Voat.co already implementing "comment and submission throttling for users with negative CCP (karma)"

38  2015-05-26 by KhalifaKidV2


I just rolled out a new, rather controversial feature which should help get some of the shitposters which voat attracted over the past few weeks under control.

How this works

If a user has -50 CCP or less, they will only be able to post 5 comments per day until their CCP improves.

If a user has -50 CCP or less, they will only be able to submit 1 discussion or 1 link per day until their CCP improves. Why do we need this?

There are voat users with CCP at around -300 and these guys submit 20+ links per hour. While voat userbase is relatively small, allowing shitposters to run free and post copypasta crap day in and day out, may have negative effect on legit users.

This feature may be seen as as a tool to limit free speech (voat moto is "have your say" after all), but free speech doesn't mean that everyone should be allowed to post endless copypasta crap all over voat in matters of minutes and thus impact the free speech of other users as shitposting copypasta crap will push down submissions of other users from /v/all/new and as such, if left uncontrolled, have a negative effect on freedom of speech of other users.

I don't care about the kind of content is being posted, as long as the content being posted is legal and not being spammed all over voat. If you want to get your message across, why not try doing it in a thought-out manner, discussing the topic, letting other users chime in and taking it from there, rather than just shouting your message across random subverses?

Now what?

I will keep this feature operational as a test-run to see how it works in practice.

Please feel free to discuss this and tell me how you feel about this.

What do you guys think? Seems pretty humorous to me. We want a platform for free speech and thats what we get?

Edit: I'm glad we're discussing this, getting some good differing views.

However I still think that even if the intentions are good, there should be no need to limit the number of posts as long as we all vote. If a user has -50 CCP, then people have obviously been downvoting them for a reason and we should all just ignore the troll. Downvote and move on.


They can still post anything, only the ammount is limited.

A free speech limitation would be the opposite - spam as much as you want but some topics are not allowed.

edit: That aside you can subvert it either way, write a bot that creates accounts and as long as an account creation costs nothing and can post even just one comment you're still not limited.

Well that's not the opposite really, the opposite would be no limit on number of posts/comments.

That's like saying you can only protest 1 time a year, but it's ok because we're letting you protest whatever you'd like!

What use is a protest if you can't protest what you want? Anything 1 time a year is more freedom than you get daily protests but only about on topics we allow you.

They're both terrible ideas

Is it? If someone really blocked daily roads with protests the town would be severally disrupted. Add in a cost and it gets done less frequent. This removes all small things and gives focus to bigger issues where people consider it important enough to pay the price. And again it's only a limit / account. If you really care you could still put out infinite protests as long as you pay the price for it.

What do you guys think? Seems pretty humorous to me. We want a platform for free speech and thats what we get?

I think I expected this. The admin is supposedly anti-SJW and won't tolerate the bullshit we see here like powermods etc. which sounds great on the surface, however, to me all that means is that instead of the reddit admins deciding what stays, it's now the voat admins.

If they really want to make the site good it needs to allow free speech and then design systems to stop people from abusing subs through brigading or power mods taking over. Good luck doing that though, it's a lot harder than it sounds and without a free speech policy you're just handing the controls over to someone else.

EDIT: That being said, taking a closer look and realizing that this CCP thing only limits your posting until your CCP comes up, at least it's an attempt. If there really are people posting 20+ links a day and they have that many negative votes, does the community really want them around?

reddit admins deciding what stays, it's now the voat admins.

Have looked at who the mods are for most the main subs there at Voat? They have the same mods. They even kept the same names. lol. Most likely, the admins and mods here have already dug themselves a nice little spot over at Voat already.

This reminds me of when the company I worked for bought out a smaller failing company. For some reason, upper management thought it would be an awesome idea to layoff the workers, but keep all the executive managers. Now, all the horrible managers who ran that company into the ground are now executives in the company that bought them out. Making all the same poor decisions again that got them in trouble in the first place.

Do you have any examples? I've spent almost no time on voat. What are some especially visible crossovers in moderatorship?

I keep seeing people say this but they never provide an example. Can you provide some names for those of us that haven't found any yet?

Yeah I just browsed some of the main subs (news,politics,technology, etc) and found NONE of the same mods. I think people are just repeating some bullshit that they heard one time from someone who probably wants to keep people from leaving reddit, and they're just too dumb/lazy to actually check and see if that's true. It doesn't look like it is.

Bullshit. They aren't the same mods. Proof?

Yeah I believe they are trying to combat the power mods from just jumping from reddit to voat, but it's not much of a free platform at that point, even if it does end up better. I'd rather see those assholes get called out publicly than just ban them or whatever.

