How do you guys cope with all of this?

118  2015-04-28 by [deleted]

Honestly, the more I read the more I realize how little we know. I'm 19 and the reality of our world disturbs me. I try not to obsessively research about things but I keep going back to find out more. It depresses me but I'd rather be aware of how fucked up our world is.

We live in a false reality. Everything we are told is (largely) a lie. Everything you see on TV or hear on the news was put there so you think in a certain way. The government views us as brainwashed slaves and that's because the majority are. Websites and forums are full of shills to steer the conversation and push an agenda. People get paid to spread misinformation. Who can we trust?

People are too disunited and distracted to focus on what is really important. And even then, most people don't know who the real enemy is. The real enemy isn't Obama, he's just being told what to do. Presidents have little power. No matter who the president is, they only carry out the orders they've been given. So it doesn't matter who you vote for.

The worst thing is that I have no one to talk to about this. I just keep everything to myself. But I want to speak about it with someone. I want to discuss false flag attacks without someone saying "Omg how could u say that, our government would never do that!!".

Idk, honestly. It's crazy to think we live in this kind of world. I would've thought all this evil shit only happens in movies. Truth is stranger than fiction I guess.

EDIT This is on the front page so I'll give a couple reminders:

  • Write more self posts. It is good to get people's views and exchange ideas. I really like reading other people's observations, thoughts and theories.

  • Upvote things that are actually useful. Don't let this sub become a parody of itself. Pictures are okay but oftentimes links are better.


I am learning homesteading skills and working towards being as self reliant as possible. Its the only solution ive found that empowers the individual while living life aligned to my values. Glad you are waking up!

I want to become more self reliant as well (grow my own food etc). I've been reading conspiracies and stuff since I was like 13 so I've been 'awake' for quite some time now

Thats awesome! I am a teacher (about to be a full time homesteader) and i loved the kids like you in class. I am very impressed at how receptive the under 20 crowd is to this kind of knowledge

Thanks :) I guess it's because we pretty much grew up with the Internet

You might try looking into If used correctly it can do wonders for your development of practical life skills.

Definitely have to agree with Britt here. At the core of all these plights facing humanity appear the humans that comprise the species. Self-development seems central, in my eyes, towards rectifying these societal ills.

Want to fix the world? Start in your backyard with some mulch and some seeds.

99% of the evil shit I witness in this world I witness through the media, be it internet, newspaper, radio, etc. 99% of what I witness in my daily life is decent, practical, neighborly people.

99% of the evil shit I witness in this world I witness through the media, be it internet, newspaper, radio, etc.

The artificially contrived "reality"

99% of what I witness in my daily life is decent, practical, neighborly people.

Your subjective, practical reality.

One cannot always control what happens, but we do retain control over how what happens affects us as individuals.

Perhaps that is the key to "happiness"?

My preferred advice for attaining happiness, "follow your bliss."

I like that. Might have to use that saying sometime.

Thanks for the info.



To be fair, the majority of them know stuff like 9/11 is an inside job. However beyond that, they don't really research into anything else.

Talking to 3 teenagers the other day and they all agreed that the moon landing was a hoax

Really? I see youngsters as uncritical information vacuums, there is nothing more receptive than an interested kid, which is why fake revolutions usually start with students... Otherwise i second your good advices, self reliance should be everyone's goal in the sub and is the only way to uphold legit values, your only participation in the evilness will come through sales tax and shit like that but these are not parameters you can always control.

A lot of them are the uncritical info vacuums you speak of but there are a good number of them who are asking questions. I had to start a conspiracy club because so many kids who aren't my students wanted a place to talk about this stuff.

A lot of kids are introduced to this information through pop culture. The symbols are everywhere and when they stumble upon information that looks deeper into the symbols, they become fascinated.

Another teacher held a tutoring session in my class room which is full of student created dystopian artwork with big brother/illuminati pyramids etc and a ton of the kids told the teacher that they were scared being in my room because they thought I was a witch in the illuminati. I thought it was cool that these 11/12 year olds don't think the symbols are cool so I do have some hope for the future.

The enlightened lead the blind. The competition will always be between two groups of elites and the public and sheep will submit to the victor. Less than 2% of the population has skin in the game.

If you are in fact a teacher, this is the first I've ever heard a teacher say that. All throughout high school I was being sent to the principal's office to a point I don't recall being in my classes moreso than an office for simply asking questions of the teacher, caring to discuss the rationale of the curriculum, or just asking somewhat difficult questions in general, only to inevitably be accused of being "disruptive". Anyway, thanks for appreciating rather than bemoaning students as such.

we had some kids when i was growing up that were home schooled. the entire town constantly fucked with the whole family. they had a huge garden dad was self employed people would make comments like what your to good for public school? shit like when one of his boys hit the equivalant of tenth grade. he went to the states administration board and requested an evaluation of pretty much is the test most kids are given for graduation. he absoloutly aced it. and was graded with second and third year college math and english levels. he brought the test home and showed it to the local news paper and they ran with it. basically telling the other parents to suck it. as it turns out these folks were living a life style that is just now getting trendy... grow your own food make and keep your own money teach your kids what they are actually interested in and good at etc.

