Dear /conspiracy I've been thinking a lot about this and I think its a good idea.

56  2015-05-21 by Flytape

How would you guys like to have a permanent window into the modlogs here? We talk about transparency all the time and /u/go1dfish has recently made that possible.

Read up and tell me what you think.


Hear hear.

I think it is a good idea, but if you're going to release this then you should also release the list of who votes for what. For instance, when you were reinstated it required a majority vote. In the spirit of FULL transparency those votes would've been made public, and I think the community would benefit from these kinds of disclosures.

The mod mail would not be public, just mod actions. I understand your desire to know more, which is why I'm pushing for public logs. I think this would be a step forward for transparency in /conspiracy.

Can you explain how you feel like knowing how specific mods voted would benefit the community? Voting in any form, for a lot of people, is a very private thing. I'm not sure you would agree with disclosing how you vote on a daily basis. It is an option in your preferences to make all your votes public and you don't have that option turned on yourself.

But I am sincerely curious how publishing who voted for what would benefit the community in your opinion. We know it was 8 in favor and 2 against. That's a pretty overwhelming majority.

Well, in your case we had many members of the community up in arms. It really did cause a rift and I noticed a lot of people began to lose trust in their mods. The mods neglected to even tell us how many of them were even present for the vote. In fact, I believe that I even had a mod tell me that the vote was between 6 people with 4 voting for reinstatement and 2 voting against. An official release would help to avoid these kinds of discrepancies.

As for your other question, I would not enjoy disclosing who I vote for when putting someone in office, but as a mod of a community your vote and influence carry a different weight entirely. Think of it like any other elected position; these officials are always documented when they vote, because they represent a group, not just themselves. Sure you don't have the same powers as a senator or congressman, but in the end it comes down to the fact that mods have the ability to manipulate this sub, and FULL transparency (IE releasing mod mail, or just the lists of who places what votes.) would help to mitigate any possible future damage. Think of what happened with Bipolar Bear, we might have been able to catch him sooner if the community had been able to scrutinize his actions a but more thoroughly!

I actually love your analogy about how elected officials votes are documented and public.

I agree with you now, but that being said I didn't get a vote on my reinstatement so I'm not going to release that info myself. But your point is solid.

Thank you kindly, Flytape. It's an opinion that I've held for quite some time now, and I've always been curious as to why I haven't seen it whenever these kinds of conversations come up. Hopefully the other mods agree with this sentiment! I can't see any reason to be against it other than the point about privacy that you made before. (Though as you know, I believe that one must be prepared for the consequences of taking a mod position in a sub that has so many users. Meaning that they should expect to have their votes questioned and scrutinized. Especially when it comes to topics that the community is invested in.)

Edit: Thanks again for forwarded my inquiry to the rest of the mods!

I'm pretty hated by the reddit hivemind, and targeted by the reddit trolls. Any mod linked with voting in favor of me would be putting themselves at considerable risk of being the target of the next witch hunt.

I'm okay (though not excited) with being the lightning rod around here. I think most people would quit after being targeted by so many lies and so much organized fuckery. That wouldn't be good for conspiracy IMHO.

I still do not believe that we should allow the fear of being associated with you impede genuine transparency. In fact, I would wager that if votes had been disclosed from the beginning then you would not have ended up in this situation at all. The reason that these people got so upset was because of how shifty the whole scenario had been portrayed. It's very simple for the mods to say that they've taken care of the problem, but from an outside perspective it just seems so "robotic" for lack of a better term. We can't tell just how you solved the problem, or who the heavy hitters were when brainstorming up some solutions.

Fuck it man prove a point and make the ModMail public too. Squash these bugs!

And yes we should also see the mod votes, that should be a given really.

I don't like the idea of making modmail public.

  1. People report things to us in confidence sometimes.

  2. Sometimes people embarrass themselves in modmail because they think that the mods did something that the admins did or they don't understand how their posts fade over time.

I want people to feel free to report, bitch, complain in modmail without it becoming a public spectacle.

Are you serious neither of those reasons come close to being more important than mod transparency COP OUT!

I want to know who which mods are fans of censorship period, that's the whole point of this NOT fake concern over BS hypotheticals.

You're making me paranoid with this.

I can't help you there. I simply disagree.

