How do you guys deal with the ridicule?

15  2015-05-11 by [deleted]

I've recently been "woken up" to the truth of the worldwide power structure and it has made me kind of depressed. I tried telling some friends but as expected all they could do was laugh at dumb jokes about tin foil hats. I talked to my parents and now they think I have mental issues.

Everything's just so hopeless. Fuck.

Is there even anything I could do? I've thought about getting into politics for myself (obviously I would never say a word about conspiracy). Or maybe I could learn how to hack and support a WikiLeaks type cause (but that would probably get my ass sent to Guantanamo bay).

How do you guys deal with everyone thinking you're an idiot despite the fact that you are reading books on government while they are laughing at memes of cats and listening to hip hop music that encourages behavior that lands people in jail?

Yesterday someone told me libertarianism is "an extreme ideology". Are you serious?! Sometimes I wonder whether the globalists are right... that the people are stupid and undeserving.


I'm very careful about who I share my views with in real life. For example, I only talk about these issues with a select group of friends at work and will only toss around these ideas with people after testing the waters with them and gauging them for critical thinking skills. That's how I avoid ridicule, anyway. You will eventually find a select few people to talk to about this stuff - everyone is weary about being ridiculed, so I'm sure there are a lot of people out there who are still "in the closet". It just takes time finding them. Hang in there.

Inform yourself.

And know that it's not always necessary to convince someone. Sometimes it's enough just to make them question what they've been told, and let them come to the truth on their own. I have a dear friend that threatened to cut off our friendship if I mentioned 9/11 one more time. It took about seven years, but now he realizes we were lied to.

And just accept that some folks will never get it. They've been conditioned to believe that tv is a god-box, and it hurts their head to think they've been fooled. They literally can't handle the truth.

I always cite my claims from sources that the average person trusts; The Guardian, BBC, Firstlook, NPR, NSA archives, etc. Almost every "conspiracy" topic that I talk about can be directly sourced from "mainstream" outlets. If you can't find it, you either aren't looking hard enough, or perhaps your theory is garbage. There is the issue that some things simply aren't covered by mainstream outlets, and for that, I'd suggest complementing your theory with trustworthy sources and make sure everything is logically sound and reasonable.

If you approach the issue in this manner, you will almost never be called a tinfoiler, or any other version of that.

Not everything is front page headlines. You have to actually read multiple newspapers in their entirety. I suggest reading books as well. Books are full of shitloads of sources. This is not a lazy man's gig.

I agree.
I'm wasn't even really saying anything too ridiculous, just expressing the view that there are people more powerful than Obama.
Do you have a good book to recommend? Keep in mind I'm just a "beginner".

Start with Bernays.

I just ordered Propaganda by Edward Bernays.
Thank you! This sounds like exactly the type of book I was looking for.

yeah check out the documentary "Century of the Self" as well its all about Edward Bernays and was a total eye opener to me about how our whole structure of society is based on Edward Bernays propaganda that played a big part in manipulating the minds of Americans into creating the society we have today. Scary creepy...

As JCP just stated, a good author to start with is Edward Bernays. You'll have to look up his history and what he did to get a feel for why his books are so profound. Noam Chomsky has a lot of good material as well. Christopher Hitchens has a great book on Kissenger.

If all your are saying is that "there are people more powerful than Obama" you won't meet many people who will disagree with you. I think you are probably understating your views.

My views go farther than that.
But I knew I couldn't just dump a whole lot of information on "normal people".

I did bring up the Rockefeller and Rothschild families as specific examples of people more powerful than Obama, but believe it or not people did not respond well even to this modest amount of truth. The people I spoke to seemed to believe Obama was totally sovereign over himself and legitimately the most powerful man in the world.

As you see glimpses of awakening in people nudge them towards things you have read. Do not throw out 9/11, Sandy Hook, or Boston Marathon stuff at them, especially at once. You will seems nuts. That is too much to take.

Talk about accepted truths like NSA spying.

I still do not believe every so called conspiracy out there. I mean some of it is hard to take. You didn't believe it all at first. It takes time for your eyes to open.

Know who you are talking to. My husband has a hard time accepting Republican lies but i can tell him anything about a Democrat and he believes it. I feel like the more I expose him to the truth the more likely he will see the lies.

It's best to only ask people questions. Don't tell them what to believe - a lot of them already know the truth deep down and have to cover it with ridicule and anti-depressants.

There are some good posts here in the history of this sub-reddit too that deal with this. You will find like minded people. Only a minority of Americans believe the conspiracy theory that al Qaeda alone did 9/11.

The second someone ridicules you, have them know they're proving your point.

Alinsky's fifth rule, in Rules for Radicals, states:

“Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.” There is no defense. It’s irrational. It’s infuriating. It also works as a key pressure point to force the enemy into concessions.

It's all about your approach. Don't ever just come right out with a stranger and tell them about crisis actors, you'll scare them away and likely be ridiculed because of their defense mechanism.

Just drop little tidbits and trigger words which will leave them wanting more information on what you know.

You have to sell yourself, and convince the target that you are someone who is credible, trustworthy, and respected. Once you have sold yourself to them, THEN you start testing the waters with them to find their comfort zone.

If you see them getting distressed about what your talking about, turn it down a notch, go back to selling yourself, repeat as necessary.

It is definitely a challenge at when you first wake up as you want to tell everyone everything you have learned, but as you practice you become much better at analyzing your target and knowing whether you can make a positive impact on them.

I too got mocked at first, but the more confident you become in your own beliefs, the less anyone will mock you. Practice makes perfect, don't get discouraged if others don't immediately listen to what your saying, your planting seeds.