Same here. Being self-reliant is my primary goal for the future. The list of positives is long.

Bam, right there. I bought some acreage and learned how to build cob houses. Live in the country w no mortgage, a half acre garden, chickens, well water.....but still all the f0cking dumb ass farmers around me are using glyphosate and most a lot of em have had several bouts of cancer, unsurprisingly


I'm 16, I know how you feel. It seems like the dominant Ideology of the day is Apathy. It feels like everyone is just going through life not caring about anything. It seems like it's gotten worse lately.

Do any of your friends read up on conspiracies and alternative news?

No they don't even read MSM. They're oblivious.

Tbh, my friends hardly read MSM too unless it's a huge story (like the recent Nepal earthquake). Oh well

I'm an adult and people tell you to stop talking if you mention it in public.

"Oh, you care about that stuff"

"I have 2 kids to take care off, I have no time for that"

"That's across the country/world, why would I care about that"

"I'm not into politics"

Time and time again I have ran into responses like these whenever I bring up anything out of the status quo. Co workers, friends, and family alike, all of different ages refuse to even talk or consider about what I try to talk to them about.

Just don't give up, don't let shit like this discourage you.

Maybe I'm naïve but I would've thought adults would've been more open minded to these kind of possibilities.

Tell someone over the age of 40 that the moon landings were a hoax and watch then come unglued. Its like they take it personally.

Id say the kids today are better informed on important matters than the adults are.

I have told this to some adults. At first they believe because they don't know enough to counter my points. But after a while they say, now forget about all that and focus on your work, career whatever. They may be right. That's what bothers me.

This is why they used to say never trust anyone over the age of 30, because by that point they are so entrenched with the establishment that they cant extricate themselves either financially or ideologically. They feel compelled to defend a system they are a part of, and to drag you down with them.

I cant count the number of times i was wrong about something, or erroneously thought someone else was wrong about something, only to find myself eating humble pie later. I would imagine that most other people have had the same experience. For me, the experience has taught me to be open minded to alternative ideas and not get too attached to my own ideas. I would think that this humbling would also cause others to react the same way. Unfortunately, that doesnt seem to be the case. There are plenty of people who are still cock-sure of themselves that they cant admit they have ever been wrong or could ever be wrong.

Which is why the moon landing hoax persists amongst the "older wiser" population but has been dismissed along with the Tooth Fairy by todays youth. But the older generation cant even admit to themselves that kids today dont believe the moon landing hoax. They tell themselves that everyone else entertains the same delusions of space travel that they do.

Just for fun, get a bunch of like minded kids together and go confront grandpa, all in solidarity. Make him feel like the foolish minority by peppering him with facts and questions and make sure the others express their support.

Of course, grandpa will assume the kids are crazy, instead of wondering why it is that these people dont believe the same things he believes... or what is it that they know that he doesnt know?

My thoughts exactly. To add, I think democracy should give more weight to youngsters. It puts the onus on the older people to not have screwed up when they were also once youngsters. They would have to think long term and teach their young ones well.

It's starting to break through.

I find this to be the case among my friends too. People stopped reading or caring about the news. Because the news doesn't really do its job. This is becoming very obvious of late.


I don't know about the others, but infowars and natural news are about the worst possible sources for news. I would avoid them like the plague.

I disagree, but everyone is entitled to their opinions.

I feel that the news sources that is part of the MSM are about the worst possible sources to get news. I avoid them as they were smallpox.

It seems like it's gotten worse lately.

I would agree. The number of people "waking up" are being outnumbered by the one's "zoning out" the noise of the evils of the world. Doesn't help when we have such a controlled media, such as the website we are on right now.

Educate yourself as much as possible, and I don't mean classrooms. This is the only world we have to live. I've heard said there are 3 types of people, but I believe it's more situational: Runners, hiders and fighters. There is of course the 4th type which is asleep, but we are all asleep or sleepwalking while living our day-to-day lives.

When you get enough information to be comfortable in your convictions you can determine your path or course of action. I know people who have invested in sailboats, some large plots of land others in large guns. It comes down to what suits you and what you think is right.

For many, what is right is not to leave behind their country. Some people have become youtube journalists - and I think that has become a powerful force. Britt121 mentioned homesteading, and I am considering that as well. Always keep the truth in mind, but don't keep that from achieving your goals - whether that be to get enough money to influence politics, or to get enough money for a passport.

Edit: And most of all, do not let fear control your actions.

