Be Sure to Take the Survey (in r/worldnews, r/news) and Let reddit Know What a Bunch of Fucking Nazis the Admins/Mods Have Become (there is a question: What don't you like about reddit?)

36  2015-04-06 by [deleted]


Why didn't you link the poll?

because then they'll ban us all for "brigading"

you mean linking to content on the internet, the sharing of informa...

oh nevermind.

Done. Reddit's asshole was torn apart.

Is there anything you dislike, or find frustrating, about reddit?
If so, please tell us about it below.

The developers don't give a shit about developing tools for transparency in communities, but they, of course, are busy implementing gold-only and gold-related features.

Moderator actions are usually non-obvious and it takes effort from a relevant party to check whether content has had moderator action taken thereagainst. Many communities use tags next to the post titles to indicate removals or clarifications, but it is not required and thus there is a big open hole for censorship without the censored party ever receiving word that something had been removed. Silent and reasonless bans are the norm both for those banned by site-wide admins and by community moderators. In the same way as the issues with regular content removal, users must dig around for ban reasons because the ban reasons, if any real reason was even considered, aren't shown to the user or anyone else. There is no public ledger of what content is removed or who was banned; moderators can moderate secretly and never have to fear consequences as the record of their actions is always hidden from the governed. There is no way to keep their actions and behaviors in check as the governed have no knowledge of how they are being governed. A corrupt moderator or moderator team has nothing to fear since he/it only answers to the other moderators. Moderators do not have to fear community-driven backlash or fear their community losing membership and support to better, less-corrupt communities as the moderators aren't actually responible to their communities.

"Seeing someone in the position of James Clapper - the Director of National Intelligence - baldly lying to the public without repercussion is the evidence of a subverted democracy. The consent of the governed is not consent if it is not informed." -Edward Snowden


We should all do the poll no doubt, but lets hope we don't get a "No one answered that question seriously so we don't count it" crap.

In the question: "If you were able to as a redditor to make changes". I put only allow one redditor to be a mod in one subreddit only.