Remove these "anchoring" tags.

10  2015-05-01 by [deleted]

Remove these distracting tags designed to anchor opinions.


Agreed. What purpose do they serve other than to cause people to make up their mind on something prematurely? By labeling the topic you instantly conjure up all types of things in their brain.

Or maybe allow trolls and shills to search topics easily...

[Send me money] Oh they're not so bad really.

If anything, I say allow users to self flair a post.

Having it assigned to them isn't the best policy, IMO.

I often have the best discussions here trying to link several topics, and this type of online labeling wouldn't help those discussions (which is getting tagged? Propaganda? Ukraine? The Fed? Military-Industrial-Complex?)

Sometimes things aren't so black/white...

what instituted this sudden labeling of everything on the sub? I haven't seen anything like this before... Deff do NOT like it at all...

Ask the mods.

Sounds like the mods might be in disagreement here. I can't tell what's going on.

huh lol, Ive always just assumed for the longest time you were a mod... Whats up with the owl jim??

His name is Winston. And he's my friend.

'twas a gift by /u/mr_dong

And yeah, I just said "twas."

What are you gonna do about it?

Lol I can dig it, its pretty bad ass.
But yo, I wanna ask you cause someone below me just brought it up, but what is your opinion on the whole flytape debacle that happened last month? Ill preface by saying I think he was unjustly attacked by people who dont want to see this sub thrive. It was fairly obvious to me that 3rdeyenavigator was a shill...

Are you referring to the podcast thing?

Yeah, the thing that got him removed, and then reinstated, and then I guess removed again?

Seemed like manufactured drama. And, Flytape was removed from the mod team for the weekend as a time out for being quick with banhammer. Seemed like silly drama to me.

The Flytape debacle. The mods are corrupt pieces of shit and people are just now realizing this.

[Icke] There might be something...

Good eye.

I like them.

oh, i was starting to whine: i wannt one

I imagine they are being used to combat "satire" sites, which I prefer to an all out ban on domains.

why not just one tag for satire?

I would suggest that as well.

just seems to be a lot less work.

Ah good point.