I've heard said there are 3 types of people, but I believe it's more situational: Runners, hiders and fighters.

Interesting, this is a behavioral tripartition of manking, asleep doesn't count, they just haven't faced the choice yet.

There is also a spiritual tripartion of mankind: Knowers, Believers and Ignorers, with Knowers creating beliefs, and Believers feeding them to Ignorers. Example 1: prophets (or popes or whoever the hierarchy heads are at any given time) are the Knowers, and their priests are the Believers... Example 2: central bankers are the Knowers, their journalists/politicians are the Believers...

A sane society is a society in which Knowers lead Believers towards Good, that is the love of Life, then Believers aim to spiritually elevate Ignorers. But if Knowers mislead the Believers, then they will hate the people and political tyranny shall prevail.

Max Levy

I'd like to be a YouTube journalist but I also want to stay alive. People that have potential to make great change keep suiciding themselves.

Whatever happened to debbie palfrey's little black book? She committed suicide so therefore her prostitution ring in DC just kinda got swept under the rug? She was intending on publishing the contents of her little black book to help pay her legal bills, then decided to suicide herself instead.

Dont fear. If you have fear, you haven't learned enough yet or awakened enough yet. There is a certain point in this cycle where the fear goes away mostly and you will be confident doing what is right. A spiritual awakening of sorts.

Hey there. Well, I'm an old fart. Been doing this for decades. There's a lot of really good advice and info in this thread, soak it up.

But recently something has changed, and I know this is going to sound crazy, but I think all the bullshit is going to come to an end soon. I think the NWO crowd is going to lose. And that makes me extremely hopeful and excited about the future ahead of us. And since I woke up at an early age like you, it's been a very long time since I felt anything like this. Real hope. There's a few core themes I'm tracking now.

The first is what's happening in the east. the Silk Road, the new financial system, China's new attitude of reaching out across the globe with what they call a win, win, win development plan.

The bad guys, the ones running the show today, illiminati or NWO or the octopus or whatevs, the Cabal. They got control of everything using World War 1 and World War 2 to set up and control the global financial system. The Western financial system.

Well it seems the rest of the world might finally had enough of their BS. The BRICS and the unaligned nations are building a new financial system without the west. The new development belt in the East will be built without the financial control of the Cabal. They're fitting and screaming about the whole situation, trying to start world war 3 and crap, kill 90% of us and all, but China and Russia and most of the others are onto them now and aren't playing along. They've spent the last years cleaning house, getting rid of all their Dick Cheneys, who were controlled by the western cabal.

They're building a new world, without the Cabal control, and without their money system.

If the Cabal loses control of the financial system, they lose.

The second thing I've been watching is you all. Creepy, huh? When I starting out there was no internet. Having grown up with that, you might not see how big a change this it, and what will come, cuz the internet just getting started ;)

The third thing is Mr Neil Keenan and the global collateral accounts. I'm not going even try to explain that hairy beast of a subject, but I will tell you its the best part. Check out the trailer if you want:

Anyway, if you made it this far thanks for listening to my rambles. Keep your chin up and your ear to the ground.

Really really hope you're right. So difficult to verify Neil Keenan, Karen Hudes, Ben Fulford, David Wilcock, Kevin Annett... I've come to believe they're all psyops to make us stand down, because hey somebody's got it covered. They keep saying things are getting better, it's all under control, but it sure doesn't look that way to me.

I hear ya. But think of it like this, of all the characters out there, Keenan is the only one that's actually working to free and secure the accounts. He's the one that was trusted with the notes in Chiasso, he's the one that filed the lawsuit, he's the one holding the original Green Hilton Accord from president Soekarno and Kennedy, he arranged the meeting in Monaco which led to the BRICS and the new Eastern financial system, he's got the names of all the elders and gets to meet with them, he's got the black book, he's been in the bunkers, and he's the only guy the dragon family is trusting with all this.

So when it comes to the global collateral accounts, he's literally the only guy that can speak about it. Don't trust what anyone else says, they're all on the sidelines and Keenan is the only one in the game.

As far as everything being under control and things taken care of themselves, don't believe it. it's exactly like you suspect, it's a ruse to keep you from taking action. What's really happening is the east is going to move on with their new financial system and development foundation and leave the Cabal behind to rot in their own filth. If we (America) want to be part of this new world then we have some serious house cleaning to do. Nobody's going to do it for us. Hope that helps clear things up a bit. Cheers.

So when it comes to the global collateral accounts, he's literally the only guy that can speak about it. Don't trust what anyone else says.

I literally have no way to verify any of what you just said. He could 100% be a psyop. Karen Hudes says he's full of shit; he says the same about her.

