The real reason behind why the pro-vaccine crowd is so militant and loud

11  2015-05-18 by [deleted]

I believe the underlying motivation for the majority of the "pro-vaccine" people, and especially those who wish to force people into getting all vaccines at the US version of a vaccine schedule, is not what it seems. I've personally witnessed quite a few openly pro-vaccine coworkers go to work with the flu, which is extremely inconsiderate and a way that you can legally kill somebody. The flu kills many thousands each year and going to work spreading your illness is not helping anybody.

They are so selfish that they will risk the lives of others because they don't want to miss a few days of work. So, Reddit, I have to ask, what is the real reason that most people are so against any form of suspicion of vaccines? It's clearly not because they actually care about the lives of others. It must be some kind of sick control fetish they have. They just want everyone to fall in line as they have.

There also seems to be a quasi-religious aspect to it as well- authority worship. You just gotta have faith in the pharmaceutical corporations that they will, to the best of their ability, create vaccines and perform scientific studies with the public's best interests in mind. If it has the "science stamp of approval," it is objectively correct and no grey areas exist, just as followers of religions blindly follow what their priest claims. The scientists are the priests, the corporations are churches, and the vaccines are the blood and body of Christ, now take your offering!


I also want to mention that this post recieved 4 downvotes in 4 minutes. I must have posted at the exact time when 4 of the creepy skeptics who hang out in the new queue just so happened to be present. This post won't reach very many people, so anyone who has read this argument, spread it around. We need to call out these hypocrites and show them how sick and demented they are.

I can't tell you how quickly I am classified as an anti-vaxxer for attempting to make these very same points.

You might have missed the post this morning (I bookmarked it). It followed right in line with your thoughts here.

A totalitarian society has totalitarian science

The best way to deal with militant vaxxers:

  1. remind them that medicating is always risky. medicating children who are not sick is more risky.

  2. remind them that, just as anti-bacteria breeds super-bacteria, vaccines do also breed "super viruses".

  3. remind them that vaccines are for stray dogs, and that we live in the 21st century. stem-cell based viral cures are known to exist.

why aren't stem-cell based viral cures available to the general public? (follow the money)

What's crazy to me is that the same people who are rabidly pro vaccine and say if you don't vaccinate your kids you're putting their kids at risk of dying of horrible diseases, have absolutely nothing to say about the millions of illegals crossing the border with highly contagious diseases that have no vaccines. Drug resistant TB has no vaccine, and is carried by many illegal border crossers. Where's the outrage? If these people were really so concerned about public health, wouldn't they demand we stop the flow of illegals who are carrying so many diseases? But they don't care about that, because they are hypocrites.

The pro-vaxx crowd on the Internet are made up of 99% paid and trained posters, they are not posting their own thoughts. By being aggressive they hope to intimidate the opposition and make it less enjoyable to debate.

Every one want to belong to the biggest gang.

Many of those who are no so rabidly pro vaccine, were just a few years ago equally rabid on the other side. When they thought that was the direction the wind was blowing.

I wouldn't go to work with the flu as a courtesy and comfort, not because I thought i'd be able to kill people with it.

The death rate according to the CDC is 1.2 / 100,000 - (0.000012%) - I'm not going to start carving my gravestone when a sick person comes to work.

Shitty math. 1 out of 100,000 = .001 percent, which is actually higher than many other diseases that are vaccinated against. My main point still stands as well- these people engage in all kinds of dangerous activity that puts others at risk, but when you talk about vaccines, suddenly they have the public's best interests in mind.

.001 = 1/1,000.

Just use a calculator lol. Don't trust your tired self.

I'll go slow.

1 out of 100 is 1 percent. 1 out of 1,000 is 0.1 percent. 1 out of 10,000 is .01 percent. And finally, 1 out of 100,000 is .001 percent.

Oh lul I neglected the x100 step.

No worries friend. I'm glad we have devil's advocates here. There might be 1 or 2 /r/conspiracy members who come across this very buried thread to witness your mistake.

They don't see that the hysteria is making laws that can be dangerous to everyone. Punishing children by denying their parents benefits is being cheered for, it seems very immature to me.

authority worship - which means they don't allow themselves to make their own decisions. i've literally seen this in action, when confronted with unknown situation these authority worshippers panic.. big time.

destroying authority worship happens of its own accord with the development and trust in ones own ability to think critically.

with self-reassurance comes lack of need for leadership, it is their desire you remain forever dependent...

true leaders create leaders not make subjects out of them.

what miserable wretches those dominating asshats must be in life, bah.. best not to thimk on it.


Notice how nowhere in my post I made any claims about whether we should all get vaccines or not. I'm specifically only talking about the hypocrisy of people who are militantly pro-vaccine, yet go to work/school/the store with the flu. We could even get into guessing how many pro-vaccine people speed on highways, putting people in danger. They don't actually give a shit about the lives of others, so what is their motivation?

Lets be real here. Do you actually take a week off from work if you get the flu? And don't even try to claim that you don't get the flu because you get flu-shots. Last year they got the wrong strain and people still came down with the flu.


What do you believe the protection level of vaccines are?


Your comment makes it sound as though vaccines offer 100% protection guaranteed.

If that were the case, then yeah you'd be right.

Then vaccinate your kids. Stop worrying about others.

you kinda don't understand the whole vaccination thing I see.

Apparently neither do you, since people who are freshly vaccinated have been in some cases causing the sensationalized outbreaks everyone is so up in arms about.

But never mind that, I'm sure you have shitty Facebook memes to post.

Don't let real science get in your way. I just hope you can live with your choices when it is YOUR children that die due to your foolish and selfish and ill informed choices.

"real science." You clown. I'll bet you're the least informed one in this thread.

This is exactly the problem. You assume because I dont comply 100% with popular vaccine orthodoxy, I must be anti vax.

The biggest terrorist threat to American society is binary thinkers.

I know all the talking points. I know that only one faction wants to force everyone to inject foreign substances into their bodies indifferent to their will, beliefs, or any withstanding evidence. I know only one faction wants to remove choice and education from the debate.

I'll always side with choice, and wish eradication on any who oppose choice.

In case you didn't catch my message, it basically translates into "Fuck you and everyone like you." Roughly.