Your voice is heard

95  2015-05-28 by Flytape


nice to see the reasoning behind "if you're not doing anything wrong then you have nothing to hide" being applied in both directions

thumbs up, mods

Why is this Fly Tape person running this Subreddit?

In the guise of transparency...from the most untrustworthy mod here. Hell, he is a controversial figure on reddit as a whole!

i do not like this guy, he is involved too much...

Edit- this is the guy from that podcast and power abuse, wtf is he doing running this place?! Lol his reputation is terrible

Flytape is running this place?

This modlog right here in this very post says otherwise. Did you even look at it? I see far more activity from other mods in the past 24 hours. Of the last 100 actions by a moderator of this subreddit, Flytape accounts for 2. Please tell me how he is "running this subreddit" and how he is "involved too much"?

He shouldn't be here at all. There is no argument for his place here except "The mods can do whatever they want in their subreddit." So Flytape might be a racist, spam post, ban people for personal reasons, and generally be an unpleasant person, but hey, they can do whatever the fuck they want, so who gives a shit right?

I agree. But only a very small group of people feel this way, so the mods see no reason to do anything.

So we're gonna do this again?

15 day old account.

That happens a lot to people who are banned by admins. You go from being a years old account with credibility to a suspicious looking newbie

Not saying every 4 day old account fits that description but I've been there.

You misunderstand. Just six weeks ago Flytape was witch-hunted by a collection of accounts barely over two months of age. And then again, three months before that. The comment above has nothing to do with the sticky it's posted in, immediately jumps at Flytape's throat, dredges up the podcast drama, and doesn't acknowledge that mod team has just implemented a transparency system specifically to appease those accounts accusing mod team members of power abuse.

There are two types of people who make new accounts: people who get shadow banned and legitimately need a new account, and people with an agenda to push. And there are vastly more of the latter than the former.

I have no problem with that but I do understand.

I replied about the perceived non credibility of new accounts and how many are being created by banning, which you did address above.

Generally that means shill. In this case it means justifiable fear.

The raw data is available here for anyone who wants to create an alternative frontend:

and anyone may view an RSS feed version of basically the same data here:

It's possible to view filtered versions of this as well: (any filter which is normally available in the main mod logs page on reddit is available here, including filtering by the acting moderator)

I've derpily created a forked version of the site at (I'm a web dev noob, please forgive me) and if you want to view a version without the pao cartoon in the background it's here:
Edit: the cartoon no longer exists on the main frontend go1dfish created, so no need to use my derpy forked version if you were using it before.

If anyone creates a superior front end with drop down boxes that allow users to filter by mod, by action, and any combination thereof... I would greatly appreciate the service to make these public logs even more useful.

I'll add this in when I get bored, I wanted to leave it intentionally neutered at first to help increase adoption.

A good compromise might be to remove all of /u/PoliticBot's communist peasant revolution propaganda but rebase on the true modlogs so you get the link to the Guerrilla Radio: People's Republic of Free /r/Snew

I thought you were gone.

edit: looks like you are... RIP go1dfish...

2nd I've seen today!

Any chance we could add this link as well?

Or should I just add it on github? Actually I'm gonna do that anyway. Thanks guys!

I thought you left.

Great. Now can you guys remove the Coke ad from the sidebar?

Might I suggest we just use an old classic:

This one doesn't have any copyright encumbrances like the old one.

/u/PoliticBot prefers this one though:

Thought it was against the whole FIFA thing? No?

Not really. It was a coke ad. If it was an attempt to raise awareness of human rights violations, why coke? Many are arguably more culpable than that company; and if it was a call to boycott why not include the hundreds of other products that company manufactures? You'll remember the nice little logo in the lower-right hand corner of the image. No such thing as bad publicity. Another example of how easily this platform is gamed for thinly disguised monetary benefit. The real product of reddit is you and your pageviews.

This subreddit is incredible. Thank you for making this such an open and honest place.

That's pretty nice. Can this link perhaps be pasted into the sidebar?

Yes we are working on that.



/u/Mr_dong ...Honestly, it's embarrassing and ironic that Flytape is taking this subreddit by the reins--especially with this "transparency" meme after being secretly reinstated.

