Lorraine Day M.D., former Chief of Orthopedic Surgery: "No one died in the Boston Marathon Bombing -- nor was anyone even hurt."

126  2015-05-04 by rabbits_dig_deep

edit: trying to fix layout. I've screwed up the numbering of items, but at least now you can read it.

By Lorraine Day, M.D.

My background: I am an Orthopedic Trauma Surgeon. For many years I was Chief of Orthopedic Surgery at San Francisco General Hospital, the only trauma hospital in San Francisco. For 25 years, I took care of massive injuries from gang wars, explosions, severe motor vehicle crashes, survivors of attempted suicide from jumping off the Golden Gate Bridge, etc.

I am fully qualified to assess the supposed injuries at the total HOAX “bombing” that took place at the Boston Marathon. And I am not the only one who is writing about this. There are many others who also understand that it was a HOAX!

The documentation for what I have written below is contained in the links given at the end of this article. Please read those articles and view those videos so you will have some facts – evidence – before you make up your own mind.

Consider these facts:

  1. In the pictures taken immediately after the blast, there is NO BLOOD on the ground. That could never be. The bomb blast instantaneously would have spread blood from the injured victims everywhere.

  2. There were only about 10 “victims” at ground zero of the blast – and all of them are alive and do not appear to be even close to death. Where are these other “200” people who were supposedly injured?

  3. When “blood” does eventually appear on the sidewalk at ground zero – it clearly is some kind of paint – NOT blood. The paint is bright orangish-red, obviously for the maximum frightening effect on the populace. REAL BLOOD is dark maroon.

  4. Notice in the initial pictures after the (smoke) bomb exploded, almost all of the “victims” are holding themselves up on one elbow, or they are sitting up. No one is in severe pain, or really in any pain at all. Severely injured people are not propping themselves up on one elbow. They would have their head on the sidewalk.

  5. Obviously, these crisis actors (See crisisactors.com) don’t want to put their head or the side of their face down on the dirty Boston sidewalk where everyone walks (and spits).

  6. In one video, a man is seen clapping together two towels or other items, causing the crisis actors “victims” to be covered with soot – so they’ll look more like bombing victims.

  7. One woman “victim” is seen in early photos (but after the “bombing” has taken place) with no blood at all on her white blouse. However, later, she is taken off on a gurney with a lot of “blood” on her white blouse.

  8. There are many “handlers” in the early pictures, positioning “victims” and assisting in the set-up of the HOAX scene. You might think that they would be concerned about being seen by the by-standers, but when a “bomb” goes off, most people run for their life, allowing the Hoaxsters and Crisis actors to set up their HOAX scenes undisturbed.

  9. There are no Emergency Medical Technicians (EMTs) at the scene, no ambulances, and no fire engines (after all, a supposed “bomb” went off – it would be mandatory for the fire department to respond). Where are they? The people “helping” the “victims” are also Crisis actors. No emergency medical personnel are on the scene.

  10. Certainly, wheel chairs may be available at various places along a Marathon route, and at the end of the race, but wheel chairs are never found on ambulances. And wheelchairs are never used to transport severely injured victims. When a victim has lost a lot of blood, whether from internal or external bleeding, he or she is always kept flat and transported on a gurney. Otherwise the life of that victim is at severe risk.

  11. The man with the supposedly blown off legs – with about sixteen inches of bone (tibia) sticking out of one leg – is taken away in a WHEELCHAIR! That would NEVER happen! If a person has both legs blown off, his blood loss would be so severe that if someone sat him up, he would lose consciousness (his heart could not pump enough blood to supply his brain when he was in the upright position) and he would die. No ambulance company would ever take on that liability, nor would any bystander. That man was a crisis actor who lost both of his legs in war some time ago while in the military. You will see in the documentation below. There are many former military personnel, amputees from war injuries, that are now being used as crisis actors for “drills” as it was repeatedly announced over loudspeakers that this (Boston Bombing) was.

The “gory blown-off” leg was nothing but a prosthesis (made by “central casting”) made to look like an amputation caused by an explosion. The prosthesis, however, is a very poor replica of a real amputated limb. I have performed many amputations of both legs and arms and I have seen many hundreds of severely injured limbs from all sorts of horrendous accidents. None of them ever look like that one. But apparently it is good enough to fool the population (most of whom have never seen such injuries). Unfortunately, the average American chooses not to spend any time investigating these events and chooses to believe the mainstream media propagandists.

