Swiss police confirm bomb threat received at FIFA congress in Zurich. Same day vote to take place on whether to kick Israel out of world football for its racism towards Palestinians.

197  2015-05-29 by conzorz

Bomb threat confirmation.

After this was published two days ago:

One consequence of the US order to the Swiss police, on 27 May 2015, that it arrest and extradite seven FIFA officials for alleged corruption, could be that a vote to kick Israel out of world football for its racism towards Palestinians will now not take place. The vote was due to be held by the FIFA annual congress on 29 May and expected to win majority support among the delegates. Below Geoff Lee from Palestine Solidarity Campaign explains why the vote should go ahead.


This shit couldn't possibly be more rigged.

I don't know what Sepp Blatter did to anger those in power, but it looks increasingly like his days as the head of FIFA are going to end today.

Agreeing to hold a vote on whether to suspend Israel for apartheid? How anti-Semitic.

He said this too: “Some people are wanting the World Cup to be taken away from Russia, but we will give one answer to this – we are involved in football and we will not allow politics to get in the way.”

I don't know what Sepp Blatter did to anger those in power,

He is corrupt to the core - a truly odious individual trying to cling on to power by whatever means. The more interesting issue is why the Swiss authorities have waited so long to take action against FIFA, and why Blatter wasn't one of those arrested.

Yeah, the timing is particularly interesting here.

He refused to cancel the WC in Russia.

Two U.S. senators, Democrat Bob Menendez and Republican John McCain, on Tuesday urged FIFA not to re-elect Blatter for his fifth term as president in light of his “continued support” for Russia hosting the 2018 World Cup.

In a letter to the FIFA Congress, the senators said the economic benefits from hosting the tournament would contravene the sanctions imposed on Russia over its intervention in Ukraine. The body should elect a president who’ll “work to deny the Putin regime the privilege” of staging the World Cup, it said.

Tuesday the letter, Wednesday the arrests, and Friday FIFA elections.

What a coincidence !!!

It's a shame because Israel and jews want to have their cake and eat it too, and throw a hissy fit when they don't get their way. Zionists know no boundaries when it comes to oppression and evil, but when someone tries to stand up for it its like another shoah and everyone trips over themselves to show that they are outraged alongside Israel.

Not all Jews support the racist state of Israel.

I'm not Jewish and I support the State of Israel.

Everybody needs to know about this.

Palestinian players shot in the feet, the coach murdered, by the IDF.

It's so unbelievably sickening though, it's hard to tell people this in real life.

Persuaded? Funny I just happened to watch a video today on how intimidation is more effective than bribery.

This article from ESPN says the amendment passed by 90%. Anyone have a full rundown of the timeline or any more info? Of course mainstream news isn't reporting that the actual vote took place, much less overwhelmingly sided with Palestine.

Also why would Palestine withdraw AFTER winning the vote?!?!?!?!

Isn't ESPN owned by Disney? And Disney is a Jewish company, owned by the Rothschilds.

And yeah, I was wondering the same thing about the 'withdrawal'...

Kick out those damn nazis

Eventually there will be a general "disclosure" about corruption, in a similar way to the "disclosure" of surveillance, all designed to make a person believe they have no control (the opposite is true), and to cause fear. This is one of the early pieces, I think.

Yea, the power is inside each and every one of us and we squander it for their purposes.

This is exactly right!

BREAKING NEWS: America is Israel's bitch.

In other news, water is wet.

If people didn't waste their time watching someone else chase a ball this wouldn't even be relevant.

I see your point, but sport and leisure are two pretty important aspects of human history. They've been around for a long time and aren't going anywhere.

Watching someone chase a ball can be pretty fun.

Just because something is tradition doesn't mean it's a good thing. Sports are a ritual designed to normalize the divided nature of our society and the us vs them mentality which keeps the masses completely under control.

GG humans.

Well it's not like other animals don't play either. Ever had a puppy? It's a way to hone or maintain certain skills when you're not able to use them. Can also be good for developing bonds with your peers.

Play is one thing. Sitting there watching someone/thing else play is completely different.

"Never, he cautions, underestimate man’s almost infinite appetite for distractions." - Aldous Huxley, Brave New World.

You are basically furthering his point. That entire book was about how controllable people are and we see unceasing parallels with it in our society.

Yeah just like listening to someone else's music is dumb...

If sports could induce rich imagery and had even traces of narrative, I'd agree with you. Even the Olympics is ersatz at this point. Also, most people's music is dumb. Do you seriously think pop culture is art??

You sound like you'd be a ton of fun at parties.

Depends on the party. Parties about sports, yeah, I don't go to those... If you wanna eat LSD on a rooftop with the dawn or dusk, I'm your guy.

Disliking something does not diminish its worth to others. I'm don't even like sports all that much. Your statements are just very close minded.

What do you really get from watching sports, though? You have absolutely no agency over the outcome because you're not playing. You get lots of advertising whether you're at the game or watching it on a screen. You spent 2 hours of your life being entertained. You probably spent money.

What did you gain from it? What does it really do for you? Does it provide you a richer context for you to live your life, or heal you, or inspire you?

You have absolutely no agency over the outcome because you're not playing.

That's exactly what makes it exciting/fun, like watching a great suspense thriller for the first time.

You get lots of advertising whether you're at the game or watching it on a screen

I fucking hate commercials so I use that time to take a break and do other things.

Does it provide you a richer context for you to live your life, or heal you, or inspire you?

