The state of your mental health - the state of things

37  2015-05-01 by [deleted]

I'm concerned about your mental health. Mine as well. This is a stream of consciousness intended to convey that you're not alone, you're not crazy [well not all of you] and things probably aren't bad enough that you need to go all Nihilistic.

I'm nearing 40, and I remember being a very angry teenager. Slayer shirts, hair down to my waist. It took me a long time to figure out what I was angry about - and it turns out it is the huge cognitive dissonance between truth and what we are taught [school, ad-men, parents and grandparents passing along bullshit, politicians].

  • On religion; eventually you just have to accept that some people need an instruction manual for life. You can get angry and call it a "crutch" - I certainly have - but you must accept that everyone is flawed in different ways and some people are better for having their very own "Book of Truth". I have seen friends and family members who have created entire lives within the community of their church.

  • On marketing; Well fuck these ad-men seriously. Let them entertain you but NEVER BELIEVE THEM. You will learn that many of them went to school in psychology fields to learn exactly how to press your buttons and get them on board with their program. Just turn the TV off, establish good habits like reading consumer reports - or simply reading literature on products which isn't written or sponsored by the manufacturer. Awareness of where the message is coming from is key. The upside, you can buy all the ridiculous shit you don't need and didn't know you wanted, because - Capitalism! It's a beautiful thing. We have a society where some people can drive Lamborghini Gallardos and even a relatively successful middle class person can drive around in an entry level BMW or Mercedes and you'll realize there really is a quality of life available through rampant commercialism. Whether dollar stores should exist is up to you and your generation to decide. I remember walking away from my "first career" after realizing I was just buying things to make me happy, temporarily. But that doesn't mean I blame things.

  • On your family; I give my grandparents, and to a lesser degree my parents, some forgiveness for not knowing what the fuck they are talking about sometimes. They grew up before the internet! Can you imagine how skewed their worldview must have been - radio, TV, big newspapers all co-opted by an even narrower political machine than we have now? You can disagree with them, but realize they didn't have any of the resources you do to quickly research into the truth of things.

  • On Government;

Well, fuck the current Government. They have gone too far. I feel it's about to be over - the financial fantasy they have created has to collapse at some point. But I won't deign to say more than that on this subject - for what it is worth I was fooled by Clinton, fooled by Obama. When I really took a long hard look - I realize none of the people in power do 1/10th of what they say they are going to do. I believe it is a combination of the fact that they pretty much leveraged themselves into the job in the first place, so they owe too many favors - but also the weight of the system is against them. Money bought the establishment. "The king is dead, long live the king" is apropo because monarchy has been replaced by Oligarchic Dynasties.

But at least they give us so much room for activities. They also give us enough rope to hang ourselves. [eg. we can eat healthy or poison ourselves. I drink bottled water for example] And that is my final comment - there is bounty and choice in this reality. While on one hand it is irresponsible to completely lose yourself in the fantasy that the world is great [and people with money do that every day, because they can and it is easy] - it is also irresponsible to waste your life bitter, only looking at the evils. There are so many evils, you can spend all your time cataloging them and none of it living. Jet fuel can't melt steel beams.


On religion

How many people do you know that actually live their life basing everything off of their "Book of Truth", and how many do you know that use the metaphors and language of their religion to understand the world around them? We aren't unfeeling robots following logical scripts, we are feeling beings that need a framework that also includes those feelings. There is a forced dichotomy between the intuition of religion and the knowledge of science; nowadays science has become its own dogmatic belief system, and religion has so many followers because it offers truth and answers that science can't.

It's natural to rely on the hard logic of left-brained thinking when faced with a world full of lies and disinformation, but there's a trap there in turning off your right brain. The heart has its own neural cells and puts out its own electro-magnetic field, and a worldview that ignores this leaves you in a place "concerned about your mental health".

The way we choose to think about things changes the way we feel about everything, and the way we feel can literally change our DNA. Locking everything in a logical framework fails to capture the whole picture of reality, because we don't understand everything and don't have logic to apply everywhere. It isn't hard to see how the faith and gratitude that religions teach can completely change the way you experience life. Positivity can be blinding but negativity can give you an early death.

you'll realize there really is a quality of life available through rampant commercialism...But that doesn't mean I blame things

I think a younger generation can look around at all the things such as iPhones and Xboxes and cars on one hand, and student loan debt and unemployment and bank bailouts on the other hand, and come to the conclusion that rampant commercialism is part of the problem. You may not blame things, but those of us who will be trying to figure out what to do with all the landfills packed with cheap toxic plastic trinkets and laced with heavy metals certainly have reason to blame things. Those of us who will be trying to replant our forests and clean our water tables will certainly have reason to blame things. And those of us whose only opportunities in life are to work all day every day in third world sweat shops making things certainly have reason to blame things.