The injuries and blood spatter are so badly done, they are almost comical to a trained trauma surgeon such as myself.

Also, that man who supposedly lost both his legs in the “bombing” seemed to be in no pain, nor did he have blood all over him. And 4 or 5 days later, when photographed in the hospital, he is giving a thumbs-up, happy-faced smile. This is ludicrous When a person loses even one limb, there is a “grieving” process that goes on for weeks, similar to the grieving response that would happen if a person lost a close loved one. And it’s usually months before one actually can face the situation and get on with his life.

One more thing: in the links below, there is proof that this man who supposedly lost both of his legs in the “bombing” was wheeled through the crowd TWICE – in his wheel chair – clearly for the media’s benefit: a photo opportunity! During one of those episodes, his fake “blown off” leg/prosthesis started to fall off and had to be put back on by one of the men in the yellow jackets, obviously an “insider” – another crisis actor!

  1. The glass from the “blown-out” windows from the “bombing” is all on the sidewalk. If the glass had been broken from a real bomb blast – the glass would be inside the apartments or offices, not outside on the sidewalk.

  2. The “runner” who fell down when the “bomb” exploded as though he had been “blown down” by the bomb, was an actor. There were many men much closer to the “bomb” that were not affected by its force at all.

  3. The supposed “Principal” of the Sandy Hook school who was “killed” in that false flag attack, showed up – alive and well – at the Boston Bombing.

  4. There are Craft International employees (operatives) on the scene. One is carrying 2 bags. The other operatives quickly leave ground zero – BEFORE the bombs explode. Who is Craft International? A private contractor that provides security, defense and combat weapons training to military, police, corporate and civilian clients.

  5. The U.S. and Israel desperately want to bomb Iran and need some event to polarize Americans so they’ll be willing to send their sons and daughters to die – not for freedom – but for the One World Government that is now gobbling up all the countries and resources in the world. This particular False Flag Attack allows them to blame it on two young, innocent supposed “Muslim Terrorists” in order to incite the American people into agreeing to go to war against Iran and Syria.

  6. These 2 boys whose parents are from Chechnya had been interviewed by the FBI many times. They had even been sent to Chechnya by the FBI to attend a clandestine meeting, the purpose of which was to undermine the government of Chechnya.

  7. The boys’ uncle, Ruslan Tsarni, had been married to Samantha, the daughter of Graham Fuller, a high level CIA agent.

  8. The American wife of the older Tsarnaev brother is the granddaughter of a Skull and Bones member – an organization that is part of the New World Order Illuminati.

  9. Both boys were arrested alive and well. The older brother, according to an eye witness, was deliberately run over by a police car, then was shot multiple times and mutilated by the police. (See the picture of his corpse.) Witnesses say he was unarmed at the time of his arrest.

  10. The younger brother was arrested without a struggle, but ended up almost dead, having been shot through the throat and possibly will never be able to speak again. How convenient! He was taken to a Jewish hospital and “cared for” by Israeli doctors before being transported to prison!

  11. Many witnesses saw bomb-sniffing dogs both at the beginning and end of the race. Why didn’t the dogs find the bombs? Unless, of course, agents of the government contractor, Craft International, planted them. The backpacks they (Craft employees) were wearing (all black) are the same as the ones carrying the bombs, whereas the backpacks of the Tsarnaev brothers, who were Photoshopped into the crowd pictures, were not the same as the one seen surrounding the “bomb” after it exploded.

  12. Numerous witnesses, including runners in the race, have stated that it was announced repeatedly over the loudspeaker that “This is a drill.” Indeed it WAS a “drill” with no one hurt or injured, except of course, the Tsarnaev brothers who were set up as patsies – just like Lee Harvey Oswald in the JFK assassination. But the government has taken this False Flag “live” – to deceive the American public into giving up their freedom for “safety.”

Little does the blind American public realize that those who are promising “safety” in exchange for the loss of the rights of the public, are the very ones who are setting up the “terror” incidents!

  1. In 2012, the head of the Boston Emergency Services Department said, “A PLANNED Mass Casualty Event at a Marathon” is coming! Well folks, this was it!

  2. And now, less than a month after the “Bombing,” the FBI agents who arrested – and murdered - at least one of the Tsarnaev brothers have conveniently died in a “fall from a helicopter” during a “training drill.” Obviously, they have been silenced from telling what they know.

