After watching many hours of the Baltimore riots, I've come away with this.

19  2015-04-28 by [deleted]

We are hitting a boiling point. The youth is pissed and starting to take action. There is a strong force telling parents to put out their children's flame. The children are fucking pissed and getting even more mad by the day. The old generation who think peaceful works (delusional) or just not realizing where we actually are, are being told to oust the children's revolutionary flame. I'm not saying this is fake, this shit is real. But, is this a psyops? Older generation (status quo) telling the young, debt enslave children, just do this (peace protest), even though it doesn't work and they know it doesn't but that is all they know. Your thoughts?


End the drug war.

Destroying and stealing from their neighborhoods is not fucking revolutionary, it's literally as stupid as stupid can be. These people, young and old, should be out front of the police station and city hall and city/county jail protesting there where it makes a statement. How does pulling knives and stealing purses and looting stores make any type of positive change? It's not the city's other residents who killed Freddie Gray, it's the goddamn police who did it. The system is fucked it's not a race thing which seems to be the driving force behind these riots that the problem, it's the prison/industrial complex dividing people against each other.

Its just a thinly veiled excuse to anything for attention. The young rioters are in the spotlight right now, but they are also distracting us from the real problem the news refuses to talk about. Was this an freak accident or police corruption?

I agree that rioting and looting their own shit is stupid but

"protesting where it makes a statement"

Haha, you are absolutely delusional if you think statements do ANYTHING.

Even if you break it down you have to consider that those kinds of protests are only credible threats in civilizations past because the very statement of the thing is an implication that "we are gathering as a precursor of physical destruction. Heed our words and desires". i.e., this "statement" only has weight because we are prepared to do something worse.

If the ruling powers know nothing worse will happen, then the statement never has any weight or believability.

And if you believe protests have ever done anything by themselves, please sign my petition.

You're failing to see the problem. If you cannot see it I can not help you.. Let them loot, the po po did ;). There is a reason. You fail to see it.

There was something really "off" about today's situation, almost like it was an op.

Rumor circulated about "the purge." Evacuated buildings in the city before 3pm. Stopped busses, stopped subways as soon as school let out. In fact, the police were stopping busses and pulling kids off the busses so they couldn't get home. Then, giving them shit for being in "groups."

I read something from a teacher today trying to get kids home who witnessed this and she was like, "I'd be throwing rocks, what the hell."

It's either massive, massive incompetence (and can you imagine them getting away with doing this sort of thing to a bunch of majority white kids?) or calculated to blow the powder keg.

I'm not sure what it is. What I can see is that kids are fucking pissed and are organizing. There is a massive effort by the MSM and "community leaders" to herd them in. I think the psyops come in for the parents to brainwash the kids into, "yeah, peaceful protests work", even though it has never worked. Once you push people into a corner where peaceful is not an option, they get violent. Which is what we are seeing. But the old gen are being told to qualm this. Works in favor for TPTB.


They meant "quell". Don't quibble. :p

Quell or quash, yeah. Just getting on my nerves that every single comment (if not sentence) of his has an error in it.

Yep. Care to contribute? На прошлой неделе

I don't know what you're saying, but the word you're looking for is "quash".

Tomato, tomatoe. Dude you are lame.

even though it has never worked

You are wrong. Not saying peaceful is the only way to go, but peaceful protesting has worked many times in the past. If you want to make a point, you shouldn't say something so easily disproven:

Right!?! We saw what OWS did!!! Tons of change!!!

Never worked, look into the American Revolution. Sorry.

Are you daft? I just posted a link with well over 50 examples of peaceful protesting working, and you reply with one example of violent overthrow as "proof" peaceful protesting has NEVER WORKED?

What kind of logic is that?

Dafuq are your links? Daft dimbo.

The old generation who think peaceful works (delusional)...

If you think violence works -against- government,

then you do not comprehend the nature of government.


Violence is the stock in trade of government.

Violence is the source of government power.

If you wish to reduce the power of government, engaging in violence is counterproductive. You will discover that they are much better at it than you are.

Kitchenware revolts, on the other hand, are much more effective.

Not necessarily. One of the tenants of guerrilla warfare is to depend on human rights reporting. It IS a weapon.

Boston tea party :)

It worked.

Enough people simply asserted that the government had lost credibility, and refused to back down from that position.

In point of fact, once the government has lost legitimacy in the eyes of the people, the game is up.

This needs to happen in the US. Honestly, if I didn't have family here and Iceland wasn't so fucking hard to get into, I'd move there.

I can tell you one thing for sure. The cops picked the wrong city to fuck up in this time. I'm not sure there is any city in the country as ripe for conflict. Just look at the employment situation:

I disagree. If this was Detroit, fuck me. Glad I'm miles away. If this was Detroit, the kids wouldn't be throwing rocks but shooting 9mm glocks. Just saying... Chicago is also a worse city.


No, there are plenty. Was just down there for a concert. That city is locked and loaded. It's a central hub for the Chi-town drug export/import. The crips and the bloods along with the mob run Detroit.