I feel it's about to be over - the financial fantasy they have created has to collapse at some point.

That's exactly what you are intended to think. This is an enchantment, sorcery, a state of induced fear that will leave you paralyzed. The best you can offer is to tell us to forget about what we've learned and live life. Life is the constant struggle for growth. You might feel too old to change but the generations after you don't have the same luxury.

Part of this is a mental war that you have to engage in your own mind. They want you to be demoralized and to give up in your heart, and this includes controlling how you think of things, from the ideas you apply to the very words you use. Instead of thinking of them as "stupid sheeple trapped in the propaganda matrix", realize that they are sentient self-protecting souls who have been bewitched by powerful sorcery. Most of the world is religous and will understand what I mean when I speak that way; they know what evil means and that evil exists, while the sorcerors would have you believe it's just "a combination of the fact that they pretty much leveraged themselves into the job in the first place, so they owe too many favors - but also the weight of the system is against them".

And most of the world knows exactly what I mean when I say I believe we are all good deep down. Not with original sin, not with uncontrollable animal urges, not with purely selfish instincts, but a part of a connected whole with a simple truth that cooperation is a better strategy than competition.

on depression changing your dna.

that's why it's not good to fret some of these topics here, or at least not to be "emotionally attached"

bad news is as poisonous as cigarettes.

become aware of it, and then change your reality with positivity. don't let anyone teach you how to think about anything, this world is not finite.

I have some family members who have lived as Catholics, others who live as Mormons [to the point where their Church had them voting for Mitt Romney] and I've known personally some people who were devout.

Regarding the coming financial collapse - I think we disagree. With respect to the US dollar - that ship has sailed I think. I don't know enough to speculate on the Euro, maybe there will be enough energy behind it to weather the storm. But the US infrastructure is failing. I've been all over the world and was quite surprised to see some poor South American countries with better roads and schools than we have. The engineers I've worked with who came from other countries were heads and shoulders above most of those I've met who came out of US schools. While true that the people who come out of our Ivy league schools are operating on a whole next level, that doesn't help the country much because they are immediately integrated into the same, broken process. The fact that no HSBC bankers went to jail tells you who writes the rules - and it isn't people interested in fixing anything.

It's like the same rats who have been chewing the ropes are looting the ship before they chew through that last strand holding it at port.

As far as everyone being "good" deep down, I no longer believe that. I have met far too many ultimately selfish people who create more harm and suffering in their wake than they create light or contribute in any way.

It's like the same rats who have been chewing the ropes are looting the ship before they chew through that last strand holding it at port.

This is the mindset they want you to have, the hypnotic trance that all of their sorcery is designed to culminate in. Remember when the US dollar collapsed in 2008? Its value may plummet but it's not going away as the trusted illusion in our world's markets just yet. But if you are kept in a state of perpetual worry, looking towards everything with negativity, you will be too far underwater to make any waves. If all of your energy is channeled through fear you will never see the exponential growth of magic.

I have met far too many ultimately selfish people who create more harm and suffering in their wake than they create light or contribute in any way.

That's not a contradictory statement. This is a prison society and most people have lived their entire lives suffering alone, bewitched by the illusions around them and unable to even identify much less understand what's happening to them. A few more years with that attitude and a young child who meets you would probably end up putting you in the being "bad" deep down category, eventually concluding that there isn't any good in the world.

It sounds like there is good in you, but you can only work magic if you believe in it.

"It's like the same rats who have been chewing the ropes are looting the ship before they chew through that last strand holding it at port...." This is the mindset they want you to have, the hypnotic trance that all of their sorcery is designed to culminate in.

There's an element of hypnotic trance designed to make the people pessimistic and give up hope for the future of the US, but it has been looted to the point it's not a viable place to reproduce or even live in as it once was. I'll be 59 in a week or so, and I've seen the deterioration and deliberate destruction of what was once a way of life where it was possible for most people to live comfortably. I'll repeat what I've in other comments. You used to be able to buy groceries for a family of six for $30.00 a week, and that included everything from meat, vegetables, dish detergent, cereal, paper goods-everything. A man could work, and a woman could stay home and take care of the house, etc., and buying a house valued at $25,000 or thereabouts was possible. Everyone had a car. You paid your local taxes and that paid for your kids to ride to and from public school on the school bus, and for school supplies including pencils, paper, crayons, rulers, paste and everything else a kid needed. Now parents with kids in school ask for donations to provide these things for their kids. Taxes once used to pay for repair and maintenance of the infrastructure is now going elsewhere. The US middle class really no longer exists, and a growing number of US citizens need food stamps to feed themselves and their family.

