Conspiracy theories you don't believe.

11  2015-04-24 by [deleted]

We spend so much time talking about how we're so sure this theory is true or that theory is true. I'm curious if we could, just for once. State conspiracy theories we don't believe and why don't believe them. More importantly can we do it without it devolving into down vote brigading and name calling?


Hollow earth

The large hadron collider will open a portal to hell

reptilian shapeshifters (although this one is really funny to me)

David Wilcock said that the rings of Saturn were really apartments for giant, 60 foot tall, aliens. They were made of strengthened aluminum that was clear like glass. Other aliens didn't like that they were living there and blew up their housing complex. That's why Saturn has rings. ಠ_ಠ

And I guess that's it... all the others have at least a shred of proof or plausibility.

Although 9/11 is clearly an inside job/controlled demolition, I don't think it was nukes, a beam from space or holographic planes.


Flat earth

Geocentric universe

Belief is the death of intelligence.

You should (I suggest you) embrace the theory of maybe logic where all possibilities should be considered as potential realities. I like to give percentages of possibility between 0 and 100 to various theories based on the available evidence.

Was there foreknowledge, foul play, and prepared demolitions during the events of 9/11 - 95%

Is the earth hollow and inhabited by aliens? - .0864%

The "Evil Genius Theory" in philosophy (essentially we could be living in the Matrix) allows us to have a degree of uncertainty on the actual existence and truth of everything we perceive.

I have difficulty accepting things as being ideologically motivated when a profit motive is more convincingly applicable.

For example, 9/11. Is it about hiding and moving money, fomenting wars, creating an ideal business environment for the military industrial complex? Yes, of course. Was it a bizarre satanic ritual? I'm inclined to say 'no' at this point. I do entertain that it might have also been the case, but that aspect would have been incidental to it.

Also, I don't think most "shills" are actually shills. Not the ones that bother to actually debate things. Even in the JTRIG stuff, the instructions aren't to debate things vehemently – their instructions are to disrupt and derail, call people retarded and say they "don't like the direction the sub is taking lately." Those are just people that have absorbed the lies as if they were truth. They sound like they must have set talking points because that's the information they've formed their opinion around.

So many but a big one is Moon Hoax. If you still believe that the lunar landings were faked and kept secret after watching Mythbusters thoroughly debunk it then you're just simply irrational and delusional. No idea why people keep going on about it.

watching Mythbusters thoroughly debunk it

I don't believe in the moon hoax theory either but HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHA

Fucking ay! "Mythbusters is science" is my pet peeve.

Actually some of the original manned Moon landings could be a fake (mainly the 1969 Apollo 11 one), due to Cold War propaganda (you know, the space-race between the USA and the USSR). Nobody knows for sure, it can be real too, but there are many dodgy things about it.

I think with the technology of nowadays it would be much more simple to implement a manned Moon landing successfully, but many things look really fake in the originals (e.g. no stars on high-quality space photos, shadows from multiple angles like in a studio, unexplainable objects, transparent astronauts). There were many other unmanned missions too, I think those really happened. And most probably the newer manned missions too. I know, there are some laser reflectors on the Moon, but they could be put there in unmanned or newer missions too:

List of the landings:

Fun fact, Japan is planning a Moon landing to 2018, although an unmanned one:

*edit: clarification

Some strange things about the original landings:

Some additional strange stuff:

"1) When the astronauts are putting up the American flag it waves. There is no wind on the Moon.

2) No stars are visible in the pictures taken by the Apollo astronauts from the surface of the Moon.

3) No blast crater is visible in the pictures taken of the lunar landing module.

4) The landing module weighs 17 tons and yet sits on top of the sand making no impression. Next to it astronauts’ footprints can be seen in the sand.

5) The footprints in the fine lunar dust, with no moisture or atmosphere or strong gravity, are unexpectedly well preserved, as if made in wet sand.

6) When the landing module takes off from the Moon’s surface there is no visible flame from the rocket.

7) If you speed up the film of the astronauts walking on the Moon’s surface they look like they were filmed on Earth and slowed down.

8) The astronauts could not have survived the trip because of exposure to radiation from the Van Allen radiation belt.

9) The rocks brought back from the Moon are identical to rocks collected by scientific expeditions to Antarctica.