No you simply are hiding behind fake reasons, wtf man. You don't want mod votes and msgs to be seen and I don't buy you false concerns for a second. Be transparent or don't be but don't lie about it, that just looks shitty.

I think my suggestion is a step in the right direction.

If you want to beat me up over modmail, which honestly doesn't matter because if it was public then the private conversations that would be sooooo juicy for SRD would simply take place somewhere else.

Whats important is that all mod actions here would be published to the general public.

So without splitting frog hairs here, lets make public modlogs happen.

Dude stop it, without context the mod log is nearly useless. You will basically be doing nothing.

I think you're wrong. a huge amount of information can be attained with modlogs.

But when someone sends a modmail to us they aren't knowingly publishing that information for the whole world to see. I think it would be irresponsible to do that.

I'm sorry that we disagree on this point but you're welcome to keep talking about it with others.

You can't disagree with fact. If we cannot see what motivated actions then how is that transparent?

because a vast majority of actions, you can't even see!

suddenly you have eyes! let there be light!

Patronize me all you want, makes you feel good? I obviously am referring to mod actions. You are on here having to explain your mod actions all the time, wouldn't it be better if we didn't have to just believe you

I don't understand what you mean by "ti ex"

Sorry, typing on a screen...had to switch to a keyboard

You are on here having to explain your mod actions all the time, wouldn't it be better if we didn't have to just believe you

I fear that public mod logs will only increase the frequency of having to explain mod actions. Modmail probably wouldn't remedy that either, but what i'm trying to do now is take a step in the direction of transparency.

There is a lot of fuckery and brigading that happens here, I don't think it would make anything better for this community to have every single mod conversation on display to the whole community, even if i felt differently about it, I don't this this tool created by /u/go1dfish is capable of documenting modmails. The main reason this can work with modlogs is because this tool makes it possible with zero effort from the actual mods. It just happens automatically.

I don't think it would make anything better for this community to have every single mod conversation on display

Of course it would be better and you wouldn't have to be in here justifying why things should be kept secret.

what would stop people who want conspiracy shut down from posting doxx or a link to childporn in modmail (which can't be deleted) specifically to get conspiracy shut down?

Nothing. It would be a bad idea and I stand by that.

Fine dude whatever keep it secret keep it safe because fear

You do realize that your own mod logs aren't public, and your own mod mail isn't public, right?

You would put /r/con and the sub I mod in the same ballpark? Wow, plus I have zero concerns over my modding being public...actions messages and votes fuck it. It's not my fucking site anyway

You are using 'the boogeyman' as justification.

You have done nothing but boogeyman me this whole conversation. I'm trying to do something good here man.

Hey man, I have cooled off and I'm sorry I shouldn't be coarse like that it's dumb. Not really sure why this subject did that to me either.

Cool, I get heated for weird reasons too.

Keep a hole dug in the woods for just such an occasion.

I dunno how they don't see the benefit of this, I see it though, and completely support it.

One step at a time.

HOw is it a fake reason?, please give us your argument of why that is.

I agree with point number 1. /u/whosmav seems unable to believe it though.

opinions are like assholes, everybody has at least one.

Like anyone should trust confidential things with reddit mods OMG

In assuredlys own words you guys don't "deal in the shadowy back rooms of modtalk." Honest mods are for the good of the community. But I guess assuredly was just talking big to the admin.

There are some things that get reported to modmail that contain PI, doxx, and other material that we cannot republish on the site as either we (or the bot that would repost the messages) would be ipbanned.

This isn't one of those things.

thats something you would need to talk to /u/AssuredlyAThrowAway about.

I voted for waffles.

Could you define what "modlogs" are for those of us who might not know precisely what that entails? What kind of specific information would be made public through this system?

Every time a mod uses their mod powers, approving a spam post, removing a post, removing a comment, approving a shadow banned comment, banning someone, unbanning someone, inviting a mod, removing a mod... its all logged.

The modlogs are a history of those mod actions.

Here is an example of publicmodlogs as viewed for one of my other subs that I have already set up public logs for.

Thanks, that helps a bit, but there's not much to see there (yet?).

Specifically, I'm wondering if it's only the moderator's actions that are visible, or whether, say, the user who reported a post would be visible for everyone to see.

While I'm generally in favor of transparency, I do think that there should be the possibility of anonymity for users to be able to report questionable things without it becoming public that they did so.