It's nice some young people build mini-houses for the homeless, but they don't realize homelessness wasn't a big problem before 1984 when things really changed for the worse. Young people with good intentions would be more outraged than they are if they'd seen the deterioration of what once was a good way of life where mini-houses wouldn't ever even be thought of. The young have no way to see the reality in context.

More- Manufacturing of goods was still done in here in the US for the most part, and factories commonly had outlets where you could buy those good at a low price. For example, you could buy a pair of kid's sneakers at the P. F. Flyer Company outlet for-if I remember correctly-twenty-five cents. What does a pair of kid's sneakers cost now? Who can afford them? Only the very rich and those who collect welfare. What's the minimum wage? Who can live on it?

The destruction is deliberate, and the rats chewing the ropes and looting the ship have no loyalty to nor liking of the US or its people. They don't need to. They can just pack up and leave whenever they want.

A man could work, and a woman could stay home and take care of the house, etc., and buying a house valued at $25,000 or thereabouts was possible.

This is just part of the fantastical illusion today and not a realistic picture of the time then. Certainly that is not the experience of say black Americans, especially not the experience of non-Americans in countries which exported the fruits of their labor to America during the time.

You paid your local taxes and that paid for your kids to ride to and from public school on the school bus

It was powerful sorcery that convinced the families of America that it was in their interest to offer up their children to the state for indoctrination. Here's what was being said in the planning of education, a century ago, and 50 years before this 'golden era' you mention:

"In our dream we have limitless resources, and the people yield themselves with perfect docility to our molding hand. The present educational conventions fade from our minds; and, unhampered by tradition, we work our own good will upon a grateful and responsive rural folk. We shall not try to make these people or any of their children into philosophers or men of learning or of science. We are not to raise up among them authors, orators, poets, or men of letters. We shall not search for embryo great artists, painters, musicians. Nor will we cherish even the humbler ambition to raise up from among them lawyers, doctors, preachers, statesmen, of whom we now have ample supply." - Rev. Frederick T. Gates, Business Advisor to John D. Rockefeller Sr., 1913

Let's fast forward to the 1950s and catch up with the times, when in 1953 the Reece Committee of the US House of Representatives reveals the agenda of the Carnegie Endowment and Rockefeller Foundation on Education:

"It seems incredible that the trustees of typically American fortune-created foundations should have permitted them to be used to finance ideas and practices incompatible with the fundamental concepts of our Constitution. Yet there seems evidence that this may have occurred." - Norman Dodd, Director of Research, Special Committee to Investigate Tax-Exempt Foundations, 1954

Today it's Common Core with a method of teaching math designed to be complicated and arcane on one hand, while students are taught how to be emotionally manipulative to assert an agenda on the other hand.

The destruction is deliberate

That can't be stated boldy enough. I recommend looking into John Taylor Gatto for more on the deliberate dumbing down of society.

You seem to have a great depth of knowledge on these subjects.

In your research, have you found anything which supports any "altruistic" or 'noble" intention behind the Fed, Carnegie, Rothschilds et al?

In my life I have tried to understand the motivations of these dynasties. Are these simply a combination of people isolated from reality, mixed with self serving sociopath and a very strong "prey" drive? Or are these a group with a higher level knowledge, a "crystal ball", a plan to cultivate the greatness from our species while allowing the chaff to mill itself. Or are these groups operating under some mandate from above? [For example I've seen uncorroborated conspiracy theories about an ET race mandating our species stay below a certain population]

Have you read anything or seen anything to choose one of those three ideas as best representing their motives?

The simplest answer is I don't know and couldn't really pretend to understand the motivations of such a vastly different worldview.

These organizations have a hobby of ascribing humanitarian causes to their efforts. They would be delighted if we viewed them as our saviors and beneficiaries. Many groups claim they are attempting to 'enlighten' humanity through a slow transformation process, but this pre-supposes that people are evil deep down, and ignores how much suffering is inflicted on them currently.

As to whether they have 'higher knowledge', that is another perception they would be delighted you held. A large portion of their power is derived from presenting mystery and confusion while controlling the release of information to approved loyal initiates.