Yeah I know. But seriously, what's her connection to the accounts? Literally nothing. Look at the characters she works with and the silly tactics and legal jargon she tries to pull. It's ridiculous. Was she given hundreds of billions in notes by the dragon family to put into a platform? does she have any documentation pertaining to the accounts? Does any of the family in the East work with her or even know who she is? Was she so connected to what's going on that she was able to warn the family when the Cabal was trying to steal from the accounts again and again?

I could go on and on, but it should be obvious that she's got nothing. Like I said, Keenan is the one doing, she's just another one talking. Trust me dude, I've been following this too close for too long.

Trust me dude

Sorry, that doesn't work anymore. Nothing personal.

Alright. Well some things you can look to verify:

Keenan has shown pictures of the Green Hilton Accord.

You can find pictures of him holding books and artifact inside one of the bunkers.

There's a video of him smashing open one of the boxes full of gold from a bunker.

There's a picture of Neil standing with the two Japanese nationals who were detained in the Chiasso theft. All the news people seem confused about who these two men were, but Keenan can tell you exactly who they are, cuz he was there. that picture was taken right before they got on the train.

There's actually a lot more, but the biggest and easiest to see is the new Eastern financial system and the new silk road project for development of the East. It was over two years ago that Neil was telling them if they were ever going to use the assets from the accounts they would have to set up a whole system of their own. At the time it was very discouraging to hear because it sounded like such an impossible thing to actually occur. But here we are, its happening.

Regardless of all this, there's no need to believe any of it. If its real, then it'll happen weather any of us believe it or not. And if it does, you can tell everybody about what's happening because you'll have the inside scoop.

Dude I could stage all that myself.

I'm pretty excited about the new BRICS alliance, myself.

And you're right about the last part. What sucks is that if this guy is fake after all, by the time you find out you may have missed your chance to leave the country because you were just chillin' thinking everything was gonna be o-kay.

Ha! I suppose you could. But that lawsuit he filed in New York? I doubt you've got the funds to waste on something like that ;)

Okay, but like I was trying to explain, even if Neil Keenan is the real deal we've still got a problem here in the States. If Neil is successful it will stop the Cabal from controlling global finances, but they'll still have control of us here. So either way, nobody gets to just sit on their butt and let someone else take care of it.

No but if I was a disinfo agent I sure would have the funds.

I just hope his Dragon Family ninjas do good work.

No one is trying to kill 90% of the population of the planet! That's Alex Jones non-sense!

The desire to find someone to talk with about this is strong. I don't have anyone either as all my friends seem to hear me, but aren't willing to see the truth or really discuss it other then just going: "yeah that sucks, let's go play some basketball".

What I want, is what the historical elite did, they had a "mens" club where they could always go to discuss this type of stuff in person, organize, and draw up grand plans while sitting with their smoke and liquor. Not a modern club, but a 1920's style elite meet up spot.

You need better friends. Once you find one person who is receptive or awareness activist type, they can usually introduce you to more like minded people.. theres a lot more than you think.. and in some very unexpected places.

Oh oh! Elitist detected!

Hehe, whatever tools elite use, can be used against them.

I'm here to talk with you. Ask me a question.

You are right on, i'm glad you see the truth, now that you see it, build off it.

Question everything.

Don't vote.

Don't willing give money to the government.

The dollar is gonna crash in our life time, soon. Once that happens, people like me and you are going to step up to the plate.

People need to see the system for what it is, and the dollar crash just mite be the Revelation people need.

I have never voted. Not because I'm apathetic but because I know my vote is going straight to a trash can. They will do whatever they want to do, regardless of my vote. I wish more people knew this.

Corporations created an infection in our country many decades ago.

People need to address this fact, and stop pretending we can salvage the whole system.

The infection has spread to every limb of the government, we now must find out how much we must cut out to save the patient.

But this scares people, because they don't like the idea of 30-40 years of no government, and no safety nets, they will have to learn to survive again.

Gotta embrace it. As you said (I use the same metaphor all the time), it's like the movies. We're in some Lord of the Rings or Star Wars type shit. You have the chance to step up, be a hero, and break free! It just takes balls and an independent mindset.

You didn't really want to remain a semi-conscious slave all your life, did you?

I was thinking of Inception too. Because the tag line "Your mind is the scene of the crime" fits all too well. And the concept of altering reality/being in a dreamlike state.

Learn to see past the idea of good guys and bad guys.

Learn to empathize with the people you consider the worst.

Learn to love them for what they are, however bad that is. Love them, understand them and sympathize with them but keep fighting them.

We may very well be slaves to 'them' but they're slaves to themselves.

Daily meditation will be a prime factor in my own survival. If you can clear your mind enough to think outside the box of fear, solutions may appear that were otherwise masked.

I think that you might be ready to go travelling in the world in a major way. People told me to go to college but nobody ever gave me the idea that I could just go out into the world and live wherever I wanted to. It was always just about a vacation and then going back to America where your real life is. So I didn't enter the larger world until I was 28.