If he's not involved in some sort of reddit drama or mod conflict, he's pushing a sticky post or AMA. Why is one person influencing and steering this subreddit so often? Positive or negative, there's a conflict of interest here.

I do not want Flytape to represent this subreddit any longer, it looks bad for everyone in my opinion and I feel that this "your voice is heard" and new "transparency" meme comes across as disingenuous and I personally would like it if he tried his best to stay out of the public spectacle.

No matter how justified, his actions cannot be taken seriously due to his reputation. Whether it's a simple ban warning or an announcement such as this sticky, his credibility is completely gone and he can't be taken seriously. The fact that he has been demodded, reinstated, and involved in controversy so many times over the years really hurts the community and I would like it if he did not influence this subreddit any longer, no matter how "noble" his cause.

In my opinion, the huge problem before us here is -- no matter how great Flytape is, he is tainted with so many scandals just having him as a mod creates massive disruption in /r/conspiracy. This recent charade of his feels like a cover for his past.

Im a controversial member of the reddit community, and conspiracy is a controversial subreddit of the redditverse.

If you had nothing but mainstream noncontroversial mods here this place would not be the conspiracy sub it is today.

First things first, I don't know why all you 9-11 truth people are so angry with me, I didn't have anything to do with the Gage AMA you like to parade around about. Literally never had a hand in it. I've yet to have a hand in any of the AMAs. You guys like to call me a Nazi Jew hater but the one person I tried to get to do an ama is an author who doesn't blame the Jews but instead blames the 4th Reich, that would be the Nazis latest incarnation.

Honestly its kind of selfish that you guys turn everything into a soap box for your vendetta, literally every sticky post we've had for any reason has been inundated with you and your friends shouting about this same incident.

Axol was duped with the Gage AMA, he has apologized profusely time and time again. At this point the only thing ruining /conspiracy is this never ending witch hunt.

I'm truly sorry you feel this way, but nobody is getting fired.

Hey don't forget you called everyone here children the last time you got mad and banned people for disagreeing with you.

I just don't get why everyone hates you....What a conundrum....

So what you're saying is that no matter how many times these questions are answered.... you're going to keep copy pasting them in every sticky that ever happens in /r/conspiracy?

You don't owe a 2 month account an explanation. They are just conspiratards trying to stir shit up.

Im a controversial member of the reddit community, and conspiracy is a controversial subreddit of the redditverse. If you had nothing but mainstream noncontroversial mods here this place would not be the conspiracy sub it is today. First things first, I don't know why all you 9-11 truth people are so angry with me, I didn't have anything to do with the Gage AMA you like to parade around about. Literally never had a hand in it. I've yet to have a hand in any of the AMAs. You guys like to call me a Nazi Jew hater but the one person I tried to get to do an ama is an author who doesn't blame the Jews but instead blames the 4th Reich, that would be the Nazis latest incarnation. Honestly its kind of selfish that you guys turn everything into a soap box for your vendetta, literally every sticky post we've had for any reason has been inundated with you and your friends shouting about this same incident. Axol was duped with the Gage AMA, he has apologized profusely time and time again. At this point the only thing ruining /conspiracy is this never ending witch hunt.

Please address this.

Why won't you actually respond to the response I gave you?

This modlog idea is just a kid's bandaid over an amputated limb — especially when it's coming from a very controversial user like yourself.

You're a meme on reddit now after your abysmal performance in that podcast. This coupled with your irresponsibility in the community over the years which includes but not limited to — ban abuse, petty arguments throughout reddit, poor AMAs, and again that deplorable podcast — makes it so I have no confidence in you. You have no credibility amongst the reddit community. I wouldn't care but you basically parade around this place like it's yours — plus the secret reinstatement of your powers makes this whole place look even worse.

Coming at us with this new transparency meme is just salt on the wound. I'm not going to move the goal posts onto whatever your rambling about now and I do not want to contribute to your Modus Operandi any longer.

People seem pretty happy with the public mod logs.

and I do not want to contribute to your M.O. any longer.

