My apologies conspiracy, for the dreadful podcast.

0  2015-04-07 by [deleted]

I was recently featured as a guest on a podcast that many of you thought was dreadful, the podcast was labelled as "official" and that has left many of you with a bad taste in your mouth.

There won't be any future official conspiracy podcasts because it would be impossible to officially represent such a diverse group of people appropriately.

I have been added back to the mod team after this latest drama wave and I hope that we can move on without any hard feelings. I assure you that if any future podcasts are done, they won't be stickied without community input and they certainly won't claim any official parentage from this community.

Thanks and sorry that I unwittingly brought this nuclear drama bomb upon this community.


I have been added back to the mod team

They say cats have 9 lives but apparently power abusing, Nazi apologist bird-men have even more.

to be fair, not all nazis were bad. they didn't even have internet so how could they know about the concentrating camps? correlation is not causation.

But... Like... They could still communicate?

This is entire Bullshit. Fuck /r/conspiracy plenty of other subs are popping up to take its place and this is clear abuse of power. The moderators in this sub are clearly corrupt when this asshole keeps avoiding punishment. If they cannot be trusted on a matter so small and trivial how can you trust the mod team of /r/conspiracy for anything else? Almost every person in the community was happy to see this clown go now he is back FOR NO REASON other then the agenda of the mods. The community didn't ask for him back.

You mention that there are plenty of alternatives, but don't link any?

Thank you

No problem. These subs are not quite the same but the have similar content matter you might find interesting.

/r/TSBD/ Texas school book depository for all those juicy conspiracy related book links lol

/r/Thewarondrugs/ News on the war on the American homefront.

/r/TheSurvivalGuide/ cant go wrong with skills found here.

/r/LimitedHangouts/ discussions about limited hangouts

/r/conspiracydocumentary/ great collection of documentaries related to conspiracy.

What happened that was so bad?

Its a compounding of events, this is the straw that broke the camels back. Flytape has constantly abused his powers and this isn't the first time he has had them removed and reinstated. He likes to ban people for simply disagreeing with him. He regularly attacks members of this sub and in the last twenty four hours he has called us all whiny bitches and brats, this is just one small example of his contempt for the community. Basically he acts like a child instead of a level headed adult we all want to be in charge of our community. Ill be honest lol my first response to the situation was not great but I am not a mod of any communities.

Flytape two days ago

I'm tired of modding anyway

This community is like a kindergarten full of entitled brats

This community will suffer with me gone from here but that's fine with me, I've got shit2do IRL

Stupid shit like this makes /r/conspiracy look bad. It's so annoying because there's a lot of potential and a lot of quality stuff here but bullshit like this is slowly ruining it.

/u/Mr_Dong you need to do something about this

I see.

But not for banning people on a whim who disagree with your agenda? Repeatedly?

This is, of course, predictable. But still a joke.

They were banned for repeatedly attacking him and calling him a nazi all for an inside joke about a snoovatar. They were obvious alts from the SRD/topminds/conspiratard clique.

You're not correct, but seriously, get a room already! Your slobbering is tough to watch. Or maybe you're already in the same one?

Yes, I am correct. They repeatedly smeared him as a Nazi.

A more severe punishment than obligated apology would have been preferred.


He's here to discredit our sub.

His media presence is unsurpassed.

I guess this is when I stop posting here. But that's what I is expected. So I am in a bit of a pickle.

If anyone is interested in a different conspiracy related sub, /r/C_S_T awaits. I think I'll take a break from here for a bit.

I love your series of dramatic episodes! Please don't ever stop with all the drama!

Thought you left for VOAT or am I thinking of somebody else?

I'm on voat also.

Go back to your hasbarat buddies in /r/isrconspiracyracist you moron.

I still maintain that it wasn't at all "dreadful" man.

It's unfortunate that most people seemed fixated on the mask instead of following the link to the IRC AssuredlyAThrowAway provided (Which was created and announced nearly a month ago, btw) where you guys were taking direct questions. Have a say in what was discussed, as they wanted.

Again, I recommend everyone visit the IRC, that way you will be informed on any developments in any future Podcasts.

But... Like... They could still communicate?