Read Human Action from Ludwig Von Mises.

Let some key words slip in casual conversations and you will see if your opposite responds or is interested, then you find people to talk with.
I talk to interested friends and family a lot about those things and although some (mainly my parents) disapprove of "those conspiracy theories", they often have to agree with me that many things are rigged and we are not told what we shall not hear. Good arguments help to convince them.
I also join demonstrations when there is one near me to let off some steam and try to make a difference.

Just curious, what kind of demonstrations do you join?

Im from a medium sized town so there are not too many around my area. We have peace demonstrations over here in Germany every week in the larger towns where among other topics people also march for sovereignty of Germany (we are still occupied de jure and de facto by US and British forces without a peace treaty since WWII), for peace in Ukraine, for the dissolution of NATO, against TTIP, mass surveillance of the populace by NSA, GCHQ and even our own BND, for popular votes and against forced GMO products in our diet. Also against the rampant money printing, bank saving, Greek bleeding politics of Central Banks (and private banks also). A host of things really but overall people unite for peace with Russia because mainstream media is rallying against Putin and co. for more then a year against all criticism from even mainstream media commentators and demoscopes.

Wow that's pretty amazing. Keep up

Thx, will do. You too!

Psychedelics/weed, meditating, reading a lot, cooking, yoga. They make me feel better at least.

You sound a lot like like me im also 19

I just listen to baseball on the radio and read my books.

OP brings up an excellent question.

It's not easy seeing through the lies while your family and friends argue false dichotomies. There isn't a simple answer as to how anyone "handles it".

For me, I find the journey towards self empowerment and understanding gives me the courage to live day to day and keep learning. I started with learning how to learn, and progressed from there. A good study of logic and critical reasoning helps a lot. Also knowing the logical fallacies and how they are used against us is empowering.

There are couple of great sites that can help people to get a better understanding of the world around them. Places to pick up the tools to help make sense of things and thereby cope with what we see.

Also delve into Gene Odenning's work.

There a lot of tools to help one cope with the realization that what we are told is the truth, is not. They are hidden in plain sight. Nobody (especially the schools) will tell you about them, but if you look for them, the are there.

Some very useful advice here, thank you!

21 here. I was seriously disturbed for a long time. I've decided to learn skills that could/will be useful in coming days. I advise you do the same. Water filtration (sand bucket), physical fitness, know your local flora and fauna. Good luck brother.

Don't shy away from it. Never. Always empower yourself by knowing and being confident that things have gone beyond a reasonable ethical and moral standpoint.

Once the basis of understanding the banking system for instance, you'll know you're on solid footing. It may seem like a tough position to be in, but there is nothing better than being confident that things are fucked through no doing of your own, but instead through others who hold our world hostage. Expose the apathy, show the fence sitters where they are and they will have nothing except more apathy or change.

The real reason I personally find the strength to fight the good fight is knowing that I cannot and will not be on my deathbed, with my children all around wondering why I didn't know things were so bad, and why, if I did, why I didn't do a fucking thing about it. I will not have that on my conscience. I could not face that.

I will always advocate for transparency and knowledge in place where people call me a conspiracy theorist. Not including the clear honeypots and pitfalls they actually create in order to have a person discredited. Stick with the obvious and provable issues (9/11, banking travesty, world Gov't, etc. etc.) and the rest will come when the dominoes start to fall.

I posted something like this a long time ago and I didn't know how to deal with it. It's not and never will be just up to you alone. When the time comes, it will be a stampede, they will never have enough people to stop the avalanche that is truth and transparency. They MUST keep people ignorant for this to work. They must manipulate the masses in order to stay in control. Don't allow that by talking about it and talking positively about it. That is the most important thing. Never be unhappy to talk about it. Push the info like its the best thing in the world to do, because it is, for you and for everyone. It's easy to disregard an "angry" person.....that's why the shills operate that way. They want to make you angry and have your comments disregarded. It's hard to deny a person who is asking you to DISPROVE the proven info right in front of them. Outsiders only have to believe the lie or consider the opposite. Never call them sheep. Once it is stuck in their head they could be wrong......they will start back on the right track. Or they're sociopaths and it won't matter.

The shills cannot fight an honest person asking honest questions and telling the truth. They will stick out like a sore thumb and will attract only the attention of the honest people they're trying to keep in the dark. It's a win-win for us all!

Imagine the entire sub full of super happy people waiting for the opportunity to tell the truth? Full of people waiting to pounce and tell it like it really is, with the real pieces to the puzzle of "why the world is the way it is"? We must take advantage of being able to speak our minds as loudly as possible, right now.

This is our time.