Welcome to the fight. We're waking more and more people up every day so don't lose hope.

"You have to understand that most of these people are not ready to be unplugged and many are so hopelessly dependent on the system, they will fight to protect it" Morphus - the matrix.

They fight to protect it because they have aligned their whole identity around a belief system that is a complete lie. The more you look into this lie, the deeper it goes and most people will not accept a change in their belief system because it messes with their equilibrium in society. If they become unbalanced it threatens their sanity.

The best you can do is to let them come to the truth themselves. Someone said that if you want to challenge someone's beliefs do as question in a response to an inquiry and focus on one small topic and leave it at that. If its too big the mind will reject it our right. But if you focus on a small point that person will think about it and try to find out for themselves what is going on, that's they only way people can accept new information is if they discover it for themselves for the most part.

Like if someone is ridiculing what someone said about 9/11 being flase. You could say "hmm thats interesting, but what about building 7?" If they ask about it, you could mention that the building collapsed but it wasnt even near the towers, and that it just seems strange that it collapsed like that when nothing really damaged it.

Wow, I just choked a little at the libertarianism as an extreme ideology line. Back in my hazy days of undergrad, that was the label of any guy who was raised republican but wanted to show he could be cool and do drugs too, and watch porn.

I just don't talk about politics/religion/sex anymore. Upholding the trifecta of what NOT to talk about in polite conversation. If anyone does start talking about those things, I just make fun of them first then try to change the subject.

The worse is when people know you like conspiracies and start trying to egg you into talking about conspiracies. I just change the subject. Though I do have some family friends who want me to change my opinion on a topic and bring it up all the time.

It's a lonely road, and there are different points you reach on the journey. I am not proud of my phase were I believed everything. ("We got be worried about the Amero you guys!!")

Simple, just don't feed the trolls.

Or maybe I could learn how to hack and support a WikiLeaks type

fyi wikileaks was a limited hangout

If they were a limited hangout why would the banks blacklist them? I'm not saying you're wrong, just curious.

Firstly, no true whistleblower will ever get heavy mass media coverage for months on end. That's not how it works. People who truly expose the government are either defamed by the media or silently murdered.

Although 9/11 is the biggest false flag operation in the US to date, Assange was rather annoyed and stated: "I'm constantly annoyed that people are distracted by false conspiracies such as 9/11, when all around we provide evidence of real conspiracies, for war or mass financial fraud." No true whistleblower would deny the false flag that was 9/11.

Read this to understand how to identify a limited hangout. This bit is also interesting:

As for Assange and Wikileaks, the autumn 2010 document dump was farmed out in advance to five of the most prestigious press organs in the world, including the New York Times, the London Guardian, El Pais of Madrid, Der Spiegel of Hamburg, and Le Monde of Paris. This was the Assange media cartel, made up of papers previously specialized in discrediting 9/11 critics and doubters

What I'm saying is that no true opponent of the government will get heavy coverage (unless they're controlled opposition like Alex Jones) because they're credibility would be destroyed long ago.

Thank you for that Assange info.
Sorry to ask another question but you think Alex Jones is controlled opposition? Why do you think this and do you have evidence?

Alex Jones' is controlled opposition for two simple reasons: 1) to make conspiracy theorists look batshit insane and 2) to spread disinformation and confusion.

My first point: According to NY Magazine he's America's "leading conspiracy theorist". So it is pretty obvious that he's supposed to represent conspiracy theorists and people who seek alternative news. What does he do? He constantly goes on insane rants (as highlighted in the first link) and acts in an overly dramatic and absolutely ludicrous way. This puts people off- "if Alex Jones is a conspiracy theorist then whoever else is a conspiracy theorist must be as crazy as him!". It stigmatizes seeking alternative news to the point people think being a conspiracy theorist is laughable, something reserved for "crazy tinfoil hats".

Regarding my second point, this is very simple. He will make one or two statements that might be true but mixes this with a myriad of lies- this is to spread disinformation and muddy the waters. Not only does this spread confusion and rumors, it causes people not to read up on alternative news at all and trust the mass media that seems much more credible than anyone who makes bullshit predictions out of thin air.

Also, isn't it a bit suspicious that he hired Molly Maroney as the managing editor of his website Infowars? She was a former intern of Stratfor, a private intelligence agency based in Austin, Texas, which has been linked to the CIA and Mossad.

And lastly, no true government opponent will be provided with the same platform Alex Jone has. He's been magically allowed to sprout his "conspiracy theories" for years- why? Why is he allowed to do this? Bottom line is if you're a real threat then you'll be defamed, locked up or killed.

If you're interested you can see what Bill Cooper has to say about Jones.

It's probably for the best that you don't talk about conspiracies with other people outside the internet. For the very reasons you cited.

Don't try to hack anything.

My advice, if you want change, get a college education, and get into politics.

It's alright. The first phase hits you like a ton of bricks. It makes you want to share this info with everyone you know. Then you realize no one really cares. You'll continue informing for awhile until you come to the conclusion that most people give zero fucks. When this happens you can do two things. Give up and become depressed, or you can focus on your life, continue to inform yourself, study, eat healthy, boycott huge companies (nestle, monsanto, etc), garden, etc. You'll know when to talk about things with people and you'll know quickly if it's futile or not. Make your life better, this in itself is making a difference and sticking it to the man. Don't give up.

Carry the fire.

I don't even talk to my wife about this shit.

You can give it as good as you get it right? Learn to play the game. Make them look like the mind numbed sheep they are.