What is with all this anti Russian propaganda?

49  2015-04-11 by [deleted]

Taken 3, Russia mob, the Equalizer, Russian mob. Dude seriously just asking a question. We all know the Italians are top on crime, why Russians all of a sudden? I know, organized crime i rampant, but why Russian in the main stream. Italians are just as a part. But no.... Russians and only them. Look into MSM movies, all about Russians. There is an agenda!!!!!!


Completely unnecessary, artificial creation of TPTB. In reality the Americans and Russians would get along mighty well!

When I was in the Navy, in 2007, my ship went to Vladivostok, Russia.

I can tell you first hand, the people of Russia and the government/ruling class people are very different, just as they are here in the US.

The whole city was incredibly warm and welcoming. We were required to stay in uniform for the visit and families stopped us to get pictures with us with their children. We encountered a number of people that were current or previous Russian Navy, and they were quick to shake our hands and have a drink with us. ( which we were not supposed to partake in) They take pride in their country and were proud to show us their country. Their city's "birthday" was around the Fourth of July so they had fireworks (don't recall if exactly the 4th or not) for our fourth celebration as well.

Just as you cannot judge Americans by the actions of our government, you should be hesitant to judge Russians by theirs .

Its so true. I met many really nice american people when I visited america. So I don't for a second thing the problem is the common people. It is the ruling class and elite. Jesus rightly said, blessed are the poor, theirs is the kingdom of heaven!

You're out out of your mind. Have you ever seen human beings inter act in a bar?

People are friendly until their objectives conflict, they believe their resources are being fucked with (girls, drinks, space - hey don't step on my shoes!) or they just blatently start acting stupid need their ego checked.

States exist for the sole purpose of survival and power. Russia and America have conflicting interest. You're a n00b.

Russia and America have conflicting interest

Russia and the rulers of America have conflicting interests.

Rulers of America being McDonalds, Apple, and Starbucks?

Rulers, people whatever. To think that we could all coexist without competition is bullshit.

Every fabric of our global economy is centered around a powerful US. A superpower needs things.

no actually, that's how you've been taught humans interact by western media.

there was actually a great post about this the other day where a guy was filming people at a store in the 80s, at 2am drunk. all it was, was a video of their interactions with one another.

honestly it was beautiful, compared to the dolts and cell phone zombies running around bumping into each other today.

edit: i tried to find the link and could not if anyone has it please post id gladly watch people interacting normally again cause 2015 is fucked

people conflict over objectives because they have been intentionally divided.


no! GO METS!

(Neither opinion is relevant to anything that matters, but the average moron will still "hate" someone for it)


im being a dickhead right now, and i don't drink.

i've been the victim of many crimes. but certainly not war crimes at the hands of modern russia.

you know who has committed war crimes though, don't you?


now that you've answered my question.

re: the headline of this thread.

If the US is the one committing war crimes.... and Russia has not had an expeditionary army since the war in Afghanistan.

Why is the dude's name practically Vladmir 666 Satan Hitler Bush Putin?

Well it isn't everywhere in the world, but certainly the west.

I don't think things are that simple, although I get what you're saying. I think governments would like to make you think that their acts are irrational or emotional or have some sort of emotionality behind it, but in reality, it's all simple power politics man. I gotta check your power or else you'll fuck with me.

Take a group of lovely kindergarten kids, give half of them candies and the other half wood sticks, and then politics will be explained before your eyes.

take a group of lovely kindergarten kids and give them all candy, dont bring sticks into your culture at all.

revolution explained before your eyes.

Okay, so one thing I've learned is to follow the money. If you view US aggression in terms of what they want globally (resources like natural gas and oil for their corporations to profit from), then you will be able to dig up this information.

The "fight" with Russia right now has to do with Syria and a gas pipeline that the US wants to go through there from Qatar. This is very bad for Russia, because they have a pipeline that feeds much of Europe already. So Russia has been backing Assad, while the US has been backing the rebels. Ukraine is also an example of this proxy war playing out.

The media lapdogs follow suit and then start a hate campaign against Russia.


Haha you must be young. Before 911 all terrorist in every movie or show were Russians.

Uh, dude Russians have been the bad guys in movies for as long as I can remember, and I'm almost 30.

I noticed it start a couple of years ago. It started off much slower but was blatant to me. Actually shortly after Russian user-created content started getting popular online, showing crazy kids swinging off buildings, "meanwhile in Russia" memes, etc... Funny things that made Russia/Russians look interesting, or allowed them to have any kind of influence.

There is. Search Operation Gladio. Also the Soviets booted the "chosen" during the time of the USSR. If you are a local Russian you could say that the "chosen" and their shills are against the Orthodox Christians.

Ties into new infrastructure bank and the planet slowly slipping out of the grasp of US colonialism.

Especially true in South and Central America where they are now fully and actively aware of the US efforts to destabilize the region in favor of US corporate interests. El Salvador Nicaragua has finally gotten the Sandinistas back in power, Venezuela just survived a second coup attempt in roughly a decade in 2014, Correa and Morales in Ecuador and Bolivia speaking out and warning against US neocolonialism. And in Africa where China is making investments rather than backing dictators and oppressive regimes to make economic gains.

African Country: "Hmm, who should we do business with? The country that steals our resources at gun point and murders us, or the country that offers us reasonable and mutually beneficial terms for investment? That's a really tough call..."

It's hilarious reading comments about how the US has to have a strong military and aggressive foreign policy in order to protect our interests and all the while they can't see that these policies only impoverish and alienate America.