10) All six Moon landings happened during the Nixon administration. No other national leader has claimed to have landed astronauts on the Moon, despite 40 years of rapid technological development."

Dude! I believe the landings were real. How did you think I thought it was a hoax? Mythbusters did a really clear job of debunking the conspiracy.

If you do not believe reptilian overlords then they have already..... lol jk.. but you never know

I do NOT believe:

► The basis of the anti-vaccination agenda (yep we need strict control and transparency regarding medical companies, but what are the alternatives, die due to bacterial and viral epidemics without vaccine protection, like it happened to millions of epidemics victims during the history?)

► Reptilian overlords (it does not seem to be probable, I mean if they would be so powerful they could just take control of the world overtly, but who knows, it cannot be falsified either)

► Chemtrails (seems to be a too overcomplicated theory; why not put mind-altering and body-influencing chemicals into the food instead if they want to control us that way, the food is full of additives anyway, so it would be way more simple and much more covert)

I DO believe:

► Aliens (there must be intelligent life in the huge universe with billions and billions of planets, stars and galaxies; although it is not sure if they can visit us, maybe they are too far, but hopefully we can make contact with them; a related equation which estimates the number of alien civilization to millions, although there are many unknown factors in it:

► 1% domination related theories (social inequality always existed in history and it is growing again, sadly; and the rich is always more powerful due to political lobbying, corruption and paid media-propaganda)

► For-profit wars (war is a racket, and weapon companies and their investors profit BILLIONS of $$$ from it; and of course they don't give a flying fuck about the thousands or even millions of innocent victims; check out this, a book by retired United States Marine Corps Major General and two time Medal of Honor recipient Smedley D. Butler:

► Some spiritual theories like afterlife, soul, gods, intelligent beings in other dimensions (nobody knows for sure of course, but if we were born in this life, it can happen again and again logically; also we have a very-very limited perception, so possibly we just cannot perceive other beings, just like an ant cannot understand the Internet or the theory of interplanetary space travel) ☺

*edit: Formatting, clarification, spelling.

I don't believe the Anti-vax. I know there are deaths and side affects. In my mind, the benefits outweigh them.

Other than that.... I'm still pretty open about damn near everything. Reptilian shape sifters, hollow earth, etc.

Hologram planes on 9/11.

We didn't land on the moon.

Every last narrative that comes out of the White House.

If you think you know enough about reality to say you definitely don't believe or definitely believe something, you're a pompous idiot.

We're not on this Earth for long enough to spend it basically saying "I have no idea what to believe! Everything could be true"

Sometimes it's best just to stick to a position that fits the evidence as you see it, and that works for yourself.

Perhaps if we ever get longer lifespans we can develop in new ways.

99.99999 percent on here. I mean I just come on here when I'm bored and need something fun to read, but I love how the conspiracies pretty much relate to whatever the hot news story of the day is, then they die out and move on to the next story. It is entertaining to see how people connect completely unrelated things to other completely related things.

Do you actually read into any of them? Or just dismiss them immediately? Not saying everything on here is true. Or even believable. But I don't believe that nothing in here is true. Or that nothing is believable.

Alien visitations - Crop circles

JFK's 'back and to the left' being indicative of a front shooter

Planted explosives being used in 9/11


3rd eye pineal gland

Anything spiritual, karmic or other magic gobbledegook.

Moon landing hoax


Karma is just cause-and-effect and 3rd eye is perceiving directly instead of thinking, but otherwise I'm with you.


And add reptilians. Childress. Hollow anything.

Edit: Maybe Buddhism is for me. enlights joint..

I listen to Joe Rogan and have tried a hallucinagen and it led me to the realization spirituality is more communing with yourself on a more basic level. It all comes from within, the belief and thought and patten changing, chemicals or meditation can open the way. It really is powerful stuff and no less real for people having the wrong ideas about it all.


Careful, there's many that don't like it when people agree with me.

So all the major ones...why do you even bother /u/rockran ?

What i've listed is far from most of the major ones.

80% of Americans believe there was a 2nd shooter in Dealy Plaza.

Thousands of architects and engineers have offered their opinions on the impossible collapse scenarios of WTC 1, 2 & 7.

There are inconsistencies, improbabilities and incredible oversights to numerous to list that point to the fact the moon landings were hoaxed.

