People aren't equal. I said it.

58  2015-05-13 by [deleted]

We aren't equal. Men and women are not the same. We can continue to pretend that the next step in our evolution is to "realize we are all the same", but that is a misconception. It doesn't work that way. First we must become the same. Then realizing it is ez pz.

Men and women are better at different things. Men are better at large muscle group movements, deductive reasoning, computation, etc. Women are better at small muscle group movements, emotional comprehension, socialization, etc. Black people are obviously more athletic that Japanese people(or taller, however you want to word it).

Celebrate our differences. Be tolerant. But don't tell me I'm the same(black male) as an Eskimo woman. If you need someone who's good in the cold you get an Eskimo. I do well in the sun. We have strengths and weaknesses. That's not to say I can't make an igloo, or she can't run a 100m dash, but on average certain races/sexes have certain advantages/disadvantages.

Don't misconstrue this to be hate. We are more alike than different, but if we all keep trying to fit into one pigeon hole, I think we're selling ourselves, and our ability to celebrate our differences and strengths short.


There is a real Us and Them. But it's not really about race/sex or any of those distinctions. Those are distractions to keep you from realizing your true opponent. They are actively assaulting you and your family right now.

Who doesn't get a reasonable prison sentence when they are found to abuse children?

Who gets bailed out?

Who are the people negotiating the TPP in secret to sell out their nations to an international tribunal acting in the interests of large corporations?

Who prints money out of thin air and loans it out, making interest that can never be paid back so that countries become under their control?

Who goes to war against any nation who tries to not participate in that monetary system?

That is the Them.

Jewish elites.

there, i said it.

Jamie Dimon isn't jewish. The Rockefellers aren't jewish.

If anybody was wondering why all the anti Jewish stuff has been dominating this sub I think here is part of your reason. Jews make great scapegoats who can defend themselves by crying Nazi. By making us think Judaism and Jews run this whole thing, we miss the truth by a hair. You don't have to be Jewish to be Zionist. Jewish elite do not believe in Judaism. It's a power structure. Nothing more.

Your original statements are hilariously anachronistic and just outright wrong. If you believe that men are better at deduction and women better at "emotional comprehension", you are completely sexist with no experience with men, women, logic, or emotions. If you believe that "black people" (not a race) are more athletic than Japanese citizens and that this is the same meaning as "taller", you are racist without any concept of humanity not derived from a Victorian textbook.

(black male)

Again with this. It doesn't matter what you claim to be, you are a racist.

You close-minded bigots need to grow up, not flesh out some ridiculous, old school pseudoscience with no basis in reality. This is an unbelievably embarrassing thing to have to witness here.

Whine more, little piggy

Let's count the buzzwords: Sexist Racist Bigots Pseudoscience

All of that bullshit and no substance whatsoever. No argument, just slander.

Men have evolved to be better than women physically and women have evolved to be better emotionally.

If you can't observe these obvious differences between races/sexes after all the years your stupid ass has been on this planet...

Or perhaps you prefer a narrative instead of hard truths?

None of these are arguments and I have provided no slander. You must mature and learn to use your mind as opposed to simply asserting an idea without basis and sticking to your guns as though you had no capability of reason.

None of the things you say have any basis in reality or merit at all to be considered.

More filler, no substance again. Keep it up :)

More filler, no substance again. Keep it up :)

The "All men are created equal" thing in the Constitution means "equal before the law" . It means that the King (or rich people) has to follow the law just as much as a commoner.

That totally happens


and yesterday I saw a unicorn fly over a rainbow.


We should promote equality of opportunity not equality of outcome.

How do you measure and, if necessary, correct opportunity imbalance?

That's a large open-ended question. I said it as a general statement because I disagree with more left-wing approaches to problems where wealth is redistributed from those who have more to those who have less because of some ideological belief that we need to level the playing-field. If there are legal mechanisms in place to prevent discrimination based on race, sex, etc... then people can succeed and build a life for themselves based on their own merits.

