Corporate Media Blacks Out Coverage of Bill to Overturn Corporate Personhood

29  2015-05-06 by SovereignMan


First off, thanks for showing this article. Second, it comes as no surprise to me that the media is suppressing information about this. FEC v. Citizens United was one of the biggest victories in the history of corporations in America. This case allowed corporations to dump as much money as they wanted into campaigns, mostly liberal and conservative campaigns, because as long as people remain loyal to the Democratic and Republican parties and remain blind to the possibilities of third-party candidates, America will continue to remain in a system of division, which is constantly bolstered by tailored to viewer news programs like FOX "News", who were created to keep people in their bubble of group-think and group polarization by telling them what they want to hear, and slandering the views of the other parties, forever maintaining the power of hidden organizations of the people.