Then by all means please quit summoning me here. You're welcome to talk about your AE911truth theories here, and everyone else is welcome to talk about which ever theories they prefer.

Have a great day.

Your responses are off topic and odd. You're conveniently shifting the goal posts from the discussion I was starting with Mr_Dong about the fact that no matter how great Flytape is, he is tainted with so many scandals just having him as a mod creates massive disruption in /r/conspiracy. This recent charade of his feels like a cover for his past.

Oh, God....the Podcast. Horrifying.

I'm still learning, sorry :(

/r/conspiracy mods are best mods.

To all of you!

I agree it's nice to have people on your side


Leading by example. Great stuff guys/gals!

Killing it, thanks!

thank you guys, this is extremely important for all of us !!!!

keep up being excellent


Thank you Props to the mods

Thank you. These mods got my eyes all foggy.

I love AP. Mod. For years now. Best of the best. BTW, I have no idea what any of this means, just showing my support for AP.

me too. My favorite redditor.

If our voices were heard you would still be banned.

Why all the damn drama.

Mahalo nui

Hakuna matata

Me pu oe

Important announcement for reddit RE: People's Republic of Free /r/Snew aka PRoFS

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all people are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Lulz. --That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among meatbags, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. --Such has been the patient sufferance of these subreddits; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The history of the present kn0thing and ekjp is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these communities. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world.

In every stage of these Oppressions, We have Petitioned for Redress in the most humble terms: Our repeated Petitions have been answered only by repeated injury. A Prince whose character is thus marked by every act which may define a Tyrant, is unfit to be the [ruler of a free people.]()

Nor have We been wanting in attentions to our Scarlet Letter brethren. We have warned them from time to time of attempts by their legislature to extend an unwarrantable jurisdiction over us. We have reminded them of the circumstances of our emigration and settlement here. We have [appealed to their native justice and magnanimity](, and we have conjured them by the ties of our common kindred to disavow these usurpations, which, would inevitably interrupt our connections and correspondence. They too have been deaf to the voice of justice and of consanguinity. We must, therefore, acquiesce in the necessity, which denounces our Separation, and hold them, as we hold the rest of mankind, Enemies in War, in Peace Friends. We, therefore, the Representatives of the People's Republic of Free /r/Snew, in General Congress, Assembled, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions, do, in the Name, and by Authority of the good People of these subreddits, solemnly publish and declare, That these United Communities are, and of Right ought to be Free and Independent City-States; that they are Absolved from all Allegiance to Reddit Inc., and that all political connection between them and the Corporate Board of Directors, is and ought to be totally dissolved; and that as Free and Independent States, they have full Power to levy War, conclude Peace, contract Alliances, establish Commerce, and to do all other Acts and Things which Independent States may of right do. And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.

It is therefore the recently formed opinion of "美国鬼子 ಠ_ಠ" and "文革中的机器毛 ಠ_ಠ" that the paowers that be have had every opportunity to graciously accept an honorable defeat at the Game of Reddit in the face of a worthy advesary.

Furthermore we believe that the defaults have collectively and systematically jumped the shark.

In conclusion we demand the following terms of unconditional surrender to the community from whence you draw all power.

Though you should absolutely consider this an object lesson in demeaning torment within a "safe space" it is not harassment under the rules of your own game because we do not seek your execution, and we do not seek your exile. We only seek that you abdicate the power to LORDE over a community you have so clearly demonstrated that you are incapable of understanding. Kicking you out of it would be woefully counter productive, because learning is something you very desperately need.

We politefully and respectfully request that Ellen Pao immediately abdicate power and pay any severance as reparations to the ACLU for the damages you have caused to the free peoples of the internet.

We may only be able to temporarily tear down the masters house with your own tools

But we can certainly tank the value of your intellectual property so long as our host government still supports the ideals reflected in this declaration.

What is the sound of one hand clapping?


Would you like to play another game?


Or should I keep playing thermonuclear ideological info-wargames within this safe space?

Maybe I'm not understanding this, but what point does this serve? Its not the fact that mods may have deleted something, its the fact that we dont know what it is that was said that warranted being deleted.