That's what I thought, you're just phrase dropping. You said nothing. You just restated the Equal Opportunity Employer clause.

An employer want the most meritorious candidate if they're any good at business. You may come to find out that merit based schemes are naturally discriminatory.

Can you explain what you mean - give an example of a merit -based scheme that is naturally discriminatory

The NFL and the NBA.

There are going to be areas of life where yes some people will just be more qualified - e.g. tall athletic people in basketball. Do people really want to watch someone who is not very qualified play in the NBA but who was hired just because there aren't enough short clumsy slow people? But the latter person should not be prohibited from trying out for a basketball team.

There are going to be areas of life where yes some people will just be more qualified

So you justify the lack of an equal employment scheme in the NBA because it doesn't discriminate against blacks but allows them to flourish in an environment in which they are naturally better suited to do so.

The opportunity for the white players is the same, you claim, because they have the right to try out. There is literally no job, that anyone cannot apply for. Thus equality of opportunity is not equality for the opportunity of all. It is then, a handicapping scheme to elevate the less qualified into positions for which they are naturally less effective at rising above the competition. That is discrimination against merit.

I don't think that's what people generally mean when they talk about equality.

I interpret it as "everyone is of equal value." To clarify, by "value" I'm not referring to anything monetary or even tangible; rather, you are no more important of a person, your life doesn't matter any more or less, than the one next to you. Or the one across the globe. Or the one who is elderly, infirm, sick, lame, mentally challenged, or whathaveyou. Or even the one on death row, for that matter. In my opinion.


We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

Pretty much, yeah.

Unfortunately, in many ways, America doesn't seem to be doing an amazing job living up to this notion. It doesn't help any that the Constitution and its Amendments only extend rights to American citizens - completely abandoning the statement in the Declaration that such rights belong to "all men" (all people, not just penis-bearers) and are given by the "Creator" (or by nature, if you're not religiously inclined) and not by any state, government, or piece of paper. Not just Americans, and not just because the government said so.

You kind of missed the whole philosophy behind those words. They set the idea in stone (yes, I know it's on paper) and once the idea is out of the jar you cannot put it back in. So, it's not just a piece of paper, it's solidifying an idea for the world. Also, men does not mean just males, it means all people. Kind of like if your in a group of males and females, then say "hey, you guys wanna get some taco bell?". It was a different time back then and I believe that is what they really meant. As for the Creator, that's the beauty of how they said it. Your Creator could be anything, doesn't really matter. If your Atheist, then your Creator is nature/evolution/etc etc. That's the point. No matter what, all have these rights.

You pretty much just said the same thing I said only with more words, so I'm not sure if you're trying to clarify or trying to argue something we agree on.

Regardless, the Ferengi just boarded the Enterprise so I kinda wanna stop internetting and start paying attention to what Captain Picard is doing.

Have a nice day.

Must of misread your comment, my bad. I was listening to something else while typing, Carry on!

Men and women are different. REGIONALLY people from the same country are different, the races are different, IQ levels, culture, Impulse control The list goes on. For example FBI statistics have published that Africans are 14% of the population, yet commit more then 60% of the crimes. And then the moronic statement usually occurs:

"B-b-b-but it's because they are opressed and forced to commit these crimes!! lalalala i can't hear you!!"

So it's suggested with EBT & social security, affirmative action and more. These people are considered "opressed" individuals? And despite of this, it's why these peoples are occupying most of the american penitentiaries? No, the simple answer is clear. For their 14% of the american population they commit a an absolutely ridiculous and astonishing crime rate of which is over 60 percent.

We do not only see this in America but in Europe as well where the jewish promoted idea of multiculturalism roughly, a social experiment, which never has been proven to work has caused an extreme amount of crime in those countries of europe effected most notably Sweden which formerly had no issue with crime or so called "rape epidemics". These immigrants are responsible for most of the rape, smuggling, and overall crimes as well as social security fruad and usage of the latter. And not only that since the birth rates in europe are uncomparable to people of the thirld world one will see genocide and displacement of native population in Europe, collectively genocided to be replaced by non whites.

