How was Jesse Ventura Elected Governor when....

0  2015-04-07 by [deleted]

The name "Jesse Ventura" is a pseudonym (fake name) that is not even registered to his person. Doesn't this expose a glaring loophole in the systems that be?


He changed his last name to Ventura many years ago. Jesse is often times a nickname for James. Not that complicated.

There's no law that says you can't go by nickname in office.

You know "Bill Clinton" isn't his real name as well I would imagine.

James George Janos is his real name, Jesse Ventura IS NOT registered to him NOR DOES HE CLAIM IT TO BE

There is no law that says you cannot go by nickname in office. Exactly, all you need is a 3rd party to vouch for your identity no I.D. is needed to be the president of the "Country" (Coporation) The possible conflict of interests are endless.... it astonishes me how you could shrug this off as no big deal.

You really think someone could possibly ever get even a million miles within becoming president without an ID....?

You think we need that as a rule? That's like making a rule that in order to be president you must be a living person... it's useless as it will never matter

No what needs to happen is the loophole needs to be closed allowing the use of pseudonyms in public office. Here is Candidate Oath form that I found on the internet from Florida to show you that I am not full of shit.

Please tell me a single hypothetical that is even slightly possible where this could make any difference in any possible way. You seem very upset but there is literally no instance or theoretical situation where it matters one bit.

I'll leave it at that, cause there is literally no reason to care about this even a little bit.

You honestly don't see how hiding behind a pseudonym in public office therefore disconnecting all accountability to your true identity isn't an problem? You can tell me how I seem and attempt to marginalize me and downvote the Flordia Oath of Office form all you want but that won't stop people from waking up to this con. Last Box on the first Page Peronally Known: __________ OR Produced Identificiation __________

disgusting loophole

and yet you can't tell me how it could have any effect, on literally anything, ever..

gee what a terrible loophole.

Did you know there's also a loophole that a zombie with no heartbeat and no blood can be president too? If he is a zombie and signs the forms and is the proper age... he can do it!

Better get that loophole fixed up!

edit: stop being weird and replying to my comments 3 and 4 times per comment... wtf is wrong with you.

You have literal actors who could be using disguises to pass themselves off as "ANY FUCKING NAME AT ALL" who weasel their way into the government with help from others of their kind. You also can run state to state and use fake names trying to get elected and if you fail you can just pack up and try again elsewhere until it works.

Wow... there is so much wrong with what you've said.. I cannot believe you aren't a troll.

What exactly are you going to run for 'state after state after state'?

Governer? Pretty much every state you have to prove you have been a resident for 5 years previous to running.

Senator? You have to be a resident of the state. Also, you aren't going to be running from multiple states and not get noticed ... that is retarded...

How about a Town mayor? Practically every single town has a residency clause, as well as a "you must be a resident for X many years" to run for even small town mayor.

What the hell are you going to run for here that will even let you on the ballot, let alone from state to state to state?

You are talking absolutely out your ass my friend.

You seem to know a lot about the residency rules you think you would be aware of the loophole allowing you to run without identification of any kind.

You are clearly a troll, or you are just insanely dumb. I'm really sorry I got involved in this thread. You obviously can't help yourself.

You REFUSE to acknowledge that form and instead personally attack me, and call me a troll, call me dumb. You have revealed yourself wolf.

" I committed /worldnews thought-crime by withholding judgement on MH17. The accusation that I was part of "Putin's FSB" went viral in the thread and I was gang-downvoted and targeted with creepy PM's. by shark_shank in conspiracy

[–]poobuttmcbuttpoo -2 points 17 days ago

It's funny that my point was basically that a lot of people actually can't stand disagreement, and go straight to crying shill.

Then you go full retard and cry shill because of a

Godamn nutter. "


And this is my thread so i'll respond how I want, another effect is you could have a massive conflict of interest say two brothers who have the same loyalty/ties to whatever corporations that can use fake names and run against each other ensuring that the political seat is bought.




sure bud




says the guy trying to get me dirty by throwing lizard crap at me

You're allowed to change your name, just ask Barry Soetoro.

His real name is still James George Janos, Jesse Ventura is a stage name (psuedonym)

Jesse Ventura was already a public figure so it isn't like everybody didn't already know who he was... he wasn't sneaking in under a false name.

You are ignoring the loophole itself that allows him to use a name thats not registered to his person.

Is there any reason we should give a shit?

