SJW's are anti-dissident tools.
2 2015-05-10 by x6r
The Government wants people subscribing to the SJW viewpoint as it pussifies them, making them useless in the event our Government becomes openly or seriously tyrannical. They're authoritarian tools, who spread pro-toleration nonsense upon people ignorantly; it affects our individual rights, mainly our freedom of speech. You can't speak out against degenerate communities or beliefs, like the absurdity of the transgender community and how they negatively influence people and our culture. The feminist and social justice warrior nonsense is supported by the media and Government so they can manipulate the young generations in order to make them useful idiots for the Government. It's simply subtle manipulation of our culture/society in order to give the Government more control and support. In the future when the young are brainwashed with the same corrupt ideology, authoritarian viewpoints will be welcomed and enforced in the name of a warped perception of justice/equality. Individual free speech will be attacked if it does not conform to their extremist ideology. Free speech is becoming distorted and corrupted openly and wholly in the name of tyranny.
Those of you who support such nonsense will not get a response out of me. I know you're incapable of objective thought; I will not waste my time on you manipulative tools, and neither will this community I hope. It's best to not reply, as any logic is disregarded by such people; I'm not saying ignore them, just avoid giving them the fodder they desire they'll use to spark useless arguments.
edit; looks like I pissed off the SJW's, isn't that a shame.
7 tamarawilhite 2015-05-10
It is more likely they are the modern day "political officers", acting like the political officers of Communist Russia pronouncing the official truth, denouncing those who didn't fall into line, and eventually sending those who didn't see that the third world hell hole was paradise to their deaths in the camps.
4 Zeus250BC 2015-05-10
Couldn't have said it better myself.
2 drunk_kronk 2015-05-10
So let me get this straight, I just want to make sure I understand the gist of your argument. People are vocal about opinions that you don't share... so they must be 'authoritarian tools' put in place to control the population and restrict free speech.
2 Dasinol 2015-05-10
Everyone knows what the smug and retarded fundies brats in the new Society of Jesus Warrior movement are.
0 BigBrownBeav 2015-05-10
Define social justice?
I've never liked that term, way too generalized and /pol/ish for me to subscribe.
To me stormfront types are just as whiny as the sjw degenerates they always bitch about. The people need unity not division.
5 SistaSabuda 2015-05-10
I can do whatever I want because I am not responsible for anything I do.
3 Dasinol 2015-05-10
[Stands up] Clap Clap Clap Clap
0 PortOfDenver 2015-05-10
Seems to me past historical figures who today would be called "SJWs" include Martin Luther King, Ralph Nader & Gandhi. Mark Twain was a member of the Anti-Imperialist League. Anyone opposed to slavery? SJW.
"SJW" is a re-packaging of the term "Political Correctness" which was basically the same epithet. Jesus Christ would have been considered a massive SJW. Even if the story was fiction, the alleged reason he was crucified was for being an SJW.
3 x6r 2015-05-10
You've got to be kidding me.
-1 PortOfDenver 2015-05-10
Martin Luther King virtually invented the phrase "social justice" and modeled himself on Gandhi. The phrase "social justice" is commonly associated with Nader as a Google search shows.
I guess you've got nothing.
7 x6r 2015-05-10
The phrase doesn't mean shit now, those times were obviously different. The word SJW is now associated with people who are manipulative, spiteful, and who generally have an authoritative viewpoint.
Your comment contained no real logic in it, it's entirely unrelated really.
-6 PortOfDenver 2015-05-10
According to you. And according to those who intend to smear the phrase and its origins and any type of protest that isn't Tea Party/gun protest. Notice you never hear pro-gun protesters called "SJWs". Aren't they also protesting for justice? "SJW" is intended to be a smear against one part of the political spectrum. Otherwise, why not just use the word "authoritarian" which covers members of the entire political spectrum?
7 x6r 2015-05-10
SJW's are a group of people who are against individual rights. They want everybody to conform to their agenda.
-2 20150431 2015-05-10
But you want everyone to conform to your agenda. Can you not see the hypocrisy?
-3 PortOfDenver 2015-05-10
That's not the definition of "social justice" except according to people who want "social justice" to be associated differently than the actual meaning of the phrase. Ironically, you want everybody to conform to your re-definition of the phrase.
4 x6r 2015-05-10
I'm not going to argue over a word, that word is just used by me to describe a group of people who are well known by many people on social media websites. It's that simple really.
I want everyone to conform in a manner that protects individual freedoms, which is why I'm against the SJWs and any group that has the potential or ability to harm people's rights.
-4 PortOfDenver 2015-05-10
I'm against any group that is harming individual rights, and people who fight for social justice are not those people.
But people who own private prisons want you to think that anyone who protests shitty conditions in their private prisons is an "SJW" forcing their values on their individual ownership.
People who own private corporations like Duke Energy or Massey Mining who dump toxic garbage into rivers or are defiant against "forced safety regulations at the point of a government gun" want you to think that their victims are "whiny SJWs".
Fracking companies insist their individual rights are being violated by "SJWs" when Pennsylvanians can test their drinking water and find fracking chemicals in it.
I'm against anyone harming individual rights AND people who claim their rights are being violated by anyone fighting for social justice.
3 s70n3834r 2015-05-10
You left out Barry Soetero.
0 Dasinol 2015-05-10
Jesus was executed for being evil. Gandhi maintained the caste system.
And MLK was both.
-1 20150431 2015-05-10
Wow, that is some serious hate. How has the transgender community affected you in anyway? I don't hang out with transgenders but they have the same freedoms as everyone else. If you don't like them, tough shit. They have every right to live their lives as they see fit without being harassed. Your last paragraph shows what you are. A close minded bigot. But that is your right. You can start your own sub if you wish to hate on everyone not like you.
2 Dasinol 2015-05-10
And ponysexuals too!
2 20150431 2015-05-10
Yea they have their rights, also. Put ponies shouldn't be fucked. It must be consensual.
1 [deleted] 2015-05-10
2 20150431 2015-05-10
You are acting like a SJW. People who can't compromise are the problem. People who can't empathize with others are the problem. Sociopathic thinking is what is destroying the world and will be the downfall of civilization. You are playing right into their hands. It's not the sociopaths in power it's the people not like me!
Us moderates are sick of extremists fighting over bullshit while transnational corporations rape civilization and the planet.
2 Dasinol 2015-05-10
And ponysexuals! All night long from what I've heard.
4 x6r 2015-05-10
I'm not going to argue over a word, that word is just used by me to describe a group of people who are well known by many people on social media websites. It's that simple really.
I want everyone to conform in a manner that protects individual freedoms, which is why I'm against the SJWs and any group that has the potential or ability to harm people's rights.
-4 PortOfDenver 2015-05-10
I'm against any group that is harming individual rights, and people who fight for social justice are not those people.
But people who own private prisons want you to think that anyone who protests shitty conditions in their private prisons is an "SJW" forcing their values on their individual ownership.
People who own private corporations like Duke Energy or Massey Mining who dump toxic garbage into rivers or are defiant against "forced safety regulations at the point of a government gun" want you to think that their victims are "whiny SJWs".
Fracking companies insist their individual rights are being violated by "SJWs" when Pennsylvanians can test their drinking water and find fracking chemicals in it.
I'm against anyone harming individual rights AND people who claim their rights are being violated by anyone fighting for social justice.