Seems like the plutocracy has convinced everyone to blame "white people" and not the plutocracy; re: Baltimore riots.

76  2015-04-28 by [deleted]

Sup all,

Just like the title says. I've been talking about the Baltimore riots with people and I'm just really astounded that people really feel like in general the plight of black people in this country is caused by "white people" in general and not the plutocracy.

I don't necessarily buy into the notion of cultural Marxism as it's generally presented, but there is no denying that somehow the real people responsible for the problems in this country have succeeded in getting people to think that the problem really lies with the fact that most people in this country apparently have white skin.

This is part of the zeitgeist now. The white house correspondents dinner was full of jokes about the privilege of white people. It's the only way in which people my age (20's) radicalize in any fashion. Just to be clear I don't have a problem with discussion of white privilege but the fact that it occupies 100% of the discussion while the elite's sociopathic manipulation of society occupies 0% is what I obviously have a problem with, and I can't help but feel like in manifests in the many videos of what is apparently a race riot that may or may not still, after 24 hours, be taking place at this very moment.

Anyway I wanted to see if anyone else has experiences like this the past few days. A discussion with someone I know basically had him indicting anyone with white skin for the problems black people face and frankly I'm just surprised how many people seem to buy into whatever the current intellectual "fad" or brainwashing scheme is, take your pick.


Divide and rule. Been doing it since before Caesar.

I am extremely impressed with your insight at such a young age. You are absolutely correct. The politics of division, class and racial warfare, victimization, the new "justice" mantras are all spins on the same old game. Effects of which our country, due to its uniqueness for protecting liberty, has staved off up until recently, or more precisely, when we elected our very first president that holds in contempt the very liberty that kept us going this long.

Agree, most white people, and in particular young white men are in the same sinking boat as blacks. In reality we are brothers. People would also be well advised to focus on the last names of kleptocratic divide and conquer power and media control grid. Louis Farrakhan makes some valid points about militarization and this aspect.

Louis Farrakhan

The newspaper he runs "The Final Call" is so full of white people blaming I can't take what he says seriously most of the time.

You are right on the button. This is nothing but divide and conquer. They will always find lines in society to create divides that will fight against each other, while turning the critical lens away from them, the real culprits.

I agree. Just because most of the rich people you see are white and that the police are less overtly lethal with hostile white people doesn't mean that most of the white underclass isn't treated like shit whereas minorities are treated as diarrhea. There are significant numbers of non-white millionaires and billionaires and white men and women molested, beaten and killed by "peace officers" every day.

Everyone must stand in solidarity against the plutocrat oligarchy before specific ancient divides can be successfully addressed. Of course, there's also this.

most of the rich people you see are white

The richest guy in world by unhidden assets is Carlos Slim. I am sure by hidden assets he is not even close.

Most of the generation old money is so deeply concealed in a myriad of shell corporations & offshores.

The people who are really in control don't allow Forbes to come in & look over their accounting. They also don't give a shit who their "slaves" are white, black, yellow or red. Just keep working for nothing & consuming their product.

This plutocrat just called out other plutocrats for causing the riots.

Brett, speaking only for myself, I agree with your point that the principle of peaceful, non-violent protest and the observance of the rule of law is of utmost importance in any society. MLK, Gandhi, Mandela and all great opposition leaders throughout history have always preached this precept. Further, it is critical that in any democracy, investigation must be completed and due process must be honored before any government or police members are judged responsible.

That said, my greater source of personal concern, outrage and sympathy beyond this particular case is focused neither upon one night’s property damage nor upon the acts, but is focused rather upon the past four-decade period during which an American political elite have shipped middle class and working class jobs away from Baltimore and cities and towns around the U.S. to third-world dictatorships like China and others, plunged tens of millions of good, hard-working Americans into economic devastation, and then followed that action around the nation by diminishing every American’s civil rights protections in order to control an unfairly impoverished population living under an ever-declining standard of living and suffering at the butt end of an ever-more militarized and aggressive surveillance state.

The innocent working families of all backgrounds whose lives and dreams have been cut short by excessive violence, surveillance, and other abuses of the Bill of Rights by government pay the true price, and ultimate price, and one that far exceeds the importances of any kids’ game played tonight, or ever, at Camden Yards. We need to keep in mind people are suffering and dying around the U.S., and while we are thankful no one was injured at Camden Yards, there is a far bigger picture for poor Americans in Baltimore and everywhere who don’t have jobs and are losing economic civil and legal rights, and this makes inconvenience at a ballgame irrelevant in light of the needless suffering government is inflicting upon ordinary Americans.

