This Baltimore Stuff is a Deliberate Distraction

28  2015-04-28 by [deleted]

TPP would change everything as we know it, would take us one step closer to a "New World Order" of more central, global, standardized control.

There does not need to be an actual abolition of nation states. Older trade agreements are outdated, and so are thoughts of having laws that govern one country when it comes to making money in the entertainment/news industry. The US culture dominates this Industry, and they don't want people anywhere ripping them off in their view. There's definitely far worse reasons they could have that you can hypothesize on as well. What's happening in Baltimore though is classic divide and conquer while the president lies to our faces and allows complex agreements to be passed without anyone even knowing what is in it (much like healthcare). Like he says "tell me what's wrong" when we both know the agreement is secret and he expects people to just accept that. There should be outrage about this.



What's TPP?

It's hard to say about the events since manipulation is best when it's in that 'grey area': The closer to truth it is, the better the lie. It's possible that there were instigators in the crowd, or that it was completely spontaneous. But you are right, the important thing is the media coverage since it just dominates the news.

While I agree that it's being used as a distraction, what the hell can we do about it? The media is covering Baltimore and not the TPP. If they wont run it, what can we do? I have a bad feeling the game is over, they (TPTB) won. The only thing left is an out right revolution, which scares the shit out of me.