"Do what thou wilt" has been a guiding theme behind these groups and we can look at the mass amounts of hunger and warfare across an increasingly mined and polluted world as what they have willed to do.

I'll pick up what you're putting down.

You have 10 years on me, and I had dinner with my mother last night and we began with some small talk about current events and Baltimore came up.

I simply shrugged and feigned knowledge of it, citing a hectic workweek and a desire to stay out of media stuff and distractions (which isn't untrue).

When I asked her what it was all about - I heard nothing about police corruption or negligence, and mostly the classic divide and conquer the racist remarks parroted by by the MSM.

She's no dummy, mind you, but is a great example of someone plugged in.

At that point I just chuckled and sighed, knowing it wasn't worth talking about any further.

Your point above about absolving our seniors of responsibility for teaching us critical thinking skills and allowed this corruption to fester so long just hit home to me. We're fighting an uphill battle for sure in this information war (and there's a reason that AJ coined that term to sully it), and it's depressing to think about.

But the weather's getting warmer and it's time to start planting and gardening. And I'm excited to see how my little one will turn out when she learns the ways of the world the way I wish I did. I'm cautiously optimistic.

And I'm excited to see how my little one will turn out when she learns the ways of the world the way I wish I did. I'm cautiously optimistic.

What you said really hit me hard. As a mother, I need to start teaching my child about self sufficiency, it's an area that I could grow in as well. Get them while they're young and open to learning new things; I was extremely sheltered and treated like a very delicate flower. Times are tough and I'm getting older so I need to learn how to depend on myself, I'm too old to get by on good looks alone. And that's another lesson to teach my child. I gotta get busy and quit rambling here lol best of luck to you and your family on your garden! :)

Thanks for the kind words.

I'm experimenting with something I call Socratic Parenting (which may exist, I don't know), where at some point in a few years I'm going to ask her a series of what sound like random questions to stimulate a critical thinking component early and often.

For example, at some point we're gonna get ice cream and when we go to pay with cash (I try to whenever possible), at some point I'm going to ask her why this green paper can be exchanged for delicious ice cream.

My hope is at some point she'll start thinking about it, and start digging, and learn more about it on her own and have a 20 year head start on that thought process (compared to me).

My fiancé does that with my daughter, I think she's a bit too young but she's smart and it's probably best so she's not 30 when she realizes things.

She's old enough to know and ask if something is organic or if it's GMO-free when we grocery shop and has said she wants to be a vegetarian because she doesn't like the way the animals are treated.

Not a bad thought.

The Colespardon family is in negotiations with local farmers here on acquiring a whole cow at the end of the season that we know is grass fed and treated properly (plus local business stimulation).

Sounds like you're doing a top notch job. Keep it up.

This might be a really dumb questions but who/what is James Colespardon, Colespardon family?

The Colespardon thing I just use here to describe my last name IRL (Mrs. Colespardon, etc).

I've elaborated maybe once or twice as to why I chose the name (but mostly just switch names when I move from site to site to be harder to track).

Maybe I can try and find and older post about it. Initially it had a little meaning but nothing special, but lately I have found it has a deeper meaning (sounds lame, I know) in it and enjoy it a lot.

Okay, I didn't know if it was someone important and I was missing something.

It's fun to have an alter ego. I'm a gamer and have an alter ego on Xbox Live and Steam.

He might be important. We'll see. ;)

i've read about that, i think it's a smart thing to do, i'm going to ask a few people to the same.

we can eat healthy or poison ourselves. I drink bottled water for example

WTF?! Bottled water is SO MUCH WORSE for you! If you're really concerned about your drinking water, get a reverse osmosis system.

[Serious question] What about bottled water is worse for you? Also, is there any merit to leaving bottled water in cars, causing heat to release plastics into the water, thus causing cancer by drinking it?

A lot of bottled water isn't regulated (especially if it doesn't cross state lines), so contamination can go unchecked. Also, the plastic can leech harmful chemicals (ESPECIALLY when left exposed to solar radiation).

It's best to drink tap water (from a public source or private well) that's been run through a reverse osmosis system. And I'd recommend a glass container.

thanks for the info.


No problem!

Also, if you're on public water, your department of public works has comprehensive testing done at least once a year and the result are free to view on their website.


For which point?

Sorry, for the chemicals that get ingested from plastic bottles.

Should be a decent place to start.

It was the first search result I got.