You aren't a skeptic, you have been hanging around here for years offering your mainstream opinion. If you're not fond of investigating conspiracy.

Why bother?

80% of Americans believe there was a 2nd shooter in Dealy Plaza.


Thousands of architects and engineers have offered their opinions on the impossible collapse scenarios of WTC 1, 2 & 7.

I'm aware of AE9/11 truth. But is that all?

Thousands of scientists believe evolution by natural selection didn't occur. But that's a different topic...

So why would I bring that up? Well, minority opinion isn't particularly convincing.

There are inconsistencies, improbabilities and incredible oversights to numerous to list that point to the fact the moon landings were hoaxed.

I'm sure you could list your top... 5? Or even 3?

But before you put the Van Allen belts on that list, please quantify the amount of radiation they would've been exposed to and compare it to things like Nuclear Power Plant workers.

Why bother?

I come here for the real conspiracies, not the nonsense.

So tell us, Rockran, what a "real conspiracy" is, if this sub is full of nonsense.

NSA spying, MKultra, Tuskegee syphilis experiment - Proven conspiracies.

I cbf naming more, but you should get the idea.

Things like aliens and whatnot make me roll my eyes because there's never anything remotely close to solid proof.

Except no one here posts seriously about aliens or reptilians from what I can see.

MKultra, Tuskegee, NSA, cough Operation Northwoods cough, should only reinforce the possibility of 9/11 being part controlled demolition part real crash, the possibility that JFK was an organized assassination by the CIA after he strongly started to reign their affairs into legal matters, that kind of stuff isn't truly out of the picture either.

What about r/actualconspiracies?

80% of Americans believe there was a 2nd shooter in Dealy Plaza.

Try 60%, which is also the lowest figure recorded since they started asking the question. Seems like the conspiracy is losing supporters.

You think that even though a majority of people believe that we have been lied to, the conspiracy is "losing support."

I think it's pretty evident who the actual crazy people are around here...

Actually yes, that's precisely what the numbers show.

Support for the conspiracy is at its lowest level in 45 years, and shrinking.

Not that it matters anyway. The truth is the truth, regardless of what other people choose to believe.

I think all that graph shows is that propaganda works. People are less intelligent today than they've ever been. Having a smart phone doesn't make you smart.

I think all that graph shows is that propaganda works.

No, it shows that people are a lot less gullible today than they were 40 years ago. The only propaganda that ever moved the needle was that pile of shit movie from Oliver Stone.

People are less intelligent today than they've ever been. Having a smart phone doesn't make you smart.

Yeah, keep telling yourself that pal.

I am most certainly no friend to you, buddy.

Why the PM? Can't defend your idiotic crap out in the open? Getting tired of the downvotes your stupidity is bringing you?

Since popular opinion is an automatic source of legitimacy for you, I guess you'll be ditching your 9/11 truther garbage then, hey? You truthers are as much of a fringe group as flat earthers and young earth creationists.


When you finally make enough money to move out of mom and dad's basement, pay special attention to the way everyone seems to mock, belittle and marginalize you. I don't want you to ever wonder why that keeps happening to you. Just go back and read the drool cup worthy idiocy you spray all over this sub, that should clear up the mystery for you.

Oh, and practice saying "would you like fries with that" over and over again. me.

you should really take your own advice, pal.

Nah, no need. I've got an education, and a career, and a house. They reserve the food service jobs for mental deficients like you guys.

Unfortunately for you, most of those places have pretty strict grooming standards, so the neckbeard will have to go.

This guy seems to have pretty intimate knowledge of what it feels like to work at McDonalds. Since when do McDonald's recruiters hang around in /r/conspiracy?

There is a special needs kid in my neighborhood that works there. If you work hard enough, maybe you'll get where he is.

I have him tagged as "Everything Rockran posts is silly."

Lol- do as your told, nothing to see here...


Wouldn't accepting the majority of the posts here be just as much of a "do as your (sic) told"?

For once we agree Warlock.

Moon landing. How could 3 guys get all the way up there alone? I'm not saying the government was involved, but they had to have some kind of help.


Yeah man.... the government. Think about it.

This is the best comment I've read from here all day.

I don't see how anyone can top this one soon.