That is very true regarding shills. And I agree with the points you made. However a huge part of me thinks that people are already in a trance and that there will be no stampede. It feels like we've come at a point of no return with the level of brainwash we're at. However this could be my pessimism speaking. Thank you for your response.

i used to feel the same way, now you know: you're not the only person & you're really not alone, may seem that way,

the more you learn, the more empowered you will feel, and you're "new" perspective will bring others to you, stay positive.

The only thought that keeps me going is that I'm not alone. I just wish I could meet likeminded people in real life.

Self sufficiency, be the change, don't go too far down the rabbit hole...

I guess there comes a point in time where you begin to realize the state of the world and are okay with that.

See for me my reality has become my career in mental health, the money I make to live independently, my relationship with my SO and the skills I learn in my free time.

I have "bought into" the system so to speak but I am always aware of those things I learned about the false nature of the reality we live under. It would make me anxious when I was your age and almost obsessive with thoughts on the truth about everything. Here's the truth, there are bad people, who want to do bad things, but then there are others who want to do good. We have to hope for the good to succeed and live good lives ourselves to exemplify that which we hope happens to those in positions of power.

Those are encouraging words, thank you

I hope you will become a permanent and active member here at /r/conspiracy. At 19 years old you have a better handle on reality than most Americans ever will in a lifetime.

This sub is one of my only outlets as well. I've been here over 7 years now. It may not be perfect here, but when it comes to actual free speech, this place is it.

I'm definitely sticking around. However I read a lot more/upvote posts than I actively comment.

Great! This place works best when more people say what's on their mind, add suggestions or ideas to specific events and happenings. Research and report! It does get pretty exciting here when the big events happen.

I'm 19 too. I became a journalist writing about this shit when i was 16. (The Anti Media, Cassius Methyl). Never stop. Our generation is made for this

That's pretty cool. Stuff like this gives me hope...keep up the good work :)

Know thyself completely and trust your heart, this is how you can become fearless and less worried.

I feel you fam. I'm running for senior president in my school and I hope to change the way things are with the "healthy" lunches and this "great" educational system.

Read Plato's Allegory of the Cave. That man was really onto something.

Yeah, I get how you feel. I'm 18 and it frustrates me very heavily how I can't so much as even mention the existence of this place without being ridiculed. It's absurd how some people actively search for something to judge me for so they can dismiss everything.

However I've managed to cope, it's turned me far more cynical than I'd like to be. So far I've just thought anyone who is closed-minded and ignorant of these 'controversial' topics (conspiracies) to be downright stupid. I don't like thinking so many people around me are stupid, but more and more I feel like that. Funnily my parents are the only ones who are capable of talking about this, but beyond that, I got no one. I hope one day that I might be able to help people who get caught in whatever craziness will happen, that's about all I can do.

Right at the beginning I used to dismiss people as "stupid" however now all I feel is concern for our future. Thankfully my parents are open minded as well but beyond this, no one around me is interested either.

Yeah, at the pace everything's happening it's scary thinking where exactly we might be in just 5 years, or even sooner than that. It makes me very sad for anyone who dismisses the idea that this country might tear itself apart. Even with everything I've learned so far, I still hold to the idea that whatever new evil that's going on I learn about, it's still probably worse than I think.

In a way I think preparing for the future goes like the saying about when to plant trees. "The best time was 20 years ago. The second best time is now." The trick is figuring out what to start now, and how.

Yeah, now is definitely the time to start. And it's not just the USA, stuff like this is interconnected. So there are no "good" or "bad" countries, just countries that are either directly or indirectly controlled by a small group of powerful people.

This is something that needs to happen. We have a generation of young people connected through social media, these connections are global. The worst part is that they are working to stop this by tightening their grasp on internet. Australia passed data retention laws recently. If I recall correctly 2 politicians opposed the bill. Our opposition party completely fucked us and went with it. I'm also 19, I have a few friends who are concerned and I know there must be more people out there who will understand. sorry for the wall of text but I have been thinking about what I want to do about all this for a while

No worries, thanks for your input

The majority have been convinced that there's nothing to worry about and to just mock anyone that thinks otherwise....and it's been working for hundreds of years.

And that's probably the most terrifying thing.

One day at a time.

A lot of people that have so called "awakened" then fall into a state of paranoia and helplessness.

Know your enemy. Two of the main enemies are the dirty energy companies and arms industries, but above these you have the intelligence agencies (who control the illegal drug trade) and the banks (who profit from all this activity), all of which are controlled at the top in London by the likes of the Rothschilds and the Windsors.

What we have is countries such as Russia, China, Iran and Syria, trying to resist the maniacal power grab of the U.K., U.S., Israel and Saudi Arabia.

Fighting the man can feel very futile. But there are ways. Buy precious metals, educate yourself, buy local/do not buy from big corps, etc. Also, try to be as self-reliant as possible(as some have said already) but try not to forget about community.

If your that age and realize this already, your a step ahead of most. My advice to you would be to just live your life and keep this as a hobby, waking up who you can when opportunity presents itself. Timing is everything.