The Sandanistas in Nicaragua are ass-hats. I didn't know that they were active in El Salvador though. Are they in reality a similar party there?

It was late when I typed up the comment, you're right it's Nicaragua. The Sandinistas are actually heroes who opposed US intervention and interference with Nicaraguan politics, they raised the standard of living for poor Nicaraguans, and overthrew and killed the US backed dictator Samoza. Smedley Butler lamented his role in Nicaragua on behalf of the international banking cartel.


Those aren't the same exact people today. The Contras and all of that were a while ago.

I was recently there, touring coffee plantations. And as luck would have it, my tour guide was a Sandinista. Nicest guy ever. And the things he told me the occupying Americans did to them. Just, wow.

Go over by Suina and you will find contras who fought against Sandanistas.

We're trying to start a war, be quiet you!

Keep in mind also that the "Russian mafia" used to be called the KGB before the USSRs economy collapsed, and they started looking for outside sources of funding. Gee.... Who did Putin work for again?

Italian mafia [the real one of yesteryear] would kill you (and had the class to call a hit off of it would hurt anyone else) but the Russian mafia will kill you and your whole family. No class. Just thugs.

If you were a criminal or an in group member of the right type. They were supposed to not like publicity.

Text ambiguous. Please elaborate. Context sir.


Im not sure its even a crime to be in the mafia - Society for Adorable Sicilian Cats (or whatever name their cultural pride group is going by now). The only crime is if a crime can be pinned on a person.

Smh. What relevance is this? Relate it back to intra-Mafia assassination or go away. Are you high?

Relevance requires you use your key. Your secret magical GayTheist key.

I take it you haven't seen the latest season of House of Cards, then?

No. Do tell.

It's anti-Russian propaganda.

I like how it manages to pull that off while the audience knows that the US president is a murderous liar and psychopath.

And with Kevin Spacey of all people.

Oh. Good. No surprises then.

I don't watch that shit, every now and then I will watch a dumb ass film. Helps, you know. The shit we know, sometimes I watch chapelle sometimes I watch MSM bullshit.

It's not a secret any more than Hollywood is in bed with the Pentagon. Be it: through casual relationships between important personalities from both establishments, simple mutual business interests, cocaine, favoritism when it comes to things like the Pentagon freely giving/leasing military equip. to only "friendly" scripts or directors, etc...

It doesn't take a fucking genius to figure it out -- just look at the casual and subliminal implication in the last few Michael Bay movies for example: Arabs are savages, Russians are evil, military is good/superior/cool, etc.

Shit is tired and obvious to anyone with any sort of historical/political knowledge of the world, that is, if they didn't already build their whole world view based on Hollywood flicks (Which is what the majority of Americans do, and that is the scary part).

There is obviously an agenda here.

They use the same script, just substitute Russian for terrorist, etc.

They create a problem, reaction, solution.

It's been going on for thousands of years. There is nothing new under the sun.

We are having a war against Russia. Hold on to your butts.

Actually in northern Europe the former eastern bloc countries are big in the world of crime, most of the muggings in my town are from Lithuanians

Maybe they are trying to prevent the EU from joining up too closely with Russia. The EU is already larger than us economically, and if it were to link up with Russia (and perhaps China) it would be much much stronger than the US. So, they are trying to restart the Cold War too keep the EU on "our side".

This is really pretty amusing.

We all know the Italians are top on crime

How do we all "know" that?

Oh, that's right, Hollywood told us so.

Italian mafia predates any organized crime in Russia, let alone Russian mafia intervention in the US. The Italian's are more organized and secure than the Russians. The Italians have the Catholic church and Vatican on their side. Research it. Organized crime, no matter the ethnicity is bad, but Italian mafia has more pull than the Russians. Not saying we should scapegoat them, but it seems there is an active anti Russian propaganda plot unfolding.

1970's and 80's were all about Italians (godfather etc ) 1980's the same then it went onto Arab terrorists / south American / European gangs/gangsters/terrorists .. now its time for something else . would you rather have Aliens again or ?

Image search for Putin magazine cover

I like the one with fangs.

Excerpt from Ginsberg's "America" (1956):

America, you don't really want to go to war.

America, it's them bad Russians.

Them Russians them Russians and them Chinamen. And them Russians.

The Russia wants to eat us alive.

The Russia's power mad. She wants to take our cars from out our garages.

Her wants to grab Chicago. Her needs a Red Reader's Digest. Her wants our auto plants in Siberia. Him big bureaucracy running our filling stations.

That no good.

Russia is the competing superpower also built on slave labor and perpetuated tyranny by the elites standing on the backs of the impoverished and powerless. Propaganda from both sides will never cease to brainwash the masses and keep the old rivalry ablaze.

Anti-communism will make a real come back when the anti-terrorism agenda wears out.

You think this is new? What are you, 12? The Russian mobster trope has pretty much been a staple of action movies ever since the collapse of the USSR and the spectacular rise of organized crime in its wake.

I'm beginning to think that the majority of this sub are kids with posts like these. Hell, I subscribed to /r/conspiracy because of it.

I may be a kid to some of you, I'm in my 20's. From what I remember, it was always German's who were the "baddies". It's not right, but I remember it this way. I've seen many movies.

need boogieman worthy of giving up more freedoms.

If you were a criminal or an in group member of the right type. They were supposed to not like publicity.

Those aren't the same exact people today. The Contras and all of that were a while ago.