Here is the link so you can check it yourself.


How can anyone be proud of a government that plans this kind of heinous event, including the murder and severe maiming of two young innocent men and the deliberate deceiving of the population of America – and the world – for MONEY, POWER and CONTROL!

from: http://www.goodnewsaboutgod.com/studies/political/newworld_order/boston_marathon.htm


Video of the aftermath of an actual, real, (non-Hollywood B movie) bombing with legs blown off: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OCj1XzFEOkU

This is the close up hoaxathon footage of "injured" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AnkcyJIl2Go

Video of a real, actual but non-lethal shrapnel hit on a young Marine in Afghanistan. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V6vjYq4a5r4

Hey, I've never seen anyone do comparison's like this, terrific job man.

I'd never seen that second video. Not as chaotic as you would expect.

Dave McGowan who has been a professional photographer for decades has some great analysis of the pictures including the fact that waist height paper billboards between the runners and spectators had no shrapnel holes and of course he has plenty of pictures of the handlers in action and strange pose changes of victims.

Dave recently did a presentation on this on the Caravan to Midnight show with John Wells. Haven't watched it, cause I've read almost everything he's written about it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mzgON_5sg4Q

Awesome. I'm always on the lookout for his interviews. There aren't many aside from Maria Heller's and I don't find those very efficient in going far into to depth given the time allotted.

Why did they have an announcer on a loudspeaker saying, "This is a drill" before the blast? I can't figure that out.

Im guessing its because there was a drill

I guess I'm a big dummy. I don't understand. They were having a drill AND there was an actual bomb there. So, are they connected?

Take out the "and"

This has been an often-repeated rumor.

Can someone please present a source for this?

OK, I guess if you squint, it kinda sorta sounds like someone might be saying that.

But here's something I cant figure out. If the plan was to deceive people, why announce that it was a drill over the PA?

And why enlist all these "actors" to make things believable?

If the government wanted to create a false flag, wouldnt they just go and kill a bunch of innocent civilians? "casualties of war" sot of speak.

Yeah. It's confusing. "THIS IS A DRILL" boom. Wha? Why?

Good question. You should do some research on that.

Oh, yeah: it's always this cunningly-edited footage where the alleged drill announcement, according to the caption just visible before it "conveniently" fades out, goes on "They are playing you like a fiddle"!

Sure. Show me the unedited clip or I'm going to treat this "evidence" with the contempt it deserves.

Paying me? lol

I'm guessing because that never happened and you're lying

-no shrapnel, garbage can objects seen exploding, no one saw a back pack explode, big gap in crowd at "explosion" site, a real eyewitness stumbles on the scene, absurd scene of shredded pants, the infamous Boston benches, the Hoaxathon hair perm, controlling scene at the hospital via a bomb scare: http://winteractionables.com/?p=20069

I believe there is a high likelihood it was set up. However weren't there witnesses at the trial who were injured by the blast?

check out this hot little debutante, the 'injured' lady known colloquially at the brown cow This poor gal was clearly very close to the blast, ran around the scene, doing laps over the distance of several hundred meters, appearing to be on the phone periodically, and getting awkwardly directed around like a child in a third grade drama performance. She is not visibly injured, and the 'shrapnel bomb' doesn't seem to have affected even her clothing. Of course several months later she shows up for the media, on crutches, putting virtually all of her considerable weight on her 'injured' foot.

Wow. You know you see this stuff and the second you question the holy canon that is 'the official story' you are labeled as a nut and a conspiracy theorist. The problem doesn't lay with the people who ask questions, it lays with people who blindly believe whatever the government says is true.

Yeah you've pretty much summed it up. The emperor is wearing nothing at all but the townsfolk are heartily complimenting his wonderful attire and looking down on those of us who can plainly see his pale ass. Both bombing scenes are just like this, completely and utterly illogical. It's not attributable to shock either, don't fall for that bullshit. It was all about photo ops and social engineering

You'd be surprised what adrenaline can do for your body. If she were an amputee, you could bat eye, but for (what I've heard, a broken ankle) the injuries she sustained, it's completely plausible.