Does everything you do in your life revolve around gaining perspective/inspiration or healing? In a strange way that seems exhausting.

The truth is I'm not as big a fan of watching sports as I was through the first two decades of my life, I much prefer participating in athletic competitions at my local park. I still understand and respect people's decision to spend their time and money on what may be considered ultimately/cosmically meaningless. Not everyone is out to expand their spiritual horizons and that's just the way it is. Would the world be a better place if they did? More than likely, but you aren't gonna change that (especially not on r/conspiracy). Just live and let live.

Thank you for trying to explain!

Does it provide you a richer context for you to live your life, or heal you, or inspire you?


How so?

Gotta have your bread and circuses.

waste time? Fuck off, I have a right to pleasure and happiness, what sad person doesnt respect that?

What about it specifically brings you pleasure?

What a retarded fucking question. You are going about things completely backwards. You find what gets you pleasure, then you think about it. Whats important is that you like it, not that you rationalize it.

If I would want to reduce my human experience I could say that knowing soccer, I enjoy the strategy, the though, and the pure animal nature of the thing. From knowledge comes depth, and if you dont know, its fine, but your ignorance does not invalidate the beautiful depth of the game.

If you never question your desires, how do you know they're good or worth it? Are you saying that pleasure-seeking without investigation is NOT backwards?

Investigation without pleasure seeking is beyond backwards. You have to listen to yourself to understand yourself. No amount of learning or analysis will ever replace the value of human experience. I basically investigate my pleasure seeking for a living, so yes, I question my desires and instincts a TON every day. I dont consume drivel, but I dont preemptively throw away huge parts of our culture because of an idea, ignoring that millions of fans exists for a reason. To understand why someone likes something you have to get in their shoes, most things have a certain frame in which you can enjoy it. If you dont 'get' that frame, specially from the point of view of a fan, your point of view has absolutely no value. You just dont get it, move on. Maybe some day you will, youd be surprised.

There is a point of view about music I read once that I really liked that went something like this: there is absolutely no point to negative cultural reviews. Promote what you like, and if you dont like it, just ignore it.

You basically just said that you only are into sports because it's culture. And that's the truth. Sports are huge, huge wastes of resources and there's literally zero justification. You can't even say that they encourage exercise, because they simply don't, they encourage you to sit around producing nothing and doing nothing. Sports are mass media intended to control you, just like basically all other forms of entertainment.

I not really huge into sports at all, but you got something here wrong:

You basically just said that you only are into sports because it's culture

No, I gave it a chance because of culture. I was actually very anti-sports and had yalls mentality when I was younger. I now realize how sports fit into my life so I dont really give sports much time at all, most of it I spend playing the actual sport. And I restrict myself to just loosely following basketball, which I'm slowly changing that to soccer now that I left the US. You cant say that something that bonds people, and brings me closer to those around me has no value. Strong vivid life experiences are invaluable and nothing can be exchanged for the experience. Its about a lot of people getting together, its about all that human energy, its about the stakes and how people can rise up to the occasion and do incredible things. Just analyzing stuff wont get you there. Just reading stuff wont get you there. Just studying wont get you there. The most alive and worthwhile moments of your life are not something you can analyze and justify, they just are.

Sports are huge, huge wastes of resources and there's literally zero justification.

Sports are actually a tiny waste of resources that bring a huge amount of happiness and joy to people (seriously think about how much money is wasted on war, corruption, and questionable business practices). In the end everything society should do is so that people can live the lives that they find meaningful and worthwhile. You cant decide that for other people, you have absolutely no right to define anybodies life goals but your own. You are heavily brainwashed by the American capitalist system for even saying such a phrase.

Going to your sons baseball game or daughters soccer game etc. is completely a good, healthy way to spend time with those close to you. But being a modern sports fan means participating in large, televised events that are covered in advertising meant to influence your beliefs and make enormous amounts of money (more so than many people who are researching cancer, super bugs, medical scan tech and such things that are arguably more important).

Throwing around a ball in of itself isn't bad and definitely is a fun and good, healthy exercise. I myself enjoy running around with my friends and a football. Staring at a screen like a zombie and acting like it's the only way to spend time with people you love is neither so why do it?

Btw, I'm the opposite of a capitalist and believe me, I understand that the government wastes more resources than any other institution in existence. I just think that mass media in general, including sports, is intentionally wasting your time and influencing your beliefs

To start off, athletes are underpayed. Thats just a fact. There are people in banks doing illegal things taking in way more. Most technology is completely unnecessary and a waste and cannot be considered progress.

There are certainly some negative aspects to sports, im not going to deny any of the points you made. But nobody does anything because of the negatives, they do it because of the positives. People NEED a sense of belonging, its a good thing. If they felt like all humans were belonging to the same group that would be better, but for most people worldwide that just isnt an option. Thats reality, the clan mentality has many benefits.

Now if you are reducing this conversation to just the small group called the US and you are projecting that to mean everybody, well thats a whole different thing.

Thank you for actually saying something finally.

you never said anything, what a worthless fuck that you are.

Ees just a game, why you heff to be mad?

You are a hypnotized idiot.


and I basically just rephrased what I wrote you dumb fuck.

Exactly what racism did Israel engage in on a football field that makes this relevant to FIFA? If this is based on anything other than scenario that it's a bad joke as racism in Palestine is just a widespread. Talk about cherry picking.

Did you read the second article?

Here's another comment showing more.

Oh, wow, no I didn't see that. Shit.