cabinet. In the end. I think many of the officers felt bad about it(some I'm sure felt nothing.). They knew what they doing was wrong. Didn't stop them, but hopefully, down the line. They will think of that raid, and their chosen profession.

Fuck them. They wouldn't smash the mayor's sheet rock. The emperor's clothes are that strange clear plastic. The paratroopers at Leipzig in '89 found their humanity.

shit man really sorry to hear that. Had they only put marijuana on the warrant they may have had a much harder time of getting a judge's signature (as a result of amendments to marijuana legislation in states across the country) and leads me to believe that is the reasoning that Oxy was put on the warrant. The officers can use hearsay evidence in order to justify the beginning of an investigation so that can merely say that they have reason to believe that you are distributing Oxy. Keep your head up and thanks for your service man.

I believe they tacked on that Oxy to justify the raid. They seemed disappointed to only find marijuana. Thanks for the support bud. All of you guys. Thanks. It helps to talk about it.

The best part is the hypocrisy of the raid - pharmaceutical drugs ruin lives....the lack of detrimental health impacts resulting from marijuana use and abuse (not to mention all the effective & beneficial medical applications of marijuana oil), one would think that the legislatures across the globe would wake up and stop the failed war on drugs - check out some of the statements made by the former secretary general of UN on war on drugs. I guess there is just more money in locking people up than keeping them high...not to mention continue allowing for the funding of terrorism through the importation of drugs from Latin America through Africa. If the police are so worries about people using synthetic opiates then why not raid the CEO of DuPont or Johnson&Johnson?Such perverse thinking when it comes to addressing peoples inherent desire simply to change their mental perspectives. Anyways sorry for the rant.....studied a lot of legislation pertaining to international drug policy and domestic Canadian drug law. really sad to see good people going to jail when its those who facilitate the drug trade (BANKS - check out the history behind the creation of HSBC) that need to be the ones at the wrong end of the spear of justice. good luck ken

You are right. Its is upside down. It isn't an accident. Its deliberate. I don't think it will improve anytime soon. More and more laws will be made. Raids will happen for lesser and pettier crimes. Real far ranging criminals will operate with impunity. Thanks for the luck bud. I think I may have used all mine. lol man I'm glad im not in jail.

I know this isn't a conspiracy.

Well, your midnight raid was the outcome of various conspiracies. Firstly, the fact that possession and distribution of a harmless plant is a criminal offence. Why? This is not something that happened without corruption at a high level.

Secondly, the fact that half a precinct of paramilitary police can burst into your home without warning because they suspect you may be distributing marijuana is a grossly disproportionate response - you are not harming anyone. How are things like this possible in a rational society?

There is no rational society. There is just the State. They will kidnap you and put you in a cage. Extort you. It made me realize, i can't live like this. I won't anymore. Once I settle some affairs. I'm going to go off the grid. Nothing is worth your freedom.

How do you plan on going off the grid? Any ideas?

Yes. I have a friend who has undeveloped land several states away. Pretty isolated. I can cultivate the land for them, and lay low at the same time. Also there is the planned community option. Idk about that one. Communes seem like they may be a little weird. It would be nice to have company though. I have two well stocked bug out bags. A 4x4 vehicle. Plenty of tools. I craft metal and leather for fun. I believe I can survive just about anywhere, but I would go somewhere with less winter. It would be a lot easier.

I moved back to India from living 10 years in Toronto. Its easier for me coz I'm Indian. But am planning to do some farming and self sustainable living as well. Consider travelling if you have the money/time. Might give you alternate ideas to consider. Good luck, I'm sure you'll do well!

therein lies the rub

Perhaps you missed the Oxy comment? There was reasonable suspicion that he was trading in more than a "harmless plant" with very little long-term research conducted into long-term health risks (funny how people cry for an endless barrage of long-term studies into GMOs, yet want weed legalized without any research into its health risks).

weed has been around for millenia, There doesn't need to be any research to see that marijuana is infinitely more safe than prescription drugs or narcotics. All you have to look at is the death count. Sure research on weed would be fantastic, and perhaps if it were legal it would be easier for research labs to get their hands on it!

Oh I forgot the only metric of the safety of a drug is if it kills you instantly. I mean fuck developmental, mental, and physical issues that can develop from chronic drug use amirite?

Lots of things have those issues but are still legal. If we're allowed to kill ourselves with tobacco/weed/pharmaceuticals we should be allowed to try with weed. If it was truly about our well-being then tobacco and alcohol should be illegal as well, but it's clearly not about that.

Ever heard of fetal alcohol syndrome? Look that shit up bro . Just because a thing is dangerous does not mean it should automatically be illegal. That's some D.A.R.E mom shit

Got my house raided 2 years ago. 3lbs, 20 hits of acid, $17k cash, .5 gram of DMT. Started out trying to make ends meet, moved up rather quickly.