I had a quaterback back in grade school named Sammy (name may sound cliche for a QB, but take this story how you will) who also suffered a broken ankle. He attained the injury mid-practice during a scrimmage and didn't refuse to leave, but didn't even consider it. The after practice drills had him running around smoothly. It wasn't until the next day we recieved word that our main QB would be out for the next several weeks. He was limping around practice the next day without his cast on in his gear. He kept coming to practice by the end of the week, until a week later when he was officially diagnosed with a broken ankle, and was seen around school on crutches with a cast. There were people on the team who didn't believe he sustained these injuries, claiming he did this to attain social popularity (as if he didn't have enough). The truth is, when you get that hefty drug known as adrenaline coursing through your veins, there's no stopping you from doing what you must to achieve what must be done.

Thou shall not bear false witnesses

People claim many things that are not necessarily so.

I agree, but did they bring crisis actors to trial, or were there people legitimately injured alongside the fakers?

There was no trial. Its like Hollywood. Fun fact: the "judge" presiding over this charade is married to the VP of corporate propaganda for Raytheon, the notorious war profiteer.

The supposed “Principal” of the Sandy Hook school who was “killed” in that false flag attack, showed up – alive and well – at the Boston Bombing.

And that entirely unsourced claim is where I stopped taking this shit seriously.

Why is it so unbelievable that they would recycle a crisis actor?

Real actors get recycled all the time with role changes and appearance changes.

If SH and the BB were both drills, it makes sense that some of the same people could be involved.

Why is it so unbelievable that they would recycle a crisis actor? Real actors get recycled all the time with role changes and appearance changes.

I'm really surprised I have to explain the difference. Real actors are not supposed to be dead. This is not repertory theater.

A second hand report, apparently retracted by the original source (404 now), consisting entirely of a badly cropped screenshot with no context whatsoever?

I really hope you have something better.

I found it after 2 seconds of googlng and you could have too. Don't be so lazy. Start at 2:05.


Sorry, what does that Youtube video have to do with the claim the Sandy Hook principal was at the marathon?

And, why does your (curiously edited and again, unsourced) PA clip then apparently go on to say "They are playing you like a fiddle?"

I will never lable anyone as a nut or conspiracy theorist for questioning the government etc. However, if you believe horseshiat like this; I will lable you a gullable moron.



However, if you believe horseshiat like this; I will lable you a gullable moron.

Good luck finding somebody who actually gives a shit how you "lable" them.


I will never label anyone as a nut or conspiracy theorist for questioning the government etc. 

Isn't that what you just did?

The saddest part is the media and police are playing right along with it to keep the fear mongers alive. It's almost like they know what they are doing to the people.

I believe there are serious repercussion for those who won't go along with the charade. They'll be taken out in the most humiliating way possible, by "suicide," child porn found on their computer, etc.

And the older brother was killed so he couldn't disclose who his handlers were.

Very good post, thank you for contributing so much information. Are there any recordings of the drill announcement?

there are video interviews of the cross country coach claiming this.

Would you mind linking one in the thread for everyone?

S'funny how not one of the hundreds of thousands of other people present apparently heard them.

There may be, haven't heard them myself.

Edit: this cross country coach who ran the marathon says he heard it, and you can hear it on the enhanced audio. Go to 2:05 for the coach.


"Enhanced" Lol

Let's see how quickly the Zionist hasbara outfit Snopes picks up on this 'chain email'and debunks it with a few words of the phony 'official narrative'...

Zionist hasbara outfit Snopes

[Extremely obvious agenda detected]

This is a nice compilation.

I absolutely agree,

it's so important that we record the full history if this event - future generations need to know fake disasters were presented as fact in this era, it's important for us to know now too.

The link is 404, deleted ?

Works for me. I copied the text from the link just prior to posting here, as I know that stuff is more likely to get read if you don't have to leave Reddit to do so.

Edt: Oh, I see, you mean the Before It's News link. Yep, broken. However the info about the BB perps falling to their deaths has been widely reported. I read about it at the time. Sorry, can't look for it tonight, on my way out.

Wow that's pretty messed up. It even says using real events as mass casualty setups.

And Richard Serino was hanging out at the finish line watching it all go down, yet Tsarnaev is blamed.

And what distinguishes this particular document from any other piece of emergency planning, as carried out in just about every big city?

Drill gone live.

Zero credible evidence.

The biggest smoking gun is that if it did happen, we would have had sensible laws banning pressure cookers. That alone proves the claim that there were homemade bombs to be a lie. The Republicans did this to try to make it appear that a group they don't like did something.