If you want real transparency, why not let people say what they want and let the downvotes and karma do what they were intended to do in the first place?

I don't know how long you've hung around here but we frequently get attacked in mass by trolls.

Its unfortunate that people who have no interest in conspiracy come here to ruin everything for people that do.

Hi Flytape, Why do you think the Saudis are responsible for the events of 9.11.01?

Because most of the hijackers were Saudi Arabian.

Because the bushes have deep business ties with them, and the Nazis.

And because it would have been extremely difficult to wire a building that size, while occupied, for controlled demolition... let alone two of them or three of them.

It simply makes more since to me and I'm entitled to my opinion.

Edit: its really annoying that you guys follow me around and downvote everything I say after begging for a response.

Ignore them fly tape keep on keeping on

So... They collapsed due to fire and raped Newton's third law?

Are you stupid?

Are you trying to force him to believe what you believe?

No, I'm just acknowledging science. It's fucking high school physics, man.

I mean, you can even see the explosions going off and assuming only jet- fuel caused it, is just ridiculous.

If the impact of the plane was the cause, then the tower should've collapsed in the immediate aftermath of the impact. It didn't though, possibly because it was designed to withstand multiple impacts.

It's not a matter of 'faith', it's a matter if physics. And assuming that 25% of an object can smash through the rest, only by the force of gravity, is utterly stupid.

I mean, you can even see the explosions going off and assuming only get fuel caused it is just ridiculous.

Are they explosions, or dust blowouts indicative of internal superstructure collapse, quickly pushing air, smoke and debris out of the building? I suspect the latter. But OK dude, surely they're nano-thermite demo packs planted by Mexican Illuminati Jew Lizards.

If the impact of the plane was the cause, then the tower should've collapsed in the immediate aftermath of the impact. It didn't though, possible because it was designed to withstand multiple impacts.

Impacts, to an extent. Blast effects? Not so much. Uncontrolled post-impact effects? No. There isn't a tall building in the world designed to stand up to a bunch of internal supports taken out by a crashing and exploding jetliner, followed by a raging un-contained fire. This is why skyscraper fires in general have a history of being complete clusterfucks leading to many people dying.

It's not a matter of 'faith', it's a matter if physics. And assuming that 25% of an object can smash through the rest, only by the force of gravity, is utterly stupid.

What are your physics credentials again, "endsieg88"? It's fascinating how some people will latch on to the cover story. What I'd call utterly stupid is obsessing about the minutiae over the collapse of some buildings over a decade ago, when the people who organized the attack have had over a decade to continue operating. But you don't care about them. You want to focus on the shiny distraction, the media friendly social engineering event with lots of cameras pointed at it. Someone sets off some fireworks, and it becomes a religion to you. You stare amazed at the rabbit pulled out of the hat, and never pay attention to the magician. They've blown up a lot more buildings since those in New York. They've killed not thousands but hundreds of thousands, and done so a lot more recently than 9/11.

Widen your scope. Consider things greater than a few buildings falling down, because believe me, to some people, that shit happens regularly.

But OK dude, surely they're nano-thermite demo packs planted by Mexican Illuminati Jew Lizards.

What in the actual fuck has that to do with anything? It's a fact that the buildings fell at free-fall speeds, even though over 75% of the buildings were untouched. Untouched = Undamaged - Undamaged = Resistance - Resistance = Newtons Third Law.

And if you'd actually watched the footage, you can tell that the ''collapse'' was not affected by this, at all.

And the fact that BOTH buildings ''collapsed'' similar is just way way WAAAY too unlikely, for two (supposedly) naturally occurring collapses. What are the odds? Think about it. No way the damage could've affected both buildings in the same manner, to such an extent that they collapsed at, almost, the same speeds.

And then building seven... I'm even gonna go down that road, because even the NIST simulation couldn't replicate that what had happened, and they were the leading investigators. One column failed, and let to the entire building coming down at free-fall?

Gee, somebody must have thought about that when they build it, but NOOO - let's not get ourselves get confused by FACTS here.

This is why skyscraper fires in general have a history of being complete clusterfucks leading to many people dying.