When the cops came to bust me I was respectful, cracked jokes about firemen being the real heroes (which they thought were fucking hilarious), and chain smoked cigarettes on my front porch while they searched (and took) everything including my computer and phone. After they finished up, I was expecting to be taken to jail, but they just kinda left and said they would be in contact. No paperwork or anything was given to me.

Over the next several months I had my lawyer constantly check the court records to see if anything had my name on it, but nothing ever manifested. Fast forward to about 5 months ago (1.5 years since the incident) and I get called down to the police station and am sat down with a detective who tells me that they had been keeping tabs on me and texting my phone number with fake requests for weed (which I didn't respond to). Tells me that the officers vouched for me just being a broke, nice kid paying through college and that all the charges would be dropped so long as I didn't mind a probation officer coming by my place randomly for a few months. I agreed (who wouldn't) and they returned my computer, old phone, and (get this) a clean bong that I had on a shelf in my room. Never heard a word about it again.

If you really are a disabled vet who was doing it to keep yourself afloat and were respectful towards the officers (even better if you made them laugh), go to the court house, sit down with the DA and explain your situation to him or her. They'll work with you and I would bet my cock that you could get it knocked down from a felony with huge fines to a misdemeanor, small fines, and community service.

Things like this aren't part of the "police state", it's usually just the local police force doing the bidding of stay-at-home-mom local bureaucrats while also trying to make some cash off the offenders in the process. You have to understand that looks are everything in the eyes of local police. If they had busted down my door and found a stereotypical trap house inhabited by a stereotypical burnt out dickhead instead of an unassuming Korean kid with a bunch of homework and textbooks everywhere, I would probably be telling a very different story.

Bottom line: Local police is not the police state, its a bunch of guys trying to keep the community looking like the squeaky clean BS that concerned mothers want. Go speak with the DA and get sorted. +10 if you are white and seem like an upstanding citizen. Good luck.

Thank you for the advice bud.

No problem man. Always sucks to see someone go down because of archaic prohibition laws, but it's definitely manageable.

Also, forgot to mention, but see if your state has anything resembling a "prayer for judgement" clause. They usually reserve it for petty misdemeanors and the like, but recently I've seen it used more and more for small time weed dealers who initially get felony distribution charges. It essentially allows a defendant to plead guilty to a crime, without having the plea entered against them. It is a win-win situation, because the prosecutor can count it as a conviction, but in general it does not count as a conviction against the defendant. If your state has something like that, you should only have to deal with court costs, no fines or fees.

I will look into it, thanks again bud. The lead detective was actually very reasonable. Hopefully, he will put in a good word. I just really don't want to go to prison. I would rough it in the woods for as many years as it takes in lieu of that. lol

i wonder what they did with your shit and the cash...

Civil forfeiture no doubt haha

No offence but are you white? Cause this sounds at odds with my perception of how a police raid that intense would go for others

Yes, I am white guy with a beard. I'm sure it would have been different if I wasn't. I feel being very respectful and cooperative, and that really made a difference. I was even cracking jokes, making them laugh.

Damn, man, sorry to hear it. Nobody deserves that kind of treatment. Strange days.

Thanks bud. Its feels like some kinda natural disaster. lol. I had my house burn down as a kid. My tent burned in Iraq. Hurricane Sandy was detrimental. This is comparable. At least I still have my goods. They are strewn about in all directions, but they still exist. I had two bug out bags. One big and one little. Jeez, I had so much stuff in them. It really is a sad thing to see all of your personal possessions rifled through. On the bright side. I did intend to clean up and organize. Now I have no choice but to spruce things up. lol

Dude, if your dealing drugs, make sure you have the best shit. That way the police just keep it and have no evidence to charge you. Theyre people too. And do dope too, or know people that do, and pay good money for it.

If you got the 'meh cheap shit' you know your going to jail or going to be charged, because they thought they were going to score and now they are pist you had crap. Its definetely getting turned in as evidence.

If you had the fire, they wouldn't have "found" the pills or the weed. They would have taken it, but they would have said theyre was nothing there and you wouldn't have been charged with it.

You know what the smart drug dealers do about the police? Make em partners. You have to or run the risk of your freedom. Look how Big Pharm funds the FDA. Same difference.

Oh there was a quarter pound of quality goods. I like the cheap stuff for myself or broke friends. You can be a lot more generous with it. Idk man, when I say I was a petty dealer. I'm talking real nominal amounts of money and green. I wasn't really in a position to pal up. Maybe if I move to a small town, it would be food for thought.

This was my family, all though before my time. I still know the stories. He wasnt mentioned in the article, but he was the reason the vigilantes were "re-assigned" and why the Chicago Tribune wrote Tacoma an ode on how curropt WE were.

If thats not pure balls, I dont know what is. Kinda ironic in that my family came from sicily to Chicago in the 1920's. Some moved west.

Have you consulted the sentencing guidelines as to the mandatory minimum on that?