There is a delicious Mexican restaurant near me which is still using plastic cups with Bisphenol A. I tried to explain to the waitress that people considered it bad but I'm pretty sure she thinks I'm crazy.

I try and get either spring water with no additives or reverse-osmosis water.

Can you tell me anything about how to mineralize water from your water catchment system? I will be building one soon but aside from some Himalayan salt I don't know much about how to get the PH up.

Well I'd suggest going to a Home Depot or similar store or contacting a local well-drilling and treatment company, as you've probably got more questions.

pH can be affected by a couple things. Have you had your water tested lately?

The intent for this is rainwater catchment.

I'd say get your water tested so you can see the source of your low pH. Find a local lab and bring it there.

I'm 24, I've been into this kind of shit since I can remember.

Take everything with a grain of a salt and assume that what you're being presented is full of shit unless really proven otherwise. If you take things even remotely seriously your mind will eventually start doing gymnastics to try and keep a specific world view in mind. Almost every detail of life can be dissected and turned into a conspiracy from the food we eat, the healthcare we receive to the entertainment we consume. You can't trust news organizations since most are controlled by a single entity that never had your best interests at heart and you can't immediately trust independent researchers/reporters because their is always a chance that they're doing the song and dance to sell shit to the easily manipulated.

People will always search for answers and everyone thinks they're right. But really we're all just full of shit trying to make sense of it all. The more you research the more variety you find in what people believe to be the "truth". It all boils down to control and power. The details of it are impossible to figure out unless you're up in the elite yourself to the point it might not even be worth worrying about on a day to day cycle.

I feel like I'm a rational human being but really the reality is 5-10 years down the line of continuously absorbing and talking about this stuff it wouldn't surprise me if I went full on nutjob/crazy person. If I'm not already

We live in a weird world, sometimes I wish I just lived in complete ignorance of world around me.

It's possible that we might have more awareness of the world around us because we are more loving. Just saying!

There was a point I had intended to make in my post which I think you speak to here. Basically I am of the belief now that it is "OK" to accept that we live in an "insane" system - so it is quite acceptable for you to have developed some insanity as well. When the system keeps making the same exact mistakes, but expecting a different outcome, that is the very definition of insane. [deregulating banks, the drug war, destabilizing foreign countries]

You must consider what we have as a flawed framework whereby people can mostly cohabitate peacefully. We send the most vicious, unthinking mercenary types to the front lines to fight for their misguided sense of patriotism - we let sociopaths run the corporations and the government - and we defer to people based on how much wealth they have. [eg. when you drive a Mercedes you get treated better on the road - and even by police - you are subconsciously considered superior]

All these things prevent us from murdering each other in the streets and living by the rule of the jungle. If you drive in some countries in South America you will still see the "jungle rules". In Mexico and as far as Chile and Colombia your 'tonnage' gives you right of way. You also find people will simply "block the box" and cause insane gridlock because they believe they deserve to get home a little bit faster than everyone else. In India in many places "lanes" are not necessarily observed or adhered to, and bullies and opportunists get ahead.

So.. You'd be crazy not to be crazy.

It's possible that we might have more awareness of the world around us because we are more loving. Just saying!

There is a delicious Mexican restaurant near me which is still using plastic cups with Bisphenol A. I tried to explain to the waitress that people considered it bad but I'm pretty sure she thinks I'm crazy.

There was a point I had intended to make in my post which I think you speak to here. Basically I am of the belief now that it is "OK" to accept that we live in an "insane" system - so it is quite acceptable for you to have developed some insanity as well. When the system keeps making the same exact mistakes, but expecting a different outcome, that is the very definition of insane. [deregulating banks, the drug war, destabilizing foreign countries]

You must consider what we have as a flawed framework whereby people can mostly cohabitate peacefully. We send the most vicious, unthinking mercenary types to the front lines to fight for their misguided sense of patriotism - we let sociopaths run the corporations and the government - and we defer to people based on how much wealth they have. [eg. when you drive a Mercedes you get treated better on the road - and even by police - you are subconsciously considered superior]

All these things prevent us from murdering each other in the streets and living by the rule of the jungle. If you drive in some countries in South America you will still see the "jungle rules". In Mexico and as far as Chile and Colombia your 'tonnage' gives you right of way. You also find people will simply "block the box" and cause insane gridlock because they believe they deserve to get home a little bit faster than everyone else. In India in many places "lanes" are not necessarily observed or adhered to, and bullies and opportunists get ahead.

So.. You'd be crazy not to be crazy.