I find his statement peculiar, given his family's status, and wonder if this is a call to other elites for support of a populist president?

You shouldn't be surprised- his dad, Peter Angelos, is bi-racial, was on the Baltimore City Council, attended University of Batimore Law School, represented MD in the tobacco suit against Phillip Morris, has represented more people in this state for asbestos litagation than anyone, went after Wyeth Pharmaceuticals over Fen-Phen, and thinks Cal Ripkin is a POS. They may have money, but they got a lot of it by going after willfully negligent corporations. Peter Angelos was from a blue collar city (Pittsburgh) and still lives in a blue collar city (here in Charm City). The Angelos family deals with both sides of the track and have a pretty good bead on what's going on and who's doing it. And they are not Baltimore's oppressors.

Right on brother man. The elite are sitting back and watching all the little people fight while they rob us all blind. Your use of the term zeitgeist is accurate, we have a generation of middle class white youth that think their elders are responsible for "holding" the black man down. I do not know about others but my parents grew up poor as fuck just like everyone else in their family before them. My family was too busy working to worry what blacks were up to.

The Banker & Production global super rich need the black,white,yellow working class slaves to focus on hating & tearing each other part instead of waking up & hunting for them & taking their assets for the benefit of society.

Black, white & yellow people working class get along everyday without problem.

The super rich bankers aka govt welfare recipients don't interact with us, they only take & live far away in guarded communities behind shell corporations for very good reason.

Bread & Circuses works well, but it hasn't been working as good as it used to with people whispering amongst themselves on the internet.

People in general come into contact with more people from all over the world & start to think "They are just like I am....." while earlier generations might have been more insular & accepted what the local newspaper/ New York Times/Newsweek reported as fact.

I don't know anyone who would agree with you. If anything, police are(rightfully so) getting blamed.

Always with race... I can't wait till the day when we have a new enequality. This has been played out and done. The only reason its claimed is cause its a trump card for any facet of the game.

Do you see native Americans bitching about enequality? Hardly if ever. Do you see Mexicans bitching? Not much. But black people always because it happened a long time ago. Guess what. Slavery wasn't just for blacks.

The enslaved Asians to make the railroads. Many many of them. Added to when ww2 broke out they threw them into camps. Dont really see them bitching. Just tired of always seeing the black community blaming all the shit on whites. Its their own fault for staying in the mentality of woe is me I am fucked cause white man got me down.

This is america. Not saying racism is dead but we have laws and measures in place to stop it. Sure it dont always work, but it does most the time. Cops in Baltimore are not the problem. That guy that was killed was a career criminal from the rap sheet that was released.

I will believe the law before a group of people set on tearing up a city. Violence only makes more violence. CVS didn't do shit to the black community. So in a mass reply to the violence I say every major retailer and others pull out of Baltimore. Everything.

Destroy the economy and force everyone to realize the shit they caused. Seriously how else will this stop? I mean it every gas station that is cooperate and retail store that is of cooperation type to pack up and leave. Just say fuck it to riots and lawlessness.

Once the jobs dry up and these fucking people realize they fucked up shit will change. Everyone will move away that can't afford it and they can rebuild. Eventually you can single out the trouble makers and those that prey on fear and deal with them accordingly.

Race is just the main button right now cause people think they know what it is. Bitching about slavery and shit like it was yesterday. Well it wasn't and you have not a fucking clue. 99% of the people spouting off on TV have dropped out of school or never made themselves a productive member of society. They want to claim so, but they won't work because they don't believe in starting at the bottom and working their way up cause they think they won't get a fair deal.

Guess what you won't. But not cause you are black. Its cause you fail to apply yourself to a fucking thing. I am native american myself. A real race that has been persecuted. One that will be wiped of the face of the planet in the next two generations. Just gone. Thru disease, poverty, lack of medical care and some real shit.

Don't believe me? Go to a reservation near you. Talk to a few people and ask them about their families. See how many left the state or reservation to start life somewhere else.

Now look at the black communities. See how many families are nomadic. Very very many.

To be fair, white people have quite the history of fucking up entire civilizations and races of people.

White Anglo-Saxon Protestants, not white people.

Eh. All whities are the same to me.

White Anglo-Saxon Protestants, not white people.