The governments who encouraged mass immigration into White nations are in severe breach of UN Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide 1948. Article II: In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such: (a) Killing members of the group; (b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; (c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part; (d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group; (e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group. Article III: The following acts shall be punishable: (a) Genocide; (b) Conspiracy to commit genocide; (c) Direct and public incitement to commit genocide; (d) Attempt to commit genocide; (e) Complicity in genocide. Article IV: Persons committing genocide or any of the other acts enumerated in article III shall be punished, whether they are constitutionally responsible rulers, public officials or private individuals.

None of this is true at any level.

Wow...I don't think that was what OP had in mind.

"Wow" you just couldn't help yourself to make an intelligent reply.

Your rant is entirely irrational.

Suck it up schlomo.

You actually think that shitpost deserves a serious response? It's scary to think there are people out there like yourself who can be so deluded to think their racism is justified. OP brought up something that could be constructive and you started talking about genocide...we don't need more racists here giving us a bad reputation. Fuck off.

It's scary to think there are people out there like yourself who can be so deluded to think their racism is justified

Indeed it is scary we have absolute morons like you to support mass importation uneducated, uncivilized people into our countries en-masse, and then wonder "what's wrong, why is there crime and rape epidemics, why is my tax getting higher" and come to the conclusion yet again that "racists"(people in your own country) are the problem, and not the thirld worlders and their criminal behavior you supported into your country.

"we don't need more"

Exactly, we don't need more of humanity's trash like yourself with brains devoid of any critical thinking.


Yes I am. Now how is what I wrote incorrect.

Why do people get so bent out of shape and irrational about race? It is 100% true that if you hear of a liquor store being robbed, it was more than likely a black man. Similarly, your local serial killer is more likely to be a white man. Of course, more liquor stores get robbed than serial killings, but if we stop being so politically correct about everything, we might actually learn why these stereotypes exist. White people, black people, Asian people ... Why is it so wrong to question if each race is psychologically "wired" a bit differently.

For the record, I won't hate someone because they are black, but I also would never live in a "black community".

Why do people get so bent out of shape and irrational about race?

The lies are rooted too deep it's becomes one with reality, when irrational people accept a lie and let it exist for too long it becomes emotionally rooted in the person. The immidiate reaction is usually an emotional response, self deprival of logic and refusal to accept or even discuss any breach of what they deem as reality, in spite of any concrete evidence e.g statistics. Neoliberals among other emotional people usually have this trait, hence they need special rules and discussions and forums only with people who agree with them explicitly to prevent their reality ridden ideas from being shattered by truth.

Like my original I have no fucking clue how to respond. You're literally the spawn of Satan.


I'm sorry the women before me fought so hard for our "rights" but I don't appreciate it at all. I'm not sure why women needed to vote if they weren't the ones paying the taxes. I would kill to live in a society where women were expected to tend the home and the children and men were expected to bring home the bacon. Giving women the "choice" to work ultimately just gave us more responsibility. Now I work full time and I am still expected to maintain the house and the kids. Sure, I still have the choice to stay home but it's not really socially acceptable anymore and you're going to get called lazy, gold digger, etc. plus society is set up that unless you have one really high paying job, you need two incomes to live comfortably. Seems to me "women's right to work" turned into double the workers for half the price, a lot of divorced and broken homes, a lot of fat people who don't have time to cook real food, and a lot of kids who dont get the parental support those of other generations had.

I believe in equal rights for all, despite our inequalities. I also believe there is more variance between members of the same race than there is between races.

I believe in equal rights for all, despite our inequalities.

Hear, hear.

I also believe there is more variance between members of the same race than there is between races.

This is a statement that gets bandied around a lot. It's a true statement and it sounds profound, but it is a classic example of "weasel words", because the the purpose of the statement is to conceal another truth, that some ethnic groups are (on average) measurably more intelligent than others.