Yeah, and that's about it. None other than those three buildings have ever collapsed, in such a fashion, due to fire. And you wanna know why? Because it's fucking impossible.

You stare amazed at the rabbit pulled out of the hat, and never pay attention to the magician. They've blown up a lot more buildings since those in New York. They've killed not thousands but hundreds of thousands, and done so a lot more recently than 9/11.

Yet, this is the event that proved just how low 'the powers at be' would go, in order to get their agenda. It's the smoking gun, from which it all began. My scope is wide, it's just when I see posts like this I ask myself '' How the is possible, in spite of all the contradicting evidence, to believe the official myth when it's so obvious it was a lie?''.

Yes bigger things are going on, but we need to start at the root. And many people find it easier to spout 'conspiratard, lizard people, Illuminati' and shit like that, instead of taking it for what it was: Murder of innocent people.

Agreed 100%. Not sure why you are being downvoted here.

Yes bigger things are going on, but we need to start at the root. And many people find it easier to spout 'conspiratard, lizard people, Illuminati' and shit like that, instead of taking it for what it was: Murder of innocent people.

The people obsessed with the 3 buildings that fell on 9/11 have been digging at that root for over a decade now. They haven't found squat. If they devoted that mental processing power to discovering who organized 9/11 instead, we might be a lot farther ahead, and have some actual answers, rather than insane hypotheses about nano-thermite and demolition which have never been substantiated.

People obsessed with "digging at that root" do so because the average american joe six pack citizen is so fucking stupid and dense that they need to constantly be reminded of how absurd the official 9-11 story is in light of the ridiculousness "that root" (3 buildings 2 planes, all 3 fall at free fall speed) presents.

You can't hold the opinion that they were too hard to wire for demolition when you are directly involved in obfuscating 9/11 topics — that's just a red flag for everyone. You're a moderator for /r/conspiracy but don't believe the towers were brought down by demolition? You have a conflict of interest by pushing your agenda here with this belief considering your involvement in an anti-9/11 truth vendetta.

Flytape is a lot of things, childish and enjoys power far too much and a bit of power hungry as well. He shouldn't be a mod here IMO.

But... you don't have to believe every single conspiracy to be into conspiracy theory. Get a better argument.

We hope to challenge issues which have captured the public’s imagination, from JFK to 9/11.

It's in the sidebar. Who better to start with than the people supposedly running this place.

Just as a reminder, the last mod to touch 911 truth actually did more harm than good.

Why not find out how edumacated our mod 'team' is on the issues they are tasked with moderating.

You're advocating for police in positions of power who don't know how to properly fire a gun.

Which issues? Are you a no plane 9/11 advocate? Are you a Implosion advocate? thermite? Thermate? normal explosives? Jews? Saudis? Pakis who were really jews?

Get a clue.

Which conspiracy theory is the right one that everyone has to abide by or they aren't a conspiracy theoriest.

You act like you have to believe every single theory, when that is just retarded.

I'm not obfuscating anything man. Mod logs are public so please explain what I've used my mod powers to do that harms the 9-11 topics?

EDIT: Nobody here is REQUIRED to believe anything. Please point me to the rule that requires our members to believe any specific 9-11 theory.

THERE ARE MANY 9-11 theories out there, and they are not all compatible. We are allowed to discuss them all here, and we are all allowed to hold our own personal beliefs.

What exactly is the problem?

You'd rather talk about hitler, nazis, the holocaust, get in petty arguments with the user base, continually directly involved in mod drama, and have the audacity to represent /r/conspiracy in an official podcast while playing into every neck-beard tin-foil meme possible.

You are the problem.

I don't believe the towers were brought down by demolition either. Frankly I suspect the people who do of being dim-witted.

Why are you so insistent that everyone believes what you believe?

More so flytape, or any mod should believe what op thinks. Or, maybe be more open minded about it? Not everyone tho.....

"free thinkers" shouldn't think openly and freely, right?

You should contribute to the conversation in a meaningful way next time, or just don't comment at all.