I think it should just go by how many comments something gets. If someone replies to your post it encouraged conversation.

Concerning your edit, won't the negative act as the throttle they decided to implement? Logically this will only affect those whose posts and comments are already being downvoted. Why disallow something if its hidden due to score thresholds regardless?

That sounds reasonable. As long as restrictions are transparent and evenly applied. In this case, there's no arbitrary decision for mods to make. Same rule applies to everyone. I don't see the problem.

Won't work long term:

1) Shills use their bot farms to create army of idiots

2) Shills create campgrounds to circle jerk their karma up (/v/circlejerk)

3) Shills now have unlimited ammo to drive everyone else into negative, silencing real users.

Or it's just a way to limit repeat shitposters.

Meanwhile https://criticl.me has 7k users, the site ONLY accepts content relating to activism, politics, political discourse and corruption (the front page literally looks like r/conspiracy's wet dream).

Reddit isn't dying, it's dead and it's been dead. Voat OPENLY wants to become reddit, they don't fucking care about politics. and their technology sucks, site takes FOREVER to load, sites ugly and it tracks the fuck out of your usage.

forever??? dude, it takes like half as long as reddit

Give it 4-5 years and it will be exactly like reddit.

VOAT IS A REDDIT CLONE FFS. Can nobody else see this? Are you humans so blind?

damn open source.. someone should do something at sometime

And it is replete with the same reddit mods that make our user experiences such sunshine and rainbows over here.

I'm simply amazed at how stupid people can be.

It's similar to the transition from Al Qaeda to ISIS.

I cannot believe anyone fell for it, but have seen real Americans succumbing to the beheading video propaganda. Twelve years since this crusade's start, years after I started seeing article after article describing how Al Qaeda is in shambles and not a threat to anyone even in the region, a brand new enemy pops up almost overnight.

voat faces the same range of problems as reddit and has the same range of solutions as it grows. I think voat is structured too similarly to reddit to expect anything different. It is interesting to watch what they do and the compromises voat makes on its journey. If anything, it helps me see why reddit has ended up the way it has. If people want to discuss the good and the bad of voat please consider contributing to /r/voat. I'm really interested in what reddit has to say on how voat differentiates itself on themes of free speech and censorship. I feel there is a lot of noise when evaluating voat because people just want something that isn't reddit to succeed.

educate me here.what is voat?

A censorship free reddit.

A reddit knockoff that people use as a way to complain. They'll say they'll leave because reddits imploding blah blah blah censorship blah blah.

Is free speech spamming ads and shitty links?

Because they're not telling you what you can/can't say.


We want a platform for free speech and thats what we get?

That is kind of an entitled statement. If you want something and its not out there, make it yourself. I'm not trying to be a douche here but there are some things that have to be mandated in order to keep shit tards from posting, and I'm sick of people demanding something but won't put an ounce of effort into make it happen.

Seriously, Voat is an alternative. Not the holy lands created by god for everyone to run to. It isn't going to be perfect, and again, make a forum and see how that works out for you with your own rules.

It sucks, but the dude is trying it out, and trying to make a good community for those who joined. It isn't permanent, and you can say something over there and discuss to make it better with the other users. Take this thread over there instead of on the site everyone is trying to get off of.

It seems it is gamable, and once it is gamed will become a structural defect that causes Voat to be unattractive.

If you have large voting power (say, through a network of power-users, brigades, alts, etc.) you can down-vote en masse. This allows you to throttle users, curbing dissent and shaping the discourse towards a manufactured consensus.

A feature like this seems reasonable in an ideal world where all users are genuine: it would be a selection mechanism for good quality posts.

But platforms like Digg and Reddit turn to shit because there are a plethora of vested interests who will game the shit out of their mechanics for a plethora of reasons.

But those types of users tend to have newer accounts. Voat doesn't let people vote down until they've had 100 upvotes. It seems like that must be harder to game. Reddit in comparison is still pretty easy to manipulate.

from what i have seen shills are there in force already anyway. Bunch of right wing pro capitalist free market faggots talking about how good corporations are and how government needs to let corporations do what they want. I saw that in a few threads already, all with 20 + upvotes

Personally, I like 3tags.org. It's more of a mixture between reddit and medium, means you can post news or write a news/story by yourself.

Isn't Reddit the same? Whenever i am new to a sub i can only post once every 10 minutes until i rack up Karma.

But indeed, Voat is only better in "promise", it claims to have a different philosophy, but we know what happens when commercial interests, media pressures and neopotism starts showing up.

Oh lookie! Gloat is at it again!


Awfully close to CCCP, no?