Assume we select two groups of 100 people from a busy shopping street - completely randomly. The age variance in each group is likely to be quite high, perhaps from 16-86 (say) in one group and 17-77 in the other, for a difference of 70 and 60 years respectively. However, when you take the average age in each group and compare them, you will INEVITABLY get two quite similar figures. In fact it is unlikely that the two averages would be out by more than 5 years.

In other words, if you compare variation in one group with averages of variation between groups the second figure will inevitably be smaller. Therefore, it is not a meaningful statement.

"All men are created equal in the eyes of their creator." The forefathers were saying that no man (or woman) is Royal by blood. But some people are smarter, faster, brighter, better looking, taller, talented...

Everyone gets a trophy. Didn't you get the memo? Its equality or the lie of it to keep us under control. Why compare yourself to average citizens.

Try and compare yourself to someone wealthy. List commonalities you have with someone like bill gates.

I agree. Forget the whole notion of freedom based on equality. Embrace the notion of freedom based on diversity!

Mutual respect should founded upon differences, not similarities. I call this differeverence.

Every person I meet has my default respect for them as a person, it is then up to them to gain more respect, or loose it.

i think you misunderstand everything

"we're all the same" in the sense we are all one interlinked organism developing in many individual forms (like fingers on 1 hand, we're humans growing out of 1 earth).

We are different, everybody knows we are different, but people/media equate calling out this difference to racism. This is obviously ignoring the real problem which is, how do we give equal rights and respect to all people regardless of their race?

Great post.

There is a man inside a woman but it has been repressed. She is hyper sexualized. There is a women in a man but explained as weakness. we are god. This is the true sleep spell. There is fear. And there is Love. LOVE is the answer.

Best post I've seen in a while, and it's the truth.

Its interesting. If you look up the definition of racist its the belief that different races have different attributes. Now, as to how in the fuck anyone can look at the Masai and Innuits and not see that they most definitely have different attributes is beyond me. Masai are clearly adapted to a hot dry climate, Eskimos to a cold one.

But it doesn't make sense to talk of one group being superior to the other. An Eskimo with a Masai body type in Alaska would be inferior, just as a Masai with an Eskimo body type in Africa would be - its all a matter of context.

What? No, racism is discrimination or prejudgment based on race. That's the definition. That's what it means.


Racism doesn't always entail beliefs about superiority/inferiority. It is simply the view that different races have attributes inherent to that race.

No, it's what I said. Thanks for backing it up with citations.

You make some great points, so i want your opinion on something.

The black community in America is particularly sensitive about racial issues currently (and for as long as i remember).

I am a white Canadian, with no known history or interest in the history of owning slaves, or any of the other things white people can be condemned for historically. I've been on this earth less than 30 years, and don't believe I have a racist bone in my body.

Having said all of this, what do you think of the notion that white men have no claim to this argument at all? "White pride" is something that's literally tied to nothing but negative stigma. You can be proud of being gay and white, but not proud of being straight and white, cause you're "just white."

Why is it that people don't refer to Caucasians as a "visible minority" when they are in "non-white" parts of the city, country, world, whatever? It's funny because in a city like Montreal or Toronto, it's very easy as a white person to feel prejudice towards you in certain situations and parts of town.

I'm not saying it's wrong for anyone to be proud of their culture, but the world definitely has a problem with white people being openly proud about their accomplishments. A few examples: the telephone, the sport of basketball, the internet i'm typing on...

White people have done wrong, all people have done wrong. But something I notice more and more every day, at least in the part of the world I am from, is that my history and story is deemed as the least valuable of all because I'm not a member of a "minority" (which is like 170 different groups none of which are me).

Black, white, red pride means nothing in the face of the devaluation and destruction of our collective and individual ancestry... Let's just start with Adam (pbuh) and work our way down on our own and together :)

1- Valuing your ancenstry should be fucking normal 2- History of your ancenstry should be available

A healthy, supportive and balanced relationship does and should exist between both.