Source: lived here all my life

I considered Detroit, a difference that might play a role is that Baltimore is surrounded by areas of great wealth. I used to live in Chicago, and yea, there are some rough areas, but I heard they've been working to improve the situation over the last decade or so.

A legitimate protest turned psyop. They bused in people to be agent provocateurs/rioters to turn the entire thing into a media frenzy and to give more power to the police in the future...

Any evidence of this to back up your claim?

Of course not.

Sure, the fact that the mayor has intentionally told police to stand down and not stop rioters. They want this to be a trial run.

The mayor of Baltimore did not order police to stand down.

Show me an exact quote where she said this.

I'm not talking about this line: "while we tried to make sure that they were protected from the cars and the other things that were going on, we also gave those who wished to destroy space to do that as well.”

Show me where she ordered the police to stand down. I want to see her say those EXACT words.

Citizens are divided: by race, class, geography, interests, politics, and the list goes on.

This isn't anything that will spread. It will be contained like Furgeson was.

The youth are right in 1 sense, peaceful protest doesn't do sh1t. But all out anarchy with the cops won't change anything either because cops are just pawns and they will all be outpowered.

What they need is some sort of middle path. Start a revolutionary party (tea party on steroids?) Get into gov positions, have your people in high ranking military, industrial complex, banks, corporations, then there could be a better coordination from the top down instead of down up.

Its the 1%ers you want, not the cops

cops protect the 1%ers, but other than that you're spot on. seems to me the time is right for a Black Panthers party v2.0

This is the exact wrong way to think of things! Things are being directed towards a type of person to hide the real issue! Divide and concur. It's an aged old tactic that applies today! If you convince the currently misconceived middle class to "rise up" against some sort of common enemy and win then they calm back down. The problem is we are being driven towards the wrong enemy ( or better yet we are being driven towards the enemy of preference). This isn't a black vs white issue, as much as they want you to believe that. This is us vs the ultra rich.

While I agree with some, imagine if 100 15 year olds put them in hospitals. They are doing this. They are pissed (as we all should be). Violence is never the answer, but they corral us into free speech zones. These kids are spawning something the adults could only wish in their wettest dreams. I support them and say fuck all. Boo hoo a CVS was looted, it's a message to society on so many fucking levels.

I agree to a certain degree. This is just another ripple of many more to come. The problem is they aren't organized, no "talks" going on, no plans.

This is going to spread. People are sick of it. I live near a town that will literally implode (Detroit). Not to mention the militias we have here.

People said same about Ferguson, and nothing changed.

Ferguson was a bit different.

I'll believe you if this goes past 1 week and spreads to other cities.

Thing is, there are social scientists, historical statistics, specific things that have to happen in order for this thing to open up a nation wide can of worms. Occupy didn't do it, Ferguson failed, the Brazilians failed around the last world cup. All of these failures happened because of certain factors, many of which are prevalent in this Baltimore scenario.

I'm an older one here.

Men, like John McCaine sealed the Records of His Service and the Fate of Soldiers left behind. Hear me out! These were Drafted Soldiers that he intentionally abandoned. There were, are, diligent people that fight the slime of John McCaine to this day!

He abandoned soldiers from every walk of life to Cover His Ass and those Cronies on the Hill!

Like with the Hippy Peace Movement being co-opted psyops... so is this.

If the Crips and Bloods Unite to Take Out Cops it only means that they are tickling the tail.

The Dope Crime Poverty that is in your streets comes from the very Tip Top and it snakes all the way through every Dope Filled Poverty Stricken street in America.

You don't join crowds. You don't rob and pillage wantonly.

You struggle to understand a mother clobbering her kid in the street for his actions and I get that, you think he's all Justified and you think mom is holding him down.

Truth be told, his mom would probably like to see the Criminal Element of Decay and Destruction Perp Walked so fucking hard that Not Another Politician would do A Drugs For Gun Scheme ANYWHERE on this Planet, ever again. She's knuckled down, fought hard and that is her kid!

You cannot instruct your kids to kill those very Politicians! Absurd.

You cannot not protect your kid from being ignorant.

I cannot instruct you about corrupt politicians but kid they are the Very Ones that want you silenced, want that mother silenced, that divide us by Age, Religion, Politics.

My nine grand sons will face my Country torn apart.

Dream. Dream well!

If the Crips and Bloods Unite to Take Out Cops

No such thing actually occurred.

Did you see the AKs from the rooftops?

Neither did I.

The only thing is, those crips/blood/guerrilla family share a bond. Fuck all this society has become. Once you realize they control the towns you will realize who is in power.

The most amazing thing to me was the fearlessness of the people. They were clearly not scared of the police, not trying to protest as much to hold their ground and fight back. It was very different than the feeling I got from Ferguson.

This actually makes me happy to see communities fight back against their own oppressors. I don't care for the burnings and looting but I can understand the rage and desperation of those impoverished.

Will be interesting to see how enforceable the 10pm curfew is tonight...

  • non-lethal riot control used against a riot
  • police brutality

Yeah, these "urban youths" sure are being oppressed by the man with their $150 hats and i-phones while burning and looting local businesses and assaulting innocent bystanders.