As far as building a compound and arming yourself to the teeth, your young, take it in stride.

Dont let conspiracys become the focus of your life, you do that, you will forget what life is all about, or isolate yourself from whats really important to you, or should be, your loved ones, and family.

Im all for exposing the criminals for who they really are, but dont let them cost you anything in life, like starting your own family, or not living it. They have already cost so many so much, getting consumed with it, you will just become another person on the long list of people they have destroyed already.

Bottom line, live your life, pass on the knowledge you have to the ones who will hear it, and don't waste your time on the ones who dont want to.

I almost wish I didn't know what I know sometimes, and its much harder to unlearn something, than it is to learn it. Dont take that as me telling you to not continue your education, just keep things in perspective. You'll do fine.

Go out, have a drink, get laid, you'll be 40 before you know it. Maybe start a career in politics. That is where you would be able to make changes. You go that route, look me up on here, I have some insight for you. Peace.

You've raised a good point. I always make sure to take mental "breaks" from reading about all of this. Before I made this post I've gone like a month without reading up on anything. If I didn't do this I'd probably go crazy.

I am 100% glad I know this stuff. It shaped me as a person. I am much more critical when I read things. Whenever I read an article I think 1) who wrote this and 2) what do they want me to think? I'd hate to go through life thinking everything's fine because I'd die believing lies.

Dont get it twisted, knowledge is power, but with that comes responsibility, not only for yourself, but also for those around you. You seemed to have made it through school knowing HOW to think, (which imo is a minor miracle these days) instead of knowing WHAT to think, like they pound in your head from day one. You have that much at least.

Im just saying, its good to know whats going on, but also gets frustrating, at least it still does for me, when you cant do anything about it.

As far as what you see or read in the MSM, the best advice I could give on that is whatever they are telling you is true, or who the bad guys are, it more than likely is the exact opposite.

Case in point, Iran and Russia. Unfortunately they are some of the last remaining "good guys" in the big picture, that of them being not in control of the big evil (international banking cartels, and the MIC) and the way they MSM has it, they are the last vestages of pure evil in the world.

The sad thing is, (really sad) they are the last remenants of countries not being controlled by them, and are the champions of freedom, as fucked up and backwards as that sounds.

Hopefully you are the rule and not the exception as far as the younger generation, if so we might have a chance of taking back our country without another revolution.

As it sits right now, we have a long fight reclaiming rights our founding fathers spent blood and treasure on, and may have to do the same ourselves.

I'm giving everyone a link to read. This link provides a list of alternative news sources if anyone wants to move away from the mainstream media news.

So, here you go. Enjoy.

Thank you for the link

No problem. \ಠಠ‿ಠಠ/

Very good suggestions. I love reading self post, it boosts my morale. I am in the same boat as you bro/sis. Truth is definitely stranger than fiction. Its funny how so many people can't wrap their heads around that.

A few things I have learned over the years:

  • I've been where you are, but I have found out that even though everything isn't the way I thought it to be, far from all conspiracy theories are true.

  • It's good to stay informed, but it doesn't help to obsess over things, where it takes over your life.

  • Becoming more economically independent has been very important for me. For me this means having great and diverse skill set. Have several different kinds of assets, if things gets bad (doesn't have to be world war 3 bad, just you losing your job, your currency devaluation) you'll still be ok. For example, I own gold, silver, oil, stocks, etc...

  • Personally, I believe the world is divided into more than one group of people controlling things. It was very compelling for me to believe and blame the worlds complex problems on a very simplistic reason for them. People tend to want to find a uniform, singular reason for their difficulties, but when in fact it is a multiple-variable-issue. Different people have different degrees of power. You have to understand that all the rich and powerful people were born into the same world as you. The world is simply to complex for a small group of people to control everything - it doesn't make any sense. People will try and control big portions of it, but all of it? I think not. Also, things may seem like a conspiracy, but may only mankind's best efforts gone bad (like central banks). Not saying there might be conspiracies within central banks or some of them, but the truth is that they exist, have so for a very long time and they might not be doing everything right and perhaps are not completely moral. However, removing them over night would be worse than anything the world has ever seen. Complete financial destruction. Their job is actually pretty crazy when you think about it, their job is to keep the liquidity of the world at a good level... well I can go on and on about central banks...

  • Things may be bad, but there are also good in the world.

Well since you're 19 and waking up to this stuff you have a lot of time to figure out what you're gonna do about it. You're young. Start here.

I've known a few people who are awake, a few that would talk to you about it. Most people though would automatically dismiss any conspiracy topic. It's probably not the best idea to bring it up with co-workers. Most people are tightly locked in but I wouldn't say sheeple or brainwashed. It's just how society and people work because the conspiracies we talk about are so outlandish.