Unfortunately, the white-washing, euro-centric, winner-takes-all game we play with history really takes its toll on these two for some 'minorities.' Would you be surprised if 'White Pride' seemed almost dangerous if not distasteful to those groups? But that's an offshoot of the problem, one too many people trip on or miss entirely. The root of this problem is that race is unreal. It doesn't exist so it poses no real threat, although what we do in response is very real. How could we defend ourselves? We attack it through the defense of what is true, whether on our own or of another's, by means of support for and exploration of it.

I too believe our race is the human race.

Sometimes it seems like we are realizing, as a society, a bunch of things that are absurdly obvious to a six year old.

Gender and Ethnicity are social constructs.

How so? There are certain physical differences which are incontrovertible...

Neither gender nor ethnicity are defined purely by physical characteristics. The wikipedia pages for both are a good starting point for understand what's involved in each.

Which one of those physiological differences accounts for what you perceive as an increased capacity for emotionality in females?

Edit: sorry you're not the op- I'm not trying to say "men and women are the same" I'm trying to say "the supposed differences between man/woman white/brown are not rooted in biology, but are largely social constructs" Mostly nurture, not nature.

There's literally no way you'd know that. I'm glad you have an opinion on the matter though, but unless you can explain... Did women end up being nurturers and gatherers centuries upon centuries ago because they were weaker? Or are they weaker because they have never been expected to do those things?

There is likely a causal relationship between the roles of early humans and the strength/size average of todays humans, but I don't think you have the ability to tell anyone which way the causal relationship goes.

Just fyi, that is social Marxist theory most generally espoused by the social justice warriors. Don't expect a rational explanation if you even get one.

Hey guess've replaced "conspiracy theorist" with "social justice warrior" and engaged in the exact behavior you've (at least internally) bemoaned when applied to you.

Your SRS brigade doesn't make you right and you still haven't explained how gender and race are social constructs. Nice try tho :)

Yes I feel you've been much more successful at adding to the dialogue here. Congratulations.

You still haven't explained it...

That's racist!

Even though it's true...

Scientifically, there is no such thing as race. There isn't any subset of genotypes that are unique to any one group of people. Race is not and cannot be scientifically defined. Race is a political rallying cry to gain sway with the masses.

then why can race be determined from skeletons and dna?

Produce any scientific document defining the "races". You can't do it. there's a lot more but you can google for yourself. i never said one is better than the other but you can tell where they came from, that's all.

Disinfo alert!

That's nonsense that they sell you in first year anthropology classes - and it isn't true. Race has been identifiable from DNA since the human genome project.

What about the increased prevalence of sickle cell anemia among Ashkenazi Jews and black people of west African descent?

And medicines which work for one race, but won't work or could make things worse, for another.

This doesn't happen. I mean, wow, what a fantastical suggestion not based in reality.

You are painfully ignorant.

Men are better at large muscle group movements, deductive reasoning, computation, etc. Women are better at small muscle group movements, emotional comprehension, socialization, etc. Black people are obviously more athletic that Japanese people(or taller, however you want to word it).

This is ridiculous and obviously inaccurate to anyone with any real experience in the world. You sound like someone from a century ago.

EDIT: This has not been organically downvoted by anyone with brains.

Your comment is ridiculous and obviously inaccurate to anyone with any real experience in the world. You sound like someone under the age of 18.

Uh, no, not at all. This is ludicrous and you racist, sexist, completely uneducated and inexperienced, immature and ungrown children are reprehensible reprobates for speaking in this way. You absolutely must grow up and join the 21st century.

stupid fucking comment. low brow, intellect vacuum of a comment.

reprobates for speaking in this way

vomit inducing series of words.

That's what they always fall back to. They have no arguments.

No, not at all. Your diction is literally incorrect. You really need to stop with this disgusting, subhuman, completely unthinking behaviour. You currently demonstrate some of the genetic differences present in the human population.

literally incorrect


Wow...I don't think that was what OP had in mind.


Produce any scientific document defining the "races". You can't do it.

None of this is true at any level.

The NFL and the NBA.

and yesterday I saw a unicorn fly over a rainbow.