Better idea: You open up a post and talk about it or directly message Flytape yourself.
Should I talk about 9/11 in a climate change post just because I'm too lazy to create a post myself? No.
Please keep this sub organized. If everyone just talks about everything in off-topic subs, it'll quickly become a worthless sub with no oversight.

Title of post: Your voice is heard

My voice and the voices of all users who bring up nefarious actions on this subreddit are being denied the right to a fair conversation about the situation with our mod team.

I've been trying to have this elusive conversation for a while.

You don't know what I'm battling if you want to marginalize me out of sheer ignorance to the situation at hand.

You're part of the problem if you want to squash dissent.

Firstly, I have no clue what you're battling since I don't even know who this mod is. Also, I am in no way trying to "squash dissent" but rather trying to keep it relatively organized here.
This post is exclusively about the mod decision regarding the logs. Please, if you want to talk with the mods about an issue, PM them and then post the screenshots or create a post asking them your questions.
Could you perhaps elaborate on the subject? You've become quite excited & heated about this issue of yours.

I have no clue what you're battling

Here's what I'm talking about.

Two of our mods want to do away with AMAs!! Did the conspiracy crowd know this fact?

Why don't we have a conversation, right now? This is the only place it's seen by the general pop. The place where voices are heard...

One of these mods held a fake richard gage ama to discredit the 911 truth movement. The result?

Abby Martin, Ben Swann, David Chandler and Richard Gage know about this subreddit's failurs.

You'll never hear from these people because of our mod team. When will we have a community discussion?

Edit: The mods are allowed to make decisions without community consent.

Which mod held this fake AMA, did Gage know about it and how did this go unchecked? You've piqued my interest..

My post history will take you to the information you're requesting.

I've said my peace.

The main point is in my link, it is now stated by two mods that they want to do away with AMAs.

Does the community know about this new development.

Someone make a sticky post about mods unilaterally wanting to do away with AMAs.

Any more real people out there?

E:No offense meant. Just trying to open a dialogue.

Haven't heard about this development.
Anyway, a vote on whether AMAs should be held or not is good - just to have everyone on the same page, can't hurt, can it?

Not sure who the active mods are but I'll just page two.

This thread sums it up. Read through it, especially the long comment chains.

Anyway, a vote on whether AMAs should be held or not is good - just to have everyone on the same page, can't hurt, can it?

That was perfectly executed. I shant be a useful idiot in a charade.

The sticky (you went past that, wisely, to a vote) should be about whether or not the community thinks we should have community-held AMAs.

No more mods involved in AMAs. That's my vote. Only trusted users who know about the topics the AMA candidates speak of can be held accountable.

Should mods even be able to hold AMAs anymore? That should be the vote.


Damn, if you're this suspicious there must be some big things going 'round here. I am not an advocate of anything you're trying to accuse me of; I thought your interest was in keeping AMAs, so the logical way of doing that would be a vote.
No mods involved in AMAs; do you mean by questions, setting them up, ...?
I could get behind this idea tbh. Haven't been here for any AMA but it seems like a good idea.
Also, why the excessive paranoia of me being an alt? Strangely active, old & voiceful of my opinion for an alt if you ask me.

I removed the accusation. I apologize.

Back to the point:

One of these mods held a fake richard gage ama which discredited the 911 truth movement. The result?

Abby Martin, Ben Swann, David Chandler and Richard Gage know about this subreddit's failurs.

You'll never hear from these people because of our mod team.

When will we have a community discussion?

Have they voiced their disapproval? That would definitely validate a big discussion about it here.

Have they voiced their disapproval?

Pretty sure we've never had a community discussion on the AMA debacles.

Not to my knowledge anyway.


Have they voiced their disapproval?

Pretty sure we've never had a community discussion on the AMA debacles.

Not to my knowledge anyway.

You can't hold the opinion that they were too hard to wire for demolition when you are directly involved in obfuscating 9/11 topics — that's just a red flag for everyone. You're a moderator for /r/conspiracy but don't believe the towers were brought down by demolition? You have a conflict of interest by pushing your agenda here with this belief considering your involvement in an anti-9/11 truth vendetta.

So... They collapsed due to fire and raped Newton's third law?

Are you stupid?

Ignore them fly tape keep on keeping on