I also see science people automatically dismiss what you have to say because it's conspiracy theories. It's frustrating because of that where when a real case comes around they're already conditioned to reject it. It's also because of mis-info. That's how they can hide stuff. Like how no one knows that they can read your fuckin thoughts. Only those in the known knows what the fuck I'm talking about. Or maybe everyone knows they're just not telling you about it.

I don't know anymore. I ain't smart enough to figure this out.

your second last paragraph caught my interest.. 'That's how they can hide stuff. Like how no one knows that they can read your fuckin thoughts' ?

I too would like to learn more about them reading your thoughts

yeah it is there. Read up on targeted individuals. There is a lot of dis-info out there. I'm sure you won't believe me since I have no proof. There has been patents since the 70s. One such example is when you take 2 signals say at 200hz and 190hz, heterodyne them, and produce a signal at 10hz using a subtractive process (after you filter the unwanted path).

Frankly I just don't know how it works. It seems that human thoughts are compatible. You can receive my thoughts and I can send my thoughts and thoughts somehow mix. They can filter it so they can read your thoughts while you only hear them. Don't ask me how it all works cos I only know victim of this program I don't work on it.

They claim they can lock you up in your thoughts. They claim they can "shoot you out of your thoughts". They claim they can "entrain" or make you a "owned" thought where you think what they want you to think (que Descartes demon here). They can MIX your thoughts with someone else. They can hive mind your fuckin thoughts. They claim they can torture you in your thoughts!

I don't know where this technology came from. I don't work in it.

Anyway about this victim. She gets her thoughts read no matter where she goes. Other victim have reported that they have their thought read even flying at high altitudes.

I own everything babeeeeeeeeeeee

Add: This victim she has experienced being locked in her thoughts. They never do it to long. She would lay in bed and all of the sudden she would black out and be totally surrounded in her thoughts. They have put her in a state of sleep paralysis where all she hears is this voice coming from within. She was able to wake up from the sleep paralysis by pushing through.

I left. I no longer pay federal taxes to Barry O and I get to chill in a tropical paradise. It's great minus the crushing poverty, occasional riots and terrible infrastructure.

Whereabouts did you go to? I'm sure lots of people here would be interested in your story if you'd be willing.

I've been living in Haiti for the last year. It's definitely a bit challenging but I've had a great time so far overall.

Reading about the hope for the future and understanding why the world is the way it is now, helps me cope. This short video may change your life

Just a little while longer, and the wicked will be no more; You will look at where they were, And they will not be there. But the meek will possess the earth, And they will find exquisite delight in the abundance of peace. - Psalms 37:10,11

I am always an open hear. Keep your head up!

the evil is not difficult to cope with, its people who are aware of the evil but who refuse or impede to organize

the people who agree with me but are dicks to me, they get me down

Stop taking everything so seriously, it isn't helping anyone. Learn to play. Look into some alternative philosophy, like Discordianism or the Church of the Subgenius.

Personally I'm a believer in the slack magic described in Weird Stuff: Operation Culture Creation Part 1, but to each their own.

I'm taking it seriously because all of this affects us, oftentimes directly.

I know, but this fear and stress based mindset will only keep you paralyzed, not fix anything.

Keep learning everything you can and become self sustaining. Right now your mindset itself is not sustainable, too negative and painful.

How can you deal with it all? By not taking it so seriously: everything is play!

"The master of the art of living makes little distinction between his work and his play, his labor and his leisure, his mind and his body, his education and his recreation, his love and his religion. He simply pursues his vision of excellence in whatever he does, leaving others to decide whether he is working or playing. To him, he is always doing both." -Lao Tzu

That's one way of looking at it for sure

How we choose to perceive things affects us; that positive force that is guiding you will continually be frustrated by a negative perception.

This is not a "stress based mindset". It's knowledge. It's awareness. It's a skill and the discipline of critical thinking, connecting dots and observing the world through a clear lens in which you have learned to clear away the propaganda, the lies and deceit.

Like anything else, you get used to it. Hell, I was 30 when 9/11 happened...and that is what woke me up from the false world that TV and the media got me to believe I was living in.

Seriously, the clarity you have is a gift most people will never experience. You're intelligent, you can handle it.

Yes, "be strong to endure the things you cannot change and take courage to change the ones you can."
It also soothes the mind if you slip the things you cannot change from your shoulders. Try to do what you can and leave the rest to others.

Yer 19, you'll hopefully grow out of this.

Wow congratulations on being 19 and being into conspiracies, is that what you wanted to hear from someone being as you posted your age?

Don't be petty, I included my age to assure others of similar ages that they aren't alone.

That is very true regarding shills. And I agree with the points you made. However a huge part of me thinks that people are already in a trance and that there will be no stampede. It feels like we've come at a point of no return with the level of brainwash we're at. However this could be my pessimism speaking. Thank you for your response.