Exorcism, real or false? Let's talk.

4  2015-04-04 by [deleted]

Many cultures report people being infiltrated by spirits. The Catholic church has a whole division on this, mostly demonic. Other cultures see it as ancestors communicated from beyond the living realm. What do you guys/gals think? Is exorcism and possession real? Is it demonic? Or is it something we cannot wrap our heads around. I know there are good forces and bad. We live in a world of balance, good == evil and vice versa. Talk, discuss, think. Love to hear your thoughts. Cheers!

PS. I'm at [8], :)


Have you ever heard of Russ Dizdar. He talks about the Black Awakening, although you probably shouldn't listen to anything his has to say until you sober up a little, it's pretty intense.

I find it better to learn when under an influence. 1000 years of ancient priests can agree. As for him, no i haven't, I'll check it out. Thanks.

Sounds interesting. I'm giving it a listen now just because.

Just curious, what did you think?

I think demonic forces are a reality but I am also Christian and therefore your opinions on my stance may be affected. Anyways, regardless of my faith I have seen and friends of mine have seen/have video evidence of such accounts. The only logical rationale for these events have come from the Christian worldview and I have yet to find another suitable reason as to why. Let me first say however that the "Hollywood exorcisms" that we all think of are not real and are actually detrimental to the person(s) invoved. A great scholar and expert on this study is Timothy Warner (http://www.amazon.com/The-Beginners-Guide-Spiritual-Warfare/dp/0764213989). I had a conversation with him and I think he has a very logical and practical understanding of the issue. In his words, the hardest part of his job as a spiritual counsellor is to discern whether a person is being affected by spiritual influences or by natural affects such as sickness or emotional/mental health issues. Not every problem can or should be associated with demonic influence, just as not all problems can be associated to natural causes. I don't think we will ever be able to fully understand the spiritual dimension, but we are able to understand some of it. I think Timothy Warner provides a rational understanding of this without romanticizing it or neglecting it. I'd be happy to give examples if needed but I figured I'd keep it some what short as to promote a dialogue :) Cheers

Aye, I respect your world/religious view. I'm more of a deist, ex-catholic/Christian. I will look into the man you mentioned. I just find it intriguing. One culture cultivates it while another culture demonizes it. Fascinating, indeed. Thanks for the comment! Cheers mate.

Eh no worries! I think a great look at the two worldviews clashing is voodoo located in the Dominican Republic and Haiti and it's relationship to Christianity. Voodoo is the act of inviting spirits into one's body and hoping for good ones. My friend's video recorded example is what happened during a Christian baptism. My only piece of advice would be that if you even remotely believe in a good spiritual dimension, then stay away from inviting contact with any "spirit" as you may be unable to tell if good or bad. There re too many eye witness accounts that seem to support the Christian worldview and it's view on demonic influence. I wouldn't say I agree with the Catholic churches view and how they do exorcisms but I do think it is real and in extreme cases exorcisms are needed. However these are far more calm than in movies and less exciting haha. I hope you find some answers TheCommiesAreComing. Have a good night :)


I can't contact my friend and see if she could send me a copy :) how does science refute it? I'm curious. So youre saying you asked for a spirit personally and is affected you? In what ways?


What sort of knowledge? Could you be more specific in this change?


I don't remember ever hearing anywhere that to be a christian you need to ask god for material goods.... Where as me being a christian, I pray to show that i am thankful. I also don't ask god for any of that knowledge or my path because I don't need to test him. All the basics were shown to us by Jesus. Also because I believe in reincarnation where we come here as volunteers to do good and to reach the point in spiritual evolution where we can communicate with the creator.


Enlighten me then on this big picture. I didn't know that reincarnation was blasphemy (accounts of it happened in the bible ie john the baptist). I believe that we are on this world in the pursuit of knowledge and experience. All evil stems from the original act of free will. God respects and intrusts us to rid his world of it by our faith in him and to each other. I believe that edgar cayce was onto something. I believe that Jesus walked on this earth and is our savior. I believe that the world elite has been currupted by satan/lucifer and his empty promises. I believe that Jesus will only return when we have failed god again. Edit: i am a christian, i hold no allegiance to a group created by man such as the catholic church only to the creator and his creations


Awfully hateful i would have to say. Also I hold no attachment to the prophets of "gods chosen people". Elaborate further on jesus then. Edit: you are really going to bring up flavians? Lol. My own atheist brother brought that up. Seems very convient and counter intuitive bs to me. But the masses can't have something right can they? Just because "christians" have wronged you doesn't mean his words are any less true. Also what bothers you about his teachings?


I know of this pope and what he will bring. The church was made to taint the message of christ from the inside by taking it over. Also give a name to this other savior out of curiosity. Edit: just because you are inside doesn't mean you were given the full truth. also if what you say is true i can understand if you have to leave. Another link would be great though Edit2: or Possibly you are talking about the greys and nordics?

You are more of an incorrigibly dense individual, how does it feel?

I agree with your perception of this wholeheartedly.