They're a plague on society that move from city to city turning them into a Detroit hellhole, and the media put's the "police brutality" "they're proving a point" bullshit spin on it all.

you're failing to see why they are doing it. Just because they have an iphone doesn't mean that LEO militarization isn't real and cops are using excessive force (killing people, of all colors). What the hell does anything you said have to do with the underlining issue? I see you came out of the wood works on this issue. You a stinky fairy tale creature?

All this talk about the police state and the militarization of the police force, and yet here's a full blown riot and they just stand around holding shields.

Where is the aggressive assault rifle action everyone always talks about?

People whine and whine about "police brutality" when the American police are restrained to the point of complete ineffectiveness. In nearly every other country in the world, the police would have started clubbing the shit out of people, and in most of them they'd already have moved on to shooting live rounds.

You a stinky fairy tale creature?

Yes, i'm a certified JIDF shill who posts frequently in a Holocaust Revisionist sub.

Police restraint? Lol, cops are scared of dogs these days and won't hesitate to shoot em. People die at the hands of cops 100x more than they die at the hands of criminals. The cops in this riot backed off because 15 year olds threw bricks at them. The cops are a bunch of pussies. Are you a cop?

People die at the hands off cops 100x more than they die at the hands of criminals.

Yes, internet facts without a source sure are believable. 100x? that's laughable.

Are you a cop?

I'll be what ever you want to think I am, which is already a Jew apparently.

Yes, internet facts without a source sure are believable. 100x? that's laughable.

Have fun reading this, people killed by cops. Look into the stats, cops killing people vs cops killed.

I'll be what ever you want to think I am, which is already a Jew apparently.

I don't think you are a Jew why would you say that? I certainly never implied it, wtf is wrong with you.

Have fun reading this, people killed by cops. Look into the stats, cops killing people vs cops killed.

Nothing in this Wikipedia article cites 100x more of any party, and I never denied they have killed people, that would be silly.

I don't think you are a Jew why would you say that? I certainly never implied it, wtf is wrong with you.

"stinky fairy tale creature" is a longstanding slang for Jews usually found on 4chan, don't kid yourself.

EDIT: Still waiting for this phony statistic you made up to be cited to me.

You do realize this not 4chan, right? Way to steer the conversation and avoid the topic here. Really. Great job.

Dude is an assclown. I've noticed he popped up as soon as Baltimore shit went down. I'm glad some one else noticed.

It means troll and you've failed to derail this convo. I pity you.

People die at the hands of cops 100x more than they die at the hands of criminals.

A statistic by top mind /u/heyyougoyyyyys

Bravo. When can we expect your next statistic on the "Illuminati" you quoted in a thread not too long ago?

kill yourself, apologist. save a real human being the effort of having to do it for you

kill yourself, apologist.

Death threats from a top mind Redditor, what could hurt the soul more then this travesty?

Will you yell "zing!", as you like to hollar /u/Woden1Eye? or maybe throw in a Bazinga!?

Seek help homie.

I didn't threaten you, just suggested you take the opportunity to do something nice for someone.

I didn't quite understand the second part, though. apparently you clicked on my name and read at least three comments, because you're a fag that thinks this gives you some sort of advantage over people. but what is the hollar part about? is that supposed to hurt my feelings or something? I'm white, faggot, so better luck next time. not that any of that would've made sense if I were black

because you're a fag

I'm white, faggot

is that supposed to hurt my feelings

better luck next time

This is some serious autism right here.

wow bro, I thought the guy was out of line when he asked you if you realized this wasn't 4chan, but apparently you stumbled right out of /b/

dank 'sperg may-may brah

There are plenty of stats out there. I gave you a source, look into it. BTW, you suck at what you do.

There are plenty of stats out there.

And none of them support your statistic, you tossed a Wikipedia article at me that doesn't even support your argument. Good job.

BTW, you suck at what you do.

I'm truly hurt.

Are you mental? What is wrong with you?

he's scared of black people, and crying on the internet is his only comfort

I guess so. I give someone a bread crumb and they cry that I didn't give them the loaf. Lazy mofo, wow.

Yes, internet facts without a source sure are believable. 100x? that's laughable.

Have fun reading this, people killed by cops. Look into the stats, cops killing people vs cops killed.

I'll be what ever you want to think I am, which is already a Jew apparently.

I don't think you are a Jew why would you say that? I certainly never implied it, wtf is wrong with you.

I'm not sure what it is. What I can see is that kids are fucking pissed and are organizing. There is a massive effort by the MSM and "community leaders" to herd them in. I think the psyops come in for the parents to brainwash the kids into, "yeah, peaceful protests work", even though it has never worked. Once you push people into a corner where peaceful is not an option, they get violent. Which is what we are seeing. But the old gen are being told to qualm this. Works in favor for TPTB.

There are plenty of stats out there.

And none of them support your statistic, you tossed a Wikipedia article at me that doesn't even support your argument. Good job.

BTW, you suck at what you do.

I'm truly hurt.

Violence is the stock in trade of government.

Violence is the source of government power.

If you wish to reduce the power of government, engaging in violence is counterproductive. You will discover that they are much better at it than you are.

Kitchenware revolts, on the other hand, are much more effective.