Ah yeah I had a friend down at the finish line that day. She's still in PT trying to regain use of her leg.

Also, she's not an actor.

Proof or you got nothing.

Link to source / news item please.


She's still in PT trying to regain use of her leg.

Sorry to hear about her leg. Did she tell you what happened to it?


look this doctor up.. whoever is putting this information out wants it to lead back to a doctor with "conspiracy" aka "KOOK" view points..

I.E. Holocaust Denier, alternative medicine cancer cures,

Toppest of keks.

I'm sorry, but that is bullshit.

Only venous blood is dark.

Arterial blood is indeed bright red.

Some "trauma surgeon"...

No it isn't. You have no clue what your talking about. Blood is never this bright. [2] [3]

Nice paint, says right in your link that that isn't blood.

You're right, I don't spend every day in an operating room elbow deep in freshly oxygenated blood...

I tend not to really trust comments which begin "I'm sorry, but" when it's clear the commenter is not sorry, but using a rhetorical device. Just state your claim, no need for artificial politeness.

It's hard for me to believe that the perpetrators didn't have the foresight to buy satisfactorily colored fake blood. I mean, if I were putting on a hoax of that magnitude, i'd make damned sure my blood game was on-point. I mean, that's like B-Horror stuff.

You see you miss the point. These people don't give a sh!t about the minor details because they know that the majority who are clueless will never question the government and those like us who are awake to all of this only ever spend all our time on this section of reddit instead of organizing a tactical strike against the real enemy.

TL;DR they know we are on to them and they are flipping the bird at us knowing we will do nothing about it

This woman also believes the Holocaust never happened, that God showed her how to cure her own cancer using natural methods that she will sell to you, and has a husband who has many fascinating ideas about what gay men do in bed.

That's a strawman argument if I've ever seen one.

Lmao, please

Previous statements actually do affect your credibility, it's good to know when your source is likely batshit crazy

But I guess you don't care about credibility when someone is affirming what you'd like to believe. Those of us who actually like to spread information, on the other hand, need to take into account how that information will be perceived if the source is looked into

Hey look, yet another person rolling out an attack instead of offering a rebuttal to the information presented. Color me fucking surprised.

No one is refuting the information being presented. I think this writeup could certainly be valid, i just don't fully trust the person who wrote it. You should never completely trust a source, that's how you end up believing nonsense. Why are you assuming that everyone is attacking you or the information? That's unhealthy behavior

What is actually being said, and what you'd recognize if you weren't chomping at the bit to be a raging contrarian, is that the credibility of the source matters

What is actually being said, and what you'd recognize if you weren't chomping at the bit to be a raging contrarian, is that the credibility of the source matters

Good point, and it is this same line of thinking that keeps people around from trusting the government, right? I mean, the government has lied in the past and done bad things in the past...so why trust what they are doing/saying now?

It is funny how when that thinking is used to discredit the govt or "shills", it's okay and fully acceptable...but when it is used to question a source on the other side of the line it's discpicable.

I'm not assuming you are attacking me. Even though you did attack my position.

when someone is affirming what you'd like to believe.

Inferring that what I'd like to believe isn't so.

It makes no difference anyway. You are attacking the presenter of the information and anyone who would listen to it.

The simple fact is, you are wrong. The notion that "credibility matters" is a poorly crafted argument that statists lean on saying basically "if it agrees with status quo thinking, it has credibility." The truth has no need for "credibility." It is self evident.

I just think it's a good idea for people to know who's being talked about. Besides, I keep seeing others accused of bias, people being called shill, etc. That's got to work both ways.

What you've said amounts to a personal attack, one that detracts from the arguments she is making without actually attacking the argument. To be fair, she states on her site "Holocaust Revisionists agree that Jews, Gypsies, some Christians, and some others were detained in German-run internment camps in European countries, including Poland and Germany, during World War II, the reason being that International Jewry had declared publicly, including in headlines of European newspapers, that if Germany went to war against England, the Jews living in Germany would sabotage the German war effort. This automatically made the Jews “enemies of the State” by any nation’s laws. However, Holocaust Revisionists do not agree that there was any German plan to exterminate Jews, nor were there any homicidal gas chambers in any concentration camps. " Do some research, they had soccer teams at Auschwitz, and an infirmary. Jews have been harassed endlessly for exposing the gas chamber lies. I don't think this is reason to reject her years of experience amputating limbs and her sound arguments. For some reason, you felt you needed to knock her credibility down. kinda lame

Right, if someone is incorrect then what need is there to attack their credibility? It's an obvious, blatant attempt to distract and derail the discussion.