Yeah.... Kinda bullshit, homie. Gotta do better than that. Sigh. I'm looking for deeper esoteric/ occult.

demonic possesion is real, but very very rare. Not nearly as often is one accused of it (certainly in the darker ages) than they actually were possessed and not simply mentally ill. And think about the 1200s for a moment. K, if you have any empathy, you'd be a lil mentally ill too if you lived in that time, right? Is the possession demonic? Yes, as in an angel fallen from heaven that now roams this earth as a devil. These beings are real, and cause real suffering. I get the counter that it's simply ppl being ppl and me not wanting to accept that someone can be that evil. Well, that's simply not the case, but this is a talk, and so I can be antadotal. I've seen more than enough in life to know spirits, demons, God, Christ Jesus, Satan/Lucifier are all a reality that alot of ppl simply do not want to accept because if they do, then that means there's more to life than one's self. And Lord knows ppl of this age couldn't be taken outta the spot light of thier own ego for any amount of time.

Which begs the question, what is evil what is good. What is up and what is down. Are we not living in a topsy turvy world?

I believe conscious is the compass God has given us, for us to understand the differnce





Hm, there's a lot of the spirituality here, so I figure I should play the scientist's advocate on this one.

I'm a skeptic, and somewhere between a Buddhist and an agnostic. I'm not judging anyone for their beliefs. It's all wonderful stuff if it makes you do wonderful things.

This argument is essentially the same as the argument around repressed memories brought about and dealt with through the hypnotism.

I'm not an expert, but I've taken a pretty healthy interest in psychology (and in school a bit), and from a researcher's point of view, they'll not tell you that it's not possible. They'll just tell you that it can't be tested. While there are tons and tons and tons of stories out there of people being possessed AND people being exorcised successfully, for someone who subscribes to science completely, it is near impossible to admit they were really possessed by an unseen force of evil.

Possession in many cases can mimic the signs and symptoms of mental disorders like schizophrenia. Especially schizophrenia. So it becomes a very hard decision for a mental health professional to make. Were they possessed or did they have a genuine chemical imbalance? This gets complicated even more when the person really, really believes that an exorcism will save them. Because it has in the past - regardless of whether they were actually possessed or not.

But then there are also stories of people who have spoken in different languages. It makes it hard to refute, but researchers are going to wonder whether they had heard these languages as a young person, they were speaking gibberish or they were being imbued with impossible knowledge. You'd have to know a person's history to know the real answer, and that language would have to be recorded and analyzed.

I think that there is certainly the possibility that possessions do exist, although I'm leaning toward mental disorder. I do think that there are things I don't understand - things that would could potentially make me do evil things without my explicit consent or want (drugs are a good example).

But at the end of the day, I think one day we'll know for sure. Who was it that said, "Religion is the path OF god, and science is the path TO god." And I really think that sums it up beautifully. Science can create that bridge that we can walk across, and admire the work of whatever or whoever has created us even more!

We're all just working our way toward the same end.

I find this topic interesting. When I was younger I felt a terrifying experience & only in my adult life, I came to find out what it was called; a night terror. What fascinates me is that other online forums described my experience; screams, feelings of evil presence, noise, paralysis, and shadowy entities. Why do thousands of people report the same thing? Why has it been recorded throughout history? Sucubus? Incubus? I believe there is more to other dimensions than what we know.

Bro you were either lucid dreaming or experiencing sleep paralysis. Shadowy figure looming over you and on your chest. SP. it can also happen whilst using pschyadelics like DMT. As for spirits / possession OP, as far as my knowledge extends it is only darker spirits that can cause possession or interact with the human world. This is not a pure form of 'evil' but moreso spirits trapped in our dimensional plane are generally restless and trying to solve a problem or be stuck in limbo .. Spirits that have moved on or are contained within a higher dimensional plane cannot exist on our level (partly due to the gravitational pull and solid existence of earth - partly due to being in a different dimension) Just my 2c

Nah dude.... Read up on people's experiences. A lot of people have the SAME experience. That isn't a coincidence. You can subscribe to any idea you would like to, but I'm not here to debate semantics.

I'm a but confused about what your trying to say? people have the SAME experience on DMT ? Yeah.. dark shapes and 'evil presence' above you in bed .. sleep paralysis.. i've had it, lots of people have so when you say "its always the same thing" what do you mean? are you implying that under such circumstances we are breaking the barrier between dimensional planes?? I think there is a lot to be said about DMT and why everyone sees the same thing, travels to the same place etc. But dark figures during sleep paralysis can defiantly change from person to person.

Every night billions of people sleep. What if 20% of the population had the same exact dream? Wouldnt that be quite the coincidence? What I am saying, is that I don't believe it's a coincidence. If you subscribe to the thought that this DMT/lucid dreaming experience, have at it friendo. Having experienced some terrifying night terrors, I choose to believe that the experience has connotations with a Demons presence & a lot of people feel like they are fighting to regain/maintain control. If your belief system makes you feel like its a normal experience, than please continue to believe it; I choose to believe that it was an intense, evil experience. Thousands of other people choose to believe the same thing.

bingo homie, I have had the same experience while young, and now that I'm older have had weird experiences. I drink, don't do drugs, but have experienced this. I'm in your court, cheers mate.

The only way this is a conspiracy is by collusion to defraud people of tithes and offerings by manipulation through fear.

Daemon means Genius. then the Church 'demonized' the term.

there's an inner voice and a collective unconscious inside every human, across all cultures. psychological trauma brings the negative aspects of this inner voice out, the same way positive inspiration brings out 'the Muse' in Writers and Artists.

it's more Psychology than Religion, and its more a Western, White Person problem. Aboriginal Cultures have better rituals at dealing with psychological trauma. Exorcisms seem to be the attempts of Western, White Religious men at these rituals.

You are a vessel, what you do and think will tell you what you have given power over you. You have a conscience, thats the holy spirit, give in.