Full disclosure, I do report things from time to time (which you're probably aware of since you're a moderator), and I don't generally care whether what I report becomes public or not.

However, due to the issue that recently took place here regarding the post the admins wanted removed, I do think it's a good idea for people to be able to report things anonymously if they so desire. Yes, I'm aware that a user came forward and stated that he'd reported it. But I think that, key to that situation, the user was able to voluntary state his responsibility and describe his motivation for doing so at the same time. Rather than having his name in big neon letters on a controversial removed post.

Maybe this is how this all would work anyway though and I'm writing this all out for no reason though.

EDIT - There's also an invisible comment on this thread. Says there's 5 comments, only 4 are visible. Don't know why, but seems like that's been happening a lot lately.

Mods can't even see who reports a post.

That being said reports would not be visible, only the mod logs.

Flytape, do the mods see who reports abusive comments?

No all reports are anonymous to mods, I think admins can see who made the report.

I did not know that. I definitely can get behind the idea. Though people probably don't care what I think, so whatever.

Thanks again for responding.

Automoderator was bitching that I didn't use an NP link in my OP. I removed that comment.

...and if the modlog thing was going on, I'd have been able to see that and wouldn't have to wonder.

(You should have said that also, would've been a great illustration of how it works.)

Good point

You can see all the subs that have gone public here. There might be more to see in some other subs.

EDIT - There's also an invisible comment on this thread. Says there's 5 comments, only 4 are visible. Don't know why, but seems like that's been happening a lot lately

Just a Shadowban of a shill, whoops.......sorry about that, didn't catch your name and couldn't resist.

Yes please. This seems like a good idea.

Does anybody have an argument against it to offer?

Fine by me.


Definitely good idea.

There is a gang of moderators behind the scenes who have conflicts of interest — too many alliances, personal vendettas, and agendas within the mod team has sent this subreddit spiraling down.

This modlog idea is just a kid's bandaid over an amputated limb — especially when it's coming from a very controversial user like yourself.

Honestly there's a lot that needs to be made up for, mainly for that Podcast. You're a meme on reddit now Flytape since you basically parade around this place like it's yours. Plus, the secret reinstatement of your powers made the situation even worse.

Coming at us with this new "transparency" is just salt on the wound. Please go away...

I second this spot on opinion.

Great idea Fly. You have my support.

This looks nice.

I think this is a stupid and unnecessary idea, especially coming from this turd in the punch bowl. At a time when conspiracy is under the threat of being banned , this masked vaper wants to create pseudo conflict with the mods? If he really wants full disclosure then tell us the vote count that got you back where you may not belong. I'm willing to bet there were a few abstain votes in there. amirite?

No all reports are anonymous to mods, I think admins can see who made the report.

Fuck it man prove a point and make the ModMail public too. Squash these bugs!

And yes we should also see the mod votes, that should be a given really.

Well, in your case we had many members of the community up in arms. It really did cause a rift and I noticed a lot of people began to lose trust in their mods. The mods neglected to even tell us how many of them were even present for the vote. In fact, I believe that I even had a mod tell me that the vote was between 6 people with 4 voting for reinstatement and 2 voting against. An official release would help to avoid these kinds of discrepancies.

As for your other question, I would not enjoy disclosing who I vote for when putting someone in office, but as a mod of a community your vote and influence carry a different weight entirely. Think of it like any other elected position; these officials are always documented when they vote, because they represent a group, not just themselves. Sure you don't have the same powers as a senator or congressman, but in the end it comes down to the fact that mods have the ability to manipulate this sub, and FULL transparency (IE releasing mod mail, or just the lists of who places what votes.) would help to mitigate any possible future damage. Think of what happened with Bipolar Bear, we might have been able to catch him sooner if the community had been able to scrutinize his actions a but more thoroughly!

In assuredlys own words you guys don't "deal in the shadowy back rooms of modtalk." Honest mods are for the good of the community. But I guess assuredly was just talking big to the admin.

Dude stop it, without context the mod log is nearly useless. You will basically be doing nothing.

You can't disagree with fact. If we cannot see what motivated actions then how is that transparent?

You do realize that your own mod logs aren't public, and your own mod mail isn't public, right?

I voted for waffles.

I dunno how they don't see the benefit of this, I see it though, and completely support it.

One step at a time.