International Jewry had declared publicly, including in headlines of European newspapers, that if Germany went to war against England, the Jews living in Germany would sabotage the German war effort

Interesting. Have a source for this?

Here you go, also click on the Haavara(sp) agreement.



Here's the haavara agreement. It started the ball rolling for the founding of Israel.


Non-mobile: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-Nazi_boycott_of_1933

That's why I'm here, I don't judge you. PM /u/xl0 if I'm causing any trouble. WUT?

They also had an active theatre, a brothel, a heated swimming pool (very rare for the day), a camp orchestra, a top-class kindergarten, and JEWISH block commandants that caused Jewish internees WORLDS of terrible trouble more than the Germans ever did.

That's a strawman argument if I've ever seen one.

Says the guy who consistently uses the "just look at your post history" to try and discredit people.

Holy crap the hypocrisy you just spewed out makes me sick.

Like, did you mean to post that on a different account? Because this is literally the most hypocritical thing I've ever read in this sub.

I'm sorry, but how is "look at your post history." A strawman?

I simply implore the onlooker to take a look at your regular (and I do mean very fucking regular) contrarian opinions that you feel so inclined to broadcast in this subreddit on a daily basis.

If anything I am asking the onlooker to consider the undeniable facts about your presence in a subreddit dedicated to anti-statist commentary.

You idiots don't even understand the definition of argumentative fallacy.

If anything, you could accuse me of Ad Hominem, but in reality, I've just been around the block with you morons often enough to know what motivates you. (hint: it isn't the truth)

Because you are asking people to look at our past to form an opinion on the post at hand. Exactly what you just claimed Chaim was doing.

But keep raging! Keep showing us how smart you are via anger! Its so scary! AHHHHHH!

Thats not a strawman thats an ad hominen attack

Ok, then shillyourself meant ad hom. Either way, a falkacy is a fallacy and he's calling someone out for doing exactly what he does everyday in this sub.

Strawman is different to ad hom, he called someone out for strawmanning not ad hom therefore he isn't a hypocrit

No, they were both attacking the character.

Even if they were doing different things, which they weren't, he was still pointing out a fallacy while his entire account is based on committing a fallacy.

While I understand what you are referring to, you have to remember that our last president said that god told him to smite his enemies.

Soooo..... yeah... I agree with you... everyone is fucking crazy. That's why we have to examine the merits of each argument. Even Pol Pot would be right if he said 2+2 = 4.

You get downvoted for stating facts...too bad.


Eh, it happens. Doesn't bother me at this point. I'm a big fan of facts and I think more people should know about them, so I make sure to put them up wherever I can. I'm a factevangelist.

And I see that /u/ChaimRothschild thinks that, unless you're an anti-semite, you shouldn't be worried about Israel wanting to make it an international crime to be an anti-semite.

The Dr is a quack. She claims to have a cure for Cancer: http://www.quackwatch.com/01QuackeryRelatedTopics/Cancer/day.html

Cancer can be cured naturally with hemp oil. This has happened again and again. A plant that can be grown for free doesn't bring in the billions like chemo and radiation therapy do. Go research it yourself. Here's some examples. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vZN1-_lBaxo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-hUoyXKf81c

You're just jealous because some god chose him.

To be fair cancer can be cured naturally. Susanne Somers did it.

Right, and you believe war propaganda, that the medical establishment cares about your health, that vaccines are safe and effective, that flouride protects your teeth, that NASA sent men to the moon, and that people were actually killed at Sandy Hook elementary school.

So much for your credibility.

Ah, you're the Ad Hominem approach. That's when you know you have problems arguing the statements she made.

LOL. Your puppet masters are finished!

I will never lable anyone as a nut or conspiracy theorist for questioning the government etc. However, if you believe horseshiat like this; I will lable you a gullable moron.

Why is it so unbelievable that they would recycle a crisis actor?

Real actors get recycled all the time with role changes and appearance changes.

If SH and the BB were both drills, it makes sense that some of the same people could be involved.

Nice paint, says right in your link that that isn't blood.