Go get yourself a lawyer and find out what you are facing.

This all happened last night. I haven't been given my formal charges as of yet. Hopefully, the good detective will tell them to take it easy or something. Once I get my charges, I will to the best of my ability, find out everything I can. As of right now. I'm just glad I'm home. I really expected to be locked up for at least a week or three. In my mind. I prepared for a month.

I don't think the feds go below 5 years on weed.

Good luck.

The fines I will incur for this, will set me back, but they won't even cover a portion of the cost of the raid

What do you mean by this?

Cover might not be the right word. He means that the cost of repairing his shit will be much higher than the fines.

EDIT: Actually now that I re-read it, he probably means that the cost of the raid for the police is much higher than what they gained from the fines.

I mean the time,energy,manpower and materials that were used during the raid. Are far greater than any fiscal compensation they could have ever hoped to get from me. That raid probably costs more than I make in a year. The taxpayer is paying the bill.

I mean no offense to this (and seriously, thank you for your service), but i wonder if being a vet had anything to do with this... Even if it was just one more mark on their checklist to "justify" the raid...

It is possible. They had read my army records before they came, asking me loaded questions about it. Very disturbing.

please expand. what did they ask?

They asked about where I was. When. They knew that I got in trouble once. Got an article 15. Lost rank. Did extra duty. I really can't imagine what else was in my file. While I was in. After we came back from Iraq, I tried to transfer from my unit. I was in the 82nd airborne, in the 782nd Main support battalion. I was an artillery radar tech. 35M. I went to school in the army for a year to learn my MOS military occupational specialty. When i got to my permanent duty station, there was no radar systems that I worked on at my unit. For some reason, they needed a 35M, but I couldn't do the job I trained for. So I became a detail bitch. Anything that needed a body. Me and a friend of mine were on top of the list. Or we were the list. In Iraq that was also the case. We were moved from a bombproof jet bunker a mile away, to shitty little Pakistani made tents. for "better control and accountability" next to our HQ. These tents were badly wired with heater ac units, by third world contractors. After 3 weeks, they caught on fire. Over a hundred people lost everything they had. Weapons and armor gone. All personal possessions. Afterwards we were moved back into the bunker that we came from. With nothing. It gets cold in the desert. All I had for weeks was a pair of BDU pants, my weapon, and luckily my wallet. And flip flops. lol. I was pretty livid about the whole experience. So when we came back to the states I tried to transfer to another unit that had the systems I was supposed to work on. Job skills is the reason I enlisted after all. I used all the proper channels. I was repeatedly denied. Supposedly because it was a time of war, and I was airborne, I was "fenced in" to the 82nd. I decided to revoke my airborne status. If you do that, before you have three years as airborne, they punish you. I was willing to accept it. Despite all my efforts, nothing happened. I got desperate. I tried every channel. I talked to psychs, clergy, I used the chain of command. All to no avail. I became resentful. Starting failing PT tests deliberately. They passed me with above flying colors. Then I became argumentative with the people above me. I got into verbal altercations all the time. I got into trouble. They took my money and rank. Then, after a while I ranked back up and was able to ETS. Leave. For over a year, I tried to transfer the right way. Filled out the forms, talked to anyone who would listen. I'm sure during that time, my file just keep growing. Who knows what they said about me. I'm pretty sure it is less than flattering. It may have made me a better target. I really can't say.

There is no rational society. There is just the State. They will kidnap you and put you in a cage. Extort you. It made me realize, i can't live like this. I won't anymore. Once I settle some affairs. I'm going to go off the grid. Nothing is worth your freedom.

Oh there was a quarter pound of quality goods. I like the cheap stuff for myself or broke friends. You can be a lot more generous with it. Idk man, when I say I was a petty dealer. I'm talking real nominal amounts of money and green. I wasn't really in a position to pal up. Maybe if I move to a small town, it would be food for thought.

Yes. I have a friend who has undeveloped land several states away. Pretty isolated. I can cultivate the land for them, and lay low at the same time. Also there is the planned community option. Idk about that one. Communes seem like they may be a little weird. It would be nice to have company though. I have two well stocked bug out bags. A 4x4 vehicle. Plenty of tools. I craft metal and leather for fun. I believe I can survive just about anywhere, but I would go somewhere with less winter. It would be a lot easier.

therein lies the rub

please expand. what did they ask?

Perhaps you missed the Oxy comment? There was reasonable suspicion that he was trading in more than a "harmless plant" with very little long-term research conducted into long-term health risks (funny how people cry for an endless barrage of long-term studies into GMOs, yet want weed legalized without any research into its health risks).

I don't think the feds go below 5 years on weed.

Good luck.

weed has been around for millenia, There doesn't need to be any research to see that marijuana is infinitely more safe than prescription drugs or narcotics. All you have to look at is the death count. Sure research on weed would be fantastic, and perhaps if it were legal it would be easier for research labs to get their hands on it!