If you are comfortable knowing everyone in public office in your Country can be legally lying about who they are then feel free to give no shits

Nobody seems confused about who he is except you somehow. Also any forms he signed definitely have his legal name, who the hell cares if he uses a nickname? You need help man.

ad hominem arguments don't make the Oath of Office form NOT have a VOUCHED FOR box that you can use INSTEAD of identification

Who cares. Obama released his freaking birth certificate and idiots still question his identity. There's no way someone is going to fake their way into office without anybody knowing. It's an insane thought.

" [–]greenshrubbery -6 points 20 hours ago

Edit: That downvote button, you're only supposed to use it if people don't add to the conversation. Its not a "I disagree" button...

Your post had no Jew bashing, why would /r/conspiracy upvote it? "

I think thats all we need to see when it comes to user CODEWORDshrubbery

So i call you out for ad hominem arguments, and you proceed to say "Who cares" "it's an insane thought" in your next post, real smart. Then you bring a RED HERRING argument into the mix by talking about OBAMA who used the very LOOPHOLE to be elected as a senator and was vouched by Nancy Pelosi. Sure he released some nonsense after they marched out that gatekeeper Orly Taitz to make a fool out of the entire thing, but that doesn't change the fact that this loophole is there. They ARE faking their way into office LEGALLY and their peers KNOW and are HELPING them.

no response GREEN?

This is such a sad Shill 101 disruption example.

yet you won't touch the Florida Oath of Office form or acknowledge it in any way. Who is the shill?

I'm talking about the other guy. You got my upvotes

nice, appreciate it

Oh, ok, you're a birther. No response needed, now everybody knows how nuts you are. Inb4 OMG AD HOMINEM

No not bitter, just keenly observing you and how you ignore everything that doesn't support your stock opinion.

I fail to see a problem with what you see as a problem. The fact that you see it as a problem leads me to believe you have a mental illness, further evidenced by the fact that you're the only one who believes it to be a problem.

Just an observation.

From my end its just attacks attacks attacks while refusing to address the 2 solid pieces of evidence of corruption that I have posted in this thread. I am not the only one who see these issues as a problem. I am only here, in my spare time to test the waters of this honey pot website.

Only you believe those 2 things to be evidence of anything. Nobody agrees that it's evidence of anything.

Also this isn't the 90's, honeypot sites are long gone, they just watch every site now.

I guess you'd be proof of that greenberg

Oo did you figure out who I am? You're a conspiracy theorist so I can't just be some random guy who disagrees right?

your name has the media codeword in it though

Hahahaha holy fuck you're absolutely nuts man. My username is a reference to marijuana. This is hilarious.

You have 0 r/trees/ posts ....I don't buy it. Keep throwing crap at me when was the last time you addressed the Florida State Oath of Office form that I linked?

Except that isn't true, I may not have tons but I'm subscribed to and occasionally post in /r/trees

I'm quite enjoying this, don't feel compelled to stop.

All I want is your take on this form

and your thoughts on the box at the bottom of page 1

I gave it a genuine look and still don't see why it matters. If he wanted to run as "Bamboloo Bamboobear" who cares? What would that negatively effect? In what way would the people he represents be harmed because of a pseudonym?


Why can't I charge Bamboloo Bamboobear?


So you agree that you're wrong? Because I could charge Bamboloo Bamboobear if that was the name they went by. You don't need their name. I can charge "that guy over there" if I want to.

Nope because that name isn't registered to their person

That's not how any of this works. That's what Freemen on the Land think, and they're some next-level stupid. You aren't magically immune to prosecution just because they don't know your name. If that was true then everybody who got arrested just wouldn't say their name.

red herring argument

If you want to charge somebody who's name you don't know, you can. They'll just arrest "the person known as" and then whatever descriptor you gave them. It's not a red herring, its an objective fact that directly contradicts your view.

Exactly but that allows time for them to retire the character with whatever scandal they concoct and a real scandal or crime involving "the person known as" who is not the name we are familar with goes unreported.

This is some fascinating paranoia. Usually my thoughts on schizophrenic delusions are "that would be terrifying if true." But this is the exact opposite. It's "parts of this could be true but you need to be ill to care or think its a problem."

so you've given up attacking what I say and are instead calling me names again?

I'm bored and replying in my free time for entertainment. I'm not exactly invested in this conversation.

bullshit nobody that isn't interested would have typed as much as you

The conspiracy of greenshrubbery's free time.

Have you ever had a job? Gets boring, so I fill the time up by doing things, like this.

Nobody seems confused about who he is except you somehow. Also any forms he signed definitely have his legal name, who the hell cares if he uses a nickname? You need help man.